This Is How You DO It… With PLR! 🤑

The other day we talked about if my PLR is the right fit for you and how to get started using PLR.

If you missed that email, you can read it at

No matter if you buy my PLR or not, I can still teach you to use it in many different ways! 🤑

Either to make-money within your business, to use in marketing your business, and/or actually selling PLR to others!

Since I just launched The PLR Niche Squeeze Page System we’re going to focus on using PLR specifically for those in the PLR niche.

Don’t worry we will talk more about the other PLR tactics later. And I have a ton of tutorials on that on my YouTube Channel. Here’s the playlist with them all in one place

So, in my last email I told you how to get started in this niche. Build your squeeze page because that’s where it all starts!

If you picked up The PLR Niche Squeeze Page System at that gives you a ready to go squeeze page system so that’s going to cut out A LOT of the work.

But what do you do after that? How else can you use PLR in your business once you have your squeeze page?

The first thing you need to do is start driving traffic. There are many ways to do this…

You can…

1. Use PLR content related to PLR and start using content marketing tactics to get traffic.

Side Note: I have a huge content pack for those of you in the PLR niche and this would be perfect for those of you wanting to market your PLR niche business. You can see it at

2. Create a YouTube channel and start funneling your viewers from YouTube into your PLR niche biz.

I just looked at my analytics and I got 50 visitors from YouTube in the last 24 hours and I haven’t posted a video over there in almost 2 months!

You can even use PLR content to create your videos!

3. Use social media marketing! There’s a lot of moving parts to this and depending on what social media network you’re using will depend on how you do it.

Once you get a solid strategy in place though it brings traffic in consistently when you use it consistently.

4. Paid advertising… A lot of people gasp when the phrase “paid advertising” is mentioned but you have a lot of options and it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune.

I watched a YouTube video last night of a guy who used TikTok ads in like 5 minutes to start making sales in his business. He paid someone to create the video ads for him, uploaded them, set his budget to $25, and BOOM. He made-money in his first 24 hours.

That’s just ONE option for paid advertising. There are so many!

I could go on and on here, but you just need to pick ONE traffic option and get started using it to get traffic to your squeeze page.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a squeeze page you’ve built or a squeeze page that you’ve bought the rights to.

These are your first steps…

1. Build a squeeze page!

2. Drive traffic!

Have you taken these steps yet?

If not reply to this blog post and tell me what’s stopping you and I’ll see what I can do to help you. Or if you haven’t had any results reply to this email and tell me what you’ve done, and I’ll see how I can help you get results.

No strings attached… I want to help those who are TRYING!

Okay… that’s it for today!

I’m getting back to work on my next PLR package I’ll be bringing to you in just a few days, so be on the lookout!

Talk soon!


3 Comments to “This Is How You DO It… With PLR! 🤑”

  1. Lars

    To get started I need a step by step plan where it not just is “know your audience” and so on. But from the start (I have a lot of PLR but am not good at using it). Need a plan on the material to start, what to do, then tools maybe a membership site, finding good keyword domain, and how to find easy material for blog with frequent update-posts. I am technical but not good on social parts so that always stops me nearly direct from getting a good start.

    1. liztomey Author

      You can’t have a step-by-step plan until YOU decide what kind of online business you want to create. THEN you make a step-by-step plan for that online business. You’re collecting knowledge like puzzle pieces, but you have no idea what the puzzle looks like so you can’t put it all together. You have to decide on what online business you’re going to create. Then you have to create your plan and commit to ONLY that plan. Until then you will stay lost. That’s harsh I know, but it’s the truth. It starts with you. Quit looking for the profit plan and go create your profit plan.


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