Notes From Liz, Viral Marketing, Website Traffic

How I Became Liz Tomey

Update: I wrote this post several years ago, but it’s still relevant today. This STILL works and I highly recommend you get something and start taking some notes! 😉

Today, we’re finally going to start talking about viral marketing… YEAH! 🥳

I want to give you an education in viral marketing, and give you a plan that will allow you to use viral marketing the exact same way that I have to not only brand myself, but make a lot of money too.

Many have asked me what viral marketing is, and there are a ton of terms for it. I define viral marketing in this way…

Viral marketing is any action that you do for your business that will be duplicated by others.

So for example, when I give you a free report. That free report probably has my name and website name in it along with my affiliate links. When I give it to you, I tell you that you can give it away too. So you send it out to your list, and a few people from your list send it out to their list, and on and on. Or it just gets passed on from person to person.

That’s viral marketing, and there are several techniques that you can use, but there’s one technique that has built my business faster than you would believe.

Resale rights products…

Not buying them, but CREATING them!

So many people think these little gems are dead, but they are sooo wrong. This July (2016) marks my 12th anniversary in Internet marketing.

Edit: It’s now 2024 and I just celebrated 20 years with my online business and I’m still here using this technique so pay attention because it WORKS!

Most people think that I’ve been online for years and years, and that’s why my name is well known, but that’s not entirely true.

There’s people who have been doing this longer than me and no one knows who they are and they don’t make much money. It’s not your time you put in. It’s WHAT you put in…

The way that my name got all over the place, the way that my career took off, and the way that I immediately started making $1000’s of dollars a month in affiliate commissions was by creating my own resale rights products, and anyone can do the exact same thing that I have done.

I know that everyone isn’t a writer so I’m going to give a plan for the “do it yourselfer” and a plan for those who could outsource the whole thing.

Okay, for you do it yourself people…

Here is your step-by-step to creating your own resale rights product.

1. Find a topic to write your product on. Internet marketing forums, Facebook groups, etc. are the best place for this.

Note: If it’s a video or audio product, you’ll still need to pick a topic.

2. Write an outline for your product.

3. Take your outline and fill it in with content. Make sure and put your affiliate links in where you can.

4. Have graphics made for your product.

5. Polish your product up. If it’s an ebook put your ebook graphic in it, and make the formatting look nice. You can even use one of my products as an example if you would like.

6. Create your sales letter for your product, and make it into a web page.

7. Create a resellers package for your product. Again, you could use one of mine as an example. You can get my resale rights products from (Note: I have sold that brand to someone else now. He’s selling many of my resale rights products and his own now too. I still highly recommend it.)

8. Upload your product and contact people who you know sell resale rights products, and give them your product to get it out there.

Yes, this sounds like a lot of work and it is, but by doing most of the work yourself, you can save a lot of money. However, this is SO powerful. If you do this at least once a month in no time, you’ll see an increase in money, and in your name recognition.

Now if you don’t know how to do any of the above, you have two choices….

Learn to do it or hire someone to do it.

So let’s look at this step-by-step and by price if you were to outsource doing this. I totally outsource resale rights product creation now, so it is do-able.

1. Find a topic to write your product on. Internet marketing forums are the best place for this.

2. Write an outline for your product.

Note: You’ll probably want to do this yourself also. All you need to do is find 10-15 points about your topic and put them in an understandable order. If it’s an audio product the person you outsource this to can just write it like an ebook and then read it. If its a video product, you may want to be a bit more specific about what you

3. Take your outline and fill it in with content. Make sure and put your affiliate links in where you can.

Note: Now this you can outsource at places like Tell them what you want, how many pages you need it to be if it’s an
ebook. Audio and video products are going to be different.

Price: $100-$300

You can get ebooks done for about $5 a page on sites like

However… Just because it’s a resale rights product doesn’t mean it can be a crappy product, so make sure you give all the info about the topic that you can. Audio products are going to cost you a bit more, and video products even more.

4. Have graphics made for your product.

Note: In order for your product to compete with all the other resale rights products out there, you’re going to have to have graphics done. These graphics will consist of a header and footer for your sales page, and a graphic image of your product.

Price: $100

You can also find someone at the freelance sites I listed above to do your graphics, or you can just search the search engines.

5. Polish your product up. If it’s an ebook put your ebook graphic in it, and make the formatting look nice. You can even use one of my products as an example if you would like.

Note: Is what you could do here is hire someone to take your product, and polish it up. Send them over one of my resale rights packages and tell them you’re looking for your product to look similar to this. I really recommend you doing this though, so you can put your affiliate links in, and really give it your personal touch.

6. Create your sales letter for your product, and make it into a web page.

Note: I actually should have put this as two steps, because you’ll need to have someone write your copy for you, and then take that copy and make it into a sales page.

Having sales copy written can be VERY expensive, so you may want to buy a course on writing copy once you see the prices people charge for copy.

Price for copy: $250-$25,000+ (Yes, I’m serious.)
Price for sales page setup: $50-$100

7. Create a resellers package for your product. Again, you could use one of mine as an example.

Note: You could outsource this too. Just send your product, sales page, and graphics to someone, along with one of my packages and tell them you want it put together like I put mine together.

However, you could easily do this yourself.

Price: $50

8. Upload your product and contact people who you know sell resale rights products, and give them your product to get it out there.

Note: Your same person that did your sales page could create a download page for you, and get everything uploaded to your server for you.

Once you have this done, give your product away to those who can sell it for you, and tell them they can have it under the condition that they will direct people to your download page to download the product.


Well, if you make your download page a squeeze page, and tell them they have to give their email address to get the download link, you could also start building a list. Do this a few times, and you wont have to give your product to people. You’ll have your own list to market them to.

So with this technique, you could…

1. Make money off the affiliate links in your product.
2. Make a name for yourself.
3. Build a list

What more could you possibly ask for?

Resale rights products are the way that I have built my business so quickly and so profitably.

Okay, we’ve had a REALLY long talk about viral marketing and how to use resale rights products that you create to start using it in your business.

It all starts with that first product and then it snowballs as you keep creating resale rights products one after the other. Before you know it, you’ll have a ton of products out there with your name on them and driving traffic to anything and everything you want!

Have questions about what I’ve covered here? Just leave them in the comments below…
