Email Marketing

15 Ways To Get More Clicks Within Your Emails!

I have a question for you… Humor me for a minute. 🙂

Why do you send emails to your list?

Because you want them to take some specific action, such as clicking on a link.

Right? Duh,  Liz! 🙂

But, if you’ve already started up your email list, then you know that subscribers don’t tend to do a lot of clicking. Sometimes they don’t click on the links in your emails. And let’s be honest: sometimes they don’t even bother clicking on your email itself to open it.


The good news is that you can turn that all around starting today by taking a look at these 15 ways to get more clicks in your email campaigns.

1. Use Images

Big walls of text are boring. You can break up the content by using images. Not only does this make your email more aesthetically pleasing, a well-placed image can also draw your reader’s eyes into the content.

Check out these tips for using images effectively:

Use simple images. Busy images are a turn off, as the viewer doesn’t know what to focus on. Use simple images, such as an image with one or two people or objects

Show happy people. If you’re using images of people, show happy people who are looking at the camera. Alternatively, the people in the photo should be looking in the direction of the text. That’s because your reader’s eyes tend to naturally follow where the subject of a photo is looking.

Place images near important text. This draws the reader’s eyes back into the content.


2. Write Enticing Subject Lines

We’ve talked about getting people to open your emails using subject lines, but  you can’t get anyone to click on the links within your email if they don’t open it! If your subject line doesn’t capture your subscribers’ attention, then they’re not even going to bother opening your email.

Check out these tips for writing enticing subject lines:

Present a benefit. Let readers know what’s in it for them if they open your email. For example: “Eat this yummy food to lose weight…”

Ask an intriguing question. For example, “Are you making these deadly copywriting mistakes?”

Keep it short. Some mobile phones cut subject lines to as few as 25 characters, while other email clients cut them off at around 50-60 characters. So be sure to get the gist of your headline in the first few words to get the click.


3. Arouse Curiosity

You can use this tactic in three ways:

1. Arouse curiosity in your subject line to boost your open rate. Example: “Do you know this copywriting secret?”

2. Arouse curiosity in the beginning of your email to keep people reading. Example: “In just moments you’ll discover the #1 way to increase your golf drive by 25 yards!”

3. Arouse curiosity near your call to action to get the click. Example: “Find out what million dollar marketers know about creating six-figure product launches. Click here to discover these secrets now for yourself!”

Here’s the next tip…

4. Offer More Information

The idea here is to simply offer something very valuable to your readers, and then offer them more (as a paid product). This valuable thing might be a free report, an app, a checklist, a gear list or even just a really good article.

For example:

“Now that you’ve seen the exact checklist I use to get my membership sites up and running, you’ll want to get your hands on my complete profitable site system. Click here to check it out…”

This will get them clicking for MORE!

5. Segment Your List

The idea here is to create targeted segments of your list so that you can send out targeted content and ads to these specific segments. The more targeted your emails, the more clicks you’ll get.

For example: let’s suppose you have a dog training list. If you segment this list into obedience training, trick training and agility training, you’ll get a much higher conversion rate.

Here are three ways to segment your list:

Send your existing subscribers to another lead page. Each lead page you correct should correspond to a specific segment of your list.

Segment your lists according to what they buy. For example, if someone purchases a book on a particular topic, then you can add them to a customer list that’s targeted to this topic.

Get subscribers to tell you what interests them. You can ask them to simply place a checkmark next to topics that interest them at the time they’re first joining your list, and then segment your list according to interests.


6. Format for Easy Readability

Here’s the long and short of it: if your email looks hard to read, people will bail on you.

So format for easy readability using these tips:

Use short words, sentences and paragraphs. This creates a lot of white space, and makes it easy for readers to jump in.

Don’t write at a college level. Instead, make it easily consumable for the average reader. What you’re reading right now is an example of making your writing accessible. 

Use a conversational tone. A friendly tone and entertaining comment will keep people reading.


7. Send a Series of Emails

People rarely buy something the first time they come in contact with it. That’s why you can boost your clicks and conversions by sending a series of emails that all promote the same offer.

For example, create a three-part series called, “The Three Secrets of Selling Your Home Fast.” Each email would explain one secret, as well as provide a link to a related product.

8. Focus on a Single Call to Action

The point is, each email should focus on ONE primary purpose. If you ask people to click on multiple links for multiple offers, your conversion rate will drop. That’s why each email you send should focus on one link and call to action.


9. Include Your Link and CTA More Than Once

Even though each email focuses on one call to action, you need to repeat the link and call to action multiple times throughout your email.

For example:

Include a clickable headline.

Embed your call to action and link in the middle of the content.

Create a call to action button and place it at the end of the email.

