Building An Online Business, Notes From Liz Is BACK!

Hey gang!

One of my favorite brands I have ever created is my brand.


Because the products and services that have come from this brand have made my people more-money than anything else I’ve ever put out there. 🙂

As the name says … all the products and services are based on PROVEN ready to go systems.

Systems that you can take and setup and start making-money with.

They build your list and make you money with digital products.

Each one I create I test to make sure it will actually work for you and then I spend time putting together tutorials that will help you get them setup. I show you EVERYTHING step by step.

So far I have created a ready to go list building system for the Internet marketing niche that comes complete with a special offer and a 30 day email campaign along with one for the list building niche.

They both have different list builders, special offers, and promote different products with YOU as the affiliate.

These are great because once you have them setup you just spend a little time driving traffic each day and BOOM…. you start seeing the money come in.

You can see these ready to go systems at…


And YES! You can use both… That would give you several streams of income!

I have plans for several different types of ready to go systems coming up, but if you’d like to give me your feedback with what you’d like to see or if you have any questions then just leave them in the comments below!

Notes From Liz

It’s Just A LOVE Note!

I’m just dropping in today to say I love you <3

No I haven’t lost my mind. *lol* Well not totally… I’m always on the brink of it though. 😉

Last night I was sitting at my desk thinking about the fact that this summer will be 17 years that I’ve had my online business.

I started with ONE digital product. An ebook… I created it and launched it, and the rest is history.

You can read that entire story at

Even if you haven’t been with me since then, that ONE thing brought us right here to this moment.

I am truly thankful for each and every one of you and I’m absolutely in love with what I do.

Helping YOU to create the online business of your dreams.

From the bottom of my heart… Thank you for your support!

Buying my products and services, following me on social media and commenting on my posts and sharing them, watching my videos on YouTube and giving me support over there, your amazing emails, sharing your lives with me, and the list goes on and on.

Each action you take I appreciate no matter how big or small.

Thank you for allowing me to be in your life, and trusting me to guide you.

I don’t send these little “love notes” enough, so while I was thinking about it I wanted to stop and tell you how grateful I am for YOU!

The help desk is always a zoo, but it’s always open to you and I’m here.

Okay back to work for me… I’m finally putting the finishing touches on the new workshop I’ve been talking about (The Instagram Traffic Takeover Workshop) and I gotta get back to the grind.

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Last Day To Get In!

The other day I told you about my quest to have more TIME this year for things besides my work.

It’s a struggle because I LOVE my work, but I need to make WAY more time to be away from the computer or phone.

To do that though I need to setup more things that don’t require my time and still make me-money.

My son goes to college this fall. Now is NOT the time to take time off of work and make less money. 😂

So I found this program called Meme Secrets and it has a great way to earn-money with it.

You basically get paid for sharing memes.

TODAY is the last day to get in at the founders price which is a one time-payment.

After today all the content will be loaded into the member’s area and you’ll have to pay a MONTHLY fee for it.

Grab your spot at

My favorite thing about this besides all the marketing you’re going to learn with it, is that it pays you on up to 3 levels. This is what REALLY caught my attention at first, but when I saw all the stuff that was coming to members I got REALLY excited.

I mean learning AND earning, and I don’t have to do anything but share memes?


I have also started a Facebook group just for those who join through me. In this Facebook group I will be showing you how I create my memes, what memes I’m creating to promote this opportunity, giving you memes to share so you can do all of this easily, and so much more.

I start moving things into the Facebook group TODAY! 🙂

So… If you want to join an opportunity that you have to do VERY little to earn-with, learn a ton from, and have me personally help you get promoting this then go here now before this turns into a monthly offer >>>

After that, send me a message on the support desk at and I’ll give you access to our special Facebook group.

Okay that’s all for today… Happy Monday and I hope you’re doing something to up your online-income today!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

The No-Work Plan For 2021

One of the BIG things I want more of in this year is…


I want more TIME to do things other than work.

I mean my work is my money, my passion, and my hobby, so I do A LOT of it, but this year I want to step back some and do MORE things other than working.

That means I need to setup income streams that require VERY little work and/or work I can do from my phone only when it’s convenient.

And guess what?

I found an AWESOME one!

So there’s this new program that’s in pre-launch…

WHOA! Wait… I know… It already sounds like network-marketing, but it’s really not. Just let me finish here… 😉

There’s this new program that’s in pre-launch called Meme-Secrets and it teaches you how to get-paid for sharing memes.

