The Liz Life FB Live Show

Day 6 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

I planned on having a nice quiet weekend and then I got invited to a jaripeo. I mean come on… I KNEW there would be tacos at a jaripeo and we all know I can’t turn down tacos. I however didn’t know it was going to be outside and totally uncovered. So here I am burnt to a crisp, but still showing up for this FB Live.

Here’s the official burnt to a crisp photo I posted on FacebookWarning! Serious trigger warning. I look fried and terrible. 😂

Besides crying about my sunburn I also gave some really good tips and ideas on how to use FB Lives to promote your YouTube Channel. Pull up a seat, grab something to take notes with, and come learn!

And here’s the replay of the Day 6!

Notes From Liz

Day 5 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

The weekend is here, and there’s not much going on, BUT we’re still showing up and doing our Facebook Live! Today I’m talking about what’s coming in future Facebook lives and of course encouraging you to come join the FB Live Challenge too!

And here’s the replay of the Day 5!

Email Marketing

How To Write A Welcome Email Sequence For New Subscribers

Good job! If you’re reading this then you’ve done the work! You’ve created something to get people on your email list. Now what do you send them?

Well the first thing you need to do is create a “Welcome Email Sequence” that will allow you to on-board your new prospects.

Getting everything set up is only 1/3 the battle.

Another 1/3 of the battle is getting your people to know, like, and trust you.

Side Note: So you’re not wondering what the other 1/3 is, it’s getting traffic to your email list building page and getting prospects to actually opt-in to your email list. 😉 

Why do you want them to do that?

So they will do the things you want like open your emails, click on your links, signup for things you want them to signup for, buy your products, and anything else you want.

If you get your welcome email sequence right you can have a tribe of people who love you and do what you want them to do.

Don’t abuse this new super power. 😉

Okay so you might be asking what an email sequence is?

It’s exactly what it says it is. A sequence of emails that a prospect gets in an order of your choosing to welcome them into your business.

Side Note: You’ll need an autoresponder to pull this off. If you’re building your list you probably already have one of these. 🙂

You write your emails and then you load them into your autoresponder.

There are all kinds of email sequences you can create (you can find templates for a different email sequence templates by clicking here), but today I want to talk specifically about a welcome email sequence.

Let’s go over the must have emails…

Email 1: The Welcome Email

If you promised your prospect something for joining your email list then this is the email where you want to give it to them. Be it a download page or a link directly to what you offered.

I also recommend giving a little blurb about what they should expect from you going forward.

You can state how often you’ll email, content you’ll cover, other free things they’ll get etc. Your blurb needs to make them WANT to stay on your list and NOT unsubscribe once they’ve gotten what they were promised. You want them to read the rest of your email sequence and any other emails you ever send them.


Email 2: The Reminder Email

In the second email I send to my new prospects I usually send it 24 hours after they have gotten the first one and I use it as a reminder email.

I remind them of whatever they signed up for and tell them how to get it again. I then tell them I’m doing this just to ensure that they got what they were promised. I do care that they get what they were promised and this shows them that I care. That helps with the trust aspect.

In this email I also give a little blurb about how I can help them which will make them again want to stay on my list and open my emails.

Hot Tip: You don’t have to write pages of content for these emails. “Blurbs” or “chunks of information” is all you need. They don’t have all day and unless you’re REALLY entertaining they’re not going to read a big long email anyway. Keep it short and simple. You can send these people multiple emails with your multiple “blurbs” in them. To get people to know how you can help them and get to know you.

Email 3: The Know You Email

Okay this is when it gets tricky because people really don’t want to know anything about you. All they care about is what you can do for them. There’s nothing wrong with that.

So we have to get creative and slip in a blurb here and there about our life while also giving them what they want. Although they don’t want to know your life story really, slipping in relatable information about you will get them to know and like you. Those are key things, remember?

I recommend you start off your email with a little blurb about you.

What were you doing right before this email? What are you going to do after this email? How has your day gone (keep is positive)?


Hi there!

So before I head off and go pick up my son from school I wanted to send you this quick email. You gotta love sitting in the car line at school, said no one ever. 🙂 I can’t wait for this kid to get his drivers license. Can you relate to being a busy parent, too? I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but some days. Whew!

Anyway I wanted to send you (this thing to help you with this thing).

