Website Traffic

Website Traffic Basics And Why You NEED The Basics!

The other day I was reading a blog post from someone and they were talking about the basics of building a website. They were talking about how no one pays attention to the basics because they think they KNOW the basics. However, most people who say they KNOW the basics of website building aren’t even USING the basics and don’t even have a website.

So, when I tell you I’m about to cover the basics of website traffic and you immediately think, “Well, Liz, I already know the basics.” ask yourself if you’re getting all the website traffic that you need. If that answer to that is NO!, then you need to come with me and let me teach you the basics.

Are you ready to begin or are you already getting all the traffic you need?

Okay so first things first… I’m assuming that you actually have something to send traffic to. Maybe it’s a squeeze page that you’re using to build your list (this is the optimal thing you should have and be driving traffic to) or maybe it’s to your store or your sales page or your affiliate link or… cheezus… I could go on and on here, but you get the idea.

Some of you will scratch your head and be like, “Liz, why do you have to even say that?”. Well, you’d be shocked at the amount of people who come to me and want to know how to drive traffic and when I ask them what they want to drive traffic to they have no clue. My face when this happens…

Now that we have that out of the way… 

Website Traffic Basic #1: Is IT Ready?

Is what you are wanting to drive traffic to actually READY for traffic?

Does it look good? Is it easy to navigate? Does it have a strong call to action? There is a huge laundry list of things you need to ensure are in order for whatever it is that you’re sending traffic to (be it a squeeze page, a sales page, a blog post, etc.). It needs to have ONE job and that job needs to be clear to the traffic coming to that destination.

Example time: If you’re sending traffic to a squeeze page. You need to make sure you’ve got a good offer there that people will actually WANT and copy that makes them want to get it right NOW, and an easy way for them to get it.Why would you want to go through the effort of driving a bunch of traffic if what you’re driving traffic to isn’t going to get you the results you need!

Website Traffic Basic #2: How Are You Going To Get Traffic?

Now the next step is deciding what route you want to go with getting the traffic.

This is where most people melt down and try EVERYTHING.

DO NOT do that!

I repeat… DO NOT DO THAT!

Is what you need to do is understand there are basically three ways to get traffic.

1. You can buy it.

You can pay for ads on social networks, you can buy advertising space on sites that offer it in your niche, and the list goes on and on.

If you KNOW that what you have gets results (meaning people buy from you, or optin to your list, or whatever result you want) then this is a great option because you will be able to recoup your investment and then some.

However, if you don’t KNOW that what you have gets results then you’re going to spend A LOT of money getting it all figured out.

My rule of thumb with paid advertising is that I won’t use it unless I KNOW I have something that will get results. Meaning someone subscribes or buys or signs up, etc.

2. You can borrow it.

When I say borrow, I mean use the traffic that others can send you. This is where you’ll get affiliates to send you traffic and you pay them a percentage of your profits or pay them for actions their people take. There’s a lot of ways to do this, but you need a product and an affiliate program.

Note: I cover all of this in my Affiliate Program Kickstart Workshop at

3. You can mine it.

This is where most other traffic tactics live. This is where you are doing things to get the traffic. You’re “mining” it. You’re digging for it. Tactics like blogging, social marketing, guest blogging, SEO, YouTube marketing, and the list goes on and on and on and on.

And mining it is where 85% of you will be at.

If you don’t have money to invest in paid advertising and you don’t want to have an affiliate program (or can’t) then this is your only other option. That doesn’t mean you’ll have to do this forever, but this is where you will start.

Note: I cover all aspects of social media marketing on the biggest social media sites out there in various workshops I have. I also cover other “traffic mining” tactics in various workshops I have. You can get them ALL (and future ones too) for one price at

So, that’s a “blanket” explanation of ways to get traffic. Each of the three I listed above have a several strategies within each. There’s literally thousands of ways to get traffic, but at least you know your main options and where you need to start.

Are you buying, borrowing, or mining traffic?

This post is getting a little long, so let me tell you about the last basic thing you need to know when it comes to website traffic.

Listen closely to me because this is KEY!

No matter HOW you decide you’re going to get it you need to make sure that you’re doing SOMETHING to get traffic every single day.




