Notes From Liz

And on Day 2 we had way too much fun! Arun Chandran made a special guest appearance and if you’ve been following our “little love story” on Facebook you know he’s my boo โค๏ธ๏ธ and favorite Facebook troll. ๐Ÿ˜‚

More importantly… We talked about online businesses models and what to do if you want an online business and don’t know where to get started.

Here are the links mentioned in this Live:

The post about the new brand –

My latest FB Jail stay –

The Biz Model Review Blog –

And here’s the replay of the Day 2!

If I missed posting any links for you mentioned in this live, please let me know and Iโ€™ll post them hereโ€ฆ

See you tomorrow!

Notes From Liz

Day 1 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

5 years ago I started a 90 day Facebook Live Challenge. I got to Day 24 and stopped. ๐Ÿ˜ข

Now I’m back…

On Day 1 we talked about how and what these Facebook lives will do for you and me, I challenged everyone to join the challenge with me, we talked about marketing, and since it’s Taco Tuesday I shared what tacos I ate today. ๐Ÿ™‚

If I missed posting any links for you mentioned in this live, please let me know and I’ll post them here…

See you tomorrow!

Here’s the replay…


Notes From Liz

I’m In FB Jail Again!

If you’ve been on Facebook very long you probably at least know someone who has been put in what we call “FB Jail”. This is where Facebook restricts your account for a certain number of days because of something they say goes against their terms of service.

Now first let me say that MOST of the time they DID post something that goes against their terms of service. Just because you think something is ok, doesn’t mean that it is. And, at the end of the day it’s Facebook’s rules and we’re just playing their game. They can do whatever they want.

So, you have two options… Play along or quit the game. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

I have been in FB Jail for some stupid things. Like the time I posted a picture of my feet and my cousin said he wanted to tickle them and I commented that I would kick him if he ever did that.


3 days in Facebook jail for threatening someone…

Sometimes they are absolutely ridiculous, but I chalk it up to “the cost of doing business”.

Facebook is a great way for me to market my business, interact with my tribe, and it’s fun, so I just play their game.

Now today I posted about building the new brand, and second after I made the post not only did they remove the post, but they put me in Facebook jail stating my post went against their community standards on human exploitation.


How does THAT post have anything to do with human exploitation?

Luckily I was able to appeal it, and they said they were wrong, put my post back on Facebook, and let me out of FB jail.

I’m free!!!

So the point of this post is two fold…

I encourage you to follow me on all of my social media platforms. Here are all the links/accounts…








Second… You don’t necessarily need to be on EVERY social media site out there, but find the ones that work for your business and your niche. Build out your profile on each. Build a following on each.


Well because you never know when they will kick you off, put you in their jail, and/or disappear. Plus not everyone is using the same social media sites so you have more chances to get more people into your business by using multiple social media channels.

If you want to learn how to use social media marketing in your business I have a workshop for each of the BIG social media sites. You can see them all at

I recommend you start with one social network at a time, and as I said, build your profile CORRECTLY and build a following. And then move on to the next one. Rinse and repeat.

So, for now… I’m out of FB Jail and I look forward to sharing all my funny and crazy posts about life and lots of stuff about marketing. See you over there!

Building An Online Business

Do You LOVE Your Niche?

Hey gang!

The other day I told you about the opening of my latest workshop… The Get An Online Business Workshop!

On Day 1 of the workshop we’re going to be starting from the very beginning of building an online business. I’ve seen a lot of people in niches that aren’t profitable and/or that they don’t love.

Here’s the thing…

1. If you’re in a niche that doesn’t have buyers, you’re never going to make-money in that niche. Do you want an online business that DOESN’T make-money?

Of course not!

You absolutely MUST find a profitable niche to build your business in.

So if you’re not making-money with your online business it just might be that you’re in a niche that doesn’t have any demand.

This is pretty unlikely, but it DOES happen.

2. On that same note you might be making a “little” money in a niche and you’ve tapped it out. If that IS the case (and it could be likely) then you need to learn to broaden that niche and/or pick a more profitable niche.

3. You have no niche. You’ve done nothing to build an online business, and maybe you’re even stuck when it comes to making the decision on what niche to pick.

If any of this applies to you, then you NEED to grab your seat in the Get An Online Business Workshop!

On Day 1 of the workshop I’ll show you how to pick a niche that is PROFITABLE and that you LOVE!

Both of these things are vital…

Yes, you CAN just go into a niche that is really profitable even though you don’t like the niche, but how well do you think you’ll do if you don’t actually like the niche?

I can answer that because I’ve done it…

You WON’T do well. ๐Ÿ™

SO I’m going to show you how to uncover super profitable niches that you either like and know about or would like to know about.

