Private Label Rights (PLR)

Super Hot Topic PLR Packages How To

And here we are… The last tutorial in the “how I make money with PLR” tutorial series. I’ve given you some great resources AND covered many ways that you can use PLR in your business to make money AND in your marketing. If you’ve missed anything you can see all about this series and all posts that are in this series at

So, today I want to show you how I find product topics that are super hot and then find the PLR for them. This is actually super easy to do!

The first thing you need to do is find the profitable topics…

To do that you can search any digital product marketplace like WarriorPlus, ClickBank, JVZoo, etc. You want to find their top sellers. Each marketplace lists them differently. Look at each, find the best sellers, and list the topics out. You can use notepad, Word, or even go old school and just write them down on paper.

Now, once you have your topics start with the first one on your list and see what PLR you can find so that you can create your own product.

You can do that by searching Google, asking in your favorite PLR group on Facebook for recommendations, checking out high quality PLR providers (you can find my personal favorite list at or search those same networks you just got your list of topics from.

If you can’t find good PLR content for your first topic to use to create a product, simply move on to the next topic until your satisfied with the PLR you find.

For example, I just did this myself and found a super hot topic to create a product around.

Passive income!

So, I went and started searching for high quality PLR content related to passive income, and found this little jewel.

I know the content creator behind it and she creates VERY high quality content. It wont take much editing, and then I can either do this as an ebook, or take the materials and turn it into a video product. Plus she has all kinds of other “goodies” in there I can use to make an amazing product out of this PLR content.


I now have a killer product that I KNOW is on a super profitable topic because of my initial research. All I have to do is go through all the PLR content so I know what I’m working with, then decide what I will do with it, create the actual product, create my sales page (and funnel if I want) launch it, and make money.

You might be saying, “But, Liz, you KNOW how to do all of this stuff, and I don’t.”

How do you think I learned?


And that’s how you will learn too, but it all starts with DOING!

So, if you want to make money with PLR, go make a list of hot topics, find PLR for one of them, and get to creating and launching your own product. You have a MUCH greater chance with making money with your product when you do the initial research to ensure you’re creating it around a hot topic. You have an even better chance of making money with it when you use GOOD PLR content to create it too, so don’t skimp on buying quality PLR for this.

And… The secret sauce?

Rinsing and repeating this!

Do this over and over again! Not only will you make more money each time you launch a product, but you’ll be able to have multiple products to build funnels with in the future.

And all with just using this little tutorial I gave you and some PLR!

Okay, if you have any questions on anything I’ve covered in this little tutorial, just leave me a comment below!

Private Label Rights (PLR)

The Massive PLR Package Profits Tutorial

I’m back with another tutorial today! I hope you’ve been enjoying these tutorials, but more importantly I hope you’re taking notes and creating a plan of action so you can USE what I’m showing you to make money in your own business.

Today I want to show you how I take massive PLR packages (usually they cost $500 or more) and turn them into even BIGGER profits.

Now that price tag might shock you a little because so many people are used to picking up cheap PLR.

Here’s the truth… If you want to create a really GOOD product that makes you a lot of money your best bet is to buy more expensive PLR from trusted creators. While a $17 ebook that comes with a stock sales letter is a great deal and you can do things to make money with it, I always make the most money when I buy higher priced PLR packages that are of MUCH higher quality.

A great example would be something like this…

This is a HUGE PLR bundle, it’s from an amazing content creator (Sharyn Sheldon) and you could create a massive product with it, do a launch and make way more than your money back.

Recently I spent $497 on a PLR package from one of the most amazing PLR content creators to ever live. I’m not saying who. *lol* I took the package, pulled it all apart and pieced it back together with very little rewriting, my own branding, etc. It came with a sales page in Word so I used parts of it to create my own sales letter, and sold it.

Here are my stats…


Now, if I would have opened this up to affiliates I could have made a lot more, but I did it quickly and with NO affiliates. Of course I have my list, so that’s why I was able to do it so quickly, but if you created a REALLY good product (like I did) and recruited affiliates you could be doing the same thing!

These expensive massive PLR packages are great because not a whole lot of people buy them and that cuts your competition down even more.