Now I don’t know about you, but posting funny stuff (mainly memes) on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is a HUGE part of my life. It’s just this thing we do and allows us to all interact and laugh and have fun.

AAAnnnndddd… This program allows you to get paid to do it!

Now like I said… The biggest reason I joined this is because I want MORE time to do other things this year besides work. And THIS program is going to allow me to do that.

I will create and share memes (like I already do), show others how it’s making-me money (again with memes) and I’m done. 🤷

This will take very little time, will make me great-money, AND it’s FUN!

Right now they are allowing you to get a “founding member” spot. They haven’t officially launched yet, but as a founding member you get a special yearly price to get in, and access to a bunch of stuff regular members wont have access to.

Ewwwww… Juicy 😂

Just go to

Optin and then you’ll see a video explaining it all.

I’m literally joining this for the money-making potential, and I hope you will too.

Hot Info:  🔥 Tomorrow I’ll be opening up a special Facebook group for those of us who get in on this. I’ll be using this Facebook group to show you how I create my memes, what memes I’m creating to promote this opportunity, giving you memes to share so you can do all of this easily, and so much more.

Just get signed up at and then send a message to me via and I’ll give you access to the Facebook group. 🙂

Talk soon!


Building An Online Business, Notes From Liz

Happy New Year – Are You Still Doing NOTHING?


It’s the first Monday of 2021 and I’m hitting the ground running today and I hope you are too.

At the start of a new year we’ve all got big plans right? I hope you do, and THIS year I hope you follow through on all of them.

I’m still getting my 2021 planned out and by the end of this week I will be able to show you everything AND give you the tools I’m using to plan my year, so you can do the same thing.

The holidays put me a bit behind, but I’ll have that to you in the next couple of days.

This week I want to focus on those of you who don’t have any kind of online business setup.

Is that you?

I know there are several who follow me who don’t have ANYTHING set up. If you have NOTHING you can’t make any-money. 🙁

You’re just going to remain stuck if you don’t do SOMETHING!

But where do you get started?

With this >>>


In this short video (it’s free and you don’t have to opt-in to get it) I break down EVERYTHING when it comes to starting and marketing your own online business.

If you’ll just give me 15 minutes of your time, you’re going to walk away with a clear start for 2021.

Below that video you will find links to workshops that will also help you do ALL the “pieces of the puzzle”.

Look… You CAN do this. You CAN start your own online business.

I did it 16 years ago at the age of 24 years old, with 5 kids in the house, and a husband who had just lost his job.

No formal education on ANY of this stuff…

I simply had a few mentors I learned from, ignored all the other noise, and did what my mentors were teaching me.

I’d love to be that mentor that changes everything for you, and it all starts right here >>>

Okay, that’s it for today… I’ve got to get back to planning this year out for us, and getting you the tools you need to plan your 2021.

If there is ANYTHING I can help you with please come into the Facebook group for ALL my followers and ask, and I’ll be more than happy to help you out!

Our Facebook group is at

From the bottom of my heart and with all of my love… I hope 2021 brings you all the success, happiness, and health you could ever imagine.

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

What Goes Where???

I’ve been quiet over the last 2 weeks due to Thanksgiving and then… I took an entire week OFF after Thanksgiving just to recover from the last few months.

I’ve been working non-stop lately on several different brands and projects and I just needed to take a step back, catch my breath, and “refill my tank”.

We are in the last few weeks of the year and I’ve still got some big stuff to do, so I needed some big energy.

If you can take a few days off and just “veg out” please do it. Down time is just as important as focused work time.

I had an amazing Thanksgiving surrounded by friends and family along with AMAZING food (I cooked it ALL this year).

You can see the “spread” I put out this year here…


I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving too!

Anyway… I had someone in one of my Facebook groups ask me about what they should be posting on social media for their business.

That’s a hard question to answer because there are so many variables…

What is your goal of your content? Make a sale? Get eye-balls in front of your content? Build your list?

What kind of content does your audience respond to?

Which social media site are you using?

There are so many and each has an audience that likes different stuff!

And more!

But I’ve made a little guide to help you understand what kind of content to TYPICALLY create for each of the BIG social networks.

Check it out at


Okay that’s it for now…

In the next couple of weeks I have TWO new things coming out that I’ll be telling you about that are really going to help you out if you’re in the Internet marketing and/or make-money online niche, so stay tuned 🙂

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Big List Of Blog Traffic Strategies

Over the last few weeks I’ve talked about blogging A LOT.

