You’re sitting at your computer trying to think of an email to send to your list, and absolutely nothing comes to you.
How many times has that happened to you?
I’ve been using email marketing for a very long time, and to this day I still time struggle with what I should send to my list other than a promotional offer or my latest blog post.
Today I looked through my email stats and picked out what emails have done the best for me over the years and I came up with 8 winners. You can use any of these 8 ideas to create your own email to send to your list.
Let’s get started…
Email 1: The Q&A Email
Do you have questions that come in from your readers? Take a question, answer it, but send the question along with your answer as an email to your entire list.
Put in some serious effort answering the question because if one person has that question there are probably a lot of people who have that question or a lot of people who don’t even know they need to know that information.
You could put a call to action in this email, invite your readers to send you questions, etc.
Email 2: The Tools Emails
Are there a few to several tools that you use in your niche? List them out, describe what each one is used for, and create an email to your readers with your list of tools. You could make this a profitable email by getting your affiliate link for the tools if the tools you use have an affiliate program available.
I do this and send out the same email (I update it if there are any changes.) once every 6 months. This is an email you can use over and over as you use new tools, change tools, and get new readers.
Email 3: The How Can I Help Email
People joined your list for something. Maybe it was a discount for your store, maybe it was to get a free cheatsheet, or 1 of 1,000,000 other things. But there is something you can do to help your readers. Don’t know what it is? Then ask them!
Create an email to check in on your readers and ask them if there is anything you can do to help them. This shows you care and establishes trust with your readers which is a HUGE key to getting them to buy from you.
Email 4: The Quick Tip Email
Can you think of something quick you could tell your readers that would help them? Type up a short email with your tip in it and send it out.
I recently did this with a new Facebook friend’s list manager I found. It’s free to use, I loved it, so I did a very short video on how to use it, and sent out an email to my list with why they should be doing it and a link to the video. Super easy and they loved me for it.
Email 5: The Featured Content Email
Do you have a blog or a place on the Internet where you create and post your content? Then take your top 3-5 pieces of content, create an email briefly describing each piece of content with links to them, and send it to your list.
You could also do it by topic. I’m currently working on an email that will point my readers to my best email marketing blog posts. My blog posts always point to something that make me money so the email should bring some sales in, AND show my people my deep knowledge.
Email 6: The Preview Email
If you’re currently working on a product or service that you want to launch or if your network marketing program has some updates you could send out a preview email to your list.
Talk about what’s coming, take pictures or videos if you can, and send out a preview email.
Email 7: The Rate Me Email
You need to keep your finger on the pulse of your email list and the best way to do that is… ask them what they think.
You can put together an email telling your readers that you’re trying to help them with XYZ, and then ask them to rate their experience with you.
You could do that with a simple feedback form, or any of the hundreds of tools out there that will allow you to do that. This is a great way to work with your list and make sure you’re meeting their needs!
Email 8: The Success Story Email
Do you have a success story about yourself that is related to your niche? Maybe it’s related to your product or maybe it’s related to a product you’re an affiliate for. Type up your success story and email it to your list. This could encourage them to buy what made you successful or simply inspire them. Either way you’re helping them!
Okay so there you go… 8 different emails that you can use to send an email to your list. Pick one and email your list right now!
Need more help with writing emails? Then I highly recommend you pick up the My Email Templates package that has 101 fill-in-the-blank email templates in it to help you to start creating emails that get people to open up their emails, read them, and click on the links inside. These will help you create any kind of email you want and quickly! You can grab access to the My Email Templates package at