Resale Rights

6 Ways To Instantly Make Money With Resell Rights Products

Have you tried everything under the sun to make money?

Are you just getting into the whole “make money thing”?

No matter where you are with trying to make money online, the quickest and easiest way to start profiting is by buying rights to digital products.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the terms “product rights” and “digital products”, let me give you a little crash course here.

Digital products are ebooks, software, videos, and the like. These are simply products that can be downloaded after purchase. No waiting for anything to be shipped to you. Make your payment and download it. Very simple, right?

Now some products you can actually purchase rights to. This means you buy the product, and you also have the right to sell that product and keep 100% of the profits.

Yes seriously… I’m not joking!

You can literally find ready to go products, that you can sell, and keep all the money on. At the end of this article I’ll share with you my secret place for getting my hands on these products, but for now, let’s talk about the different ways that you can make money with digital products that you buy the rights to.

By having a load of digital products that you have resell rights to, your options are virtually unlimited in the ways you can cash in with them.

Here’s 6 ways off that top of my head right now, that I have personally used to profit!

Existing ClientsAlready have clients in your business? Simply find a resell rights product that would interest them, and send them the link to it. I have done this over and over again and watch $2000-$3000 roll into my PayPal account

Build A Website – Pick a large niche. For instance dog training. Find several resell rights products related to dog training, and you can sell them each from one website. You could become the for digital dog training products. Once you get one up, find another niche and repeat. That’ll give you TWO streams of income.

Create A New Product – When you find resell rights products online make sure to categorize them when you download them. Later you can come back to your categories, and find batches of products that you can bundle together and make an entirely different and new product.

Build A List Of Buyers – Many times you can give giveaway rights to resell rights products. When you do, give them away to people in exchange for their email address. It’ll create a list of prospects for you that you can market to over and over again!

Bonuses For ProductsHave existing products you sell online? Why not add some serious value and shoot up your sales conversions by offering resell rights products you have bought as bonuses to your product? I have done this time and time again, and some people sometimes buy my initial product just to get the bonuses. This is VERY powerful.

Bonuses For Affiliate SalesWant to make money promoting other people’s product? It’s a great plan, but what about all the other people doing the same thing? You can crush your competition by offering bonuses to those who purchase products through your link. This is a sure fire way to boost your affiliate commissions.

I hope these tactics have sparked some ideas in your head. Having the rights to sell digital products truly is the quickest and easiest way to start making money online right now! To get started, find some digital products that you can buy the rights to. Come back to this article, and pick one tactic you want to use, and get to work. Soon you’ll be making your first money online!

Get my secret resource for the hottest resell rights products online by going to This one package alone contains 5 brand new, never before seen products, that you can instantly have up and online profiting for you 24/7. Don’t miss out because this package is first come-first served, and there’s only 500 packages that will ever be sold!

Content Marketing

My Content Marketing Strategy Revealed!

Let’s talk about traffic!  Yay!

I just heard all of your eye balls get bigger. 🙂

I kid…

Okay so my second biggest traffic strategy is… CONTENT MARKETING!

I have used it for years and it has always held steady as my second biggest traffic getter, so I wanted to take just a few minutes today and share it with you.

Below you will find two things. An infographic showing the entire strategy and a video explaining the infographic.  It’s a short and simple strategy, but there are a lot of steps and know how for each step.

Create content, distribute it, get traffic.

That’s the simplest way to explain it, but you still need to…

1. Find out what kind of and topic of content your target audience wants.

2. Know how to create the content.

3. Know what distribution channels you can and want to use.

4. Have things that make you money.

I’m doing a workshop called the Content Marketing Kickstart Workshop and I teach all of this and more in it. You can grab your seat for that workshop at

Okay so here is the “birds eye view” of my content marketing strategy, and the video explaining it. If you have questions please leave them in the comments below. 🙂

Building An Online Business

Q & A With Liz

We just wrapped up the Building An Online Business series, and now I want to know what questions you still have?