I did a marketing workshop called the Blog Marketing Kickstart Workshop where I taught about using a blog in any kind of business you have.

If you missed the workshop you can see it at


I spent THIS week doing a workshop called the Social Affiliate Marketing Profits Blueprint Workshop where I taught an entire business model for affiliate marketers using nothing but a blog and social media traffic.

It was awesome (if I do say so myself), and if you missed it you can see it at

This urged me to create a resource for those of you who are bloggers and want to get more traffic using your blog.

You can see the full list I have so far at

I created this as a blog post instead of as a downloadable PDF because I will be adding to this big ‘ol list and using a blog post everyone will always have the most updated version.

Make sure and bookmark this >>>

Now you have something to study over the weekend. 🙂

Enjoy your weekend!


Notes From Liz

What’s The Difference In These Workshops?

So I just wrapped up the launch of my latest workshop, and the biggest question I got asked was…

Liz, what are the differences in all the workshops you’ve been doing?

That’s a good question…

I have three brands that I do live 5 day workshops for. I’ve found this to be the BEST way to teach students. SHOW them what to do. Everything I teach I do right before your eyes. No matter if you attend live or not you can SEE me do it all.

The first brand is

With this brand I teach marketing and traffic tactics for those who already have an online business or are in the process of starting one.

You don’t need to know how to market your business and get traffic if you don’t have one. 🙂

With ALL of these workshops, I take ONE marketing topic or ONE traffic tactic and teach it via a 5 day workshop.

Just ONE topic at a time. 🙂

There IS a bundle offer to get ALL of the workshops from this brand and ALL future ones too. You can see that offer at

The second brand is

With this brand I teach different online business models.

Each workshop focuses on a different business model that you can use to start an online business. I cover everything from A-Z on each business model.

I focus on ONE business model at a time.

Since these all focus on a different business model I am NOT offering them in a bundle. I do have several planned (I’ve done TWO as of the time of this writing), but I will not ever be putting any of these into a bundle.

You can go through them all, you can go through the ones that interest you, or better yet… Pick ONE and actually DO what I show you and ONLY focus on it. 😉

The third brand is

With this brand I’m teaching multiple ways to make multiple streams of passive income. EVERYTHING (including marketing tactics) are all focused on being as passive as absolutely possible.

There IS a bundle offer for all workshops and ALL future ones too. You can see that offer at

So that’s the three brands I have providing workshops. These workshops also come with me there to help you in any way that you need.

These aren’t a “here you go hope you survive” kind of deal. I’m actually here to answer any of your questions and help you no matter what workshop you’re going through or what kind of business you have.

So think about your needs, what you want to do, and if you have questions about where to get started contact me. 🙂

Hope this makes everything crystal clear. 🙂


Notes From Liz

A Great Big Team Tomey Update
It’s Friday and I wanted to do a little bit of a wrap up today so you know what’s coming with #TeamTomey
If you’re getting this email you’re part of that team. 🙂 You subscribed and/or bought something from me, and now you’re part of my team. 🙂
1. Today we’re wrapping up the launch of My Email Templates at Tonight at midnight the price goes WAY up, so grab the discount while you still can! 🙂
2. The #TeamTomey Facebook Group has been hopping lately. We’ve been talking about all kinds of things over there related to marketing your online business. Currently I have “marketing ADD”. In the Team Tomey coaching group we’ve been talking about all kinds of topics.
Email marketing, social media marketing, copy writing, being a freelance service provider and more. I’m about to change the conversation(s) and we’re going to be talking all about…
… getting traffic from YouTube!
If you’re not currently in there make sure you join. It doesn’t cost anything to join.
Side Note: Oh and on the topic of Facebook… I posted a picture of my handsome child on Facebook. He’s been told for years now that he looks like Justin Bieber. He hates that, and I of course think it’s funny. I mean you could look like way worse right? Well several people on Facebook confirmed it. 
See the crazy thread at
3. I saw an ad for a new product called Profile Hustle.
I’m about half way through it, so I can’t give a total thumbs up yet (and there is some information I disagree with), but I will be doing a full review of my thoughts tomorrow and letting you know my complete review and exactly what I disagree with so far.
Facebook is my BIGGEST social traffic tactic. I use it in MANY ways, so that’s why I bought this. I’m always looking to learn more about what’s working.
Okay that’s it for now… I’m going to spend the remainder of my evening going to see a movie and working on affiliate tools for all of my affiliates at
If you have comments or questions on anything go to and they’ll either get you directed to me or where you need to be.
Talk soon!
Building An Online Business, Notes From Liz, The Techy Stuff Tutorials

The PayPal Goodbye Wrap Up!

