The Adventure Continues

For those of you who have been with me for a while you know that I spent almost 6 months in Mexico in 2022/2023. My intent was to actually move there, but the homesick blues hit me, and I came back home. 🥹

It took about 2 days for me to realize I should have just visited and then went back. But here we are over a year later and I’m still living in the US. Atlanta, GA to be exact.

It took me 6 months to get back into the swing of being back in the US. I hated it because the vibe in Mexico is just totally different. It’s way more laid back, the food is SOOO much better (I ate like a teenage boy down there and STILL lost A LOT of weight), and it’s just a better quality of life.

That was my experience…

I traveled all over Mexico and got to do so many cool things. I celebrated Mexico’s Independence Day in Mexico City and watched the President address the citizens (I still get goose bumps remembering that), I celebrated Dia de Muertos on an island of Mexico’s indigenous peoples, I got to visit ruins of several of the indigenous peoples of Mexico, I attended a soccer game between the two biggest rival teams in Mexico, I got the see tiny pueblitos (small towns) where life is still the Mexico of old, the big gorgeous cities and their amazing architecture, and so so so many more amazing adventures.

For the first time I felt totally content and at peace…

My mother always referred to me as a genius little nut job ball of nervous energy. 😂 Lovingly of course, but she was right. I am that! However, in Mexico I was relaxed and at peace. I really felt in my element while traveling around experiencing the culture (there’s so much of it there) the people, and the gorgeousness that is Mexico.

On the 17th of this month (October) I’m taking a plane to San Diego and walking across the border into Tijuana…

Now I just heard a bunch of you gasp in horror… 😂

First, I’m traveling with my friend who was born and raised in Mexico and has seen more of the darker side of that life than most. I’m in good hands.

Second, I’m doing it during the day so that makes it a bit safer too.

I will be spending a few days in Tijuana and visiting a few cities on the Baja Peninsula. I will then continue the journey south to where I’ll be staying, which is Morelia, Michoacan. The same city I based myself in the last time. I will be hitting multiple cities along the way like…

Side Note: None of this is in stone. It’s just the current plan and I’m sure it will change.

Ensenada, Baja California

Hermosillo, Sonora

Guaymas, Sonora

Los Mochis, Sinaloa

Culican, Sinaloa (This is a “maybe” due to the current “social climate”.)

Mazatlan, Sinaloa

Tepic, Nayarit

Guadalajara, Jalisco

… and I’ll be doing it all via BUS!

Now the buses in Mexico are way different than here in the states. They are NIIIICE! Lots of room and many of them are the “double decker” type and I LOVE the views on the top level while traveling. I would much rather see it all than fly in an airplane.

It will take me a few weeks to get to Morelia where I’ll be renting the place that I first stayed in on my first trip. It’s gorgeous with amazing views and it’s in el Centro histórico (the historic part of downtown) de Morelia, so it’s close to EVERYTHING! 🌮😂

You can see a lot of Morelia, Michoacan and what I saw in Mexico on my last adventure at

I’ll probably take a week to rest up and catch up on work, and then I’ll be on to more adventures. We have a lot of different things planned and I’ll keep you updated on that.

As for working… Yes! I will be working while there.

In the 20 years I’ve had my online business only a few of those years have I had a dedicated office. Basically, if it doesn’t fit in my backpack, it’s not part of my business. So, everything I need is always with me. I can literally work from anywhere USUALLY. My phone acts as a hotspot plus I can have my own Internet service in the place I rent in Morelia. However, there are places I do visit that even my phone doesn’t work, so I won’t be working as much as normal. Plus, I’ll be taking more time to just enjoy life too.

Side Note: For my US peeps. AT&T’s Unlimited plan allows for your phone to work in Canada, Mexico, Central America, and many countries in South America at no additional costs. The plan is like $95 a month, but worth it!

I will still be creating and releasing a lot of PLR packages, but I have plans for other projects too. I want to focus more on my faith based business AND I’ll be working on opening up The Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club so I can have MORE real life time with all of my Team Tomey peeps. ❤️

So now you’re up to date on my trek to my “home base” destination in Mexico and how I’ll be working while on this lengthy journey over the next 6 months.

A lot of people are freaked out by this trek because many people think the only safe places in Mexico are the tourist spots like Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, etc. You will miss out on a lot of amazing things if you just stick to the tourist spots anywhere you travel. Again… I will not let fear dictate where I wander. EVER! I know not to visit certain spots at certain times, I have a great guide with me, and most importantly God is ALWAYS guiding me. 🙏🏼 Yes, I need to use the brain He gave me, but when it’s my time, it’s my time, and that could be in my own country or any other country. So, pray for me but instead of worrying, enjoy the journey with me through all the content I’ll be sharing from my trip.

I post EVERYTHING to my Facebook account, and some different stuff on my “other” Instagram account, and TikTok, so you can follow me on either of those at the following links…




Okay so you guys are all up to date now… I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, etc. (or if you have questions post those too) so leave them in the comments below…

14 Comments to “The Adventure Continues”

  1. Liz,
    I am happy for you, thankful for you, grateful, and praying for you.
    I am also glad to hear you will be more faith based oriented. Any time I try to move forward, I keep being drawn back to faith and God.
    Bless you dear one and be safe.

    1. liztomey Author

      Thank you, Terry! You’re such a great cheerleader and I really appreciate you.

      I never seem to have enough time for my faith based biz. I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to get focused on that, build it out, and walk the path I know I’m supposed to be walking. God is on me about it all the time.


  2. Jacquelyn Wallace

    I hate that your leaving and I never made it to Atlanta, and that you never made it here. I miss you so much, but I know this is what your heart and mind needs to do. I love you and i will always be praying❤️ don’t forget about us

  3. Terry Luffman

    Very excited for you. That’s what living is all about. How is your Spanish?
    I remember last time you were there you had your lap top and drive stolen.
    Would love to know how to travel knowing all data is safe and accessible.
    Maybe a PLR.
    Look forward to following your travels. Keep Safe

    1. liztomey Author

      Thanks, Terry! I’ve talked about it a little, but the short story is EVERYTHING is now backed up to One Drive AND Google Drive. That way I always have the most up to date files in the cloud. So if my laptop is lost or stolen I can grab a new one and be back in business quickly! Creating a PLR package around this topic is a VERY good idea. I’ll add that to the ideas list.

    1. liztomey Author

      Thank you, Aunt Pam! I love you and know you’re always with me no matter where I am or where you are. You and mom and grandma too are always there! ❤️


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