Email Marketing, List Building

I’m Not Dead! I’m In The Trenches!

It’s been over a week since I sent an email and that’s because I’m “in the trenches”!

I’m trying to put together something pretty amazing and I’ve been laser focused on it.

Plus, I’m officially 3 weeks from heading back to Mexico for another extended stay.

I went in 2022 and was there for about 6-7 months and absolutely had the time of my life. If you’re my Facebook friend you would have seen all the pics and the crazy stuff I got to do and see down there.

It was a trip of a lifetime, and I’m ready to go back and do it even bigger this time.

So, needless to say I’ve got a lot going on here in Lizlandia!

I’ve also been working on my latest learning system (that will come with Reseller PLR) I’ll be launching on Monday!

This is a big ONE and of course it’s on a super hot topic. I’ve put together a super profitable-formula for list building using the exact organic social marketing strategies that I use.

ANYONE including the newest newbie can pull this off!

Just wait until you see how I’ve laid this one out. It’s literally paint by numbers.

I’ll email you as soon as it’s ready!

Meanwhile I’ve started a discussion over in the My IM Mastermind on the topic of list building and email marketing.

If you don’t have an email list yet that you’re making-money from and/or you’re just lost when it comes to all of this list building and email marketing stuff come join the conversation at

In this thread we’re discussing what comes first. List building or email marketing because those are two DIFFERENT things.

I’m giving my insights and this could really help unmuddle your brain a bit if this is something you’re currently learning.

And of course I’d love to hear your thoughts, answer your questions, and welcome anything you’d like to add to the conversation.

Come hang out and learn at

Okay, that’s it for now… I’m going to pack a few more boxes so I can have everything ready to go for the upcoming move to Mexico!

Talk soon!


Email Marketing, List Building, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Free-Reseller PLR Package!

As a thank you for all of you who support me by buying my PLR packages and other products, opening my emails, following me on social media, cheering me on and so much more…

My newest Reseller PLR Package is on the house!

Absolutely ZERO-COST to you!

This is The Email Inboxing Learning System and has TWO very important components in it…

The Email Inboxing Survival Report which gives you a ton of tips for actually getting your emails to land in people’s email inboxes, my personal journey (absolute hell) that I just went through with the new email rules, resources and tools for email inboxing, and more. It’s a great little guide if I DO say so myself.😜

PLUS I’ll be updating it as I learn more. You’ll see how to always get updates for it when you crack it open. 🎉

And you’ll also get The Quick And Easy Guide To Email Authentication With For Autoresponders Video Tutorial that I did with Randall Hall (the go to tech guy for all of #TeamTomey) where we covered how to make sure your email is setup correctly and authenticated and configured with your autoresponder.

I’ve also thrown in a sales letter and graphics for this entire package too!

You can use it as your own product, lead magnet, or because you’re getting Reseller PLR to it you can basically use it anyway that you want.

Aaaand… It wont cost you a penny!

Just head over to and grab it now!

Again, I can never express how much I appreciate each and every single one of you. From my customers to those of you who are just watching and listening for now… You’re the life blood of my business and I am truly thankful for you!

Talk soon!


List Building, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Is This Even For ME?

For the last 3 years I’ve been doing a ton of different workshops on various things related to building and marketing an online business. I have four different brands I do these from. I’ve gone over those brands in a few emails, so I wont bore you with that information again. 😂

Side Note: If you don’t know about all the brands I have and what workshops I do then you can read all about it at

However, I’ve had a few people ask me the difference between this current workshop I’m doing, and workshops I’ve done in the past, so I wanted to take a few minutes and go over that.

Here’s the current workshop I’m doing: The List Building With PLR Blueprint Workshop

Now I have taught how to build your list and I have taught so many ways to use PLR, but what makes this one different is…

1. I’m showing a list building technique I’ve never revealed before

2. I’m showing how to make-money EASILY off of almost every subscriber you get

3. I’m showing you multiple ways to make-money so you can have this as your ONE and ONLY business model.

4. I’ll be showing you how to use PLR in multiple ways to not only make-money with this business model, but use that PLR content to get traffic too.

5. I’ll be showing you different affiliate marketing tactics that are currently working to make me a ton of affiliate-commissions.

6. And of course I’ll be covering traffic because we all know that without traffic you can’t make ANY money!

7. The coolest part of this… I’ll be showing you this as if I’ve lost my entire business and I was starting from scratch. You’re going to see me do EVERYTHING from start to finish! All the way to the point of making-money with it. Yep! You’ll see that happen live!

I’ve not done a workshop yet where I covered all of this in one workshop, and some of this information I have NEVER shared publicly.

THIS workshop is one you DO NOT want to miss no matter if you’ve attended ALL of my workshops (I know many of you have) or have never attended one of my workshops!

Come learn from me, and FINALLY have ONE blueprint you can follow to create the ONE business model you can use to grow your-income to exactly where you want it.

Grab your spot at

Right now you’ve got about 15 more hours before the price goes way up, so make sure you grab a spot (and the PLR too because this is going to be some amazing content you can get PLR too) right now before that price goes up!

Talk soon!


List Building, Private Label Rights (PLR)

THIS One Business Model! Look!

As most of you know, my laptop was stolen about a month ago. I lost everything because I had everything backed up to a harddrive that was stolen WITH the laptop. 🤦‍♀️

When I say I lost everything, I mean I lost EVERYTHING. 18 years of stuff across multiple niches and businesses.

Now, thank God all of my products and customer purchases were on my server, but everything else… Gone! 😭

This spurred a lot of you to ask me… “Liz, if you had to start over again from scratch, what would you do?”

I instantly knew the answer to that and decided to create a workshop on exactly what I would do if I had to start over from scratch!

In this workshop I’ll be covering ONE business model that I would use if I had to start over again, and it’s literally the ONLY business model you will ever need.

THIS ONE business model will allow you to make-money in multiple ways, AND allow you to grow it to the income-level you WANT and NEED!

And the best part?

We’re going to do it the super duper easy way and use PLR content to do 90% of the work. This will save you so much time!

So, if you’re looking for ONE way to make-money online. ONE way to have your very own online business. THIS IS IT!

You have just over 24 hours left to grab this at the special launch price, so make sure you pick it up right now because once that timer expires the price WILL go way up!

I can’t wait to have you in this workshop and teach you this business model!

Talk soon!


List Building, Private Label Rights (PLR)

New PLR Package Hurry! 48 Hour Special Pricing!

Hey gang! 👋

I just opened the doors to my newest workshop that you can get FULL RESELLER PLR to!

It’s called the The List Building With PLR Blueprint Workshop and this is brand new never released information!

In this workshop I’ll be showing you how to use ONE business model to profit-in MULTIPLE ways! AND I’m going to show you how to do it mostly using PLR content you already have or that you can get easily!

For the next 48 hours you can also get a HUGE discount, but once that timer expires the price will go up with NO exceptions!

So make sure you grab a license NOW because there are also only 100 Reseller PLR Licenses available!

Talk soon!