/End Example

There’s a short example for you.

The formula here is a small blurb about you + something to help your prospect = Your prospect starts to know and like you which is going to lead to making you money. People buy from people they know, like, and trust. I might have mentioned that a few times now. 😉

Next email…

Email 4: The Story Email

Now it’s time to really get into the mind of your prospect. Bring in a short story that is about you and related to what you’re helping them with.

For example in one of my “story emails” I talk about losing my mom and how having my own business allowed me to take care of her while she was sick. A very true story, but I use it to really hit people with how having your own online business can give you freedom when you NEED it and you want it. This is all related to my niche. You need to use this tactic for your niche.

Something I want to mention before we continue on. You don’t have to use email 5 right away. You could do a couple of Email 3 and Email 4 in a row, and then incorporate Email 5 from below.

Email 5: The Trust Email

In this email you need to get your prospects to trust you. As they get to know and like you they will start to trust you, but you need to do more to get them to really trust you.

This is the last key in getting them to spend money with you or signup for things you recommend.

So, how can you establish trust in this email?

* Do you have social proof to backup your expertise or your offers? Then take screenshots and share those in an email. Do this in a conversational way and not in a “oh look at me” tone.

* Always tell them how to get in contact with you and be prompt on replies. People want to deal with people they at least “feel” they can contact. By having an easy and fast way to contact you, that will make your people trust you.

* Create an email that talks about mistakes you’ve made related to the topics you talk to your prospect about and be very transparent with them about the mistakes. They need to see you’re a human too.

* Do a “behind the scenes” email. Show pictures and videos of your life that is related to the topics you talk to your prospect about.

Anything you can think of to create trust needs to go into your trust email, but only use one option per trust email you create.

I do recommend you do at least one more Trust Email here before ending your welcome email sequence.

A few more tips before we wrap things up here.

There is no hard and fast rule for how many emails should be in your “Welcome Email Sequence”. Maybe it’s 5 or 10 or even more. Create a “Welcome Email Sequence” that WORKS. That’s what matters. I want to give you some more ideas of other things you can mention in your “Welcome Email Sequence”:

1. Tell them to create a folder in their email to keep all of your emails in. This will have them looking for your emails and keeping them to go back to.

2. Introduce your social channels to your prospects and encourage them to follow you on the ones they use.

3. If you have a page that has all of your products and services listed you could mention it to introduce them to your products and services.

4. Create a “recap” email after your last email in the sequence. This email could include what they signed up for, what to expect from you, how to keep up with you, etc. It’s simply a recap email of all the emails you’ve sent them in your welcome sequence.

This kind of email works well because things you tell your prospect don’t always stick with them. You’ve got to talk about them repeatedly.

5. Unexpected freebies that are related to your niche. Everyone loves a good surprise! What can you give your prospects to help them?

By the time your prospects get through your welcome email sequence they will know, like, and trust you and be ready to do the things you want them to do.

The “Welcome Email Sequence” is the secret sauce that so many miss in their email marketing. Make sure you create the best one you can and review it from time to time as you become more knowledgeable and edit as needed.

I wish you much success in your email marketing journey. If you’d like save a tone of time and use fill-in-the-blank templates for every email sequence you’ll ever need I highly recommend the My Email Templates package at 

Focus And Motivation, The Techy Stuff Tutorials

Day 4 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

On day 4 we took this show on the road, and I got mobile! One of the things I want to do in this Challenge is make sure that I’m totally mobile. Mainly so I have ZERO excuses to NOT make it my 90 days! 😉

Today we talked about focus! Specifically MAKING yourself do the work and staying focused on building your online business. JUST ONE to get you started. I gave some tips and even talked about my own struggle with focus and what I do to pull myself back in.

And here’s the replay of the Day 4!

Email Marketing

How To Get People In The Habit Of Opening Your Emails!

Every Internet business owner looks for ways to generate more income from their email campaigns. Well here’s where it all starts: you need to get people in the habit of opening your emails. 

If your subscribers are not opening your emails, then they’re obviously not going to see your awesome content and strong calls to action.

So how do you get people in the habit of tapping open your emails the second those emails hit the recipients’ inboxes?

