A Great Big Team Tomey Update

It’s Friday and I wanted to do a little bit of a wrap up today so you know what’s coming with #TeamTomey
If you’re getting this email you’re part of that team. 🙂 You subscribed and/or bought something from me, and now you’re part of my team. 🙂
1. Today we’re wrapping up the launch of My Email Templates at http://www.MyEmailTemplates.com Tonight at midnight the price goes WAY up, so grab the discount while you still can! 🙂
2. The #TeamTomey Facebook Group has been hopping lately. We’ve been talking about all kinds of things over there related to marketing your online business. Currently I have “marketing ADD”. In the Team Tomey coaching group we’ve been talking about all kinds of topics.
Email marketing, social media marketing, copy writing, being a freelance service provider and more. I’m about to change the conversation(s) and we’re going to be talking all about…
… getting traffic from YouTube!
If you’re not currently in there make sure you join. It doesn’t cost anything to join.
Side Note: Oh and on the topic of Facebook… I posted a picture of my handsome child on Facebook. He’s been told for years now that he looks like Justin Bieber. He hates that, and I of course think it’s funny. I mean you could look like way worse right? Well several people on Facebook confirmed it. 
See the crazy thread at http://bit.ly/MyKidTheBieb
3. I saw an ad for a new product called Profile Hustle.
I’m about half way through it, so I can’t give a total thumbs up yet (and there is some information I disagree with), but I will be doing a full review of my thoughts tomorrow and letting you know my complete review and exactly what I disagree with so far.
Facebook is my BIGGEST social traffic tactic. I use it in MANY ways, so that’s why I bought this. I’m always looking to learn more about what’s working.
Okay that’s it for now… I’m going to spend the remainder of my evening going to see a movie and working on affiliate tools for all of my affiliates at http://www.LizTomeysAffiliateProgram.com
If you have comments or questions on anything go to http://www.LizLive.com and they’ll either get you directed to me or where you need to be.
Talk soon!

2 Comments to “A Great Big Team Tomey Update”

    1. liztomey Author

      Thanks, Chris. I about 80% recommend it. *lol* It is good, and does have some gold nuggets in it, but there are a few things I was like “oh hell no” about and a few things I was like “meh” about. I’ll have a full review either tonight or tomorrow.


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