In this series I covered…

1. How to find a niche that you love and that is PROFITABLE. Both things are vital!

You can see that post at

2. Setting up your business foundation. Another vital component, and you’ve GOT to do it right.

You can see that post at

3. Monetizing the business you’ve built.

You can see that post at

4. Driving the RIGHT traffic into your new business.

You can see that post at

5. Running your online business daily.

You can see that post at

Note: None of this is about the marketing side of things. I cover that stuff constantly. This is all about getting an online business setup. What questions do you still have about that? What is holding you back? Why don’t you have something up and going? If you do have something up and going, and it’s not making money, why?

If there are any other questions you have on this topic, please leave them in the comments below and I’ll be more than happy to help you out!

Wishing you much success on your journey!


Building An Online Business

The Daily Life Of An Online Business Owner

Okay we are at the fifth and final part of this series, and just as a recap here’s what we’ve covered…

1. How to find a niche that you love and that is PROFITABLE. Both things are vital!

You can see that post at

2. Setting up your business foundation. Another vital component, and you’ve GOT to do it right.

You can see that post at

3. Monetizing the business you’ve built.

You can see that post at

4. Driving the RIGHT traffic into your new business.

You can see that post at

Today we’re going to wrap things up by talking about what you need to be doing each day to keep your business running.

Now there are so many different types of online businesses that you can run, so this is going to be different for everyone, but here’s what most people will be doing.

Some of things you will do daily, some weekly, some monthly. Is what I recommend that you do is write down everything you need to do and then input it into a calendar.

I have Google Calendar setup for this, and have it set to email me every morning at 5am with my “to dos” for the day. I get an email every day and know exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, and this keeps me super focused and on track!

Alright so let’s take a look at the typical stuff and this is in no particular order.

Customer support – It doesn’t matter if you’re selling your own products, selling products as an affiliate, or just running a content site you monetize with ads. There are real people coming through your business. If you’re not selling your own products you will have less customer support than someone who is, but you still need to make sure that your audience has a way to contact you, and that you are responding back to them.

Learning – You can never stop learning. Either you’re learning about new marketing tactics and strategies you can use in your business, how to make more money in your business, other ways to make money, and the list goes on and on, but you need to have dedicated time to learning more about running your business.

Content creation – If you have an online business it’s in constant need of content. Your content hub for your business foundation always needs content, if you’re using social media to get traffic then your social media sites always need content, if email is part of your online business then you need content for that, and the list goes on and on.

Money makers – Every day my first thought in my business is what is going to make me money today? What can I add to my business to make more money? Finding a product to promote as an affiliate. Working on creating a product to sell. Creating a marketing campaign. There are so many things you can be doing, but every day I’m working on something that makes me money either right this moment or in the future. You need to be working on this daily too.

Traffic – Like we talked yesterday. When you stop working on getting traffic into your business, the traffic stops, and you don’t make money. Every single day you need to be working on traffic. I typically split my working time in half. Half of the time I have to work I spend on traffic generation. The other half is devoted to everything else.

Now as I said… Depending on your business will depend on what of these things you’ll do and how much you will do of them. There are many many many other things too, but you get the idea here.

So back to my advice above…

Spend a week running your business, as you do things, note them. Then take those notes and input everything into a calendar so you have something to look at each day and KNOW what you’re supposed to be doing.

Okay… That wraps up this series!

We’ve covered a ton of information, and I hope you’re putting it to use.

If you’d like to see a complete online business built from scratch, and how all of these things work together, I highly recommend that you grab a seat in the Get An Online Business Workshop.

Everything I’ve covered in this series is covered in this workshop, but you get to see it ALL put into action, so you can do the same thing.

Right now the price is discounted, so make sure you check it out right now before the price goes up again.

You can grab your seat at

Talk soon!


Building An Online Business

Turning On The Money In Your Business

And we’re back… This is the third installment in a series of five blog posts I’m doing all talking about building an online business in a niche that you love and that actually makes you money.

