Notes From Liz

I Need You In My Life!

So for the past 6 months I’ve been in a pretty bad life funk… No worries things are getting better, but it’s been a rough 6 months. Honestly it’s been a rough 3 years. I’m sure a lot of you can relate to having “bad years“. Of course there’s lots of good in them too, but as a whole the last 6 months have been REALLY rough!

I’ve had a problem with knowing what direction to go in. Some HUGE mental blocks kept me from being the best me I could possibly be.

My “mojo” has just been gone!

I made my life long dream come true to move to Florida, but that also meant that…

1. I had to leave my best friend of 13 years behind… She’s always been a HUGE source of “mojo” and being this far away from her was like leaving half of me behind.

2. I had to leave my hometown… For 32 years (I moved to Chattanooga when I was 5) I’ve called Chattanooga, TN home and it’s an amazing city that has all of my best memories in it. And 95% of my special spots!

Those two things had a much bigger impact on me than I ever imagined. I lost part of me in making one of my lifelong dreams come true.

That happens when you go after bigger and better things!

Now add in a horrible heartbreak and a catastrophic event I can’t even talk about publicly and you have the recipe for a massive “funk“.

As I said though things are getting better…


Because I’m learning to get my “mojo” from other people and things.

I lost my mom 3 years ago and she was literally my backbone. She was my BIGGEST source of “mojo“.

Then I divorced one of the most amazing men in this world. Yes he has his faults, BUT when I met him at 23 I was still such a child. The man basically raised me and turned me into an adult. Well as much of an adult as he could. He was another HUGE source of “mojo“.

In that divorce I also lost 4 step-children that I helped raised for almost 13 years. Yep… There goes some more “mojo“.

My son decided that he wanted to live with his father full time instead of me. Talk about heart breaking. He’s got an amazing dad and that’s the only reason I allowed it, but it was devastating. He doesn’t know that because I’m trying to teach him to follow his dreams and what makes him happy. But… There went another HUGE source of my “mojo“.

Now throw in the move and leaving my best friend and hometown behind you can kind of see I’ve been sucked dry.

Literally everything I’ve known just slipped through my fingers. A lot of it is my fault, but at the end of the day I’ve suffered huge losses.

Add in the last 6 months of craziness and my “mojo well” has run dry.

I’ve always gotten my “mojo” from people and special places. I’ve been warned about not getting it from people, but it’s in my makeup to do so. Maybe it’s a character fault, but it works for me when I’m getting it from people so I’m accepting the fact that I have to get it from them.

With so few people in my life now I didn’t know what to do… So I started thinking about who else was in my life when I’ve had the MOST “mojo” going. All the people I’ve listed above were there, but guess who else was.


At my best I’ve always given half of myself to my customers, fans, and followers…

That reminder has catapulted me back to where my head needs to be. It’s you guys who give me my “mojo“.


By buying my stuff? Of course, but that’s like .005% of it. 🙂

The ways I get “mojo” from you guys is when…

You comment on my Facebook stuff/ blog…

You give me feedback on the information I create for you…

You consume what I teach you and use it to be successful…

You are actively go after your dreams…

You consider me a source of YOUR “mojo“…

Even when you are giving me “constructive criticism“…

I could go on and on here, but today I wanted to open up a little to you and let you know how much I appreciate you for all the “mojo“.

Keep doing what you’re doing… Keep interacting with me… Keep letting me know what you think… Keep letting me know how I can help you…

Just keep sending all of that “mojo” so I can continue being the best I can be for you!

Alright that’s enough “sappy” stuff for one day. And definitely enough “mojo” talk. 🙂 Time to get back into action mode with all of this “mojo” I’m getting. 🙂

I hope you’ve found something in this post you can identify with and I hope if you’re lacking in the “mojo” department that you find your new source of it too!


