Coaching From Liz, Online Business Models

What Journey Will Make The Most?

Yesterday I told you about The Profitable Journey Method Workshop I just opened up…

If you missed that you can see it at

This is a business model workshop I’m doing next week where I show you how to take the journey of your choice, document it, and make-money with it. Actually how to turn it into a full on business!

A few people have emailed me very excited about this and telling me all about the journey they are on or want to start.

A few have said they LOVE this idea, but don’t know what kind of journey they would want to start for this.

Well, the easiest one would be an online business journey. Especially for those of you who are new and wanting to create an online business. Start your online business and learn and earn at the same time by documenting it and following what I teach you in The Profitable Journey Method Workshop!

But I’ve also put together a resource of over 60 profitable journey examples!

You can view it at

No opt-in or anything. Just click and check it out.

That alone should give you a ton of ideas, and if you want to learn how to start a journey of your own (on or about anything you want) then make sure you get your spot in The Profitable Journey Method Workshop!

I’ll teach you how to document that journey with a simple blog, how to monetize is, how to build an audience for it, and how to turn it into a multi-income-stream online business that you can run from anywhere in the world!

If you have any questions about this workshop, feel free to send me a message at and I’ll help you out!

I’m super excited for this workshop and hope to see you there!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

IMPORTANT: Purchase Details Changes!

It’s Sunday and I’m playing catchup today after an amazing travel experience early this week and then getting prepared to head to the beach!

I’m headed to Zihuatanejo, Michoacan and if you Google that you’ll see it’s absolutely gorgeous! It gives serious Hawaii vibes!

I’m so excited, but I’m working a lot in between all of this traveling.

I did something that I think will make your lives easier…

Back in April I started using Product Dyno for product delivery.

It’s great for the most part, but the one thing that drives me nuts and many of you too is that it shows you your purchases, but they are all jumbled in with all of my other products.

Currently I have 175 products so that makes it hard to see what you have bought.

So, I went in and “hid” all the products that you HAVE NOT bought. All that shows now is what you HAVE bought.

Side Note: Remember ALL of your purchases are located at If you have any issues contact me at and I will help you out.

It’s going to keep you from seeing what else I have, but until I find the system I want (one that has one page for what you have bought and one for what you haven’t bought) I think this will be BEST.

I’m working on creating a page that shows ALL of my products that you can check out, but it won’t’ show you what you’ve already bought. At least with a page like this you can see everything I have and then go to your Product Dyno account and compare it to what you have bought.

That way while I’m searching for the perfect solution for product delivery for you guys, you can access what you’ve paid for WAY easier.

Okay, that’s it for today… I’m still in the process of working on my “stack”. If you’ve missed the “going ons” of that you can read the post all about it at

I have decided what I’m going to be doing as far as email and I’ll start on those changes after the first of the year, and of course like I just said I’m still on the hunt for the perfect product delivery system and I have a ton of resources to checkout from you guys.

I truly appreciate you guys helping me with this and giving me your feedback as I make these changes. At the end of all of this I will make a video explaining my “stack” and the tools I use within it to run my business, but that’s going to be a bit down the road.

Oh, and one more thing… I will be releasing a workshop tomorrow called The Profitable Journey Method. This is a full-on business model that’s going to be great for those of you who don’t currently have an online business. I have put together an A-Z system that’s going to show you a FUN and PRODUCTIVE way to create an online-income stream and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Talk soon!


Coaching From Liz

In The End It’s ONLY You!

The other day I saw a post from someone, and they were talking about no matter what you’ve done in this life, no matter how much you do for others, etc… In the end you’ve only got you…

This person was having a hard time with that thought.

I’ve known this for YEARS now, and I don’t have a hard time with it. Anymore…

It used to be a big struggle for me, but now I actually embrace it.

I think when you become okay with “you’re all you’ve got” you can get through anything. I mean in the end we all leave this world by ourselves, right?

I pondered this for a while though…

Yes, there are a hand full of people in my personal life that I can really count on and who are there for me, but then I thought about you guys.

My #TeamTomey people. The thousands of individuals who read my emails, converse with me through email, social media, and our mastermind group, buy my products, etc.