Plus I’ll give you several niches that I know for sure are profitable and you can just pick one of those that you LIKE instead of doing the research yourself.

By the end of Day 1 you will know exactly what niche to go into and FINALLY be ready to start build a business in a niche you know will make you-money, and that you’ll enjoy for years to come.

Here’s the deal though… You’ve only got a few more days to get into this workshop at the discounted price. In just a few days the price is going to go WAY up, so make sure you grab your seat right now!

Talk soon!


Building An Online Business

The Whole Enchilada

I’ve been talking about the ready to go systems I offer from a lot lately.ย  So, I’ve done a video called “The Whole Enchilada” showing you how to use all of these in ONE automated way.

Check out this quick video giving you the whole enchilada…

Here are all the links to all current ready to go systems…

1. Ready To Go List Building System: The Internet Marketing Niche Version –

2. The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Funnel: List Building Edition –

3. The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Funnel: Website Traffic Edition –

4. The Ultimate Online Business System – The PLR (Private Label Rights) Edition! –

Website Traffic

The Truth About Website Traffic In 2022


There are a lot of tutorials, courses, blog posts, and the list goes on and on all about website traffic, but if you don’t know these three things you’re going to keep on struggling with getting website traffic. In just over 7 minutes I’ll give you the REAL truth about traffic. Check out the video below and if you’d like to learn tons of traffic strategies from me then make sure and checkout my Learning IM Workshops!

Website Traffic

My Thoughts On Seo (Search Engine Optimization)

I’ve been building and marketing online businesses for a long time. Since 2004 and in Internet years that’s like 300 years. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m kidding, but I have been around for quite a while and I have seen so many things come and go when it comes to marketing and traffic tactics.

Something that has been around for years that I get asked about all the time is SEO (search engine optimization).

My broad view on it is that it’s a waste of your BUSINESS time, and it’s basically something that a lot of people make money with in not so ethical ways.


1. Spending a bunch of time working on SEO’ing your entire site and having that as your main focus for traffic (to me) is a complete waste of time. Especially when you’re in an ultra competitive niche.

With so many changes in the search engines you never know when you’re site is going to get dropped in the results or totally removed. It’s VERY time consuming to stay on top of things, and do things the right way.

2. People create crappy software that you THINK you need so THEY make the money. Often times the software doesn’t work, or quits working.

3. People offer crappy SEO services that either don’t work or they don’t follow through on, and YOU don’t get any results.

In niches outside of Internet marketing I have a very simple strategy.

I setup a content site that is related to a broad niche that my niche is in.

Example: I have a health (broad niche) content site, but I’m in little niches in the health niche and the site only has content on these niches.

I then focus on long tail keywords and create a piece of content for the site just on these long tail keywords. I have anywhere from 5-10 content pieces (blog posts) created for the content site PER long tail keyword.

I focus PER piece of content in getting it ranked.

My content site is also on a totally different server with a totally different hosting company than the money sites that this content points people to.

I also need to state that this is REALLY good content that keeps people reading. It’s not trash created for $5 for 500 words.

AND… I don’t spend much time at all on these content sites. I hire people to do it for me. Because the amount I pay people each month to do this stuff for me, I make more money back (MOST of the time) each month. It doesn’t make sense for me to do the SEO myself.

This keeps me from having to stay on top of what is and isn’t working for SEO, and keeps me from buying crappy stuff related to SEO.

You wont see me teach SEO.

I’d rather spend my time optimizing videos for YouTube search or optimizing my Pins for Pinterest search because I get way more traffic from that stuff anyway.

Side Note: If you want to learn Pinterest marketing from me click here. If you want to learn YouTube marketing from me click here.

So… That’s my two cents on SEO.

I’ve created this post for two reasons…

1. I get asked my thoughts on SEO so much that I needed a place to post a full answer so I can send people here when they ask.

2. As a discussion piece and based on comments here I will expand on what I’ve covered here, so… Use the comments below and let me know of any questions or comments that you have and I will update this post as needed.

Content Marketing, The Techy Stuff Tutorials, Website Traffic

How I Post To ALL My Social Media Accounts

The other day I did a video showing you my first step on my journey to automate my social media posting.

Until the last few months I’ve been VERY anti social media software. I still am for the most part, but there are a few tools out there that are reputable and actually work.

Listen… You’ve got to be super careful what software you’re using to post to your social media accounts. If the developer/owner isn’t 100% following the rules for EACH of the social media sites they post to your posts may never get seen and you could even lose your account.

So I’ve preached and preached to stay away from them… PERIOD!

However I know a few that have great relationships with these social media companies and are following all the rules and regulations to a T!