TIP: The idea is to tell people to take action and give them the link to do so. Next, give them even more reasons to take action, and then repeat the call to action and link.


10. Reward People For Taking Quick Action

If you give people a chance to procrastinate, they will. If they leave your email without clicking, it’s unlikely they’ll come back. That’s why you need to create a sense of urgency. And one way to do that is by rewarding people for taking quick action.

For example…

Be one of the first 100 people to act now, and you’ll get a copy of “Online Business Made Easy” absolutely free! Click here to get yours now…

11. Write One-to-One

So many email marketers make the mistake of referring to their “subscribers” or their “list” in their emails. Don’t do this. You want each of your subscribers to feel like you’re writing to them one-on-one.

Here’s how:

Don’t make any references that suggest you’re writing to multiple people. For example, avoid words such as subscribers, list, readers, prospects, etc.

Know your audience. The more you know about them, the easier it is for you to create targeted content that makes them feel like you’re talking directly to them.

Use a conversational tone. Make your subscribers feel like they’re reading a personal email from a friend.

Next up…

12. Be Emotional And Personal

Here’s a simple truth: once someone “connects” with you and your email message, the more likely they are to take action. People do business with those that they know, like and trust. That’s why it’s important to evoke emotion and personality in your emails.

Here’s how:

Tell stories. Not only does a good story evoke emotion, it also engages readers and keeps them reading.

Empathize with readers. Let people know that you understand how they feel about the problem (if you really do understand!).

Get them to imagine the joy of the solution. If people can imagine how good they’ll feel if they solve their problem, they’re more likely to click your link. Tell how it changed your life.


13. Promise and Deliver Tremendous Value

Sad but true: your prospects are used to people over-promising and under-delivering. You can pleasantly surprise them (and bond them to you like glue, creating loyal customers) by delivering tremendous value.

This includes:

Sending them valuable freemiums that others in your niche are charging for.

Being sure each email you send is in-demand, valuable and high quality.

Sharing some of your best content with your subscribers.

Giving your subscribers things they can’t get anywhere else (such as exclusive deals, tools and content).


14. Use a Bullet List

A bulleted list of benefits gives you two awesome advantages:

It sets important content apart. In fact, many people are conditioned to looking at bulleted lists, as usually they contain important information and benefits.

Skimmers will take notice. This is a great way to draw a skimmer/scanner back into your content, lead them down to your call to action, and get more clicks.


15. Test, Track and Tweak

Don’t guess at what produces great results for you. Instead, test, track and tweak every major part of your email.

Now most people know to test subject lines, email openers, calls to action and offers. However, don’t forget to test the design of your email.

This includes:

The overall design or template you’re using, including the layout.

The design colors.

The graphics and their placement.

The call to action buttons (both the design and the text).

Most major email service providers have built tracking tools right into their platforms so you can easily split-test your emails.

Now let’s wrap things up…

You just discovered 15 effective ways to increase clicks across all your email campaigns. These proven methods work for me, they work for countless other successful marketers around the world, and I know they’ll work for you too. But don’t take my word for it – start implementing these tactics today to see for yourself!

Need email marketing help? The Email Marketing Kickstart Workshop is ready for you to enroll! If you want to learn how to use email marketing in your online business, get people to open your emails, click your links, and buy then you NEED to grab your spot right now at

Email Marketing

The Big List Of Email Template Resources

I talk a lot about email marketing. How powerful it is, how to use it, etc… But the biggest thing I preach is that you have to be constantly learning about it.

You need to know the fundamentals and then you need to keep learning new strategies and using them on your lists.

The best way to do this is to use other people’s email templates. I buy every single email template package I can get my hands on for this reason. It allows me to not only learn, but every time I go to write an email I go to my folder full of these templates, poke around, and before long one hits me and I’m off and using it.

I’ve created this post so I can give you an updated resource page of the best email templates out there. Some are just subject line templates, but most are full on email template packages that you can use for various things…

Sales emails, affiliate marketing emails, welcome sequences, and everything in between.

Take a look at the resources, grab what you need and come back here anytime you’re ready for some new email templates to power your email marketing.