Here we go… The final update on what I’ve been calling “The PayPal Issue”.

I am officially away from PayPal as my payment processor. Not because my account was shut down. I still (at this time) have a PayPal account, but I’m choosing to walk away from them before they choose to walk away from ME!

Side Note: If you’ve missed what’s going on see my Facebook posts on the issues at…

Post 1:

Post 2:

Post 3:

I have a blog post where I sum these up at

Okay on to the goods here…

I started this journey in April of 2019 and it’s now the middle of August 2019. Almost 4 months of research, reaching out to people, back and forths with merchant accounts, and the list goes on and on.

I kept hitting “walls” and I didn’t stop until I got through them. That’s how you have to be with EVERYTHING when it comes to creating an online business. You do everything you can to get through anything that tries to stop you from reaching your goals.

That’s not what this is about though so I’ll save my “Tony Robbins speech” for another day. 😉

This post is to help those of you who are looking to get away from PayPal and who are using JV Zoo and/or WarriorPlus as a vendor or as an affiliate.

First off, you’ve got to look at this from two different sides.

If you’re an affiliate and you want to get away from PayPal it’s pretty simple. A few settings and you’re done.

If you’re a vendor though there are a few things you need to do.

I want to talk about these things separately in this post to help your brain keep them separate. If not you’ll get super confused. I’m both an affiliate and a vendor and my biggest problem I had with understanding all of this was keeping those two things separate.

So let’s start with…

Getting Away From PayPal As An Affiliate Marketer On JVZoo and/or WarriorPlus

This was a WAY easier process for me compared to what I thought it would be.

With JVZoo you need to make sure you have a JV Zoo Pay account setup properly. When you want to promote a product make sure that the vendor is using JV Zoo Pay to pay you your commissions. This will be listed on the Affiliate Details Page where you get your affiliate link.

When you promote the product and make sales all commissions instantly go to your JV Zoo Pay account. You can then withdraw your commissions into your bank account or Payoneer account. You can also withdraw into your PayPal account, but the whole point of this is to get AWAY from PayPal. 🙂


I have my JV Zoo Pay account setup so that when I have $500 in commissions they are automatically deposited into my bank account.

A little note here… Some vendors use Stripe to process their payments on JV Zoo. They have to pay you manually. This will be noted on the Affiliate Details Page too. (See the second circle above.) I ONLY promote vendors I personally know if they are going this route. I don’t like having to figure out who owes me money with affiliate programs. That’s why my main rule with promoting something on JV Zoo is that if they aren’t paying via JV Zoo Pay I’m not promoting their product.

Here’s the short of it… The only way you can get your commissions into your JV Zoo Pay account is if the vendor processes payments via PayPal or Bluesnap (which is a merchant account). You then withdraw your commissions in your chosen way. To your bank account or Payoneer account.

Now with Warrior Plus it’s simply going in and changing a setting in your account so everything is sent to your Warrior Plus Wallet. Then you can withdraw into your bank account. Again you can also withdraw into your PayPal account, but uh… We’re getting away from PayPal here. 🙂

The setting for this is hard to find…

Upper right hand corner from the drop down menu select My Account, then Merchant Accounts, then go to Settings and turn ON Force Wallet (Affiliate/Partner).

I can withdraw my available affiliate commissions from my Warrior Plus Wallet into my bank account.

So that has me totally away from PayPal being an affiliate on Warrior Plus and JV Zoo.

Now for those of you who are vendors. Hang on to your hats! 🙂

Getting Away From PayPal As A Vendor On JVZoo and/or WarriorPlus


Again, we will start with JV Zoo.

Your options with JV Zoo are to get a merchant account with Bluesnap or Stripe in order to get away from PayPal.

Stripe doesn’t work with JV Zoo Pay though so you have to manually pay your affiliates. I’m not willing to do that. I want to automatically pay my affiliates.

So, I am using Bluesnap so commissions are automatically put into the JV Zoo Pay accounts of my affiliates.  I really wish I could use Stripe over here. I DO like it better than Bluesnap. I get my money quicker and the reporting is better.

When the customer buys via a JVZoo button, Bluesnap and JVZoo work together (with some unicorn magic or technology or whatever) and put the affiliate’s commission into THEIR JVZoo Pay account, gives JVZoo their fees, and leaves my profits in my Bluesnap account.