So here’s what I recommend…

Find exclusive, high ticket PLR packages from the well known and talented PLR creators. Grab a package, pick it apart, and put it back together in your own way. Package it up so it can be downloaded. Setup a sales page for it (and a funnel if you can because affiliates love getting paid on more than one sale) and do a product launch for it. If you want to make anywhere from a few thousand dollars to several thousand dollars all at once this is a great plan to implement.

I’ve done this with so many high-ticket PLR packages in the past and it’s something I’ll continue to do. They ARE hard to come by, but when you do they are a complete gold mine!

If you’d like to learn how I take PLR packages and turn them into my own products then I highly recommend you go through my The Profitable Products With PLR Blueprint Workshop at

The process isn’t that hard! It takes a little time (mine took me 4 days from start to finish and another 2 days to see all the profits in my bank account), and A LOT of focus, but creating killer digital products that people will actually BUY is a great money maker.

Okay, so this tutorial was short because it’s hard to teach it via text, but with the information I’ve given you here, and if you get a spot in my workshop, you could begin your path to doing this RIGHT NOW!

If you have questions on any of this, just leave them below…


Content Marketing, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Blog Posts With PLR – Liz’s PLR Profit Strategy

In my last several posts here on the blog, we’ve been talking about my personal strategies for using the different types of PLR content that can easily be found all over the place… I’m sharing these with you, so you can make money with PLR too!

So far I’ve talked to you about using what I call “30 day themed” PLR content, emails with PLR, and now today I want to give you a complete strategy for using blog posts/articles that you get the PLR to.

You can find this PLR in any of the following resources (I’ve even included some of my PLR packages that I’ve personally created too), but what I’m about to show you can be used with any type of text that you get the PLR to. Heck, you could do this with videos and audios too. 😉

Resources: The following resources are all great to use with the strategy I’ll be teaching in this post, so go through them and pick the ones that you NEED!

1. Tiffany’s all access offer is a steal of a deal because you can get TONS of blog posts and/or articles in so many different niches for one price! –

2. Arun Chandran is an amazing PLR content creator. Definitely in the top 5 of all time best PLR creators! Here are two different packages from him on two different topics.

3. And of course it wouldn’t be a complete resource list without my content listed too. I have created to follow packages especially for the strategy I’m about to teach you!

Topic: Affiliate Blogger

Topic: Business Models

Topic: Making Money With PLR

Topic: Website Traffic

Topic: Email List Building

So here’s what you do…

1. Create a blog! If you don’t have a blog you’re missing out on one of the most amazing marketing and traffic tools out there. You should have a blog and constantly be placing content on it. Make sure that each piece of content has something that leads people to getting on your list or buying from you.

Side note: I have an entire workshop that will teach you how to create a blog in any niche you’re in and all the amazing ways you can use it in your marketing and use it to drive traffic too. You can get a spot in this workshop at

2. Once you have your blog created (or if you already have a blog) search for PLR content related to your niche. Find ONE piece of content that you can use to create a 500-1000 (or more) word blog post with. Again… Make sure there is a call to action within your content that makes you money in some way and/or builds your list.

Here’s an example of a blog post I used PLR content to create it and how I’m using it to build my list!

Here’s an example of a blog post I used PLR content to create it and how I’m using it to make money!

3. After you have a blog post created and ready for people to start seeing it, then use something like Snappa or Canva to create a social media image for each of the social media channels you use.

For example…

I create a Facebook image with a call to action on it. I create an Instagram image with a call to action on it. I create a LinkedIn image with a call to action on it. I create a Pinterest pin image with a call to action on it.

Bonus Tip: Sometimes I even create a YouTube thumbnail and will do a short 30 second commercial for my blog post and post it on YouTube.

Now, depending on what social media channels you use will depend on which graphics you create, but each social media channel has certain size requirements and you should make each image a unique design. With so many templates out there that’s not hard to do.

4. Next of course, you will want to post your images to the correct social media sites. Depending on which ones you use will depend on how you direct people who see your post on social media to your site too.