I’m talking to those of you who don’t have an online business setup yet and/or who have failed at getting one setup.

In the first installment in this series I talked about finding a niche that you LOVE. You can see that post at

In the second installment in this series we talked about building a business foundation which is VITAL to do once you have your perfect profitable niche picked out. If you missed that post you can see it at

Now once you have that perfect profitable niche AND a business foundation set up then you’re going to move on to monetization and that’s what we’re going to be talking about in this post.

Show me the money!

So first things first… Depending on what your niche is will depend on how you’re going to monetize it. You can also do “monetization stacks” where you use multiple monetization methods.

For example… In my Internet marketing business where I help people build and marketing online businesses, I sell my own digital products, but I also selling coaching, make money as an affiliate marketer, sell services, and have even sold physical products (a tshirt).

That’s monetization stacking.

So let’s say you’re in the weight loss niche. This is a niche I’m going into and letting my attendees of the Get An Online Business Workshop watch me develop. I have created my business foundation in it and will be monetizing it by…

1. Creating my own digital products. (Journals and trackers and stuff like that. No ebooks or courses. I want to give people tools not teach in this niche like I do IM.)

2. Physical products. (Creating branded supplements, powders, etc., physical journals and trackers)

3. An mobile app. (Obviously not sharing the details there. 😉 )

4. Affiliate links

There are so many different ways you can monetize your business once you have a business foundation setup.

Here’s a short list…

1. Digital products you create. (Ebooks, courses, software, app, etc.)

2. Physical products. (The list is never ending here. 🙂 )

3. Products your an affiliate for. (Again the list is never ending here and you can promote physical and/or digital products)

4. Ads (You can sell advertising on your site, emails to your list, put PPC ads on your site, and so much more.)

Now there are tons of sub categories for each of those things, but those are basically your options.

And as I said you can use one or all or any number of them in between that you want.

You simply need to research what people in your niche want and give it to them!

Whether you develop the products yourself, pay others to develop them for you, and promote products as an affiliate, you still need to find what your people want, and then figure out how to give it to them.

Okay so we’ve gone through the first three steps here…

1. Find your perfect profitable niche

2. Build your business foundation

3. Decide how you’re going to monetize it and DO it.

The next thing we’re going to talk about is…


Once you have your niche, you’ve built your business foundation, and you’ve gotten everything monetized you need to turn on the traffic, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about in the next installment of this series.

If you’d like to learn how to do all of this then I highly recommend that you grab a seat in my Get An Online Business Workshop where I will show you how to do all of this step by step!

Here’s what you’re going to learn in this live 5-day workshop.

Day 1: You’ll learn how to pick a niche, make sure it’s profitable, and make sure it’s one you’re actually going to enjoy so you don’t get bored and wander off. ?

Day 2: You’ll learn how to create an online business foundation that is absolutely VITAL to your success. This system is super easy to setup and can be done in about a day! Sorry no push-button BS here.

Day 3: This is the day you’ll learn how to monetize your new business foundation so you can actually make-money with it! Yeah baby!

Day 4: Want to REALLY know how to get traffic? This is the day you’ll learn the TRUTH about getting traffic and how to make sure you’re ready for it.

Day 5: Clueless as to what you need to do each day to run an online business? Today is your day then because you’re going to learn everything you need to do daily to keep your business making you money 24/7.

Here’s the bottom line…

Right now you have the chance to clear the fog and confusion from your brain and be lead straight to success by someone who has been running multiple online businesses for almost 15 years now.

ME! 🙂

With what you’re going to learn PLUS having all the help you need you’re going to be unstoppable!

NOW is YOUR chance to grab a seat in the Get An Online Business LIVE Workshop (at a HUGE discount), and finally get that business setup that you WANT for the freedom lifestyle that you NEED!

BUT… You only have a few days to get in on this offer, so do this NOW!

Okay… Shameless plug over. 🙂

I’ll see you in the next installment in this series in just a couple of days.

Talk soon!


