So for the past 6 months I’ve been in a pretty bad life funk… No worries things are getting better, but it’s been a rough 6 months. Honestly it’s been a rough 3 years. I’m sure a lot of you can relate to having “bad years“. Of course there’s lots of good in them too, but as a whole the last 6 months have been REALLY rough!
I’ve had a problem with knowing what direction to go in. Some HUGE mental blocks kept me from being the best me I could possibly be.
My “mojo” has just been gone!
I made my life long dream come true to move to Florida, but that also meant that…
1. I had to leave my best friend of 13 years behind… She’s always been a HUGE source of “mojo” and being this far away from her was like leaving half of me behind.
2. I had to leave my hometown… For 32 years (I moved to Chattanooga when I was 5) I’ve called Chattanooga, TN home and it’s an amazing city that has all of my best memories in it. And 95% of my special spots!
Those two things had a much bigger impact on me than I ever imagined. I lost part of me in making one of my lifelong dreams come true.
That happens when you go after bigger and better things!
Now add in a horrible heartbreak and a catastrophic event I can’t even talk about publicly and you have the recipe for a massive “funk“.
As I said though things are getting better…
Because I’m learning to get my “mojo” from other people and things.
I lost my mom 3 years ago and she was literally my backbone. She was my BIGGEST source of “mojo“.
Then I divorced one of the most amazing men in this world. Yes he has his faults, BUT when I met him at 23 I was still such a child. The man basically raised me and turned me into an adult. Well as much of an adult as he could. He was another HUGE source of “mojo“.
In that divorce I also lost 4 step-children that I helped raised for almost 13 years. Yep… There goes some more “mojo“.
My son decided that he wanted to live with his father full time instead of me. Talk about heart breaking. He’s got an amazing dad and that’s the only reason I allowed it, but it was devastating. He doesn’t know that because I’m trying to teach him to follow his dreams and what makes him happy. But… There went another HUGE source of my “mojo“.
Now throw in the move and leaving my best friend and hometown behind you can kind of see I’ve been sucked dry.
Literally everything I’ve known just slipped through my fingers. A lot of it is my fault, but at the end of the day I’ve suffered huge losses.
Add in the last 6 months of craziness and my “mojo well” has run dry.
I’ve always gotten my “mojo” from people and special places. I’ve been warned about not getting it from people, but it’s in my makeup to do so. Maybe it’s a character fault, but it works for me when I’m getting it from people so I’m accepting the fact that I have to get it from them.
With so few people in my life now I didn’t know what to do… So I started thinking about who else was in my life when I’ve had the MOST “mojo” going. All the people I’ve listed above were there, but guess who else was.
At my best I’ve always given half of myself to my customers, fans, and followers…
That reminder has catapulted me back to where my head needs to be. It’s you guys who give me my “mojo“.
By buying my stuff? Of course, but that’s like .005% of it. 🙂
The ways I get “mojo” from you guys is when…
You comment on my Facebook stuff/ blog…
You give me feedback on the information I create for you…
You consume what I teach you and use it to be successful…
You are actively go after your dreams…
You consider me a source of YOUR “mojo“…
Even when you are giving me “constructive criticism“…
I could go on and on here, but today I wanted to open up a little to you and let you know how much I appreciate you for all the “mojo“.
Keep doing what you’re doing… Keep interacting with me… Keep letting me know what you think… Keep letting me know how I can help you…
Just keep sending all of that “mojo” so I can continue being the best I can be for you!
Alright that’s enough “sappy” stuff for one day. And definitely enough “mojo” talk. 🙂 Time to get back into action mode with all of this “mojo” I’m getting. 🙂
I hope you’ve found something in this post you can identify with and I hope if you’re lacking in the “mojo” department that you find your new source of it too!