For example…

With Facebook I post the image, with a call to action, and the direct link to my blog post. I can’t do that on Instagram though. I have to direct people to click the link in my bio which takes them to my “Smart Bio” and they can see the related image there and click on it.

Here’s a live example of this:

If they click the link in my bio it takes them to this page

Generally, people only click on your posts BEFORE you make the next one so the related image would show first. If they found it a few months later the related image would show down the line if you’ve made other posts. But I don’t worry about that. This works well!

Now you could do this every single day to keep your traffic coming in from social media. Each day work on building your following on all the channels you use and this could turn into a nice little traffic stream and you did it all using PLR.

Side Note: This would be a great activity to start your workday with. It’s easy to do and will get you on track and your mind focused on the tasks you have for your business. I don’t know about you, but some days just doing something mundane and easy is what I need to get myself in my “work groove”!

So, is what I recommend that you do is use the resources I gave you above. Find some blog posts with PLR (or articles) and put them to GOOD use by using the plan I just gave you above. It’s so easy to do and it’s a total traffic system!

Now there are several other ways you can use blog posts with PLR too, but this is how to use them to get the “most bang for your buck”.

If you need help with learning how to do this I have a workshop called The Content Marketing With PLR Takeover Workshop at

And I also teach how to use the main social media marketing sites that get you the most traffic. I have a workshop for each social media site and you can get ALL the workshops for one price at

Okay, so that’s a wrap for this little tutorial. It’s an amazing strategy for content marketing and traffic getting, so put it to use!

The next topic we will be talking about regarding PLR is “high ticket” PLR. Watch for this one because I’ve got some super profitable info to share with you all about high ticket PLR!

Talk soon!


Email Marketing, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Emails With PLR – Lizs PLR Profit Strategy

I’m back with more PLR resources for you, AND information on using this type of PLR content.

What type of PLR content am I talking about?

Emails with PLR!

YES! You can get PLR to complete written for your emails that you can use in a multitude of ways. Now each person who creates emails with PLR do it a little different. I’m going to give you resources from one person. Sharyn Sheldon, who is an INCREDIBLE PLR creator! She does them in two different ways though.

First, she does packages where you get emails and blog posts in packages and she also has bundles like this one >>>

Here are the other 6 bundles she has like the one I just mentioned, but these are all on different topics. Each bundle covers different topics, so go through them all and pick up the ones that are related to topics you want to use in your business.

Note: Sharyn’s site is equipped with a shopping cart, so you can add to cart, and keep looking and then checkout when you’ve picked out everything you want.

The second type of packages she does are JUST email packages. You get MORE emails in these packages. Here is a package she has done on the topic of content marketing

And here’s another one on coaching skills for those who teach coaches to be coaches.

She has so many different emails with PLR packages on so many different topics. This page lists all of them >>>

Now that I’ve overloaded you with a ton of resources, let talk about how to use emails with PLR, and why you want to scoop up all the ones you can get on topics related to your online businesses.

So, the first thing you can do is find several emails with PLR related to ONE topic. Setup a squeeze page with a lead magnet (that’s on the same topic) and then take the emails and insert your affiliate links where related. Don’t just load the emails up with tons of links. “Sprinkle” them in and make sure they’re super relevant. Then load them up into your autoresponder and have a little automated machine.

Another thing you can do if you have your own digital product is to find emails with PLR that are related to the topic of your product. Take those emails and load them into your follow up emails of those who buy your product. You could put your affiliate links in those emails and/or links to your other products if they are related to the same topic.

If you have a newsletter or have ever wanted to start a newsletter, using emails with PLR is a great way to add content to your newsletter or use a few of them to create an entire newsletter.

For example… If you’re in the Internet marketing niche. You could buy all the emails with PLR you could possibly get related to Internet marketing. There are so many topics! Take them all and start using them to create your own Internet marketing related newsletter. You could do this in so many different niches and monetize your newsletter with sponsored ads, your affiliate links, and/or links to your own products/services.

There’s just so many ways to use PLR emails. When you see them now think back to this post and all the ways that you can use them, and actually USE them.