If you’re using paid advertising you need to make sure that your ads are working (stat checking), you need to be testing other ads against your ads to get them working better, you need to be looking for more places to advertise, etc.

If you’re running an affiliate program you want to be working on reaching out to affiliates, creating new promotional tools, etc.

If you’re mining it well that’s hard to say because there’s about a million different ways to mine it, but you need to be “mining” each and every day!

But you get the idea here… You need to be doing something each and every day no matter how you’re driving traffic.

Okay so let’s wrap up our talk on website traffic…

When it comes to the basics of website traffic you need to…

1. Make sure you have something that is ready for it.

2. Know how you’re going to get it

3. Never stop getting it. When you stop driving traffic you stop getting results. PLAIN AND SIMPLE!

Okay so now that I’ve covered the basics, what do you need to know now? What questions do you have?

If you’d like for me to continue on with talking and teaching about website traffic, then I’m going to need you to tell me what you MORE you need. If I don’t hear anything I’ll assume you’re good to go and we will change topics, so if you want to learn MORE about website traffic then leave your comments below or come over to the help desk and let me know what your questions are when it comes to website traffic…

Talk soon!


Private Label Rights (PLR)

Super Hot Topic PLR Packages How To

And here we are… The last tutorial in the “how I make money with PLR” tutorial series. I’ve given you some great resources AND covered many ways that you can use PLR in your business to make money AND in your marketing. If you’ve missed anything you can see all about this series and all posts that are in this series at

So, today I want to show you how I find product topics that are super hot and then find the PLR for them. This is actually super easy to do!

The first thing you need to do is find the profitable topics…

To do that you can search any digital product marketplace like WarriorPlus, ClickBank, JVZoo, etc. You want to find their top sellers. Each marketplace lists them differently. Look at each, find the best sellers, and list the topics out. You can use notepad, Word, or even go old school and just write them down on paper.

Now, once you have your topics start with the first one on your list and see what PLR you can find so that you can create your own product.

You can do that by searching Google, asking in your favorite PLR group on Facebook for recommendations, checking out high quality PLR providers (you can find my personal favorite list at or search those same networks you just got your list of topics from.

If you can’t find good PLR content for your first topic to use to create a product, simply move on to the next topic until your satisfied with the PLR you find.

For example, I just did this myself and found a super hot topic to create a product around.

Passive income!

So, I went and started searching for high quality PLR content related to passive income, and found this little jewel.

I know the content creator behind it and she creates VERY high quality content. It wont take much editing, and then I can either do this as an ebook, or take the materials and turn it into a video product. Plus she has all kinds of other “goodies” in there I can use to make an amazing product out of this PLR content.


I now have a killer product that I KNOW is on a super profitable topic because of my initial research. All I have to do is go through all the PLR content so I know what I’m working with, then decide what I will do with it, create the actual product, create my sales page (and funnel if I want) launch it, and make money.

You might be saying, “But, Liz, you KNOW how to do all of this stuff, and I don’t.”

How do you think I learned?


And that’s how you will learn too, but it all starts with DOING!

So, if you want to make money with PLR, go make a list of hot topics, find PLR for one of them, and get to creating and launching your own product. You have a MUCH greater chance with making money with your product when you do the initial research to ensure you’re creating it around a hot topic. You have an even better chance of making money with it when you use GOOD PLR content to create it too, so don’t skimp on buying quality PLR for this.

And… The secret sauce?

Rinsing and repeating this!

Do this over and over again! Not only will you make more money each time you launch a product, but you’ll be able to have multiple products to build funnels with in the future.

And all with just using this little tutorial I gave you and some PLR!

Okay, if you have any questions on anything I’ve covered in this little tutorial, just leave me a comment below!

Private Label Rights (PLR)

The Massive PLR Package Profits Tutorial

I’m back with another tutorial today! I hope you’ve been enjoying these tutorials, but more importantly I hope you’re taking notes and creating a plan of action so you can USE what I’m showing you to make money in your own business.

Today I want to show you how I take massive PLR packages (usually they cost $500 or more) and turn them into even BIGGER profits.

Now that price tag might shock you a little because so many people are used to picking up cheap PLR.