If you missed that video you can see it at

In that video I told you guys I would do a bonus video if you wanted me to showing exactly how I use these two tools to make posts. You can use them for scheduling and everything. Imagine being able to sit down in ONE day and schedule ALL of your social media posts. You can. ๐Ÿ™‚

You guys asked that I do this follow up video, so here it is!


I’m showing you my social media posting ritual for one off promotional posting. You can also schedule too, but in this video specifically I’m just showing how I post to all my social media channels for ONE niche.

Check it out, and if you have questions on how to do this please leave them in the comments at

There’s nothing for sale here. I’m just educating you guys on my NEW social media journey. To help me out on YouTube please like the video, subscribe to my channel, and/or share the videos for me. I’d REALLY appreciate it. Most of you stay pretty quiet, and it helps me be a better teacher when I hear from you, so let’s get more social. ๐Ÿ™‚

Okay… That’s it for today. I’m working on a new “ready to go” tool for you guys, AND I have a new workshop I’ll be launching, so keep your eye on your email. We’re 10 days from the end of the first month of 2021 and there’s still so much to come!

Talk soon!


Website Traffic

7 Steps To Turning On Instagram Traffic For Your Online Business

Instagram is one of the Internet’s giants when it comes to traffic, and if you know how to use the site right you can get a ton of that traffic into your own business.

You can literally make that traffic flow to anything you want…

Your lead capture (squeeze) pages, sales pages, blog posts, affiliate links, and anything else you have that you want to put in front of people.

But let’s face it… You can’t just post “whatever” and get a ton of traffic. You have to know how to use Instagram and what you need to do so that you can get all of the traffic you possibly can.

Bottom line… If you’re not using Instagram correctly you are wasting your time! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

So today I want to give you a quick Instagram strategy that you can start using right now to funnel the traffic on Instagram into YOUR business.

Let’s go through this step-by-step…

Step 1: Know And Understand How Instagram Works

Now this step seems obvious, but I see a lot of people who are struggling with Instagram and their biggest problem is they don’t truly understand how Instagram works.

Yes it’s ANOTHER social media site, but every social media site works a bit different, and has different areas. With Instagram you have regular posts, Stories, Reels, and IGTV. You need to make sure that you understand the purpose of each of these areas and which ones you will use.

HINT: I highly recommend you use and get good at each area individually before you move on to a different area. Figure out just posting on Instagram first, then maybe move on to stories, and then IGTV, and finally Reels.

Once you understand how Instagram works and decided on what areas of it you will focus on then it’s time to move on to Step 2…

Step 2: Have An Optimized Profile

99% of the time when someone tells me they aren’t getting any traffic from Instagram, I go to their profile, and right away I see why. There profile isn’t optimized! You have to setup your Instagram profile correctly or you will NEVER see any traffic.

Here’s a quick run down of what you need to do with your account…

1. Make sure you’re using a Business Account.

2. Include keywords in the Name section. Use your main keyword here.

3. Make sure you username is your name or your brand/company name.

Hint: You should be using the same username on ALL social media sites for you/brand/company. Example: I use liztomey for my main marketing brand, and every account I have that’s my username.

4. Have a profile picture that is YOU or your logo.

5. Your bio needs to have a few things in it, and you have very little space to get it all in. Your main keyword, your main hashtag, exactly the solution you provide, and a strong call to action are all important. You’ve got to work to get this all in your little bio.

6. A link! This is going to be different for everyone and will depend on your strategy.

ALL of those things are important to your profile and of course there’s a lot more that goes into each thing, but those are the things that you need to focus on.

In the Instagram Traffic Takeover Workshop I cover optimizing your profile, so if you’d like to learn this important step make sure you grab a seat in this workshop at

Step 3: Have A Hashtag Strategy

Hashtags are the #1 way people will find your posts on Instagram. You’ve got to know which ones to use, how many to use, when, where, and how often.

If you don’t have a complete hashtag strategy you will NEVER get traffic from Instagram. This is a vital piece of the puzzle, so make sure you get this down, and you continually work on it.

YES! Your hashtag strategy is always in development. ๐Ÿ™‚

In the Instagram Traffic Takeover Workshop I show you my exact hashtag strategy and how you can develop your own from scratch. I developed this from lots of trial and error and it works really well! If you’d like to learn my strategy then come join me in this workshop at

Step 4: Know And Understand Instagram Content

Now of course there’s only images and videos that can be posted to Instagram. You can add a caption with text, but people are on Instagram to SEE.

For my brand I focus on motivational content, educational content, and bonding content.

I use image/video quotes, memes (images and videos), gorgeously designed graphics to promote my blog content and other money makers, pictures and videos of my daily life, etc.

