Super Hot Topic PLR Packages How To

And here we are… The last tutorial in the “how I make money with PLR” tutorial series. I’ve given you some great resources AND covered many ways that you can use PLR in your business to make money AND in your marketing. If you’ve missed anything you can see all about this series and all posts that are in this series at

So, today I want to show you how I find product topics that are super hot and then find the PLR for them. This is actually super easy to do!

The first thing you need to do is find the profitable topics…

To do that you can search any digital product marketplace like WarriorPlus, ClickBank, JVZoo, etc. You want to find their top sellers. Each marketplace lists them differently. Look at each, find the best sellers, and list the topics out. You can use notepad, Word, or even go old school and just write them down on paper.

Now, once you have your topics start with the first one on your list and see what PLR you can find so that you can create your own product.

You can do that by searching Google, asking in your favorite PLR group on Facebook for recommendations, checking out high quality PLR providers (you can find my personal favorite list at or search those same networks you just got your list of topics from.

If you can’t find good PLR content for your first topic to use to create a product, simply move on to the next topic until your satisfied with the PLR you find.

For example, I just did this myself and found a super hot topic to create a product around.

Passive income!

So, I went and started searching for high quality PLR content related to passive income, and found this little jewel.

I know the content creator behind it and she creates VERY high quality content. It wont take much editing, and then I can either do this as an ebook, or take the materials and turn it into a video product. Plus she has all kinds of other “goodies” in there I can use to make an amazing product out of this PLR content.


I now have a killer product that I KNOW is on a super profitable topic because of my initial research. All I have to do is go through all the PLR content so I know what I’m working with, then decide what I will do with it, create the actual product, create my sales page (and funnel if I want) launch it, and make money.

You might be saying, “But, Liz, you KNOW how to do all of this stuff, and I don’t.”

How do you think I learned?


And that’s how you will learn too, but it all starts with DOING!

So, if you want to make money with PLR, go make a list of hot topics, find PLR for one of them, and get to creating and launching your own product. You have a MUCH greater chance with making money with your product when you do the initial research to ensure you’re creating it around a hot topic. You have an even better chance of making money with it when you use GOOD PLR content to create it too, so don’t skimp on buying quality PLR for this.

And… The secret sauce?

Rinsing and repeating this!

Do this over and over again! Not only will you make more money each time you launch a product, but you’ll be able to have multiple products to build funnels with in the future.

And all with just using this little tutorial I gave you and some PLR!

Okay, if you have any questions on anything I’ve covered in this little tutorial, just leave me a comment below!

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