Building An Online Business

The Biz Foundation Method!

If you haven’t heard yet (I’ve been going on and on about it) I just released a brand new workshop to help those of you who haven’t created an online business yet.


You’ve attempted and just can’t get anything to work. 🙁

It’s called the Get An Online Business Workshop and you’ve only got a few more days to jump in on this so make sure you grab your seat now if you want to learn how to create an online business that you’ll love AND actually make-money with!

On Day 2 of the workshop I’m going to be showing you how to create a business foundation for the niche that you decide upon.

Don’t worry I teach how to pick a niche on Day 1. 🙂

Here’s the thing…

If you don’t have a business foundation, you’re done before you even get started.

Your business foundation consists of two things…

1. A page to build your list/audience – This doesn’t need to be hard. People think you’ve got to create some amazing offer. You DO NOT! I have a super simple way to get people to jump on your list.

2. A content hub – YES! You need content, but quality wins over quantity. A simple blog will allow you to house your content for a multitude of purposes, but all lead to you building your list with it.

That’s it!

That’s a complete business foundation.

Now of course there are strategies you must use to do all of this right, but that’s ALL you need to get started. Stop making this so hard!

And if you want to learn how I do it, then I highly recommend you grab a seat in my the Get An Online Business Workshop and learn how to setup your business foundation.

Like I said… You’ve only got a few more days to grab your spot before the price goes WAY up, so grab your seat at

Okay so far we’ve talked about picking your niche (I cover that on Day 1 of this workshop) and now building your business foundation (I cover that on Day 2 of this workshop). Tomorrow we’re going to talk about monetizing everything and what your options are.

Talk soon!


Resale Rights

What Are Resale Rights Products?

Since about 2004/2005 I’ve been buying and making money with resale rights products. I’ve also been creating them and selling them to others. Because I’m so well known for resale rights products one of the most common questions I get is…

Liz, What are resale rights products?

The short answer is: They are products that other people create and you can buy a license to sell those products and keep all the money.

When you buy the license typically the product creator gives you a sales page that you can add your order buttons to, and a download page so your customers can download what they purchase.

Generally when you buy resale rights products you can only sell them “as is”.

Meaning you can’t edit them. You can usually add your name and contact info to the sales page and download pages, but that’s it.

You can’t edit the sales copy on the sales page OR edit the product AT ALL.

If you want to be able to edit product you need products with private label rights. That’s a topic for a different day. 🙂

So, what’s the advantage of buying a resale rights license to a product?

1. You don’t have to do the product creation!

When you buy resale rights to a product, it’s already created. You don’t have to do any of the product creation which can take days and even weeks.

2. You don’t have to create a sales system.

A sales system is generally a sales page and a download page. Here is a product I sell the resale rights to. This is the sales page that I use and also the sales page that people who get a resale rights license use to sell the product >>>

Creating the copy to sell a product takes time and skill. Most people don’t have the skills it takes to create words that make people want to buy. Most people also don’t have the skills to build a page with the sales copy on it. So by getting the resale rights to a product, you cut all of this out.

Same thing with a download page. Most don’t have the skills to create a download page.

Those are the two biggest advantages, and there are a lot of strategies you can use with resale rights products.


1. Buy several and create a funnel

2. Buy several and put them in a membership site

3. When allowed you can use them as bonuses to your own products or products you’re an affiliate for.

4. Buy several and bundle them up to create a bundle offer. For example you could buy 5 different ones on Internet marketing and offer it as a package of products all on Internet marketing.

I could go on and on here because I’ve made money in several different ways with resale rights products, but you get the idea.

So basically resale rights products are products you can buy, setup, and keep 100% of the money you make off of them without having to do any of the creating.

One last thing before we wrap up here…

When you buy a resale rights product generally it will come with a license file that tells you what you can and can’t do with the product. You should definitely read that.

Sometimes you can give the product away for free. (Build your list.) Sometimes you can pass the resale rights license on to your customers (this is called master resale rights). There’s a million different things you can do, but it all comes down to what the license says you can do, so make sure you know your rights. If a product creator doesn’t include a license file contact them and ASK!

