Website Traffic

Getting traffic to your blog (or any website for that matter) can be a real pain in the butt.

Here’s what you need to focus on…

1. Learn several traffic tactics.

2. Picking 2-3 tactics that you learn that you feel like you can implement.

3. Use them and test to see what works.

4. Keep what works and use it!

5. Rinse and repeat until you are using enough traffic tactics to get the amount of traffic you want.

To help you get started I’m giving you free access to my Blog Traffic Kickstart Workshop. Go through it, learn, use, and keep using what works for YOU!

NOTE: The resource document for this workshop is at and the My Traffic Tactics resource sheet is at

I recently went through John Thornhills Simple Traffic Solutions course at and loved it! He shares so many tactics in the course and I can’t recommend it enough! Get this course if you want to learn over 20 traffic tactics straight from him!

If you have any questions about what I covered in this workshop please leave your comments below!

Affiliate Marketing

So JVZoo has had this little “hack” for a while, but I wanted to show you how to use it because it allows you to put buyers of products you’re an affiliate for on your own list.

Example: I’m going to be promoting a product for David Eisner. When people buy through my affiliate link I’d like to have them put on a list within my autoresponder account. I’d create a list something like deisner4xleadquality so that I knew what the list was.

Once those people are on that list I can send them bonuses for buying, related products, and whatever else I wanted.

This is a HUE benefit for people who are doing affiliate marketing without a list because then BUYERS get added to your list seamlessly!

And it’s a HUGE benefit for those who already have a list because you can create BUYERS list that are super targeted.

All you have to do is when you find a product you want to promote in JVZoo, apply to get approval and get your link. On that same screen is a place where you can put what list you want people who buy through your link to be added to.

Here’s an image to show you what I’m talking about…

I don’t know about you, but I’ll be using this “hack” a lot to create seriously targeted list of my buyers. 🙂

Hint: You could even create “category” type lists. For example anyone who buys a product through your link on affiliate marketing could go on your affiliate marketing buyers list. Or anyone who buys a product through your link on traffic could go on a traffic buyers list.

Okay… A little advanced tactics, but wanted to share to help you guys out!



Website Traffic

So I just wanted to write a really quick post to help you guys who are getting started with traffic. There are things you need to keep in mind that will actually HELP you to get traffic in the correct ways using the correct processes.

You see it’s not just about driving traffic. It’s about driving traffic to the right place, and using the right traffic tactics that work for your business model.

For example…

I drive ALL traffic to a squeeze page. ( My business is all about teaching people to create their own online business. So tactics like…

Buying solo ads from people who have lists in my niche
Buying advertising on sites that are in my niche
Writing articles about my niche
Using social media tactics
Etc, etc, etc…

Those are all things I do because they are proven to work in my niche.

So before you even THINK about traffic you need a squeeze page so you can drive traffic and get people in your niche on your list. This way you can send an email to your list and get them to any link you want them to go to. The bigger your list the more traffic you can drive to any link you want.

Duh, right?

Well 95% of people aren’t doing that…

So once you have somewhere to drive traffic then it all comes down to educating yourself about the different traffic tactics and finding the ones that work for you and using them each and every day.

Yes! You have to drive traffic each day in order to keep that traffic coming. That’s something else 95% of people don’t do. They are too busy chasing the dream and aren’t actually WORKING. 🙂

So here’s a diagram of how this all works…


Here’s an explanation of the diagram…

1. You learn tactics to drive traffic
2. You drive traffic to your squeeze page
3. You get people on your list
4. You email your list when you want to send them to a site (maybe a link to your product, a site you’re an affiliate for, etc)
5. Your list subscribers click on your links and go where you want them

See how easy that is?

So quit making this driving traffic thing so hard… Get a squeeze page, drive traffic, get your list subscribers to anywhere you want. 🙂

I hope this helps and if you have questions about what I’ve covered here please leave them in the comments section below…

The Techy Stuff Tutorials

An autoresponder is vital to any online business. You absolutely MUST have one to be able to have prospects to market your online business to.

For example…

I run an online income coaching business. I have setup to collect leads to market my products and services to. My autoresponder gives me a form that I can put on my website, collect the name and email address of leads, and then it puts them on my “list”.

As soon as someone joins my list my autoresponder automatically sends them a welcome message. I then have several other messages “loaded” into my autoresponder that are automatically delivered to the leads that are added to my list. You can have these messages sent out at any time you determine.

So if “Bob” joins my list today he will immediately get a welcome message. 24 hours later he will get another one. 48 hours after that he will get another one, and so on and so forth. This is all automatically setup and done by my autoresponder.

I can also log in to my autoresponder at anytime, select my list, and email everyone on the list at one time.

Hopefully you see how powerful this is! 🙂

It adds some serious automation to your marketing efforts!

Now I want you to listen very closely because picking an autoresponder service/solution can literally make or break you. There are solutions out there that you can purchase install on your own domain name and be off and running. However that is NOT what you should do.

There are a million reasons you don’t want to do this but the main reason being your deliverability rate. Imagine sending an email out to 1000 prospects and only 700 or even less of them getting it. You’re leaving money on the table! You want to ensure you’re using a reputable service that can get your emails delivered.

The only two I recommend are…

1. Aweber
2. GetResponse

I actually use both, but that’s kind of an advanced technique I will leave for another tutorial. 🙂

Use one of those for now, ensure your emails actually get delivered, and save yourself lots of headaches and lots of money!

Now I’ve created this post to explain autoresponders to you, tell you which ones to use, AND to answer any questions you have about autoresponders and/or how to use them.

If you have questions about using/getting an autoresponder make sure and leave them below. I’ll answer them here and create any tutorials that you may need to learn from.

I look forward to helping you with all your autoresponder questions. 🙂



Above I stated that I used both Aweber and GetResponse. I’ve done an update video that explains why. 🙂 You can see it below.

Notes From Liz

One of the biggest complaints I hear about in this business is how much money you have to spend to be able to make money.

I mean you have to spend money on things like…

Domain names

… and the list goes on and on!

But what if you were starting a brick and mortar business?

I mean an online business is a “real” business too right?

For a brick and mortar business there are all kinds of costs and usually you have to have hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital to even get started.

So my question is why are people complaining so much about having to spend money on starting their online business?

Just why should everything be free and handed over to you?

It’s simple… It shouldn’t!

Just because it’s an online business doesn’t mean it’s not going to cost you money, but you need to look at it as what I call, “Well Spent Freedom Money”.

Each time you invest in your business you’re investing in your freedom…

Your financial freedom
Your time freedom
Your lifestyle freedom

Because having an online business can give you all of that and so much more.

Now of course I’m not saying that you should buy everything under the sun. You should ONLY spend money on things that will help your business right now, but never think for one second that you shouldn’t have to invest in your business simply because you run an online one.

Okay end of rant! 🙂

I’d love to hear your thoughts on what I’ve said here so make sure and leave your comments below…