You may not know it, but some of you have gotten me through some really hard times in life, have given me so many laughs, shared your personal lives with me, and the list goes on and on.

So, while I embrace this thought that “I’ve only got me” it’s really not ENTIRELY true. Not with those close to me in my personal life and all of #TeamTomey always there for me.

Which makes this thing I’ve been working on even more special because I’ve created something that’s going to allow us ALL to get much closer, work together, interact in real life, and so much more!

I present to you…

The Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club…

If you’re ready to have a whole team behind you on your journey to building your online business this is for you.

It’s still true that at the end of the day you’ve only got YOU! YOU have to step up, but it’s much easier to do that when you have a team to work and learn with.

We’re waiting on you over at

Talk soon!


Coaching From Liz

Team Tomey Elite Is OPEN!

The Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club opened in the middle of the night last night and half the spots for this unique opportunity are already GONE!

I was talking to one of the members inside our Team Tomey group and he said…

“Liz is back in stride!”

And he couldn’t be more correct!

When I look back on the 20+ years I’ve been running an online business I was doing MY best, and my clients were doing THEIR best when Team Tomey was doing webinars and had a dedicated space to coming together and building their online businesses.

We have that back and MORE now!

When I was putting this program together, I took a break and noticed I was sweating and shaking. I was like what’s wrong with me?

And then it hit me!

I was excited!!!

Bringing Team Tomey back was like coming home and now I’m inviting you to get one of the 24 spots left and come on into The Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club and make it YOUR home too!

This WILL be the catalyst you need to finally get that online business up and running that you’ve been so desperately wanting!

After these 24 spots are gone, all FOUNDERS spots will be filled, and then the price will go WAY up, so NOW is the time to jump in headfirst with the rest of us…

Okay, that’s it for today… I’m going to go work on the first workshop for Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club members.

I’ll be showing them EXACTLY what to do if they don’t currently have an online business. A lot of people are in this spot, so I’m going to work straight away to solve this problem for them.

If this is a problem you also have, come on in and get the help you need! I’ll also help you solve any other problems you have with your online business!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz, The Techy Stuff Tutorials

Doing The Stack Juggle In A House Fire!

It seems for the last two years (especially this last year) I’ve been in non-stop technology hell.

Changes in technology, tools no longer working, solutions no longer meeting needs, and the list goes on and on.

It’s A LOT!

Right now, I…

1. Use Optimize Press to build all of my marketing pages. I’ve been using them for YEARS. Currently zero issues with it. Still my #1 recommendation!

2. Use WarriorPlus as a marketplace to sell my products and manage my affiliates. It’s not the best solution, but it works. It’s the best solution to automate paying affiliates, customers being able to purchase and having access to their purchase instantly, etc.

3. Use Stripe to process payments. LOVE IT!

4. Use Aweber to manage my email list and my email marketing. Aweber integrates with WarriorPlus so all cutomers are added to the email list attached to the product they buy. This is done via API between Aweber and WarriorPlus.

Now Aweber is raising their prices and limiting how many emails you can send each month. So, you’re charging me MORE and giving me LESS?

Side Note: Talked with their customer support which is always AWESOME and my pricing isn’t going up an insane amount. But still I need a better solution.

5. Use ProductDyno for product delivery. I implemented this last year and I’m about 90% happy with it.

However, the way it shows all of my products and customer purchases all mixed together on one page is something I HATE and some of my customers do too. This is a deal breaker for me, and I see no signs of them doing anything about it. It would not be hard to have a page for products you’ve bought and a page for products you have not bought. But even with people requesting this, ProductDyno just isn’t providing a solution for this.

So, 4 and 5 are the issues…

Now I’m at a crossroads!

Do I…

1. Go for an all-in-one solution like Kajabi. ThiveCart was in the running until I saw all the problems people (and their customers) have with it. I’m a part of their Facebook group and see the issues and I won’t build my business on such an unstable foundation.

2. Just use a different autoresponder that integrates with WarriorPlus. ConvertKit is what I would probably use, but ActiveCampaign is also on my radar because of a very reliable source recommending it. If I did this though it would still leave me with needing a solution for product delivery because ProductDyno isn’t the right fit for me.

3. Leave everything as is and add another piece into the puzzle and have an email server of my own. This one sounds good in theory, but also scares me because there’s a lot of work that goes into this.