Okay… So, hopefully this clears up the question of…

Liz, What are resale rights products?

If not leave your questions in the comments below and I’ll help you out. 🙂

To your success!


Notes From Liz

Saying Goodbye To PayPal!

After years using PayPal with many different platforms (JVZoo, Warrior+, Zaxxa, RAP, PayDotCom, etc) I’m moving away from using them as a payment processor.

I will still be using JVZoo and Warrior+ as my selling platforms, but I’ll be processing through a merchant account now.

That’s not going to change many things for you. You’ll still access your downloads from me the way you always have through the platform you purchase from me, but you’ll just not be able to use PayPal to pay me any longer.

If you have a PayPal debit card you will be, but from here on out I’ll be using a merchant account to process my payments.


Simply because using PayPal has become a risk.

Many people are having their PayPal accounts shut-down and no one knows a REAL reason. PayPal is the “money-God” and can do whatever they want. It’s all in their TOS.

At this moment I still DO have a PayPal account, I’m just being proactive and moving away from them on MY terms. 🙂

I started talking about this a few months ago on Facebook and what I was doing to make these changes.

If you’re not a Facebook friend, I’m currently at my 5000 friend limit, but you can follow on Facebook at

I’ve made TWO posts about my move away from PayPal and they are below…

Post 1:

Post 2:

I will be showing my tribe how to do the same thing if they choose to do so.

The first thing you need to do is if you’re an affiliate is get everything to where you’re being paid by check or direct deposit. I’ve already begun that process and the main networks I use to get my affiliate links (JVZoo and Warrior+) was a pretty simple process.

If you’re a vendor (a product seller) it’s a little bit more tricky. I’ve ALMOST got the process done on JVZoo, and the process has been completed for W+. It’s honestly easier with Warrior+, but I prefer to sell on JVZoo because I personally know the people behind it and the service there has been amazing.

I’ll keep you guys up to date on everything once I have it all in order. I’ll be doing a video showing the process for each of the main networks I work with (JVZoo and Warrior+), and also my journey on to a new network in the coming months.

But as I said… The important thing to know is not much will change on your end. I’m just being smart and proactive and setting up multiple ways to take payments online as EVERY business should do.

If you have any questions and want to talk about this make sure you’re in the Team Tomey Facebook group where we talk about these kinds of things. 🙂

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

2019 Almost Got Me!

Well it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here on the Liz Tomey blog. For the last few years I haven’t known what I’ve wanted to do with this blog and it’s just become a place for updates every few months. I’ve got a good idea what I want to do with it now. It’s basically going to become an “umbrella” for ALL of my brands. You’ll be able to see what’s going on with all of my brands from one spot. 🙂

The last part of 2018 I was completely focused on building the brand while phasing out everything else in my business where I’m teaching about online business development and marketing. It’s still my #1 thing, but there are also other things I’d like to teach you outside of online business. Things that will help you live a healthy and happy life too. It’s not all just about getting wealthy. It’s our biggest priority, but it’s not EVERYTHING.

So right before Christmas I got side tracked bad with the direction I wanted to go beyond the brand which put me “down the rabbit hole” and then a list of very unfortunate events happened that pushed me further and further down the hole until I was completely lost.

The first part of 2019 has been devastating to say the least…

Over the last several weeks of my life I’ve been through more changes and had more things laid on top of me than I could bare. I needed to step back and take a few weeks just to process the things that have happened and are currently happening to me. I can’t and wont go into detail because these things are way too personal and traumatic at this point and I just can’t be as publicly open about it as I want to do be. I will in time because there are a lot of lessons in what is happening, but for now I ask that you be patient with me as I return back to “the land of the living” and get back to life.

My first order of business is getting caught up on emails, help desk messages, and Facebook messenger messages.