Here’s the truth… If you want to create a really GOOD product that makes you a lot of money your best bet is to buy more expensive PLR from trusted creators. While a $17 ebook that comes with a stock sales letter is a great deal and you can do things to make money with it, I always make the most money when I buy higher priced PLR packages that are of MUCH higher quality.

A great example would be something like this…

This is a HUGE PLR bundle, it’s from an amazing content creator (Sharyn Sheldon) and you could create a massive product with it, do a launch and make way more than your money back.

Recently I spent $497 on a PLR package from one of the most amazing PLR content creators to ever live. I’m not saying who. *lol* I took the package, pulled it all apart and pieced it back together with very little rewriting, my own branding, etc. It came with a sales page in Word so I used parts of it to create my own sales letter, and sold it.

Here are my stats…


Now, if I would have opened this up to affiliates I could have made a lot more, but I did it quickly and with NO affiliates. Of course I have my list, so that’s why I was able to do it so quickly, but if you created a REALLY good product (like I did) and recruited affiliates you could be doing the same thing!

These expensive massive PLR packages are great because not a whole lot of people buy them and that cuts your competition down even more.

So here’s what I recommend…

Find exclusive, high ticket PLR packages from the well known and talented PLR creators. Grab a package, pick it apart, and put it back together in your own way. Package it up so it can be downloaded. Setup a sales page for it (and a funnel if you can because affiliates love getting paid on more than one sale) and do a product launch for it. If you want to make anywhere from a few thousand dollars to several thousand dollars all at once this is a great plan to implement.

I’ve done this with so many high-ticket PLR packages in the past and it’s something I’ll continue to do. They ARE hard to come by, but when you do they are a complete gold mine!

If you’d like to learn how I take PLR packages and turn them into my own products then I highly recommend you go through my The Profitable Products With PLR Blueprint Workshop at

The process isn’t that hard! It takes a little time (mine took me 4 days from start to finish and another 2 days to see all the profits in my bank account), and A LOT of focus, but creating killer digital products that people will actually BUY is a great money maker.

Okay, so this tutorial was short because it’s hard to teach it via text, but with the information I’ve given you here, and if you get a spot in my workshop, you could begin your path to doing this RIGHT NOW!

If you have questions on any of this, just leave them below…


Content Marketing, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Blog Posts With PLR – Liz’s PLR Profit Strategy

In my last several posts here on the blog, we’ve been talking about my personal strategies for using the different types of PLR content that can easily be found all over the place… I’m sharing these with you, so you can make money with PLR too!

So far I’ve talked to you about using what I call “30 day themed” PLR content, emails with PLR, and now today I want to give you a complete strategy for using blog posts/articles that you get the PLR to.

You can find this PLR in any of the following resources (I’ve even included some of my PLR packages that I’ve personally created too), but what I’m about to show you can be used with any type of text that you get the PLR to. Heck, you could do this with videos and audios too. 😉

Resources: The following resources are all great to use with the strategy I’ll be teaching in this post, so go through them and pick the ones that you NEED!

1. Tiffany’s all access offer is a steal of a deal because you can get TONS of blog posts and/or articles in so many different niches for one price! –

2. Arun Chandran is an amazing PLR content creator. Definitely in the top 5 of all time best PLR creators! Here are two different packages from him on two different topics.

3. And of course it wouldn’t be a complete resource list without my content listed too. I have created to follow packages especially for the strategy I’m about to teach you!

Topic: Affiliate Blogger

Topic: Business Models

Topic: Making Money With PLR

Topic: Website Traffic

Topic: Email List Building

So here’s what you do…

1. Create a blog! If you don’t have a blog you’re missing out on one of the most amazing marketing and traffic tools out there. You should have a blog and constantly be placing content on it. Make sure that each piece of content has something that leads people to getting on your list or buying from you.

Side note: I have an entire workshop that will teach you how to create a blog in any niche you’re in and all the amazing ways you can use it in your marketing and use it to drive traffic too. You can get a spot in this workshop at

2. Once you have your blog created (or if you already have a blog) search for PLR content related to your niche. Find ONE piece of content that you can use to create a 500-1000 (or more) word blog post with. Again… Make sure there is a call to action within your content that makes you money in some way and/or builds your list.