Notes From Liz

Getting Back To Life

To start this post off I was looking for a great quote. Probably just something else I was doing to put this off. 😉

And that’s what this post is all about. Putting stuff off…

Stop it! Stop it right now!

I’ve been waiting for the “stars to align” and my life to become completely perfect before really diving back into business and getting back to kicking ass in this industry.

There are so many things I need to finish, so many things I need to start, but right now…

I’m so locked up in my head I can’t seem to get anything done.


What happened to get me here?

A lot… *lol*

I up and moved away from everything I have ever known. I got my heart ripped out of my chest and fed to me. I had a serious catastrophic thing to happen to me that was entirely my fault.

Huge things that tore me down without me even realizing it until the last few weeks where I’ve been trying to put all my pieces back together again!

So I decided to go back in my mind to a time when my business was running great, and I was doing great with life in general. There are smalls windows in time when both of those things simultaneously happen. I usually have one or the other.

But… I’ve ALWAYS had one or the other!

For a while though I’ve had neither…

In the last few weeks I’ve been able to get the life stuff straight. Whew… That’s the hardest part.

Now to take on the business stuff!

If you find yourself in a position where you don’t know which way to turn in your business here is what you do…

1. You must absolutely go and wear yourself out! Push yourself in some kind of physical activity where for a few days in a row you’re so tired you can’t see straight. I call this “soul sweating”…

This will clear your mind and bring you down to a place where you can think clearly and concentrate.

2. Come back to your business and find 3 things you have been putting off and spend 2-3 days getting them completed and taken care of. Just tackle the shit out of them and get them done no matter what it takes.

This will make you feel accomplished and make you want to get MORE done!

3. Find ONE thing that can make you money RIGHT NOW! I’m talking something that can make you money in 24-48 hours or even less than that!

This will put money in your pocket and give you the breathing room you need to move on and do bigger things that bring in BIGGER money which will give you sooooo much more “drive”!

I got 1. knocked out over the last several days…

I’ve spent a ton of time riding my bike on Anna Maria Island in Florida. It’s about 30 minutes from where I live. I’ve also spent time swimming at the beach, soaking up the son, canoeing… Anything just to exhaust my body and clear my mind.

For the next 2-3 days I will work on 2. I’ve got a few projects I’m behind on, and a few clients I am behind on. I will finish those up, and then by Monday I will have 3.

This will all lead me to where I need to be with business!

So what can you take away from this?

Life is going to knock the hell out of you a lot! A whole lot… It probably already has several times. If not… It’s coming for you. I had 33 years of near perfection, and it came and got me over the last 4 years REPEATEDLY! 🙂

When life knocks the hell out of you though you’ve got to have a way to come back from it. This is my way of doing that! The three steps I just listed help me. You might be able to use them and you might not, but you MUST have the steps YOU need to take laid out in your mind so that when life does knock you down you can actually get back up and be even stronger than before.

I encourage you to take an hour alone right now and think about the things that get you “pulled back in“, and get you back on track. Write those things down and I’d love for you to share them in the comments below!

Here’s to fighting back!


Email Marketing

In this blueprint I want to help you get started with doing email marketing in a PROFITABLE way.

The first thing you need to understand is email marketing is different than list building. List building as it implies are things you do to build your list.

Email marketing are the things you do to get your list to buy from you.

Yes, they go hand in hand, but they ARE two different things that require different skill sets.

With email marketing you are sending emails to your list to get them to take your desired actions e.g. buying something from you, signing up for something, relationship building things, etc.

So what skills do you need to be able to effectively use email marketing?

Basically you need copy skills or the money to hire someone who has them. We’re going to talk about the copy skills. If you’d rather not develop these skills and would rather hire someone to write your emails for you then you can find people to do just that at many different places, but I highly recommend the Cult of Copy Job Board on Facebook >>>

The Skills You’ll Need:

1. Get Them To Open Up – The very first thing you need to master is getting people to open up your emails. You do this by 1. making your people love you (you HAVE to build a good relationship with the people on your email list) and 2. having subject lines that grab their attention and make them WANT to open your emails.

