The Liz Life FB Live Show

Day 5 The Liz Life FB Live

Day 5 and the struggle is real! Facebook Lives are WORKING! I’m building my list, making money, opportunities are opening up, and so much more! And my WIN for the day is AWESOME!

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live…

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live:

That thing I talked about from Kam Jennings about using Facebook to get traffic and his membership is at I can’t recommend his stuff enough and this is the cheapest way to get them!

The Liz Life FB Live Show

Day 4 The Liz Life FB Live

Day 4 was full of controversy and money! We’re talking about CoffeeGate, some serious haters, AND how I made an extra $1000 today!

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live….

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live:

Liquid Web – This is who I use for hosting and I LOVE them!

Examples of my free offers can be seen at:

The Liz Life FB Live Show

Day 3 The Liz Life FB Live

Well Day 3 took 3 takes… One total fail ON the beach because I couldn’t get a good connection, but I came off the beach and sat at a picnic table with a pretty cool view and spewed some killer information like a new thing I’m gonna try with a sales funnel. Spoiler alert: My new thing worked! 😉

Watch the replay below and you can find links to the things I mentioned in this FB Live….

A few things I mentioned in this FB Live:

DFY PLR Coaching Membership

Your Own Squeeze Page – If you aren’t building your list and you need someone to help you do that then you NEED this!

Email Marketing

One subject we just don’t talk enough about is email marketing. It’s my BIGGEST money-maker in my business hands down, and something you should be studying and using DAILY!

First things first…

There is a difference between list building and email marketing.

List building is all about creating the perfect squeeze page with the perfect offer and sending traffic to it to BUILD YOUR LIST.

Email marketing is what you do once you have people on your list. You create emails that get them to do what you want. Usually that’s creating a subject line that makes them open your email, and then creating the content of the email that gets them to click the link to whatever you’re telling them about.

Of course there’s other things you do with email marketing too. Creating emails that build your relationship with your people is a big thing too.

I create two types of emails…

Ones that get people to click on links and ones that just build my relationship so when I do send out an email where I want them to click the link they actually DO IT.

If you don’t have a relationship with your subscriber they wont open your emails and they wont click your links which means you’ll never make money from them.

Now this is like “big duh” stuff I’m telling you here, but it’s important that you understand it so I’m putting it all in the simplest form I can here.

Understanding all of this are the REAL keys to email marketing, and it’s where you’ll really make some money.

Read this repeatedly… Print it out… But keep it in your head!

Now here’s my biggest key to email marketing…

I steal!

Yep… I steal successful emails from others and use them to help me create successful emails of my own.

This is called creating a swipe file.

It’s totally legit, so don’t think I’m like really stealing. *lol* You just use the emails to help with creating your own. I’m not telling you to copy word for word.

Have an email in your inbox that got you to open it? Then make sure you keep that subject line.

Have an email in your inbox that made you like the sender more or make you trust them? Then make sure you keep that email.

Have an email in your inbox that made you click a link and maybe even buy through that link? Then make sure you keep that email.

Do this over time and you’ll create a killer swipe file you can go back to each time you go to create an email.

One of the people I “steal” from to create my swipe files is Matt Bacak because the man creates the best emails I’ve ever seen hands down!

Right now he’s giving you 4,203 of his successful emails he’s written over the years. This is like a ready to go swipe file and I can’t recommend it enough.

I have it and have used it over and over again!

If you want a shortcut to creating emails that actually get people to open up and click on your links then this is the best shortcut out there.

Buy it, download it, and USE it!

It’s on a dimesale right now so the price is going up so make sure you get it at it’s current dirt cheap price by going to

Okay that’s it for today… I hope what I’ve taught you here helps and that you really start focusing on learning and USING email marketing in your business daily!

If you have comments, questions, or just want to tell me how much you love this post please leave your comment below. 🙂


The Liz Life FB Live Show

Day 2 The Liz Life FB Live

Okay so Day 2 went rather smooth. Shockingly… You can see the replay below…

Tonight we talked about all kinds of stuff, but the highlight was me giving advice to someone who is an expert and is wanting to “get herself out there” in her niche. I advised her on how to get started. 🙂 Killer advice for anyone wanting to break into a niche as an expert!


A few things I mentioned in this FB Live:

Optimize Press -What I use to build my squeeze pages, sales pages, membership sites and all my other sales type pages

IM Foundation Method – Use the links below to go through all the videos for this little workshop.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:

P.S. Erik Stafford made the selfie stick cool, so go get a selfie stick and start doing FB Lives with me! 🙂

The Liz Life FB Live Show

Welcome And My Why

Hey there! Welcome to The Life Life FB Live Show… This whole thing got started because my friend David Perdew started doing a 90 Day Challenge that involved doing a FB Live every day for 90 days. Well at about day 50-something I really got to thinking…

I’ve been wanting to use FB Live in my business for about a year, but just couldn’t pull the trigger.


Well after much thought it hit me. I was scared…

You see I’ve run an online business for 13 years and there’s not much that scares me, but making a commitment to start doing FB Lives scared me because I felt like I would fall short and not be able to keep up with the commitment.

That made me think about my people… I call my clients, customers, followers, etc… My people… 🙂

I thought about them and how many of them fail because they’re scared, and/or they don’t follow through with things, and then never see success.

So I decided to take this fear of mine and turn it into an example. I want to show my people what happens when you commit to something, and follow through with it.

I setup with a squeeze page to build a list around all of this, and then setup this blog. All simple stuff and is always the first things you should do when you’re getting started with your own online business. Now of course I already have a few online businesses and already have squeeze pages, blogs, membership sites, my own products, etc all setup, but I wanted to sperate from all of that so I could show at the end of 90 days what my efforts have resulted in.