Here’s an example of a blog post I used PLR content to create it and how I’m using it to build my list!

Here’s an example of a blog post I used PLR content to create it and how I’m using it to make money!

3. After you have a blog post created and ready for people to start seeing it, then use something like Snappa or Canva to create a social media image for each of the social media channels you use.

For example…

I create a Facebook image with a call to action on it. I create an Instagram image with a call to action on it. I create a LinkedIn image with a call to action on it. I create a Pinterest pin image with a call to action on it.

Bonus Tip: Sometimes I even create a YouTube thumbnail and will do a short 30 second commercial for my blog post and post it on YouTube.

Now, depending on what social media channels you use will depend on which graphics you create, but each social media channel has certain size requirements and you should make each image a unique design. With so many templates out there that’s not hard to do.

4. Next of course, you will want to post your images to the correct social media sites. Depending on which ones you use will depend on how you direct people who see your post on social media to your site too.

For example…

With Facebook I post the image, with a call to action, and the direct link to my blog post. I can’t do that on Instagram though. I have to direct people to click the link in my bio which takes them to my “Smart Bio” and they can see the related image there and click on it.

Here’s a live example of this:

If they click the link in my bio it takes them to this page

Generally, people only click on your posts BEFORE you make the next one so the related image would show first. If they found it a few months later the related image would show down the line if you’ve made other posts. But I don’t worry about that. This works well!

Now you could do this every single day to keep your traffic coming in from social media. Each day work on building your following on all the channels you use and this could turn into a nice little traffic stream and you did it all using PLR.

Side Note: This would be a great activity to start your workday with. It’s easy to do and will get you on track and your mind focused on the tasks you have for your business. I don’t know about you, but some days just doing something mundane and easy is what I need to get myself in my “work groove”!

So, is what I recommend that you do is use the resources I gave you above. Find some blog posts with PLR (or articles) and put them to GOOD use by using the plan I just gave you above. It’s so easy to do and it’s a total traffic system!

Now there are several other ways you can use blog posts with PLR too, but this is how to use them to get the “most bang for your buck”.

If you need help with learning how to do this I have a workshop called The Content Marketing With PLR Takeover Workshop at

And I also teach how to use the main social media marketing sites that get you the most traffic. I have a workshop for each social media site and you can get ALL the workshops for one price at

Okay, so that’s a wrap for this little tutorial. It’s an amazing strategy for content marketing and traffic getting, so put it to use!

The next topic we will be talking about regarding PLR is “high ticket” PLR. Watch for this one because I’ve got some super profitable info to share with you all about high ticket PLR!

Talk soon!


Email Marketing, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Emails With PLR – Lizs PLR Profit Strategy

I’m back with more PLR resources for you, AND information on using this type of PLR content.

What type of PLR content am I talking about?

Emails with PLR!

YES! You can get PLR to complete written for your emails that you can use in a multitude of ways. Now each person who creates emails with PLR do it a little different. I’m going to give you resources from one person. Sharyn Sheldon, who is an INCREDIBLE PLR creator! She does them in two different ways though.

First, she does packages where you get emails and blog posts in packages and she also has bundles like this one >>>

Here are the other 6 bundles she has like the one I just mentioned, but these are all on different topics. Each bundle covers different topics, so go through them all and pick up the ones that are related to topics you want to use in your business.

Note: Sharyn’s site is equipped with a shopping cart, so you can add to cart, and keep looking and then checkout when you’ve picked out everything you want.

The second type of packages she does are JUST email packages. You get MORE emails in these packages. Here is a package she has done on the topic of content marketing

And here’s another one on coaching skills for those who teach coaches to be coaches.

She has so many different emails with PLR packages on so many different topics. This page lists all of them >>>

Now that I’ve overloaded you with a ton of resources, let talk about how to use emails with PLR, and why you want to scoop up all the ones you can get on topics related to your online businesses.

So, the first thing you can do is find several emails with PLR related to ONE topic. Setup a squeeze page with a lead magnet (that’s on the same topic) and then take the emails and insert your affiliate links where related. Don’t just load the emails up with tons of links. “Sprinkle” them in and make sure they’re super relevant. Then load them up into your autoresponder and have a little automated machine.