Note: My friend Rob Stafford has a great swipe file of subject lines that are PROVEN to get people to open up emails. Get these, look at them, and use them to help you create your own subject lines >>>

2. Keep Their Attention – The second thing you must do is quickly get their attention to make them read your email. The first few sentences of your email are vital and should tell the reader exactly what benefit they’re about to get! Why do they need to read your email?

3. Make Them Click – The third thing you must do is get them to take your desired action. Usually that’s getting them to click a link, so they will buy something. The job of your email shouldn’t be to get them to buy. It should lead them to a link that gets them to want to buy.

4. Make Them Love You – Every email you send should have some kind of value in it for the person reading it. If you do this in EVERY email you’ll have skills 1-3 in the bag!

What You Need To Do:

So why not try your hand at this now?

Create an email that’s going to go to your list. Find something that you can promote as an affiliate, or one of your own products, or something they can sign up for that pays you.

Begin by coming up with a subject line that will make them open your email! Again if you need some good ideas for subject lines I highly recommend Rob Stafford’s Email Sniper product which is over 200 subject lines he’s used to get people to open up his emails. These are great for ideas!

Create a few of these subject lines and pick the one you think is the best…

Next start on the actual email…

Remember to begin your email with text that grabs their attention and makes them want to read your email.

After that you need to present them with your call to action to take the desired action you want them to take. As I said usually this is going to be clicking on a link.

And last but not least… Make sure your email provides them some kind of value so you can keep them loving you, opening your emails, and buying from you.

Now this is a great little getting started blueprint, but you should work to continually build your email marketing skills in every single way that you can. Constantly study what others are doing, read all the information you can get on it, and implement what you learn to see what works for you.

Have questions about what I’ve covered here? Have recommendations for other options, resources, and/or services to help people with their email marketing? Just post them below!

Website Traffic

Having an affiliate program has allowed me to build a business quicker than any other strategy I have ever used!

Since 1999 I have used an affiliate program in some form and have always made WAY more money with one than without one. It’s a strategy that has worked for YEARS for me now and although it does take some serious work to put it together and get it working it’s well worth it.

If you look at other successful marketers you will see an affiliate program behind their business. It really is the secret sauce to BIG success.

In the following webinar I covered how to get started with creating and running your own affiliate program. The strategies I talked about are not being taught anywhere else, so make sure you grab a pen and paper and take some notes!

If you have any questions please be sure to leave them in the comments section on this post.


Notes From Liz, Viral Marketing, Website Traffic

How I Became Liz Tomey

Update: I wrote this post several years ago, but it’s still relevant today. This STILL works and I highly recommend you get something and start taking some notes! 😉

Today, we’re finally going to start talking about viral marketing… YEAH! 🥳

I want to give you an education in viral marketing, and give you a plan that will allow you to use viral marketing the exact same way that I have to not only brand myself, but make a lot of money too.

Many have asked me what viral marketing is, and there are a ton of terms for it. I define viral marketing in this way…

Viral marketing is any action that you do for your business that will be duplicated by others.

So for example, when I give you a free report. That free report probably has my name and website name in it along with my affiliate links. When I give it to you, I tell you that you can give it away too. So you send it out to your list, and a few people from your list send it out to their list, and on and on. Or it just gets passed on from person to person.

That’s viral marketing, and there are several techniques that you can use, but there’s one technique that has built my business faster than you would believe.

Resale rights products…

Not buying them, but CREATING them!

So many people think these little gems are dead, but they are sooo wrong. This July (2016) marks my 12th anniversary in Internet marketing.

Edit: It’s now 2024 and I just celebrated 20 years with my online business and I’m still here using this technique so pay attention because it WORKS!

Most people think that I’ve been online for years and years, and that’s why my name is well known, but that’s not entirely true.