Take a look at these seven proven ways…

1. Send Emails When Your Audience Can Take Action 

Since so many people have mobile phones, most folks are almost always connected and monitoring their inboxes. However, just because they’re monitoring emails doesn’t mean they have time to take action on them.

If they open your email and don’t have time to take action, then it’s unlikely they’ll remember to take action later. By that time, their inbox will have filled up with your competitors’ emails. Yikes!

So what you need to do is figure out when your readers are not only online, but they also have time to respond.

Here are four steps you can take to figure out the best time to email your list:

1. See when most of your subscribers originally joined. For example, if a lot of people seemed to join on Tuesday morning, then that’s probably a good time to send emails.

2. Think about your audience. Where do they live? Do they work? If so, what are their work hours? What kind of hobbies do they have and when do they do them? Answer these types of questions, and you’ll get a better idea of when your prospects have time to read emails.

3. Look at when your audience is otherwise active. For example, when are they commenting on your blog or social media pages?

4. Test and track. Ultimately, this is the best way to figure out exactly what days and times are best for mailing your subscribers.


2. Broadcast Emails Regularly 

The idea here is to get your subscribers used to receiving your emails on certain days at certain times. Indeed, you want your subscribers to look forward to your regular emails.

For example, you might create a regular feature, such as offering a new freemium every Friday. You can bet your readers will eagerly open every email they get from you on Fridays!

3. Offer Your Best Content and Deals 

Sometimes email marketers figure that since they’re offering their newsletter for free, then they can offer content that’s worth zero dollars. That is just the opposite of what you want to be doing. Instead, you should be offering your BEST content to your readers.

Learn this…

You want your readers to be thoroughly impressed every time they open your emails.

That means you should be consistently sending out high-quality content. Every. Single. Email.

You should also be offering your best deals to your subscribers. Reward them for staying on your list by offering bonuses and discounts that they can’t get anywhere else.

4. Build Anticipation 

The idea here is to use your current email to boost response for an upcoming email. You do this by building anticipation, as well as telling readers exactly when to expect the next email.

For example: “Stay tuned, because tomorrow you’ll discover a surprising way to save thousands of dollars on your taxes this year. You won’t want to miss this, so keep an eye on your inbox…”

5. Use Relevant Subject Lines

You can get away with using irrelevant subject lines… once. But once you do one “bait and switch” where the subject line doesn’t match the content, your readers are going to lose faith in you. And that means they’re not going to open your future emails.

Let me give you an example…

Subject line: Here’s your $5487 affiliate check…

Email: If you join my affiliate program today, you could be receiving emails like this every month!

See how that works? You get people thinking they’re getting money, and then you pull a fast one on them. They’re going to be disappointed. They’re going to trash your email. And they might even unsubscribe.   In other words, use only relevant subject lines … not “clickbait” type subject lines!

6. Format For Mobile

More and more people are checking their emails on their mobile phones, which means you need to be absolutely sure your emails look good. Of course if you’re sending text, it’s generally no problem. Just be sure to have plenty of white space, and put links on separate lines so they stand out and they’re easy to tap/click.

And what if you’re sending HTML emails? Then you need to be sure you’re using a responsive design template. This means the design, images and columns should naturally grow or shrink to best fit the user’s device and screen size.

7. Resend Unopened Emails

Most every major email service provider (such as Aweber) provide tools for you to track how many people are opening your emails and clicking on your links. Better yet, these service providers also give you the tools to segment out the people on your list who didn’t open your last email. And that means you can send a follow-up emails to those folks.

Heads up…

Don’t send out same email with the exact same subject line and pre-header (preview) information. It’s possible the recipient decided to simply not open your last email because it didn’t grab their attention. So offer something new—a new benefit, and/or a pinch of curiosity to persuade recipients to open this second email.

Okay so… You just discovered seven proven-effective ways to get your subscribers in the habit of opening your emails. If you apply AT LEAST one of these tactics, you’re bound to see an increase in your open rate and overall conversions. But don’t just choose one method. Instead, put them all to work for you as soon as possible to see what they can do for your response rates!

Need email marketing help? The Email Marketing Kickstart Workshop is ready for you to enroll! If you want to learn how to use email marketing in your online business, get people to open your emails, click your links, and buy then you NEED to grab your spot right now at

Notes From Liz

4 Steps To Build Your Email List In 24 Hours

I see a lot of people out there struggling with building an email list and the reason being is because the “gurus” are trying to make it harder than it really is.

