Private Label Rights (PLR)

30 Day Themed PLR – Lizs PLR Profit Strategy

I LOVE LOVE LOVE when I can find PLR that takes a topic and breaks it down into a 30 day time period. There’s just so much you can do with these types of products.

First, let me show you what I’m talking about. Here’s a good example from Tiffany Lambert.

This one is super awesome because you get 5 different reports with a 30-day action plan in each of them.

That’s 5 different products.

Then you have a PLR package that’s a little more than just the content, but also follows this “30 day” theme.

This is a mega PLR package that not only includes content, but also a ton of marketing materials.

You could do A LOT with each of these!

Side Note: At the end of this tutorial, I’ll also link to other “30 day” themed PLR packages that I recommend.

So, what’s a lot?

Well, you could…

Disclaimer: Every single PLR package you buy has a license. You may or may not be able to use these ideas with the packages I’ve recommended here. Check the license before deciding on what you’ll do.

1. Take the content and create your own 30-day coaching program. If you used the first package you could use each of the reports as a guide to creating your own content. If you got the second package I recommended (the giant one) then you would just take the content and use it to create your coaching program.

2. Take parts of the content and create a 30-day email series and sprinkle your affiliate links in for related things. Build a squeeze page, use the content to create your emails, add in affiliate links where they make sense, load your emails into your autoresponder, and you’ve got machine/system that you promote and make money with.

3. Take parts of the content and create a 30 day series for your blog. Again you could monetize the content with your affiliate links and/or links to your own products and services. PLR IS AMAZING TO USE IN YOUR MARKETING TOO! So many people get hung up on using PLR to create products, but there’s way more ways to use it than that.

4. Create a membership site and use the PLR content to create monthly (or weekly or whatever schedule you want) content for your members. With all the amazing technology readily available to us all there’s no reason you can’t create a membership site. Take the PLR packages I’m recommending here and break them up into lessons that you give your members. This is a great way to create a monthly income!

5. Creating viral reports is an “old marketing” tactic, but one that still works if done well. You can take the PLR content from these products, create 30 day guides with your affiliate links (and don’t forget to build your list too, so include your squeeze page link) in them and create free reports that you can allow others to give away. Just include a page in your report that tells people they can give your report away too. I did this for YEARS and it’s a huge part of how my name became so well known.

6. You could also use this content and create bonus products for people who buy your products or bonus products for people who buy through your affiliate links. Bonus products can be that “thing” that REALLY gets people to buy through YOU. Especially as an affiliate marketer.

And the list of methods you could use with this kind of content go on and on, but 30 day (or any number of days… 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) themed content is great because people feel like there is an end in site and that they’ll accomplish something. That in and of itself is a huge selling point or enticement to grab your free offer (if you’re using it for list building or content marketing).

If I see PLR content in a niche that I’m in and it is made so I can use it in an X amount of days way, I ALWAYS grab it because people love this stuff.

So, with all of this said, here are more resources for 30-day themed content that you can pick up.

30 Day SEO Blueprint With PLR – This is a 12+ page report that shows how SEO works and how it can be mastered in just 30 days!

30-Day Action Plan PLR Reports Volume 1 – This is Volume 1 of a bundle of 5 reports. Each report walks you through the process of building a career as an Internet Marketer. You’ll find one broad overview report, plus four others on specific business models, including affiliate marketing, info product development, PLR launches and service providing.

30-Day Action Plan PLR Reports Volume 2 – This is Volume 2 of a bundle of 5 reports. Each report helps you learn about the action steps you need to take, and in what order. You’ll learn what to do for niche research, building a blog, coming up with blog content ideas, writing product reviews, and building a list.

30-Day Action Plan PLR Reports Volume 3 – This is Volume 3 of a bundle of 5 reports. Each report helps you learn about the action steps you need to take, and in what order. You’ll learn what to do on these topics: social networking, website traffic, multi media creation and usage, self-publishing, and content marketing

Note: The above 4 recommendations are all inside of Tiffany Lambert’s Total PLR Membership deal where you get almost ALL of her PLR products for a one-time fee. It’s worth the price for all you get, but I wanted to mention that ALL of the above are inside your Total PLR Membership with her which you can access at

30 Day Business Planning Bootcamp – This PLR package is from the gal’s over at Coach Glue and there PLR is always amazing and has many other components to it. This is a massive package and I can’t recommend it enough. While it’s more expensive than most, it comes with more components than most people put in their packages AND because of the price less people buy it. Giving you a competitive edge. 😊

Okay, that’s a wrap for this tutorial. When you see this kind of “themed” PLR content and it’s in YOUR niche, then grab it! I’ll update the resources I’ve mentioned here as I find more. Leave your comments and questions if you have any, below…