There’s people who have been doing this longer than me and no one knows who they are and they don’t make much money. It’s not your time you put in. It’s WHAT you put in…

The way that my name got all over the place, the way that my career took off, and the way that I immediately started making $1000’s of dollars a month in affiliate commissions was by creating my own resale rights products, and anyone can do the exact same thing that I have done.

I know that everyone isn’t a writer so I’m going to give a plan for the “do it yourselfer” and a plan for those who could outsource the whole thing.

Okay, for you do it yourself people…

Here is your step-by-step to creating your own resale rights product.

1. Find a topic to write your product on. Internet marketing forums, Facebook groups, etc. are the best place for this.

Note: If it’s a video or audio product, you’ll still need to pick a topic.

2. Write an outline for your product.

3. Take your outline and fill it in with content. Make sure and put your affiliate links in where you can.

4. Have graphics made for your product.

5. Polish your product up. If it’s an ebook put your ebook graphic in it, and make the formatting look nice. You can even use one of my products as an example if you would like.

6. Create your sales letter for your product, and make it into a web page.

7. Create a resellers package for your product. Again, you could use one of mine as an example. You can get my resale rights products from (Note: I have sold that brand to someone else now. He’s selling many of my resale rights products and his own now too. I still highly recommend it.)

8. Upload your product and contact people who you know sell resale rights products, and give them your product to get it out there.

Yes, this sounds like a lot of work and it is, but by doing most of the work yourself, you can save a lot of money. However, this is SO powerful. If you do this at least once a month in no time, you’ll see an increase in money, and in your name recognition.

Now if you don’t know how to do any of the above, you have two choices….

Learn to do it or hire someone to do it.

So let’s look at this step-by-step and by price if you were to outsource doing this. I totally outsource resale rights product creation now, so it is do-able.

1. Find a topic to write your product on. Internet marketing forums are the best place for this.

2. Write an outline for your product.

Note: You’ll probably want to do this yourself also. All you need to do is find 10-15 points about your topic and put them in an understandable order. If it’s an audio product the person you outsource this to can just write it like an ebook and then read it. If its a video product, you may want to be a bit more specific about what you

3. Take your outline and fill it in with content. Make sure and put your affiliate links in where you can.

Note: Now this you can outsource at places like Tell them what you want, how many pages you need it to be if it’s an
ebook. Audio and video products are going to be different.

Price: $100-$300

You can get ebooks done for about $5 a page on sites like

However… Just because it’s a resale rights product doesn’t mean it can be a crappy product, so make sure you give all the info about the topic that you can. Audio products are going to cost you a bit more, and video products even more.

4. Have graphics made for your product.

Note: In order for your product to compete with all the other resale rights products out there, you’re going to have to have graphics done. These graphics will consist of a header and footer for your sales page, and a graphic image of your product.

Price: $100

You can also find someone at the freelance sites I listed above to do your graphics, or you can just search the search engines.

5. Polish your product up. If it’s an ebook put your ebook graphic in it, and make the formatting look nice. You can even use one of my products as an example if you would like.

Note: Is what you could do here is hire someone to take your product, and polish it up. Send them over one of my resale rights packages and tell them you’re looking for your product to look similar to this. I really recommend you doing this though, so you can put your affiliate links in, and really give it your personal touch.

6. Create your sales letter for your product, and make it into a web page.

Note: I actually should have put this as two steps, because you’ll need to have someone write your copy for you, and then take that copy and make it into a sales page.

Having sales copy written can be VERY expensive, so you may want to buy a course on writing copy once you see the prices people charge for copy.

Price for copy: $250-$25,000+ (Yes, I’m serious.)
Price for sales page setup: $50-$100

7. Create a resellers package for your product. Again, you could use one of mine as an example.

Note: You could outsource this too. Just send your product, sales page, and graphics to someone, along with one of my packages and tell them you want it put together like I put mine together.

However, you could easily do this yourself.