It’s NOT hard!

You simply dive in head first, get SOMETHING setup, and tweak it as time goes on.


If your first attempt is totally horrible you start fresh and do it better.

So before you even get started here please understand that building your list isn’t hard and if you fail at it you can always start over.

Now take a deep breath and repeat that sentence over and over, and then dive into this tutorial.

What I’m going to give you here is a complete tutorial on how to start building your list in just 24 hours from right now.


Let’s go…

Step 1: Give Em’ Something!

What problem does your target prospect have?
What can you create to give them (for free) to help them?

What does your target prospect WANT?
What can you create to get it to them?

This is going to be different for everyone because everyone is selling different things (or you’re trying to get people to join different opportunities). But these two questions cover just about everyone.

Once you can answer this question then get to creating “the thing” you can give them for free.

Example: You want to build a email list of people interested in playing pool so you can sell them things related to playing pool. You could create a quick video series showing some “trick shots” they can do to “wow” their friends. And remember… YOU don’t have to be the one creating. You could find someone who can do this for you.

Example: You want to build an email list of people interested in building their own website for their business. Create a checklist of what they need to do. Again, you could pay someone to create this for you.

I could go on with a million examples, but you get the idea.

Step 2: Build Your House

When building an email list you need a place to send people to to pick up your free offer. There are different terms for this. A squeeze page, landing page, optin page, etc, but basically it’s a page online where you send targeted people to (that has text and your email list form) that entices people to put their information in to get on your list.

There are so many tools and page builders out there now that ANYONE can do this. If you absolutely can’t you can also hire someone to do this for you. See there’s no excuses here. There is a way to do it all. 🙂

Basically you just need one page to put your text (persuasive words) and your optin form on, and one page as a thank you/download page.

That’s it!

Note: An autoresponder service is something you’ll need for this step. It’s where your leads “live” and where you can email them, and do some other email marketing tricks we will talk about in Step 3.

Step 3: Create Your Emails

Now the above two steps are what we call list building. Step 4 falls under list building too, but this step is all about email marketing.

Email marketing consists of emails that you create and send to your list. You can create one off emails and send to your list about things that make you money or you can create an email series, load it into your autoresponder, and your email list subscribers will get them in the sequential order that you setup.

There’s two very important parts to email marketing.

Part 1: Your subject line – If your subject line doesn’t get people to open up your emails, they’ll never read your emails, and then they’ll never click on anything that makes you money in your emails.

Part 2: Your email copy – This is the actual words you put in your email. Generally these are persuasive words that you will use to get people to click on a link in your email. If you can’t get people to click you’re never going to make any money.

Learning to write emails is a long process. You’ve got to learn what to write and then practice to get better and better. Is what I recommend you do is either hire an email copywriter or use email templates.

I have a great resource called My Email Templates that will give you 101 fill-in-the-blank email templates that you can use to create all kinds of different types of money getting emails.

You can see them at

Now let’s move on to step 4…

Step 4: Build Your List!

Once you have a page up where you can entice people to get on your list, you’ve got to start sending people to that page.

There are thousands of different tactics that you can use. If you want to start building your list in 24 hours I highly recommend you use paid advertising. Google PPC ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, (the list goes on and on and on) are a great way to get targeted people in front of your page and start building your list.

There are many different strategies out there for getting people to visit your email list building site. It’s up to you to create a plan, implement it, and be consistent with it.

The minute you stop driving people to your email list building page is the moment you stop building your list.

Okay so to sum this all up…

Step 1: Give Em’ Something! – Create something you can give away for free.

Step 2: Build Your House – Build a page to build your list.

Step 3: Create Your Emails – Create emails that get people in front of your money makers.

Step 4: Build Your List! – Use website traffic tactics to get people to your email list building site.

If you follow what I have shown you here there’s no reason that in the next 24 hours you shouldn’t have a fully functioning list building machine setup and building you your own profitable email list!

I wish you much success on your list building and email marketing journey!

Reminder: Email marketing is probably the hardest part of this entire tutorial. I highly recommend you pick up the My Email Templates package that has 101 fill-in-the-blank email templates in it to help you to start creating emails that get people to open up their emails, read them, and click on the links inside. You can grab access to the My Email Templates package at

Building An Online Business

An Entire PLR Business Made Easy!