*** Please note that if you’re trying to contact me through Facebook messenger it could be weeks before you hear from me. I get way too many messages there to ever be able to keep up. The helpdesk at is always the best way to contact me.

The next order of business will be getting with my Resellers Passive Profits Workshop attendees and getting that workshop all wrapped up. I dropped the ball there, but will be finishing that up and getting everyone back on track.

And finally I will be stripping my business down again and we will only be talking about ways to make passive income and ways to market your passive income streams. Moving forward that is what I will be specializing in helping you in because I truly believe creating passive income streams is the best way to get wealthy and still be able to enjoy your life.

If you go to you’ll see I’ve removed just about everything from my product line. I’ll be adding the passive income workshops I’ve done there, but for right now I’ve removed just about everything else.

So let’s get back to life…

I so appreciate everyone who has reached out to check on me. I’m making it fine and will bounce back. The great thing about my life is that I’m finally to a point where I have developed the life skills needed to bounce back from even the darkest things that happen to us. Stuff like this used to take me months and months to recover from. Now in just a few weeks I’m strong enough to keep moving forward. I’ll let that be my “win” for now.

I’ve got a lot of exciting stuff planned for 2019 for all of us, so stay tuned because it’s only going to get better from here.

Thanks for always being on my side. Much love to you! <3 <3 <3

Notes From Liz

You’re Going To Lose Your Mind!

Wow! What a crazy few weeks it’s been. Life hit me at 1000 mph and I need to give everyone a massive update, so everyone knows I’m ok and I am in fact alive. 🙂

As many of you know I moved to Venice, FL about 2-3 years ago. It had been a dream of mine since I was 5 years old. My mom and I (before she passed away) always said we’d move as soon as she could retire. Unfortunately she never made it to retirement so me moving there was achieving a goal for BOTH of us. 🙂

It was a huge deal and it was like me starting my life over after my divorce and losing my mom. I needed the move so bad after all of that!

If you’re my Facebook friend you’ve seen hundreds of pictures of the beach there, the AMAZIng sunsets, me working at th beach, etc. It was evident I had found my paradise.

My amazing son was supposed to move with me and decided he wanted to wait for his 9th grade year to move with me. Then he decided he wanted to wait another year.

Well long story short he decided he didn’t want to move to FL… AT ALL!

The traveling back and forth to see him all the time got too much for me and him both and he finally told me he didn’t want to move to FL and wanted me to move back to Chattanooga, TN.

I don’t know how many of you are parents, but when it comes to breaking your heart or your child’s heart you always choose YOUR heart.

And that’s what I did…

I completely and totally broke my own heart, packed up everything, left a 2 year relationship, and moved back to Chattanooga, TN. My good ol’ hometown that I love to hate.

I do love this place, but I do feel like my dream of living happily ever after in FL was ripped from me. Yes of course in just a few years when he goes to college I can move back and that’s truly my only sanity in all of this. 🙂

So it took me a few weeks to adjust and get into the groove of things. I took a small step back from business so I could breath.

I’ve spent a lot of time with my kid of course, but also a lot of time on my bike, up in the mountains doing some meditation, and in River Park here which is where my mom worked for 25+ years. She did all the landscaping there so I can go and look at all the trees, plants, and flowers she planted and feel close to her. It’s a magical place.

I’ve done all the things I needed to do to heal and come back stronger than ever as I start yet another chapter of my life.

I appreciate your patience and understanding over the last few weeks. I’m back and ready to kick butt again, and all of you truly make my life amazing. I can’t thank you enough.

So I’ve shared this little story not to only update you, but to show you I’m human too.

You are at some point going to lose your mind in life! Probably repeatedly! 🙂

Things go crazy in life even when you’ve got a great life and a great business. You just need “tools” to help you get through it. My tools are my son, my bike, and nature. Find the “tools” that help you to cope and there’s nothing you can’t get through. You must keep pressing on. 🙂

Okay so it’s official… I’m back in Chattanooga, TN and I’m loving life once again!

I look forward to continuing on our path to the success you WANT