Here we go…

My Email Templates – Of course I’ve got to kick this list off with my own personal email templates package. 🙂 This is a massive package giving you 13 different template sequences. See it at

Email Game Plan – This is a killer little product. You get 12 different email campaigns that you can use to create your own email campaigns. And these aren’t just garbage thrown together. These are proven winning campaigns! See it at

1107 Subject Lines – Subject lines are curtail to getting people to open your emails. This is a MASSIVE subject line swipe file that I have used over and over and over again! See it at

IM Emails – Kevin Fahey is one of the biggest known marketers in the Internet Marketing industry and he has taken over 400 of his personal emails and put them in a cool little software that allows you to search through them, see open rates and lots of other information. Pick an email from this, use it as a template to create your own, and off you go! See it at

DFY Monthly Emails – This is such a killer resource. Not only do you get email templates RIGHT NOW, but it’s updated each month with MORE email templates. This is for those of you in the Internet marketing/make money online niche only, but these are great email templates! See it at

Eagle Emails – Emails written by an actual email copywriter. What I really liked about this one is all the training it comes with. You learn how to use the emails, how to work with swipes and templates, etc. See it at

Okay that’s it for now… As I find and buy more of these I’ll update this list and share the ones I like and that I think you can use here. Make sure you’re on my list so you can get updates about this post!

If you have recommendations for email templates you like PLEASE let me know about them. 🙂

Email Marketing

Your 7-Step Checklist For Writing The Perfect Call To Action For Every Email

When writing effective calls to action in your emails, it’s easy to skip over a step or a key point. That’s why you’ll want to use this handy seven-step checklist guide to ensure you’re writing calls to action that get great results. Bookmark this, Pin it, print it out, or whatever you need to do to keep it on hand.

Let’s get started…

Step 1. Be Sure Your Instructions Are Specific

Don’t make any assumptions about whether your prospects know how to do something.

For example: If you want them to order, then tell them HOW to order. Do they…

Click a link?

Fill out a form?

Pick up the phone to call you?

Send a check?

E.G., “Get started with your order by clicking here…”

In short, don’t just tell people to take action. Instead, be very specific about how they should take action.

Step 2. Check That Your CTA is Clear

Your goal is to provide a clear, succinct call to action.

You see, here’s the thing…

If taking action sounds like it’s difficult, then people won’t do it.

That’s why your call to action generally only lists the step they need to take NEXT, such as clicking an order. You don’t provide instructions for what comes after, because then your call to action will be all muddied up. Worse yet, taking action will appear difficult, and that will destroy your conversion rate.

For example: “Click here to get your copy of this bodybuilding video right now!”

That’s clear and it’s succinct.

Now check out this example of what NOT to do:

“Click here to go to the order form, and then fill out your name, address and credit card number. Click the buy button. Wait for the confirmation email. Click the link inside your confirmation email, and you’ll get instant access to this bodybuilding video!”

See the difference?

The first example is clear about what the prospect needs to do next, but in order to remain clear it doesn’t go into detail. The second example is unclear, convoluted, and it just plain sounds hard.

As you craft your call to action, ask yourself:

Are the instructions clear?

Are the instructions succinct?

Do I focus on the immediate next step I want prospects to take?


Step 3. Ensure You Give People a Reason to Take Action

In the last step you told people what you want them to do. Now you need to give them a good reason to take that particular action… why they should do it.

Ask yourself these questions:

What are the main benefits people will receive if they take action?

What kind of results might they expect?

What negative consequences might befall them if they do NOT take action?

What are other reasons they should take action?

Once you’ve thoughtfully answered those questions, then you can inject a “reason why” into your call to action.

For example: “Click here to order now, because a slimmer, healthier you is right around the corner!”

Step 4. Create a Sense of Urgency

People will procrastinate if you let them, and that means they won’t click and they won’t buy. That’s why you need to create a sense of urgency. Ask yourself these questions to help you decide how to create this sense of urgency:

Is the main product or service limited in any way? (E.G., You can only take on four copywriting clients at this time…)

Are you offering a special offer in the form of a discount?

Are you offering a special offer in the form of a bonus product or service?

Are you making a time-limited offer, such as a discount that’s set to expire in a few days?

Are you making a quantity-limited offer, such as a bonus that’s only available to the first 200 customers?

Will your prospects experience any sort of unpleasant consequence if they don’t order now, such as a shipping delay?

Is there any other way to inject urgency into the offer?

Example: Click here to order right now in order to guarantee delivery by December 25th!

Even if you can’t create real urgency, you can still create a sense of urgency by using time-sensitive words. For example:

Act now
Right now
Right away
Ends soon
Offer could end at any time
Hurry before it’s gone for good

Example: Hurry and click here to order this amazing cookbook!


Step 5. Set the CTA and Link Apart

This is a hot one…

This step is very simple: separate your call to action and link or button on a separate line from the rest of your text. This makes the link or button stand out, which in turn gets your prospects’ attention.

Step 6. Make Sure Your Link Works (Duh!)

We’ve all seen those “whoops, here’s the correct link” emails. Don’t make this mistake. Save embarrassment by following these steps instead:

Clear your cache. (Important!)

Click on your links to be sure they work.

Follow all the way through the process (such as the order form) to be sure all links, scripts and processes work.