Okay, so far we have covered using “30 day themed” PLR, emails with PLR, and the next thing we’re going to talk about is using blog posts with PLR. I’m going to be giving you some great resources, but I’m also going to give you a complete traffic system you can start using with blog posts with PLR (or even just regular PLR articles), so stay tuned!

And as always… If you have any comments or questions on anything I’ve covered here, just leave a comment below. 😘

Private Label Rights (PLR)

More Details On Using PLR… Profitably!

Yesterday I sent you an email about what I’ve been doing to not only get back in the groove of working since my big move, but also what I’m doing.

If you missed that email I’ve posted it here >>>

I promised I’d share some PLR resources over the next few days and my plans for using them. You can either pick these resources up to and/or take my ideas and use them on existing PLR you already have.

Now, before we dive in I’m going to be recommending A LOT of PLR from Tiffany Lambert, and she has a killer deal where you can get almost ALL of her PLR for ONE price.

I LOVE when people have all access offers like this because it allows me to get a BUNCH of PLR in ONE place for ONE price.

Now over the next few days I’m going to be talking about…

1. Using PLR content with a “30 day theme”… I LOVE LOVE LOVE when I can find PLR that takes a topic and breaks it down into a 30 day time period. There’s just so much you can do with it.

2. Emails with PLR – Another on my “LOVE” list, and I’ll explain how they work and how you can use them.

3. Blog posts with PLR… We all need content, but there’s monetization-and marketing methods you need to know about when using this content. I’ll show you exactly what I do.

4. Massive PLR Packages – And I’m not talking about those cheap crappy get a bunch of PLR cheap packages. I’m talking about expensive packages that you can really make some serious-money with!

5. Super hot topic PLR packages – There are some topics out there (depending on your niche) that will ALWAYS make you-money! I’m going to cover how I find them and how I find PLR for them!

To get started today, let’s talk about the first one… Using PLR content with a “30 day theme”! I’ve created an entire blog post about this over at

Check that out and in a day or two I’ll have the next tutorial with resources posted on using emails with PLR posted, and then on to the next topic and then the final one.

This will end up being a 5 or 6 part series, but you’re going to learn a ton of-PROFITABLE information regarding using PLR, so keep up. 🙂

Start here –

Talk soon!


Private Label Rights (PLR)

How I’m Using PLR This Week – Juicy Details!

If you’ve been on my list for any amount of time, you’ll know I’m completely obsessed with PLR content. I spend thousands upon thousands of dollars a year buying PLR content.


Well besides feeding my addiction to it, I actually use it and make a lot of-money doing so.

Now most people take a PLR product, use it as is, put an order button on it and expect the sales to roll in. That’s NOT how it works.


They take it and use it as is for content for their sites. That’s NOT how it works either.

You’ve got to change it up a bit and make it fit YOUR audience and YOUR voice.

Now for the last few weeks I’ve been getting in my groove here with my transition to living in Mexico. Taking PLR content and creating some products for one of my niches and using it to create content for those niches has really helped me get back into the groove of working.

I’m telling you this because if you feel yourself being a little “scatter brained” it might help you to fish out some PLR content and make a plan what to do with it, and then actually do it.

I have a little PDF I created showing you how YOU can profit from every single PLR package you ever buy. You can get it for free at

I highly recommend that you download it, read it, print it out, and then DO what I tell you to do in that PDF.

This shows you EXACTLY how I make-money from EVERY PLR package I buy!

Pick this up so you can do the SAME thing!

Over the next few days I’ll be sharing some killer PLR resources with you that I absolutely love and plans on what I’ll be doing with them!

Talk soon!


Private Label Rights (PLR)

30 Day Themed PLR – Lizs PLR Profit Strategy

I LOVE LOVE LOVE when I can find PLR that takes a topic and breaks it down into a 30 day time period. There’s just so much you can do with these types of products.

First, let me show you what I’m talking about. Here’s a good example from Tiffany Lambert.

This one is super awesome because you get 5 different reports with a 30-day action plan in each of them.

That’s 5 different products.

Then you have a PLR package that’s a little more than just the content, but also follows this “30 day” theme.

This is a mega PLR package that not only includes content, but also a ton of marketing materials.

You could do A LOT with each of these!

