Wow! What a crazy few weeks it’s been. Life hit me at 1000 mph and I need to give everyone a massive update, so everyone knows I’m ok and I am in fact alive. 🙂
As many of you know I moved to Venice, FL about 2-3 years ago. It had been a dream of mine since I was 5 years old. My mom and I (before she passed away) always said we’d move as soon as she could retire. Unfortunately she never made it to retirement so me moving there was achieving a goal for BOTH of us. 🙂
It was a huge deal and it was like me starting my life over after my divorce and losing my mom. I needed the move so bad after all of that!
If you’re my Facebook friend you’ve seen hundreds of pictures of the beach there, the AMAZIng sunsets, me working at th beach, etc. It was evident I had found my paradise.
My amazing son was supposed to move with me and decided he wanted to wait for his 9th grade year to move with me. Then he decided he wanted to wait another year.
Well long story short he decided he didn’t want to move to FL… AT ALL!
The traveling back and forth to see him all the time got too much for me and him both and he finally told me he didn’t want to move to FL and wanted me to move back to Chattanooga, TN.
I don’t know how many of you are parents, but when it comes to breaking your heart or your child’s heart you always choose YOUR heart.
And that’s what I did…
I completely and totally broke my own heart, packed up everything, left a 2 year relationship, and moved back to Chattanooga, TN. My good ol’ hometown that I love to hate.
I do love this place, but I do feel like my dream of living happily ever after in FL was ripped from me. Yes of course in just a few years when he goes to college I can move back and that’s truly my only sanity in all of this. 🙂
So it took me a few weeks to adjust and get into the groove of things. I took a small step back from business so I could breath.
I’ve spent a lot of time with my kid of course, but also a lot of time on my bike, up in the mountains doing some meditation, and in River Park here which is where my mom worked for 25+ years. She did all the landscaping there so I can go and look at all the trees, plants, and flowers she planted and feel close to her. It’s a magical place.
I’ve done all the things I needed to do to heal and come back stronger than ever as I start yet another chapter of my life.
I appreciate your patience and understanding over the last few weeks. I’m back and ready to kick butt again, and all of you truly make my life amazing. I can’t thank you enough.
So I’ve shared this little story not to only update you, but to show you I’m human too.
You are at some point going to lose your mind in life! Probably repeatedly! 🙂
Things go crazy in life even when you’ve got a great life and a great business. You just need “tools” to help you get through it. My tools are my son, my bike, and nature. Find the “tools” that help you to cope and there’s nothing you can’t get through. You must keep pressing on. 🙂
Okay so it’s official… I’m back in Chattanooga, TN and I’m loving life once again!
I look forward to continuing on our path to the success you WANT…