Check the links and pages on your other devices (e.g., see how they look on your phone).

Ask a couple friends to check your links and pages as well.

And finally…

Step 7. Test Multiple Versions

If you followed all the steps above, then you’re going to have a pretty darn good call to action. However, there is always room for improvement. That’s why you’ll want to track and test your calls to action to see if you can boost your conversion rate.

Follow these steps:

Check if your email service provider offers testing tools. Most major (such as Aweber) providers let you split your email list into two groups, and then test responses.

Decide which ONE factor you’re going to test.

This might be:

The call to action text.

The color of the button.

The design of the button.

Using a link instead of a button.

Using a different link (e.g., direct link versus TinyUrl-style link).

The font color of the call to action.

The font style of the call to action.

The font size of the call to action.

Create two versions of your email that are exactly identical except for the ONE factor you’re testing.

Randomly split your email list into two groups.

Send your two different versions of your email to these two groups.

Look at the data to see if one version gave you a significantly better click-through rate. The higher-converting version is called the control.

Rinse and repeat with a different version to test against your control.

Rinse and repeat with different factors to improve your conversion rate.

Now let’s wrap things up..

You can use this checklist to double check your current calls to action in your email campaigns, especially those that currently aren’t performing very well.

You’ll want to consult this list before you create your next email. You might even want to print this off so the information is at your fingertips. Whatever you do, just be sure to use this info (over and over again), because it can really boost your conversions and profits!

Need email marketing help? The Email Marketing Kickstart Workshop is ready for you to enroll! If you want to learn how to use email marketing in your online business, get people to open your emails, click your links, and buy then you NEED to grab your spot right now at

Email Marketing

20 Tips For Writing Great Emails That Keep Your Subscribers Reading

It’s one thing to get your subscribers to open your email.

No… That’s a HUGE thing! *lol*

It’s another thing entirely to get them to keep reading every single word of your email, right down the part where they see your call to action.

Simply put: if you can increase the number of people who see your call to action, then you’ll increase your conversion rate.

So with that in mind, here are 20 proven ways to keep your subscribers reading…

1. Make It About Them

Your readers aren’t cracking open your email to read about you. Truth is, they’re a little self-centered. As we all are. They want to read about their problems, they want to read about solutions that could help them and they want to read stories, tips and articles that are relevant to their lives.

Here’s a quick and easy way to check if your emails are about your reader: check how many times you use words like “you” and “your,” versus using words like “I,” “me” and “mine.” If you use self-referential words (like “me”) more than reader-oriented words, it’s time to rewrite your email to make it about your reader.

2. Tell Stories

A good story engages readers, pulls them into the email, and keeps them reading until the end. Especially if you interrupt the story before its climax to share other information, and then return to finish up the story at the conclusion of your email.

And as an added bonus, a good story makes your content more memorable, too. That means your readers will be thinking about your content long after they’ve closed your email.

3. Build Anticipation

Get this: as soon as readers open your email, they’re going to be looking for signs that reading it is worth their time. One way you can persuade them to keep reading is by building anticipation right up front for what’s coming. In other words, let them know the benefits they’ll get if they keep reading.

For example: “You’re about to discover a simple three-step process for house-training your new puppy in 10 days or less…”

4. Make Them Curious

Another good way to keep people glued to your email is by making them curious. In other words, don’t just build anticipation – make them curious about what’s coming up.

For example: “In just a few moments you’ll discover a surprising tweak that can double your conversion rates!”

5. Format for Easy Readability

Have you ever taken one look at a hiking trail, realized it looks way too hard for the hike you had in mind, and turned around to head back?

That’s kind of like what your readers are doing when they open your email. If your content merely LOOKS like it’s going to be difficult to read, your subscribers are going to bail out early. Here are three quick tips to avoid this problem:

Break up long paragraphs of lists into a bulleted list.

Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs. This is particularly true at the beginning of the email. Hint: Try to open with a one-sentence paragraph, which makes the content look really easy to read.

Break up the content. For example, insert sub-headlines into the middle of your content, which breaks up long blocks of text. Added bonus: it draws a skimmers’ eyes back into the content.


6. Use a Friendly Tone

When you craft an email, imagine that you’re writing to a friend. That way your email will take on a warm, conversational and friendly tone.

Bonus Tip: Add variety to the way you open and close your emails. For example, instead of always opening with, “Dear [name],” try something like “warm greetings” or “Hello!”

End result? You seem more like a human rather than a robot, which helps you build a relationship with your subscribers.

Next up…

7. Break Big Topics Into Multiple Emails

When people open an email, they don’t expect to find an article the length of “War and Peace” inside. That’s why you should break up big topics into multiple emails. This makes your content easy to read, which keeps your readers’ eyes glued to the page.

