Notes From Liz

Day 12 The Liz Life FB Live

People are pissing me off tonight, but I just took a deep breath and kept going. 🙂 You should have seen the 1st take of this Live. *lol* Tonight we also talked all about products with rights. These are great little money makers!

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live…

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live:

Digital Product Empire Starter Kit V1 –

Digital Product Empire Starter Kit V2 –

Notes From Liz

Day 11 The Liz Life FB Live

It’s late and cold and I had to do this FB Live inside! 🙁 That’s okay though because I covered some killer stuff. If you’re broke and need to make money to put into your business I’m giving you details on exactly how to do it!

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live…

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live:

68K in 57 Days – This is a great product that shows a casestudy of how Sean Mize was able to create $68,000 in just 57 days with his online business. I learned soooo much from this! Check it out at

WP Funnel Profits – I LOVE this PLR package! Check it out at

Digital Product Empire Starter Kit V2 – You can also grab the upsell where we install all 5 products for you

Warriors For Hire – Great resource to find people to do stuff for you AND find services that YOU can offer to make money

Notes From Liz

Day 10 The Liz Life FB Live

Day 10 has been my favorite day so far because I did it at the beach at sunset. This is my favorite place to be and it was great to share it with my people.

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live…

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live: – If you don’t have a squeeze page (a really good one) then you NEED this! We will setup a squeeze page for you and then I’ll coach you weekly on how to build your list and make more money with it!

FB Live Cheatsheet – This is the “thingy” from Barb Ling that I was talking about tonight. This is a great resource and will help you a lot with doing FB Lives AND making money with them!

68K in 57 Days – This is a great product that shows a casestudy of how Sean Mize was able to create $68,000 in just 57 days with his online business. I learned soooo much from this! Check it out at

WP Funnel Profits – I LOVE this PLR package! Check it out at

Done For You Business Assets I Offer: – as mentioned above!

DFY MRR Membership –

DFY Traffic Membership –

DFY PLR Training/Coaching Membership –

Master Resale Rights Products (Ready to go that you can sell and keep all the money on!)

Digital Product Empire Starter Kit V1 –

Digital Product Empire Starter Kit V2 –



Notes From Liz

Day 9 The Liz Life FB Live

Day 9 was awesome! I took everyone behind the scenes and showed them a launch that I’m working on. I’ll explain my business, show you my funnels, and many different ways to make money when you launch your own products!

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live…

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live:

Liquid Web – This is who I use for hosting and I LOVE them!

The three MAIN businesses that I run:

1. Internet marketing and

2. Creating an online business

3. PLR and MRR business and

My $37,000 story –

Notes From Liz

Day 8 The Liz Life FB Live

Day 8 almost didn’t happen because of some devastating news. But doing these isn’t just about me. It’s about you, and I pushed through and showed up for you. I get a little emotional on this Live, but I covered some killer information for my “newbies” too!

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live…

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live:

Coaching With Liz – Need a blueprinting session with me to help you get started with your own online business? Then check this out – This is my business where I teach about different online business models. If you’re trying to get started this is a great place to start educating yourself! 

Notes From Liz

Day 7 The Liz Life FB Live

We’re now at Day 7 and today I’m talking all about what I’ve learned about doing Facebook Lives and what they are doing for my business. This is great info for those of you who want to do Facebook Lives or learn about them. And so far today’s WIN is my favorite! 🙂

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live…

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live: – If you don’t have a squeeze page (a really good one) then you NEED this! We will setup a squeeze page for you and then I’ll coach you weekly on how to build your list and make more money with it!

FB Live Cheatsheet – This is the “thingy” from Barb Ling that I was talking about tonight. This is a great resource and will help you a lot with doing FB Lives AND making money with them!

Notes From Liz

Day 6 The Liz Life FB Live

Day 6 was shot from an amazing spot which always makes working soooo much easier! We also covered some cool stuff like how to juggle family and work AND the Big Question Of The Day can really help some of you guys who are just getting started! And I’m pretty sure a pterodactyl made an appearance… 🙂

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live…

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live: – If you don’t have a squeeze page (a really good one) then you NEED this! We will setup a squeeze page for you and then I’ll coach you weekly on how to build your list and make more money with it!