I just wanted to mention something to you that I was talking about on one of my Facebook Lives last week.

I have a complete ready to go system for those who want to make-money in the PLR niche. You can see that at

You can set that up and have your own squeeze page where you can build your list, a special offer that everyone who joins your list sees after singing up, and an entire 31 day email campaign that is monetized with YOUR affiliate links.

It’s all totally “fill in the blanks” and upload. I even have a complete video showing you how to do it step by step.

Now I created a PLR content package that is also on the topic of making-money with PLR and this can be used to market the above once you have it setup. I even have a workshop where you’ll be shown how to use ALL the content in this package.

You can see that at

So you set your money-making system up, use the PLR content to market it, and boom. 🔥 You’ve got an entire business and marketing plan.

THIS is what so many of my readers are missing.

You could use this as your MAIN business or even a business to “cut your teeth on” and learn.

These two things alone are perfect for those of you learning or looking for an extra income-stream so make sure you take a look at them and grab them while you still can.

Note: I am doing PLR content packages for the other Ready To Go Systems also and I’ll let you know about those as I get them done.

That’s it for today… Just wanted to mention that because a lot of people are missing out on how easy I’ve made this. 🙂

And one last thing… Thanks to all of you who voted in the poll I sent out.

43% wanted the new PLR package on website traffic (Went to work on this today!)

38% wanted a workshop on launching products (This is coming soon)

14% wanted a Ready To Go System for the resale rights niche.

5% of you wanted “something else” and a few emailed me about what they wanted.

I’ll do this more often so you all get exactly what you want! This was fun!

Talk soon!


Building An Online Business

What Is An Online Business Model And Why You Need One!

When you make the decision to start an online business sometimes you have an idea. More often than not though the idea to start an online business comes before you have an idea for the actual online business you want to start. You just simply know you want an online business and that’s it. So, for those of you looking for an online business I want to help you in your search. The best way to get an idea is to look at what online business models are already out there.

First, let’s define what a business model is. defines a business model as: a design for the successful operation of a business, identifying revenue sources, customer base, products, and details of financing.

So, an online business model is the way you will run a certain online business. The things you will do to get it setup, how you will make money with it, how you will get people into it, etc.Click To Tweet

The first thing you need to do is start researching. If you go to Google and search for online business models you will find a lot of options. I recommend you start there and take notes of all the online business models that you find. If you come across one that you don’t know about, then Google it specifically. Spend some time researching it so you understand it.

For example, when I did this, I found “software as a service” and had no idea what that business model was, so I Googled it and within about 15 minutes I knew exactly what it was all about.

So, spend some time on Google, do your research, and make a list of any business models that sound interesting to you.

Hot Tip: You can also use sites like to find business models. is a site people use to sell their online businesses, but it’s a great research resource too. You may not want to buy an online business, but you can use the site to generate ideas for an online business.

I’m going to save you some time and give you a short list of general online business models right here. Again, if you don’t know what one of these is then do some research and see if it sounds good for you.

The Short List Of General Online Business Models

Affiliate Marketing
Digital Product Creator
Physical Product Creator
FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon)
Service Provider

Now those are general business models and it’s by no means a complete list. For each of those there are several different business models you could choose. You’ll see this as you start doing some research.

For example, with affiliate marketing. You could create a content site, you could create a funnel, you could create a review site, etc. When you find a general business model that you have an interest in then you need to research and find the specific business model you want to use.

After you’ve done your research and you’ve made a big list of business model options, take each option, and write it on a piece of paper. Make a list of things you will need to do to get that business model setup and working for you. Remember Google is your friend, so you may have to research the setup and running processes for each business model on your list.

After you’ve done this exercise, I recommend that you step back, don’t think about it anymore for 24-48 hours. Let it all just marinate in your brain. Do anything except think about all of these business models you’ve just researched.

Then after 24-48 hours, you will come back and go through all of your pages of business models and notes and throw out any business models that you do not want to pursue. Really think on each one. I know you’ve put some time into researching each of these but throwing them away is a great exercise to do so that you just get it all out of your mind. You’re going to need that “brain space” to choose the business model you actually want to pursue!