And as an added bonus, sending a series of related emails makes it more likely your readers are going to open and read the next email you send, too. That means they’ll see your links and calls to action repeatedly, which gives your conversion rates a nice boost.

The more contacts you have with your readers about a particular offer, the more clicks you will receive.

8. Build Credibility and Believability

Sometimes people simply stop reading your emails because they don’t believe what you’re saying. That’s why you need to build credibility and readability.

Here’s how: Deliver on your promises. Avoid hype. Avoid false promises. Instead, under-promise and over-deliver.

Be honest. For example, if you’re reviewing someone else’s product, be honest about the product flaws. People will trust you more if you’re known for telling the truth (even if that truth means you won’t make as many sales that day).


9. Insert Plenty of Tips and Examples

Slogging through a “how to” article isn’t any fun if the reader isn’t quite understanding what you’re trying to teach them. And if the reader is confused, they’ll bail.

The solution? Provide plenty of tips and examples to make the concepts more clear. If you need an example of how this works, just look at the additional tips and examples provided right in this very post!

10. Offer Something Unique

Did you know that peoples’ brains actually light up when they encounter something unique? That’s right, the brain rewards learning new information. And that’s why you should always seek to offer new information, or even just new twists on old methods. If you can get your readers’ brains to light up, you can bet those readers will read every last word of your email.

11. Make Use of Graphics

One good way to break up the text, make the content more aesthetically pleasing, and illustrate complex concepts is through the use of graphics.

This includes:

Charts and tables
Mind maps
And any other relevant graphic that will engage your readers’ interest.

12. Provide Actionable Info

The idea here is simple: teach your readers how to do something, and then provide an action step they can take. Try to give them an action step that will produce fast results.

For example, you might show readers simple ways to boost their conversion rates. The action step might be to change one of their email subject lines using a specific (proven) template that you provide. It only takes a few minutes to take this step, and yet readers will get fast results This makes it more likely they’ll open up the next email you send to them!

13. Create a Regular Column

The idea here is to give your readers something to look forward to every week.

For example:

My #1 Tip Tuesdays, where you offer a high-value tip.

Freemium Friday, where you give your readers a valuable and highly desirable product.

You get the idea – I’m sure you can come up with your own regular features and columns that your readers are sure to love and anticipate.


14. Get Personal

Basically, use a couple lines in every email to tell your readers a little bit about you.

For example:

“I just got in from my 10-mile training run…”

“I hope you don’t mind, but I just had to share this pic of my newborn son…”

Obviously, you don’t want to drone on and on about yourself, because readers will lose interest fast. But dropping in a few tidbits here and there will make you seem more human. And if these tidbits are relevant to the niche, that’s even better. People will start caring about you, which means they’ll be more interested in reading every email you send.

15. Surprise Your Readers

The idea here is to say something others in your niche aren’t saying, offer a controversial viewpoint, or even pleasantly surprise them with a freemium.

Bonus Tip: Don’t use the same formula for every email. For example, don’t always send “How To” emails. Instead, drop a video with a few tips.

Bottom line: mix things up, as the variety will keep people reading (and coming back for more).

16. Let Their Voices Count

Asking your readers for their opinions does two things. First, it makes your readers feel special when they know their opinions are valued. Secondly, it gives you insight into what your readers want, which is always a good thing.

So what should you ask readers about?


Ask them what kind of content they would like to see next.

Ask them for their most pressing questions (which you can answer within the newsletter).

Let them choose between content idea options.

Ask for their feedback.

Let them beta test.

Basically, ask your readers how you can better serve them.

17. Tie Your Email Into Current Events

Tying your emails into current events helps you enter the conversation that’s already going on in your reader’s head. That means they’ll stop what they’re doing and read your email. That’s exactly what you want them to do!

For example, if the Olympics are going on, you might tell a story about the Olympics that ties into your niche.

18. Keep Focused On the Benefits

Earlier I mentioned that your readers should understand the benefits of reading your content as soon as they open your email. But don’t stop there. Keep your readers focused on the benefits.

Here’s how:

Keep letting readers know what’s coming up. For example, halfway through your newsletter you can drop another set of curiosity-arousing benefits.

Let readers know the benefits of taking action on what they just learned. (Hint: provide the actionable information we talked about earlier, where people will get good and fast results)

Let readers know the benefits of following your call to action, such as clicking on a link. This increases your conversion rate.


19. Spice Up Your Content

Don’t just educate your readers—edutain them. This means you entertain them while you educate them. Be careful with this though.

You can entertain them with:

Occasional humor.


Expressive language that includes analogies, metaphors and similes.

In other words, don’t write like you’re creating a stuffy textbook. Make the content both entertaining and useful, and people will keep reading.