Pretty cool, right?

Okay so now that I’ve explained all of this here’s the first FB Live I did. I’ve posted the video below… Talking a lot about what I just told you and more, so take 10 minutes, go through it, and I hope to see you on my next FB Live! You can friend me or follow me on Facebook at


Notes From Liz

One of the most asked questions I get is…

“Liz, I’m a complete nobody in my niche. How do I get to be known and get people buying from me?”

I’ve done a workshop that I call, “The Instant Authority Method” that answers this question!

I’ll show you how to build your list, get to be well known, create a huge network of JV partners, and become an instant super star in your niche!



And… If you’d like to have me as your personal coach to help you implement this tactic or anything else in your business then check out my coaching minutes packages at

I can help you with any aspect of your business including planning out and implementing one from scratch if that’s what you need. 🙂

To your success!

Liz Tomey

UPDATE: Due to popular demand I have done a follow up presentation for this strategy where I show the techy side of setting all of this up! Watch the video below to see HOW to put this all together!



ANOTHER UPDATE: Gotta love technology right? Well since I recorded the above video Profits Theme is no longer. 🙁 It totally broke my heart because that theme was so easy to use. Then along came Optimize Press ( and I fell in love with it. It’s super easy to use and you can use it to do everything I did in the above video. I’ve been using it for almost 2 years now and I couldn’t be happier with it!

Notes From Liz

My Day – Play By Play

NOTE: I initially posted this on Facebook, but wanted to share it here because it holds some important information for you that will allow you to get everything done in a day you need to so you can run your business and make money! 🙂

Having a schedule is key to being productive for most people. I however cannot stand the thought of a schedule. I do what I do so I DON’T have to have a schedule. So I do schedule “spurts“. For a month or so I’ll have a certain schedule. So right now this is what it looks like…

I wake up grab coffee and sit on my lanai for 1 hour to wake up. I use that time to catch up on Facebook posts.

Then I grab a shower and ride my bike or do some kind of exercise. I deal with a lot of nervous energy and this pulls me in and gets me focused to sit down and get some work done.

Once I do my some sort of exercise I take another quick shower (if I sweat I must shower… part of my OCD *lol*), and then grab my laptop and sit and pound out a few hours of some kind of work that will make me money. Maybe it’s creating an email to send to my lists, or product creations/launching, etc.

About 30 minutes before sunset I grab my tablet and head to the beach to watch the sunset. While there I answer emails and messenger messages. Whatever I can’t do on my tablet I continue on with when I get home on my laptop.

So my work day is split in half… First I work on stuff that directly makes me money and then I work on the rest of the stuff which is mainly talking back and forth with customers.

This is REALLY REALLY REALLY working for me right now because it gets me out of the house and away from my computer at least twice a day. Yes I go watch the sunset and work, but I’m getting out and away. In the past I have suffered from “burn out” because I would just work non-stop because I was never leaving the house. That’s not healthy physically or mentally.

So why am I sharing this?

Because I want you guys to learn how to schedule your days. You’ve GOT to find a block of time to work on something that’s making you money and that should be done first. Then you’ve GOT to find a block of time to work on the other “things” in your business.

For those of you that still have 9-5 jobs maybe you get up a couple of hours early and work on the “money side” of things. Then at night you work on that “things side” of things. *lol* You get what I’m saying…

Always work in “time blocks” though. I learned that from Eben Pagan YEARS ago and it’s truly helped me get stuff done. 🙂

Hope this helps! 🙂

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz, Website Traffic

Having a JV page is absolutely vital to your product launch. It’s the page you create to tell potential affiliates about your launch and give them to tools they need to launch it.

I’ve created a complete video tutorial (just under an hour) where you can watch over my shoulder as I create a JV page from scratch. I’m of course using Optimize Press to create this page because I can use templates and I LOVE that!


All resources mentioned in this video and all resources about product launches can be found by clicking here.

If you have any comments or questions on what I’ve shared in this video please post them below!

Notes From Liz

A Word From Kimberly Castleberry

I always put a lot of effort into every coaching program I do and every client I take on, and when I see messages like this (this was a Facebook post) it makes the long hours and the hard work so worth it!

I want to give a big shoutout, and tip of my hat, to Liz Tomey…

Now you may or may not know Liz, but if you don’t, and you’re marketing online, you should, so go hit that friend button and keep reading!

I’ve known Liz as a connection for a long time but I’ve never really had a good reason to work with her or take one of the larger trainings she offered, nor having taken the time to REALLY get to know her.

It turns out I was missing out.

I’m strategically writing this now – while her most recent course is no longer for sale – so people don’t think I’m just saying something to make an affiliate sale.

I bought – and am taking – her PLR marketing course…

The woman is coaching with a servant’s heart…

She has bent over backwards for the students in this group…

We’re not actually fully convinced that she’s sleeping…

Not a single one of us have been left hanging, stuck, had questions unanswered, or even been given an excuse to slack.

There’s a dozen different ways we can reach out to her – both on group calls and privately – and she lets us use ALL of the channels.
I’ve seen substantially less care taken of students in courses in the $2k bracket.

To say “I’ve gotten my money’s worth” (and we’re barely half done) is such an understatement.

When she releases this course again, if it sells for anything under $1,000… you’ve gotten a bargain.. and I wouldn’t blame her a bit for clocking it at $1,997.

She puts the “big boys” courses and coaching to shame.

Most hands-on, authentic, sometimes laughing together, I’m-truly-here-to-help, course that I’ve taken in the last three years.
Hands down.

Liz, you’re amazing. Keep it up girlfriend! <3