This is all done automatically…

Note: See JVZoo’s documentation on selling on their platform at

No money comes into my PayPal account. It’s all processed by Bluesnap and they automatically deposit my profits into my bank account.

Once you have your Bluesnap account setup and your JV Zoo Pay account then when you setup a product you simply select Bluesnap to process your payments and to pay affiliates with JV Zoo Pay.

So make sure that you get the accounts setup before setting up your product. The initial account setups is what takes the most time. Once you have them setup you just select what you want to use to process payments when you create products moving forward.

On the vendor side of Warrior Plus…

They only allow you to process payments through PayPal or Stripe. Bluesnap isn’t an option over there.

Over there I’m processing payments with Stripe and affiliate commissions are paid into the affiliates Warrior Plus Wallet. Then they can withdraw in their chosen way.

Like with JV Zoo you have to get your accounts setup. I had to setup my Stripe account in there, and then when I setup the product I have to select that I’m processing via Stripe.

So when a customer purchases through a Warrior Plus button Stripe and Warrior Plus work together (again with unicorn magic I think) and aput the affiliate’s commission into THEIR Warrior Plus Wallet, gives Warrior Plus their fees, and leaves my profits in my Stripe account.

Stripe deposits my profits into my bank account daily.

And again… This is all done automatically.

Note: See Warrior Plus’s documentation on selling on their platform at

The big take away here with BOTH of these is that you have to get your “processing” accounts setup first, and then when you setup your product to get your buy buttons is when you select what you use to process payments and pay affiliate commissions.

The Wrap Up


I have now done FOUR launches using BOTH JVZoo and WarriorPlus and many have asked me which one I prefer.

Warrior Plus or JVZoo?

I’ve thought long and hard about what I would say here, and even if I would even say anything at all.


Well it goes back to the old saying…

“You don’t poo where you eat.”

I no longer “eat” at PayPal so I’ll “poo” all over them. I wont however speak ill of either JV Zoo or Warrior Plus because I “eat” at both of these places. Both have their pros and cons.

Let me say that one more time…

Both. Have. Their. Pros. And. Cons.

Like I hate how “clunky” and confusing WarriorPlus can be.

I also hate that I can’t easily tell who pays how and what without some digging on JV Zoo.

I do have a favorite and it’s JVZoo.

There are many reasons and some of those reasons I wont discuss. 😉

Both have their pros/cons (as I said), but what makes me say JVZoo is hands down the best is…

1. I personally know the CEO of JVZoo. Laura Cassleman!

NEVER has a CEO ever reached out to me personally to help me with my business. Laura cares about her JVZoo affiliates and it shows. Not only did she go to battle for me with issues with merchant accounts, but has done so for others. Laura is a shining example of what a true CEO is. I can’t thank her enough for her help through all of this.

2. The Support team is phenomenal.

I also know several people from the support team personally. 🙂

JVZoo has a support desk and a Facebook group. I think I used the support desk a very long time ago, but I always use the Facebook group and have an answer within 24 hours to my endless questions. Usually in MOMENTS! That’s important when you’re trying to get a product launched. I need answers and solutions NOW and I get them.

3. It’s easier to use.

As a vendor the JV Zoo system is easier to use in my opinion.

Once you have your merchant account and you’ve gone through all the settings to get it hooked up, using JVZoo to get your funnel setup is easier to use than Warrior Plus. Maybe that’s because I’ve used them for so many years and just get their system or maybe it’s because it is in fact just easier to use. *shrugs*

What I do like about Warrior Plus BETTER though is that I can use Stripe over there and it automatically pays my affiliates over there into their wallets. I like Stripe better than Bluesnap. From the ease of using it to the reports to them paying out faster than Bluesnap. I just like Stripe better.

So there you go… That’s how I’ve gotten away from using PayPal as an affiliate and a vendor on both JVZoo and WarriorPlus.

It’s been a heck of a journey, but I’m really liking running my business without the fear of losing my PayPal account.

Putting all your eggs in one basket is a HORRIBLE idea. I should have NEVER had only one way to accept payments, and I'll never do that again.Click To Tweet

I currently have 4 ways to take payments. PayPal (I refuse to use that one though) , Bluesnap, Stripe, and Cash App.

Cash App? What, Liz? 

I’ll be talking about that one in the future. 😉

My next one I’m looking to use is ClickBank, but that probably wont happen until early 2020, so stay tuned.

Until then… Thoughts? Opinions? Questions? Feedback? Let me know in the comments below…