20. Ask Questions

Here’s a really good way to engage readers: ask questions. You can ask a single question, or you can even provide a short quiz. Either way, it not only engages readers, but it’s also a good way to get them to self-identify.

For example, “Do you ever have trouble falling back asleep when you wake up in the middle of the night?”

Whew… That’s a lot of info, and I hop it helps!

Your conversion rates and profits rest entirely on you holding your readers’ interest and keeping them reading right to the end of each email. The good news is that you just discovered 20 proven ways to keep readers hooked and reading. Just be sure not to cherry-pick through these ideas. Instead, implement as many as possible, and I’m betting you’ll see some great results!

Need email marketing help? The Email Marketing Kickstart Workshop is ready for you to enroll! If you want to learn how to use email marketing in your online business, get people to open your emails, click your links, and buy then you NEED to grab your spot right now at

Email Marketing

The Guide To Creating A 3-Part Email Series That Your Subscribers Will Love

One of the best ways to improve your conversion rates for a particular promo is by sending a series of emails.

Here’s why:

1. People usually don’t buy something the first time they hear about it. So when you reach out multiple times, you increase their desire for the product… and your conversion rates increase.

2. Multiple emails give you multiple chances to reach prospects. Not every prospect reads every email you send. So when you send out several around the same promo, you get more people seeing that promo. That means higher conversions rates.

So how do you grab these benefits for yourself?

Simple: by following this three-step guide to creating an effective three-part email series.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Choose a Trending Topic

The first step is to choose an in-demand topic that’s already trending in your niche.

Choosing an in-demand topic means your readers are already interested in it, which is a good thing. Choosing one that’s trending means that interest is continuing to climb. A trending topic also lets you jump into the conversation that your prospects are already having with others.

Now here’s the key, of course: this trending topic needs to be relevant to whatever it is that you’re selling. For example, if you’re in the weight loss market, you might talk about a new diet that’s getting a lot of buzz.

Here’s how to find these hot topics:

Check the news. Big media agencies spend a lot of time and money figuring out what topics will attract interest, so they’re often the first source of trending topics.

See what’s trending in niche communities. Check out blogs, Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups and other communities in your niche. Then take note of which topics get a lot of discussion, likes and shares.

Find out what’s selling. Check marketplaces like Amazon and to see what sorts of topics people are buying. If they’re already buying information on a specific topic, that’s a darn good sign that they’re eager to know more about it.

Check Google Trends. This will give you an idea of whether interest in a topic is increasing. (See

Check social media. Sites like Twitter and Facebook let you check what’s trending in your niche.

Next step…

Step 2: Outline Your Emails

Once you select your topic, then you need to outline three emails around this topic. One good way to do this is by offering three separate steps, tips, secrets, ways or ideas.

For example:

Three Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

The Easy Three-Step Process for Creating a Three-Part Email Series

The Three Secrets of Retiring With $1 Million In The Bank

Three Awesome Kitchen Remodeling Ideas For Under $250

The Three Warning Signs of a Heart Attack That You Should Never Ignore

Keep in mind that each email should range from about 400 to 600 words. So choose tips, steps, or secrets that you can cover somewhere within this word range.

Once you know what three steps, tips or secrets you’ll cover in each email, then it’s time to get writing.

Which brings us to the final step…

Step 3: Solve Part of Your Prospect’s Problems

Each email you send should do two things:

#1: It should provide useful information to your readers. This first part is where you impress your readers by giving them good content that helps solve their problems.

#2: It should promote a paid product. This is the part where you benefit.

So how do you strike a balance between content and pitch?

Here’s the first secret: Send an email that’s at least 75%-90% content, with the rest of it being focused on your promotion.

Here’s the second secret: The content portion should be useful yet incomplete. That means that you should help solve PART of your readers’ problem, but they need to order your product in order to solve the rest of their problem. In essence, your free content should naturally and seamlessly lead to the paid product.

For example:

You send out a three-step process for setting up a blog. You then promote a set of blog themes and plugins at the end of each email.

You create a series that shares three tips for losing weight. You then sell your full dieting course at the end of each email.

You create an email series that shows people how to set up a successful Facebook ad campaign. You then offer your “done for you” campaign-management service at the end of each email.

You get the point. Your email solves part of the problem, which naturally leads to the product that solves the rest of the problem.

Are you ready to boost your conversion rates, make more sales and enjoy more profits from your mailing list? Then put to use the strategy you just learned about for sending three-part email series.

It’s as simple as:

1. Choosing a Trending Topic

2. Deciding What to Write About

3. Solving Part of a Problem

This is a tried and true formula that works for me, it’s worked for countless others, and I know it will work for you too. So put it to work for you as soon as possible to see what kind of results you get!