Another thing you can do if you have your own digital product is to find emails with PLR that are related to the topic of your product. Take those emails and load them into your follow up emails of those who buy your product. You could put your affiliate links in those emails and/or links to your other products if they are related to the same topic.

If you have a newsletter or have ever wanted to start a newsletter, using emails with PLR is a great way to add content to your newsletter or use a few of them to create an entire newsletter.

For example… If you’re in the Internet marketing niche. You could buy all the emails with PLR you could possibly get related to Internet marketing. There are so many topics! Take them all and start using them to create your own Internet marketing related newsletter. You could do this in so many different niches and monetize your newsletter with sponsored ads, your affiliate links, and/or links to your own products/services.

There’s just so many ways to use PLR emails. When you see them now think back to this post and all the ways that you can use them, and actually USE them.

Okay, so far we have covered using “30 day themed” PLR, emails with PLR, and the next thing we’re going to talk about is using blog posts with PLR. I’m going to be giving you some great resources, but I’m also going to give you a complete traffic system you can start using with blog posts with PLR (or even just regular PLR articles), so stay tuned!

And as always… If you have any comments or questions on anything I’ve covered here, just leave a comment below. 😘

Email Marketing

8 Profitable Email Ideas To Send To Your Email List

You’re sitting at your computer trying to think of an email to send to your list, and absolutely nothing comes to you.

How many times has that happened to you?

I’ve been using email marketing for a very long time, and to this day I still time struggle with what I should send to my list other than a promotional offer or my latest blog post.

Today I looked through my email stats and picked out what emails have done the best for me over the years and I came up with 8 winners. You can use any of these 8 ideas to create your own email to send to your list.

Let’s get started…

Email 1: The Q&A Email

Do you have questions that come in from your readers? Take a question, answer it, but send the question along with your answer as an email to your entire list.

Put in some serious effort answering the question because if one person has that question there are probably a lot of people who have that question or a lot of people who don’t even know they need to know that information.

You could put a call to action in this email, invite your readers to send you questions, etc.

Email 2: The Tools Emails

Are there a few to several tools that you use in your niche? List them out, describe what each one is used for, and create an email to your readers with your list of tools. You could make this a profitable email by getting your affiliate link for the tools if the tools you use have an affiliate program available.

I do this and send out the same email (I update it if there are any changes.) once every 6 months. This is an email you can use over and over as you use new tools, change tools, and get new readers.

Email 3: The How Can I Help Email

People joined your list for something. Maybe it was a discount for your store, maybe it was to get a free cheatsheet, or 1 of 1,000,000 other things. But there is something you can do to help your readers. Don’t know what it is? Then ask them!

Create an email to check in on your readers and ask them if there is anything you can do to help them. This shows you care and establishes trust with your readers which is a HUGE key to getting them to buy from you.

Email 4: The Quick Tip Email

Can you think of something quick you could tell your readers that would help them? Type up a short email with your tip in it and send it out.

I recently did this with a new Facebook friend’s list manager I found. It’s free to use, I loved it, so I did a very short video on how to use it, and sent out an email to my list with why they should be doing it and a link to the video. Super easy and they loved me for it.

Email 5: The Featured Content Email

Do you have a blog or a place on the Internet where you create and post your content? Then take your top 3-5 pieces of content, create an email briefly describing each piece of content with links to them, and send it to your list.

You could also do it by topic. I’m currently working on an email that will point my readers to my best email marketing blog posts. My blog posts always point to something that make me money so the email should bring some sales in, AND show my people my deep knowledge.

Email 6: The Preview Email

If you’re currently working on a product or service that you want to launch or if your network marketing program has some updates you could send out a preview email to your list.

Talk about what’s coming, take pictures or videos if you can, and send out a preview email.

Email 7: The Rate Me Email

You need to keep your finger on the pulse of your email list and the best way to do that is… ask them what they think.

You can put together an email telling your readers that you’re trying to help them with XYZ, and then ask them to rate their experience with you.

