Yesterday I told you about The Profitable Journey Method Workshop I just opened up…
If you missed that you can see it at
This is a business model workshop I’m doing next week where I show you how to take the journey of your choice, document it, and make-money with it. Actually how to turn it into a full on business!
A few people have emailed me very excited about this and telling me all about the journey they are on or want to start.
A few have said they LOVE this idea, but don’t know what kind of journey they would want to start for this.
Well, the easiest one would be an online business journey. Especially for those of you who are new and wanting to create an online business. Start your online business and learn and earn at the same time by documenting it and following what I teach you in The Profitable Journey Method Workshop!
But I’ve also put together a resource of over 60 profitable journey examples!
You can view it at
No opt-in or anything. Just click and check it out.
That alone should give you a ton of ideas, and if you want to learn how to start a journey of your own (on or about anything you want) then make sure you get your spot in The Profitable Journey Method Workshop!
I’ll teach you how to document that journey with a simple blog, how to monetize is, how to build an audience for it, and how to turn it into a multi-income-stream online business that you can run from anywhere in the world!
If you have any questions about this workshop, feel free to send me a message at and I’ll help you out!
I’m super excited for this workshop and hope to see you there!
Talk soon!