Now, at this point you should have just a few business model notes left. Now it’s time to make your final choice on what business model you will pick. You can take your time and think on it, however, don’t let that keep you from making a decision. Also keep in mind that just because you pick a business model doesn’t mean you have to stick with it. Nothing is in stone. Yes, you might spend some time and money on getting a certain business model setup, but that’s all part of the learning process. You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like or want to do. You can always pick a different one if you’re not happy with what you’re doing. The flip side to that is you also don’t want to flip flop between business models. If you find yourself going through a couple and you keep starting over, you’re never going to get that end result which is actually having an online business that makes you money.

What I’ve given you here is a great exercise. It will allow you to thoroughly research different business models to help you make your decision on what business model to start. It will give you ideas for business models. And more importantly you’ll end up picking ONE business model to follow. This will keep you laser focused as long as you keep in mind that if it’s not related to your business model it doesn’t matter.

For example, if you’re going to start a blog and use affiliate marketing to make money with it. You don’t need to know anything that’s not related to that. You can cut through the noise by being very precise in what you give your attention to when you have a fully planned business model.

Hopefully this has given you a plan for how to get started finding your dream business model to get started with for your own online business. If you would like at a few business model options I teach from A-Z then click here. I have coaching programs for several different business models and would love to become your mentor and lead you through creating the business model of your dreams!

Email Marketing

7 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Email Results And Simple Ways To Fix Them

It’s a problem as old as old as email marketing itself: a poorly responding list. Sometimes marketers struggle to get clicks, they struggle to get people to open their emails, and they struggle to get readers to take definite action (such as purchasing a product).

Why does this happen?

There are actually quite few mistakes that can kill your results. Are you making one or more of these mistakes too?

Read on to find out…

Mistake 1. Setting Incorrect Expectations

From the very moment someone lands on your lead page or even reads the very first email you send, you should be telling them what to expect with regards to your list.

Specifically, this includes:

What kind of content they can expect to receive. Promos? Special discounts and other deals? “How to” instructional content? Freemiums? Curated content? Some combination of these? Whatever it is, let your readers know upfront what they get.

How often they’ll receive content. People don’t mind getting frequent content, as long as they know to expect it. However, what is a problem is if you email infrequently, such as less than once per week. If you don’t get in touch on a regular basis, your subscribers are going to forget about you. That means they’ll do business with your competitor who reaches out to them more frequently.

Related to this…

Mistake 2. Repurposing Your List

Some email marketers don’t see much of a response from their lists, so they repurpose it. In other words, they start sending content that violates their readers’ expectations. This is a mistake that will kill your results.

For example, maybe you’ve told your list they’ll receive “content and tips” once a week. But then you start hammering them with promos once a day.

Or maybe you have a bodybuilding list that started off focusing on specific lifts, but now focuses almost exclusively on nutrition. You’re likely to see your conversions drop, because current subscribers primarily signed up to get lifting info, not nutrition info.

So how do you fix this?

Obviously, the first step is to plan your list strategy carefully so that you don’t end up repurposing it midstream.

Secondly, if you DO make a major change, then warn your readers. Let them know what’s coming for a few weeks before you make the change. Be sure to also change your lead page and welcome emails to reflect these changes.

Mistake 3. Sending Untargeted Emails

There are actually two parts to this mistake:

The first part is making the mistake of simply not understanding what your market wants.

There are three ways to fix this mistake:

Do your market research. Find out what your market is already buying, and then put similar offers in front of them.

Survey your list. Find out what their problems are and find out what kinds of solutions they’re seeking.

Test your offers. If they don’t perform, find an offer that does produce high conversions with your list.

The second part is making the mistake of not segmenting your list.

You can fix this problem with these steps:

Separate your prospect lists from your customer lists.

Separate customer lists according to what they purchase.

Offer freemiums to your prospects to help you segment by their interests.

Once you have these micro-targeted lists, you’ll be better able to send out targeted content and offers that produce high conversion rates.


Mistake 4. Crafting Poor Subject Lines

Your subject lines can make or break the success of each email you send. If they’re boring, overhyped or irrelevant, people won’t even bother to open your email.