You could do that with a simple feedback form, or any of the hundreds of tools out there that will allow you to do that. This is a great way to work with your list and make sure you’re meeting their needs!

Email 8: The Success Story Email

Do you have a success story about yourself that is related to your niche? Maybe it’s related to your product or maybe it’s related to a product you’re an affiliate for. Type up your success story and email it to your list. This could encourage them to buy what made you successful or simply inspire them. Either way you’re helping them!

Okay so there you go… 8 different emails that you can use to send an email to your list. Pick one and email your list right now!

Need more help with writing emails? Then I highly recommend you pick up the My Email Templates package that has 101 fill-in-the-blank email templates in it to help you to start creating emails that get people to open up their emails, read them, and click on the links inside. These will help you create any kind of email you want and quickly! You can grab access to the My Email Templates package at

The Liz Life FB Live Show

Day 6 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

I planned on having a nice quiet weekend and then I got invited to a jaripeo. I mean come on… I KNEW there would be tacos at a jaripeo and we all know I can’t turn down tacos. I however didn’t know it was going to be outside and totally uncovered. So here I am burnt to a crisp, but still showing up for this FB Live.

Here’s the official burnt to a crisp photo I posted on FacebookWarning! Serious trigger warning. I look fried and terrible. 😂

Besides crying about my sunburn I also gave some really good tips and ideas on how to use FB Lives to promote your YouTube Channel. Pull up a seat, grab something to take notes with, and come learn!

And here’s the replay of the Day 6!

Notes From Liz

Day 5 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

The weekend is here, and there’s not much going on, BUT we’re still showing up and doing our Facebook Live! Today I’m talking about what’s coming in future Facebook lives and of course encouraging you to come join the FB Live Challenge too!

And here’s the replay of the Day 5!

Email Marketing

How To Write A Welcome Email Sequence For New Subscribers

Good job! If you’re reading this then you’ve done the work! You’ve created something to get people on your email list. Now what do you send them?

Well the first thing you need to do is create a “Welcome Email Sequence” that will allow you to on-board your new prospects.

Getting everything set up is only 1/3 the battle.

Another 1/3 of the battle is getting your people to know, like, and trust you.

Side Note: So you’re not wondering what the other 1/3 is, it’s getting traffic to your email list building page and getting prospects to actually opt-in to your email list. 😉 

Why do you want them to do that?

So they will do the things you want like open your emails, click on your links, signup for things you want them to signup for, buy your products, and anything else you want.

If you get your welcome email sequence right you can have a tribe of people who love you and do what you want them to do.

Don’t abuse this new super power. 😉

Okay so you might be asking what an email sequence is?

It’s exactly what it says it is. A sequence of emails that a prospect gets in an order of your choosing to welcome them into your business.

Side Note: You’ll need an autoresponder to pull this off. If you’re building your list you probably already have one of these. 🙂

You write your emails and then you load them into your autoresponder.

There are all kinds of email sequences you can create (you can find templates for a different email sequence templates by clicking here), but today I want to talk specifically about a welcome email sequence.

Let’s go over the must have emails…

Email 1: The Welcome Email

If you promised your prospect something for joining your email list then this is the email where you want to give it to them. Be it a download page or a link directly to what you offered.

I also recommend giving a little blurb about what they should expect from you going forward.

You can state how often you’ll email, content you’ll cover, other free things they’ll get etc. Your blurb needs to make them WANT to stay on your list and NOT unsubscribe once they’ve gotten what they were promised. You want them to read the rest of your email sequence and any other emails you ever send them.


Email 2: The Reminder Email

In the second email I send to my new prospects I usually send it 24 hours after they have gotten the first one and I use it as a reminder email.

I remind them of whatever they signed up for and tell them how to get it again. I then tell them I’m doing this just to ensure that they got what they were promised. I do care that they get what they were promised and this shows them that I care. That helps with the trust aspect.

In this email I also give a little blurb about how I can help them which will make them again want to stay on my list and open my emails.

Hot Tip: You don’t have to write pages of content for these emails. “Blurbs” or “chunks of information” is all you need. They don’t have all day and unless you’re REALLY entertaining they’re not going to read a big long email anyway. Keep it short and simple. You can send these people multiple emails with your multiple “blurbs” in them. To get people to know how you can help them and get to know you.