Side Note: At the end of this tutorial, I’ll also link to other “30 day” themed PLR packages that I recommend.

So, what’s a lot?

Well, you could…

Disclaimer: Every single PLR package you buy has a license. You may or may not be able to use these ideas with the packages I’ve recommended here. Check the license before deciding on what you’ll do.

1. Take the content and create your own 30-day coaching program. If you used the first package you could use each of the reports as a guide to creating your own content. If you got the second package I recommended (the giant one) then you would just take the content and use it to create your coaching program.

2. Take parts of the content and create a 30-day email series and sprinkle your affiliate links in for related things. Build a squeeze page, use the content to create your emails, add in affiliate links where they make sense, load your emails into your autoresponder, and you’ve got machine/system that you promote and make money with.

3. Take parts of the content and create a 30 day series for your blog. Again you could monetize the content with your affiliate links and/or links to your own products and services. PLR IS AMAZING TO USE IN YOUR MARKETING TOO! So many people get hung up on using PLR to create products, but there’s way more ways to use it than that.

4. Create a membership site and use the PLR content to create monthly (or weekly or whatever schedule you want) content for your members. With all the amazing technology readily available to us all there’s no reason you can’t create a membership site. Take the PLR packages I’m recommending here and break them up into lessons that you give your members. This is a great way to create a monthly income!

5. Creating viral reports is an “old marketing” tactic, but one that still works if done well. You can take the PLR content from these products, create 30 day guides with your affiliate links (and don’t forget to build your list too, so include your squeeze page link) in them and create free reports that you can allow others to give away. Just include a page in your report that tells people they can give your report away too. I did this for YEARS and it’s a huge part of how my name became so well known.

6. You could also use this content and create bonus products for people who buy your products or bonus products for people who buy through your affiliate links. Bonus products can be that “thing” that REALLY gets people to buy through YOU. Especially as an affiliate marketer.

And the list of methods you could use with this kind of content go on and on, but 30 day (or any number of days… 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) themed content is great because people feel like there is an end in site and that they’ll accomplish something. That in and of itself is a huge selling point or enticement to grab your free offer (if you’re using it for list building or content marketing).

If I see PLR content in a niche that I’m in and it is made so I can use it in an X amount of days way, I ALWAYS grab it because people love this stuff.

So, with all of this said, here are more resources for 30-day themed content that you can pick up.

30 Day SEO Blueprint With PLR – This is a 12+ page report that shows how SEO works and how it can be mastered in just 30 days!

30-Day Action Plan PLR Reports Volume 1 – This is Volume 1 of a bundle of 5 reports. Each report walks you through the process of building a career as an Internet Marketer. You’ll find one broad overview report, plus four others on specific business models, including affiliate marketing, info product development, PLR launches and service providing.

30-Day Action Plan PLR Reports Volume 2 – This is Volume 2 of a bundle of 5 reports. Each report helps you learn about the action steps you need to take, and in what order. You’ll learn what to do for niche research, building a blog, coming up with blog content ideas, writing product reviews, and building a list.

30-Day Action Plan PLR Reports Volume 3 – This is Volume 3 of a bundle of 5 reports. Each report helps you learn about the action steps you need to take, and in what order. You’ll learn what to do on these topics: social networking, website traffic, multi media creation and usage, self-publishing, and content marketing

Note: The above 4 recommendations are all inside of Tiffany Lambert’s Total PLR Membership deal where you get almost ALL of her PLR products for a one-time fee. It’s worth the price for all you get, but I wanted to mention that ALL of the above are inside your Total PLR Membership with her which you can access at

30 Day Business Planning Bootcamp – This PLR package is from the gal’s over at Coach Glue and there PLR is always amazing and has many other components to it. This is a massive package and I can’t recommend it enough. While it’s more expensive than most, it comes with more components than most people put in their packages AND because of the price less people buy it. Giving you a competitive edge. 😊

Okay, that’s a wrap for this tutorial. When you see this kind of “themed” PLR content and it’s in YOUR niche, then grab it! I’ll update the resources I’ve mentioned here as I find more. Leave your comments and questions if you have any, below…