And each piece of content has a goal!

Sometimes it’s to advertise something that makes me money. Sometimes it’s to allow my followers to get to know me, sometimes it’s content JUST to get more followers.

You need to decide what kind of content you will use and have a goal for every piece of content that you post on Instagram.

And, YES!, I do cover the different types of content, creating content, and what to use the different types of content for in the Instagram Traffic Takeover Workshop ๐Ÿ™‚

Step 5: Use The RIGHT Automation Strategy

It’s only been in the last few months that I’ve started using automation in my Instagram traffic strategy.


Because Instagram cracked down big time on autoposting to their site. There are only certain companies who provide automation solutions and are authorized and comply with Instagram.

If you’re not using the right automation solution in the right way then you will never see much traffic from Instagram, AND even worse you could get banned totally.

Automation is the key to saving a ton of time on your Instagram strategy, but be very careful with using automation!

Step 6: Work Daily To Get Followers

This is the BIG thing. Your followers are where MOST of your traffic is going to come from and besides hashtags there are many other ways to get followers on Instagram.

The bad thing… Many of those ways get you “bad followers”. People who never interact with you and will never spend money in your business.

You want followers that like your content, comment on your content, come into your business, and spend money with you. I mean it’s great to have a ton of followers. That number looks great, but if it’s JUST a number then what is it doing for your business?


You want to use tactics that get you REAL followers that are going to do things to make you money! I have a whole arsenal of tactics I use and I’ll be sharing them all in the Instagram Traffic Takeover Workshop.

The main thing you need to understand is there are more tactics than just using hashtags to build a good strong following, AND you don’t have to have a HUGE following to get results!

Step 7: Have A Day To Day Instagram Plan

Last, but most importantly… Getting traffic from Instagram is NOT a set it and forget it kind of thing.

You have to work daily (even if it’s only 15-20 minutes) to keep getting traffic from Instagram.

Creating content, posting content, using your hashtag strategy, using other strategies to get more followers, interacting with your followers, are all things you will need to do, and by having a daily strategy you can get it all done quickly and in a way that keeps tons of traffic coming into your business.

Okay… So I kept this as short as possible and of course there’s a lot more that goes into each step, but at least this little guide will get you started on the right path and show you what you need to know to get started with getting traffic from Instagram.

If you’d like to learn every part of this, and see how I’m using Instagram to get traffic into my business so you can do the same thing I invite you to participate in my Instagram Traffic Takeover Workshop at

I cover all 7 of these steps and more in this workshop (and MORE), and by the time you go through it (5 easy daily lessons) you will be an Instagram expert and have all the know how to use Instagram to create a never ending stream of traffic into your business!

If you have any questions about what I’ve covered here, just leave your comments below.

I wish you much success on your Instagram journey. Not only can you get a TON of traffic with a good Instagram traffic strategy, but it’s so much fun too!

Notes From Liz

I’m Deleting My Lists And More!

This year will mark 18 years that I’ve had an online business. I’m pretty proud of that, and all the thanks goes to people like you who read my emails, read my blog posts, buy my products, etc.

So, first, a big huge THANK YOU!

I got started in this business by creating a product in the Internet marketing niche. As I learned and got results I came out with products on even more topics. During this time I have gone in several different niches and sold all kinds of products. Products I created, products I had someone else create for me, and lots of affiliate marketing.

If there’s a way to make-money online, I’ve probably done it, and I always come back and teach it to my followers.

Every few years I re-evaluate what I’m doing and over the last few months I’ve been thinking about how I can serve you better. The only way I can do that is to stream-line things a bit more and start “cutting some of the fat”.

I need more time to better help you, so I’m going to make some changes here at #TeamTomey

In the next few days I will be deleting one of my autoresponder accounts. Some of you get multiples of my emails because your subscribed to lists within both of my autoresponder accounts.

Don’t worry you’ll get an email telling you what to do to stay on my list before I do that, so don’t panic, but I want you to be aware that you WILL be getting that email in the next few days.

Once we get the list situation dealt with I will then be taking my multiple blogs and condensing them down to ONE blog. Not my niche stuff, but many of my brands that are in the Internet marketing and make-money online niche have their own blogs. I need to pull them all together into ONE blog.

This will be a long slow process and I’ll update you where everything is as things happen.

Now there’s more coming too, but as I said in my email a few weeks ago, I’m just telling you about things little by little, but I’m super focused on once again re-evaluate and making things better for you.

For now… Keep an eye on your email. When you get an email from me be sure to open it up because that might be the last email you get from me if you don’t take action.

That’s it for now, I’ll be back with more updates soon, and of course if you have suggestions or questions you can always reach me at

Talk soon!