DFY PLR Training Membership – Want your own membership site totally setup for you with 12 months of killer content in it? Then make sure you grab this!

Notes From Liz

One of the most asked questions I get is…

“Liz, I’m a complete nobody in my niche. How do I get to be known and get people buying from me?”

I’ve done a workshop that I call, “The Instant Authority Method” that answers this question!

I’ll show you how to build your list, get to be well known, create a huge network of JV partners, and become an instant super star in your niche!



And… If you’d like to have me as your personal coach to help you implement this tactic or anything else in your business then check out my coaching minutes packages at

I can help you with any aspect of your business including planning out and implementing one from scratch if that’s what you need. 🙂

To your success!

Liz Tomey

UPDATE: Due to popular demand I have done a follow up presentation for this strategy where I show the techy side of setting all of this up! Watch the video below to see HOW to put this all together!



ANOTHER UPDATE: Gotta love technology right? Well since I recorded the above video Profits Theme is no longer. 🙁 It totally broke my heart because that theme was so easy to use. Then along came Optimize Press ( and I fell in love with it. It’s super easy to use and you can use it to do everything I did in the above video. I’ve been using it for almost 2 years now and I couldn’t be happier with it!

Notes From Liz

My Day – Play By Play

NOTE: I initially posted this on Facebook, but wanted to share it here because it holds some important information for you that will allow you to get everything done in a day you need to so you can run your business and make money! 🙂

Having a schedule is key to being productive for most people. I however cannot stand the thought of a schedule. I do what I do so I DON’T have to have a schedule. So I do schedule “spurts“. For a month or so I’ll have a certain schedule. So right now this is what it looks like…

I wake up grab coffee and sit on my lanai for 1 hour to wake up. I use that time to catch up on Facebook posts.

Then I grab a shower and ride my bike or do some kind of exercise. I deal with a lot of nervous energy and this pulls me in and gets me focused to sit down and get some work done.

Once I do my some sort of exercise I take another quick shower (if I sweat I must shower… part of my OCD *lol*), and then grab my laptop and sit and pound out a few hours of some kind of work that will make me money. Maybe it’s creating an email to send to my lists, or product creations/launching, etc.

About 30 minutes before sunset I grab my tablet and head to the beach to watch the sunset. While there I answer emails and messenger messages. Whatever I can’t do on my tablet I continue on with when I get home on my laptop.

So my work day is split in half… First I work on stuff that directly makes me money and then I work on the rest of the stuff which is mainly talking back and forth with customers.

This is REALLY REALLY REALLY working for me right now because it gets me out of the house and away from my computer at least twice a day. Yes I go watch the sunset and work, but I’m getting out and away. In the past I have suffered from “burn out” because I would just work non-stop because I was never leaving the house. That’s not healthy physically or mentally.

So why am I sharing this?

Because I want you guys to learn how to schedule your days. You’ve GOT to find a block of time to work on something that’s making you money and that should be done first. Then you’ve GOT to find a block of time to work on the other “things” in your business.

For those of you that still have 9-5 jobs maybe you get up a couple of hours early and work on the “money side” of things. Then at night you work on that “things side” of things. *lol* You get what I’m saying…

Always work in “time blocks” though. I learned that from Eben Pagan YEARS ago and it’s truly helped me get stuff done. 🙂

Hope this helps! 🙂

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz, Website Traffic

Having a JV page is absolutely vital to your product launch. It’s the page you create to tell potential affiliates about your launch and give them to tools they need to launch it.

I’ve created a complete video tutorial (just under an hour) where you can watch over my shoulder as I create a JV page from scratch. I’m of course using Optimize Press to create this page because I can use templates and I LOVE that!


All resources mentioned in this video and all resources about product launches can be found by clicking here.

If you have any comments or questions on what I’ve shared in this video please post them below!