Basically, I would take all of the current subscribers I have and put them on my own personal email server. I could leave everything as is and just download leads from wherever they come in from and upload them onto my own server. An extra step, but I’d always have a way to contact all of my subscribers.

So, we are once again going through what I call… “The Stack Juggle”. Juggling all of these pieces of the “stack” that runs my business.

No matter what big changes are coming, so it’s going to be important that you pay attention to your emails so we don’t lose touch.

For now though (even though it feels like the house is on fire) everything is fine…

You can still buy from me, access your purchases all in one place, and I’m always just an email away. So, if you run into a burning door, just email me and I’ll get you safely outside… Meaning if anything goes wrong, I’ll help you if you just email me.

And I have an exciting update…

The Team Tomey Elite Coaching program is almost ready! I will be opening up for 30 initial founding members at a super-duper low price. What we just talked about in this email is just ONE example of the deep dive of topics we will be covering in this coaching.

My goal for this coaching program is to give you a place where you can come with all of your online business problems (and triumphs) and get all the help you need to get through them.

More about that later though…

For now if there is anything I can help you with or if you have any questions just send me a message at

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Is Mexico Cheap? Shocker!

Real quick before I answer a question I’ve been getting a lot…

If you haven’t picked up The Website Traffic Niche Squeeze Page System With Reseller PLR you’ve got just over 24 hours to do it!

Half the licenses are gone now, so if you’re looking for a complete done-for-you list-building and affiliate-marketing system AND the Reseller PLR to the entire DFY system then grab it now before the price goes up or all licenses sell out!

Now this isn’t marketing related, but I have so many of my readers asking me how cheap Mexico is since I’m currently here for a while.

That’s a hard question to answer and I’ll be making a video talking about it in detail.

But the short answer is…

It depends on where you go.

If you go to the touristy areas the food is about 20-30% cheaper than the prices in the United States.

And some of the touristy areas are almost as expensive as the US.

If you go to what I call the “real” Mexico, the towns and cities that aren’t touristy that’s where you’re going to see that the food is MUCH cheaper. Even in the fancy restaurants.

Rent is way cheaper too. Prices of homes and land seems to be cheaper too, but I don’t know a lot about that because I haven’t gotten to the point of buying here. That’s also going to depend on where you buy, but definitely across the board MUCH cheaper than the US.

However, electronics and all the stuff we like to buy in the US are actually more expensive. For example, I needed some towels, and normally I’d head to TJ Maxx for them where I’d pay $8-$9 for the big fluffy ones I love. TJ Maxx is a discount store so that’s cheap, but I still wasn’t ready for the prices of towels here…

800 pesos which is about $40 in USD.

Even in the cheap places here they’re about $20 and they are little and thin.

Ay! Dios mio! (That’s like saying OMG! in Spanish! Yes, I’m getting better and better with the language every day!)

I also wanted to purchase a new shower head because I hate the one where I’m staying. 9000 pesos ($450 USD) for their “good” brand? And their “good” brand felt like cheap plastic. Makes my expensive $200 Kohler showerhead I bought in the US seem like a heck of a deal!

Travel is also much cheaper in Mexico. Uber, plane and bus tickets, hotels, etc.

So basically, if you’re just eating and living in the non-touristy parts of Mexico (these parts are equally if not MORE beautiful than the touristy parts) it’s super cheap. Everything else… Not so much!

As I said, I’ll be going into way more detail in a video coming soon, so stay tuned for that.

Okay, that’s it for today!

I’m all caught up on the help desk (as of last night) so if you haven’t heard from me I didn’t get your message. I can always be directly contacted at

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Hola From Mexicooo…

I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know I’m all caught up on emails that you’ve all sent into the helpdesk.

If you messaged me on social media there’s a 6-month backlog there 😂, so I suggest ALWAYS using the helpdesk at

If you sent me an email and didn’t hear back from me then the email gremlins are at it again and I never got your email.

I just finished getting caught up so make sure and check your email for a reply before telling me you didn’t get a reply.

I’ve been here a week today (it’s still Thursday the 24th here) and I have done and seen so many amazing things. I’m sunburnt, have some kind of “summer cold” (lots of in and out of air conditioning), and so exhausted, but I’m so fulfilled.