You can fix this mistake by applying these tips:

Offer a big benefit. Let readers know what’s in it for them if they open the email. (E.G., “Here’s the #1 way to get more traffic…”)

Don’t overhype. It’s okay to make a bold promise if you can deliver big-time within the email, but don’t exaggerate and hype things up. (Here’s an example of what NOT to do: “How To Make $1 million in 48 hours!”)

Use social proof. People are more likely to do something if others are doing it too. (E.G., “Find out why so many smart marketers love this app…”)


Mistake 5. Ignoring the Pre-Head

The pre-head is that little bit of text that is shown in the message preview, which is accessible before the recipient actually opens the email. If the subject line gets their attention, then they’ll often look at the preview. If the preview doesn’t hold their attention, they’re not going to bother opening the email to read the rest.

Point is, you need to make the first 100 characters of your email absolutely gripping. Tell a story. Present a big benefit. Build anticipation for what’s coming. Make people curious. In short, give people a compelling reason to open your email.

Mistake 6. Making The Email About You

One of the best ways to lose your readers’ attention is to make the email about you. It’s one thing to tell a relevant story about yourself, but it’s another thing entirely to make the entire email about you. When that happens, readers bail out. You can bet they won’t see your calls to action.

So how do you avoid or fix this mistake?

There’s actually a simple “quick and easy” way to ensure you’re making your email about your readers and not yourself. Simply take a look at how many times you use words like “you” versus how many times you use words like “I” or “me.”

HINT: You should use the word “you” MUCH more frequently than words like “I” or “me.” You should be using the word “you” about three times more often than self-referential words.

And finally…

Mistake 7. Offering a Weak Call to Action

Your subscribers can be hooked and engaged throughout your entire email, but you can still blow it at the end by offering a weak call to action (or, worse yet, NO call to action).

You see, people don’t click on a button or link just because it’s right in front of their face.

You need to do two things:

#1: tell them specifically to click on that link.

#2: give them a good reason to click now.

For example: “Click here now to take advantage of this special 50% off pricing – but hurry, this offer ends tomorrow!”

Okay so those are the basic mistakes… I’m sure there are a ton more. 😉

Did you discover that you’re making one or more of the mistakes you just learned about? The good news is that you also learned how to fix these mistakes or avoid them altogether. You can even use this as a checklist of mistakes to avoid the next time you send out an email. Here’s to better conversion rates!

Need email marketing help? The Email Marketing Kickstart Workshop is ready for you to enroll! If you want to learn how to use email marketing in your online business, get people to open your emails, click your links, and buy then you NEED to grab your spot right now at

Building An Online Business

An Entire Website Traffic Biz!

The other day I shared with you how you can have an entire PLR business that’s all ready to go!

If you missed that post you can see it at

Today I want to show you the same thing, but in a different niche…

The Website Traffic Niche!

I LOVE this niche because there are so many online business owners looking for ways to get traffic into their business, so you have PLENTY of easy to reach buyers at your finger tips.

Now jumping in is the hard part, but I’ve made it easy with two things.

1. A completely done for you and ready to go website traffic business!

With this you’ll get a ready to go squeeze page (with a monetized download page) to build your list, a special offer to allow you to make-money instantly from every subscriber, and a 30 day email campaign that is monetized with 8 different products you can become an affiliate for.

This thing is a full on business!

2. A PLR package that you can use to market this business!

Once you get the above system all setup you can then use this PLR content to market it via several different marketing tactics and monetize-it even further!

These two things give you an entire business and marketing plan for that business!

You could use this as your MAIN business or even a business to “cut your teeth on” and learn.

These two things alone are perfect for those of you learning or looking for an extra income-stream so make sure you take a look at them and grab them while you still can.

Note: I am doing PLR content packages for the other Ready To Go Systems also and I’ll let you know about those as I get them done. You can see ALL Ready To Go Systems at

Okay, I just dropped a lot of information on you. 🙂 But, I want to ensure that you see that I have tons of things you can “plug-in” and start using in your business if you’re in the Internet marketing/make-money-online niches.

I am super passionate about these niches because #1 my people in these niches (I LOVE you guys) and #2 contrary to what the “gurus” say they are amazing niches to get into to LEARN and profit. I’m in other niches also, but this one has my heart.

So, jump in, build something that will make you-money and once you get good at marketing you can go do ANYTHING you want in ANY other niche you want.

If you have questions, just let me know at!

Talk soon!