Email 3: The Know You Email

Okay this is when it gets tricky because people really don’t want to know anything about you. All they care about is what you can do for them. There’s nothing wrong with that.

So we have to get creative and slip in a blurb here and there about our life while also giving them what they want. Although they don’t want to know your life story really, slipping in relatable information about you will get them to know and like you. Those are key things, remember?

I recommend you start off your email with a little blurb about you.

What were you doing right before this email? What are you going to do after this email? How has your day gone (keep is positive)?


Hi there!

So before I head off and go pick up my son from school I wanted to send you this quick email. You gotta love sitting in the car line at school, said no one ever. 🙂 I can’t wait for this kid to get his drivers license. Can you relate to being a busy parent, too? I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but some days. Whew!

Anyway I wanted to send you (this thing to help you with this thing).

/End Example

There’s a short example for you.

The formula here is a small blurb about you + something to help your prospect = Your prospect starts to know and like you which is going to lead to making you money. People buy from people they know, like, and trust. I might have mentioned that a few times now. 😉

Next email…

Email 4: The Story Email

Now it’s time to really get into the mind of your prospect. Bring in a short story that is about you and related to what you’re helping them with.

For example in one of my “story emails” I talk about losing my mom and how having my own business allowed me to take care of her while she was sick. A very true story, but I use it to really hit people with how having your own online business can give you freedom when you NEED it and you want it. This is all related to my niche. You need to use this tactic for your niche.

Something I want to mention before we continue on. You don’t have to use email 5 right away. You could do a couple of Email 3 and Email 4 in a row, and then incorporate Email 5 from below.

Email 5: The Trust Email

In this email you need to get your prospects to trust you. As they get to know and like you they will start to trust you, but you need to do more to get them to really trust you.

This is the last key in getting them to spend money with you or signup for things you recommend.

So, how can you establish trust in this email?

* Do you have social proof to backup your expertise or your offers? Then take screenshots and share those in an email. Do this in a conversational way and not in a “oh look at me” tone.

* Always tell them how to get in contact with you and be prompt on replies. People want to deal with people they at least “feel” they can contact. By having an easy and fast way to contact you, that will make your people trust you.

* Create an email that talks about mistakes you’ve made related to the topics you talk to your prospect about and be very transparent with them about the mistakes. They need to see you’re a human too.

* Do a “behind the scenes” email. Show pictures and videos of your life that is related to the topics you talk to your prospect about.

Anything you can think of to create trust needs to go into your trust email, but only use one option per trust email you create.

I do recommend you do at least one more Trust Email here before ending your welcome email sequence.

A few more tips before we wrap things up here.

There is no hard and fast rule for how many emails should be in your “Welcome Email Sequence”. Maybe it’s 5 or 10 or even more. Create a “Welcome Email Sequence” that WORKS. That’s what matters. I want to give you some more ideas of other things you can mention in your “Welcome Email Sequence”:

1. Tell them to create a folder in their email to keep all of your emails in. This will have them looking for your emails and keeping them to go back to.

2. Introduce your social channels to your prospects and encourage them to follow you on the ones they use.

3. If you have a page that has all of your products and services listed you could mention it to introduce them to your products and services.

4. Create a “recap” email after your last email in the sequence. This email could include what they signed up for, what to expect from you, how to keep up with you, etc. It’s simply a recap email of all the emails you’ve sent them in your welcome sequence.

This kind of email works well because things you tell your prospect don’t always stick with them. You’ve got to talk about them repeatedly.

5. Unexpected freebies that are related to your niche. Everyone loves a good surprise! What can you give your prospects to help them?

By the time your prospects get through your welcome email sequence they will know, like, and trust you and be ready to do the things you want them to do.

The “Welcome Email Sequence” is the secret sauce that so many miss in their email marketing. Make sure you create the best one you can and review it from time to time as you become more knowledgeable and edit as needed.

I wish you much success in your email marketing journey. If you’d like save a tone of time and use fill-in-the-blank templates for every email sequence you’ll ever need I highly recommend the My Email Templates package at