I’m currently in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico which is a cool little (not that little) coastal town. Depending on where you are depends on how “chill” it is, but you guys know me and know I never look for the “chill” spots.

I’m documenting the whole trip on my Facebook account so if you want to see all the amazing things I’m seeing, eating, and experiencing make sure you check that out.

I will be getting more work time in after next week. I will be back at my “home base” in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico around November 1st. I’ll still be traveling to different parts of Mexico from there, but way less traveling than this first two weeks.

More PLR is coming and of course so is the much anticipated The Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club!

Many of you are worried about “bothering” me during my travels. You are NEVER a bother. Responses are a little delayed right now, but if you need help or have an issue I’m here. Please reach out anytime you need me!

Okay that’s it for now… I’m calling it a night because I have two full days of nothing but Mazatlán ahead of me and I can’t wait to explore this place!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

The Adventure Continues

For those of you who have been with me for a while you know that I spent almost 6 months in Mexico in 2022/2023. My intent was to actually move there, but the homesick blues hit me, and I came back home. 🥹

It took about 2 days for me to realize I should have just visited and then went back. But here we are over a year later and I’m still living in the US. Atlanta, GA to be exact.

It took me 6 months to get back into the swing of being back in the US. I hated it because the vibe in Mexico is just totally different. It’s way more laid back, the food is SOOO much better (I ate like a teenage boy down there and STILL lost A LOT of weight), and it’s just a better quality of life.

That was my experience…

I traveled all over Mexico and got to do so many cool things. I celebrated Mexico’s Independence Day in Mexico City and watched the President address the citizens (I still get goose bumps remembering that), I celebrated Dia de Muertos on an island of Mexico’s indigenous peoples, I got to visit ruins of several of the indigenous peoples of Mexico, I attended a soccer game between the two biggest rival teams in Mexico, I got the see tiny pueblitos (small towns) where life is still the Mexico of old, the big gorgeous cities and their amazing architecture, and so so so many more amazing adventures.

For the first time I felt totally content and at peace…

My mother always referred to me as a genius little nut job ball of nervous energy. 😂 Lovingly of course, but she was right. I am that! However, in Mexico I was relaxed and at peace. I really felt in my element while traveling around experiencing the culture (there’s so much of it there) the people, and the gorgeousness that is Mexico.

On the 17th of this month (October) I’m taking a plane to San Diego and walking across the border into Tijuana…

Now I just heard a bunch of you gasp in horror… 😂

First, I’m traveling with my friend who was born and raised in Mexico and has seen more of the darker side of that life than most. I’m in good hands.

Second, I’m doing it during the day so that makes it a bit safer too.

I will be spending a few days in Tijuana and visiting a few cities on the Baja Peninsula. I will then continue the journey south to where I’ll be staying, which is Morelia, Michoacan. The same city I based myself in the last time. I will be hitting multiple cities along the way like…

Side Note: None of this is in stone. It’s just the current plan and I’m sure it will change.

Ensenada, Baja California

Hermosillo, Sonora

Guaymas, Sonora

Los Mochis, Sinaloa

Culican, Sinaloa (This is a “maybe” due to the current “social climate”.)

Mazatlan, Sinaloa

Tepic, Nayarit

Guadalajara, Jalisco

… and I’ll be doing it all via BUS!

Now the buses in Mexico are way different than here in the states. They are NIIIICE! Lots of room and many of them are the “double decker” type and I LOVE the views on the top level while traveling. I would much rather see it all than fly in an airplane.

It will take me a few weeks to get to Morelia where I’ll be renting the place that I first stayed in on my first trip. It’s gorgeous with amazing views and it’s in el Centro histórico (the historic part of downtown) de Morelia, so it’s close to EVERYTHING! 🌮😂

You can see a lot of Morelia, Michoacan and what I saw in Mexico on my last adventure at

I’ll probably take a week to rest up and catch up on work, and then I’ll be on to more adventures. We have a lot of different things planned and I’ll keep you updated on that.

As for working… Yes! I will be working while there.

