Hi there! I’m Liz Tomey and if you’re new to me or wondering how I can help you watch the video below. I’ve placed all the resources I mentioned in this video below this video! If you have questions or need help after watching the video contact me at LizLive.com
Resources Mentioned In This Video:
1. Liz’s Flagship Coaching Program – BackstageWithLiz.com
2. Need “plug and play” systems and services for your business? Check out ReadyToGoSystems.com
3. Educate yourself via my YouTube channel at YouTube.com/liztomey
4. My blogs…
5. My main Facebook groups…
Backpack Business Lifestyle Mastermind Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/BackpackBusinessLifestyle
IM With Liz Internet Marketing Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/IMWithLiz