Need email marketing help? The Email Marketing Kickstart Workshop is ready for you to enroll! If you want to learn how to use email marketing in your online business, get people to open your emails, click your links, and buy then you NEED to grab your spot right now at

Email Marketing

Email Marketing Casestudy – Relationship Building

So the other day I got an interesting email. I read this person’s emails religiously. He sends them, I open immediately, and read…

I’ve done a video showing you why and how you can get the same results from your readers.

Also I’ve got an entire resource page that is an ongoing and regularly updated resource for everything you need related to email marketing. You can click here to see it. Save it and refer back to it as you go through the LIFE LONG process of learning email marketing >>>

Watch the video, take notes, and implement what I’m teaching you here…


Email Marketing

One subject we just don’t talk enough about is email marketing. It’s my BIGGEST money-maker in my business hands down, and something you should be studying and using DAILY!

First things first…

There is a difference between list building and email marketing.

List building is all about creating the perfect squeeze page with the perfect offer and sending traffic to it to BUILD YOUR LIST.

Email marketing is what you do once you have people on your list. You create emails that get them to do what you want. Usually that’s creating a subject line that makes them open your email, and then creating the content of the email that gets them to click the link to whatever you’re telling them about.

Of course there’s other things you do with email marketing too. Creating emails that build your relationship with your people is a big thing too.

I create two types of emails…

Ones that get people to click on links and ones that just build my relationship so when I do send out an email where I want them to click the link they actually DO IT.

If you don’t have a relationship with your subscriber they wont open your emails and they wont click your links which means you’ll never make money from them.

Now this is like “big duh” stuff I’m telling you here, but it’s important that you understand it so I’m putting it all in the simplest form I can here.

Understanding all of this are the REAL keys to email marketing, and it’s where you’ll really make some money.

Read this repeatedly… Print it out… But keep it in your head!

Now here’s my biggest key to email marketing…

I steal!

Yep… I steal successful emails from others and use them to help me create successful emails of my own.

This is called creating a swipe file.

It’s totally legit, so don’t think I’m like really stealing. *lol* You just use the emails to help with creating your own. I’m not telling you to copy word for word.

Have an email in your inbox that got you to open it? Then make sure you keep that subject line.

Have an email in your inbox that made you like the sender more or make you trust them? Then make sure you keep that email.

Have an email in your inbox that made you click a link and maybe even buy through that link? Then make sure you keep that email.

Do this over time and you’ll create a killer swipe file you can go back to each time you go to create an email.

One of the people I “steal” from to create my swipe files is Matt Bacak because the man creates the best emails I’ve ever seen hands down!

Right now he’s giving you 4,203 of his successful emails he’s written over the years. This is like a ready to go swipe file and I can’t recommend it enough.

I have it and have used it over and over again!

If you want a shortcut to creating emails that actually get people to open up and click on your links then this is the best shortcut out there.

Buy it, download it, and USE it!

It’s on a dimesale right now so the price is going up so make sure you get it at it’s current dirt cheap price by going to

Okay that’s it for today… I hope what I’ve taught you here helps and that you really start focusing on learning and USING email marketing in your business daily!

If you have comments, questions, or just want to tell me how much you love this post please leave your comment below. 🙂


Email Marketing

In this blueprint I want to help you get started with doing email marketing in a PROFITABLE way.

The first thing you need to understand is email marketing is different than list building. List building as it implies are things you do to build your list.

Email marketing are the things you do to get your list to buy from you.

Yes, they go hand in hand, but they ARE two different things that require different skill sets.

With email marketing you are sending emails to your list to get them to take your desired actions e.g. buying something from you, signing up for something, relationship building things, etc.

So what skills do you need to be able to effectively use email marketing?

Basically you need copy skills or the money to hire someone who has them. We’re going to talk about the copy skills. If you’d rather not develop these skills and would rather hire someone to write your emails for you then you can find people to do just that at many different places, but I highly recommend the Cult of Copy Job Board on Facebook >>>

The Skills You’ll Need:

1. Get Them To Open Up – The very first thing you need to master is getting people to open up your emails. You do this by 1. making your people love you (you HAVE to build a good relationship with the people on your email list) and 2. having subject lines that grab their attention and make them WANT to open your emails.

Note: My friend Rob Stafford has a great swipe file of subject lines that are PROVEN to get people to open up emails. Get these, look at them, and use them to help you create your own subject lines >>>

2. Keep Their Attention – The second thing you must do is quickly get their attention to make them read your email. The first few sentences of your email are vital and should tell the reader exactly what benefit they’re about to get! Why do they need to read your email?