In the 20 years I’ve had my online business only a few of those years have I had a dedicated office. Basically, if it doesn’t fit in my backpack, it’s not part of my business. So, everything I need is always with me. I can literally work from anywhere USUALLY. My phone acts as a hotspot plus I can have my own Internet service in the place I rent in Morelia. However, there are places I do visit that even my phone doesn’t work, so I won’t be working as much as normal. Plus, I’ll be taking more time to just enjoy life too.

Side Note: For my US peeps. AT&T’s Unlimited plan allows for your phone to work in Canada, Mexico, Central America, and many countries in South America at no additional costs. The plan is like $95 a month, but worth it!

I will still be creating and releasing a lot of PLR packages, but I have plans for other projects too. I want to focus more on my faith based business AND I’ll be working on opening up The Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club so I can have MORE real life time with all of my Team Tomey peeps. ❤️

So now you’re up to date on my trek to my “home base” destination in Mexico and how I’ll be working while on this lengthy journey over the next 6 months.

A lot of people are freaked out by this trek because many people think the only safe places in Mexico are the tourist spots like Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, etc. You will miss out on a lot of amazing things if you just stick to the tourist spots anywhere you travel. Again… I will not let fear dictate where I wander. EVER! I know not to visit certain spots at certain times, I have a great guide with me, and most importantly God is ALWAYS guiding me. 🙏🏼 Yes, I need to use the brain He gave me, but when it’s my time, it’s my time, and that could be in my own country or any other country. So, pray for me but instead of worrying, enjoy the journey with me through all the content I’ll be sharing from my trip.

I post EVERYTHING to my Facebook account, and some different stuff on my “other” Instagram account, and TikTok, so you can follow me on either of those at the following links…




Okay so you guys are all up to date now… I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, etc. (or if you have questions post those too) so leave them in the comments below…

Email Marketing, List Building

I’m Not Dead! I’m In The Trenches!

It’s been over a week since I sent an email and that’s because I’m “in the trenches”!

I’m trying to put together something pretty amazing and I’ve been laser focused on it.

Plus, I’m officially 3 weeks from heading back to Mexico for another extended stay.

I went in 2022 and was there for about 6-7 months and absolutely had the time of my life. If you’re my Facebook friend you would have seen all the pics and the crazy stuff I got to do and see down there.

It was a trip of a lifetime, and I’m ready to go back and do it even bigger this time.

So, needless to say I’ve got a lot going on here in Lizlandia!

I’ve also been working on my latest learning system (that will come with Reseller PLR) I’ll be launching on Monday!

This is a big ONE and of course it’s on a super hot topic. I’ve put together a super profitable-formula for list building using the exact organic social marketing strategies that I use.

ANYONE including the newest newbie can pull this off!

Just wait until you see how I’ve laid this one out. It’s literally paint by numbers.

I’ll email you as soon as it’s ready!

Meanwhile I’ve started a discussion over in the My IM Mastermind on the topic of list building and email marketing.

If you don’t have an email list yet that you’re making-money from and/or you’re just lost when it comes to all of this list building and email marketing stuff come join the conversation at

In this thread we’re discussing what comes first. List building or email marketing because those are two DIFFERENT things.

I’m giving my insights and this could really help unmuddle your brain a bit if this is something you’re currently learning.

And of course I’d love to hear your thoughts, answer your questions, and welcome anything you’d like to add to the conversation.

Come hang out and learn at

Okay, that’s it for now… I’m going to pack a few more boxes so I can have everything ready to go for the upcoming move to Mexico!

Talk soon!


AI (Artificial Intelligence), ChatGPT, Private Label Rights (PLR)

AI+PLR Tactic For Bloggers!

I was creating some blog content from some PLR content I had the other day and literally just threw all the PLR content into ChatGPT and said make this into blog posts and it did it!

10 blog posts ready for me to use!

I can promote anything I want in these blog posts!

Create social media images and post them on social media!

Send them to my email list!

It’s awesome content so I can do all kinds of stuff with it.

I did a short 2 minute video showing you exactly how I did it and you can see it at

You’ll have to be a member of to see that, but you can signup at no-cost and then you can see the tutorial.

This is just another great example of how you can use PLR content in your online business and this is probably going to give you ideas for other ways you can use this tactic for all types of content!

If you have any comments or questions make sure to leave them on that post!

Talk soon!