3. Make Them Click – The third thing you must do is get them to take your desired action. Usually that’s getting them to click a link, so they will buy something. The job of your email shouldn’t be to get them to buy. It should lead them to a link that gets them to want to buy.

4. Make Them Love You – Every email you send should have some kind of value in it for the person reading it. If you do this in EVERY email you’ll have skills 1-3 in the bag!

What You Need To Do:

So why not try your hand at this now?

Create an email that’s going to go to your list. Find something that you can promote as an affiliate, or one of your own products, or something they can sign up for that pays you.

Begin by coming up with a subject line that will make them open your email! Again if you need some good ideas for subject lines I highly recommend Rob Stafford’s Email Sniper product which is over 200 subject lines he’s used to get people to open up his emails. These are great for ideas!

Create a few of these subject lines and pick the one you think is the best…

Next start on the actual email…

Remember to begin your email with text that grabs their attention and makes them want to read your email.

After that you need to present them with your call to action to take the desired action you want them to take. As I said usually this is going to be clicking on a link.

And last but not least… Make sure your email provides them some kind of value so you can keep them loving you, opening your emails, and buying from you.

Now this is a great little getting started blueprint, but you should work to continually build your email marketing skills in every single way that you can. Constantly study what others are doing, read all the information you can get on it, and implement what you learn to see what works for you.

Have questions about what I’ve covered here? Have recommendations for other options, resources, and/or services to help people with their email marketing? Just post them below!

Email Marketing

No matter if you have a list of 5 or 50,000 you need to be marketing things to that list that make you money. AND if you really only do have a list of 5 people you need to act like you have a list of 50,000!

Of course you want to write your emails as if you’re writing them to ONE person, but you need to treat even the tiniest of list like it’s huge and you’re making a killing with it because before you know it you WILL be.

Now of course the first thing you have to do with any list is build a relationship with them. I suggest you have at least 3-5 messages loaded into your autoresponder that build your relationship with your list. We call these like, know, and trust emails.

I’m not going to get into relationship building in this post because I’ve created this post to give you a list of ideas of how you can make money from your list, but I did want to mention that whole relationship building because it is THE KEY to getting your list to buy from you.

So, once you have a few people on your list, and they’ve gone through your relationship building emails, here’s how you can make money from the emails you send them…

Tactic #1: Send your list an email about a product you like.

If you’ve used a product that your list would be interested in and you liked the product see if they have an affiliate program. If they do you could tell your list about the product, send them your affiliate link, and make commissions for doing so!

Tactic #2: Send your list an email about a product that belongs to you.

If you’ve already created your own product this is going to be a great big “duh“, but if you haven’t I highly recommend that you do. Creating your own product and selling it is INCREDIBLY profitable.

Note: I only deal with digital products at this point so I only recommend creating digital products. (Ebooks, video tutorials, software, apps, WordPress plugins/themes, etc.)

Tactic #3: Send your list an email about a CPA (Cost Per Action) offer.

A cost per action offer is an offer that you send to your list and you get paid $X for the actions of your users. Actions can be filling out a survey, downloading something, filling out a form, etc. You don’t have to sell your list anything. Just get them to take an action and you could make money!

Tactic #4: Charge your list for emails you send them.

This is kind of like having your own digital product, but you would deliver the content via email. In the industry we call them e-courses. They are simply lessons delivered via email, and you can setup a sales page and offer your own e-course to your list.

Tactic #5: Send your list an email about services you offer.

Do you offer services for your niche? If not see what services they want, see if you can offer them, and then send an email to your list about the services you offer.

Tactic #6: Send an email to your list about a discount or special offer.

I know a guy who does nothing but go to product owners who have an affiliate program he can join, asks them to offer his list a discount on the product, and then he tells his list about the discounted product. He makes tons of money doing this because people LOVE a discount! You’ll need to be in a niche with A LOT of products to do this though. 🙂

Tactic #7: Sell advertising to others.

You’ll need a decent size list for this tactic, but you can sell advertising to others where you email your list their email ad. You don’t make any money off of the actual email, but you get paid to send their email to your list.

Tactic #8: Email your list about monetized web pages on your site.

A great way to monetize your websites are with PPC (pay-per-click) ads (like Adsense) and then send your list to those pages. When they click on your ads you get paid.

Okay I’ll be adding to this last as I find/come up with new ideas and I’ll email you when I do as long as you’re on my list. Not on my list? Then click here. You’ll also learn a ton of other great stuff from me! 🙂

If you have any questions about what I covered here please let me know by leaving your comments below.

P.S. Need help with building your list and/or making money with it? Hire me as your personal coach for one low monthly fee AND get a ton of other benefits while you’re at it! I have just recently re-opened my membership and invite you to take me on as your personal coach! Check this out >>>