Price: $50

8. Upload your product and contact people who you know sell resale rights products, and give them your product to get it out there.

Note: Your same person that did your sales page could create a download page for you, and get everything uploaded to your server for you.

Once you have this done, give your product away to those who can sell it for you, and tell them they can have it under the condition that they will direct people to your download page to download the product.


Well, if you make your download page a squeeze page, and tell them they have to give their email address to get the download link, you could also start building a list. Do this a few times, and you wont have to give your product to people. You’ll have your own list to market them to.

So with this technique, you could…

1. Make money off the affiliate links in your product.
2. Make a name for yourself.
3. Build a list

What more could you possibly ask for?

Resale rights products are the way that I have built my business so quickly and so profitably.

Okay, we’ve had a REALLY long talk about viral marketing and how to use resale rights products that you create to start using it in your business.

It all starts with that first product and then it snowballs as you keep creating resale rights products one after the other. Before you know it, you’ll have a ton of products out there with your name on them and driving traffic to anything and everything you want!

Have questions about what I’ve covered here? Just leave them in the comments below…


Website Traffic

Here’s another free way to get a ton of traffic from Facebook.

When we have an interest in something we tend to want to get all the information we can about it. Usually we want to get to know other people who have the same interest too so we have friends we can share our interests with.

That’s why the Facebook groups feature is soooo powerful. If you don’t belong to any Facebook groups go search Facebook (just use the search bar at the top of Facebook) for your favorite interest and you’ll see what I mean.


So how can you suck traffic from these groups?

Well of course by just participating in them, networking, etc…

But an even better way to do it is to start your own Facebook group!

Yep just start one related to your niche!

I have my own Facebook group at

What has this done for me?

1. Given me a group of people who look to me for information about my niche (Relationship building which makes people buy from you)

2. Given me a place to advertise my offers and make money

3. Given me a place to advertise offers I’m an affiliate for and make money

Running your own group can be INCREDIBLY profitable for you, and it’s super easy to do.

Here are the steps you need to take…

1. Login to your Facebook account and create your group.

2. When creating your group make sure you make it a Buy, Sell, Trade group because you get a lot of cool functions

3. You’ll want to create a good looking cover image for your group.

4. Make sure you add a good description to your group (make sure to include a link to your main site in the description).

5. Go through ALL the settings and make sure that you use all the options you can.

Once you have your group created, make sure to add some content, and share your group on your Facebook page. Little by little you’ll see your group grow. We will talk about ways to grow your group in future tutorials, but for now go get your group started.

I’ll be posting more information on this post and in future posts about using FB groups to get traffic so stay tuned. 🙂

Total FB Takeover is a training course and software program that shows you how to start your own Facebook group, get members, and monetize your groups. The software program allows you to find groups and even manage your own groups. Just the training alone is worth it because it teaches you EXACTLY how to get traffic from Facebook. Check it out at

Website Traffic

Facebook is a great way to get traffic. We’ve all heard that a million times, right?

Well there’s two sides to Facebook… There’s the free traffic methods you can use with it and there are the paid traffic methods you can use with it.

Today let’s talk about the free ways to use Facebook to get traffic! Below you’ll find tactics that I’ve used and know to work. I’ll add to this post as I find more…

1. Network and build your friends list – Before you do anything on Facebook you need to build your friends list with people who are interested in what you have to offer. The best way to do this is to find groups related to your niche, participate in them, and add people from those groups to your friend list.

By doing this when you post stuff to Facebook they will see it. I recommend spending 20-30 minutes each and every day doing this! Nothing you do on Facebook as far as using it to get free traffic will work unless you have a group of people on your friends list that are interested in your niche.

2. Interact in Facebook groups – I mentioned using Facebook groups above, but there are a few ways to use them. With this tactic you need to find Facebook groups related to your niche, interact in them, and when you can post content that leads to your offers. Just be sure that you are allowed to do so and don’t be a jackass about doing it either. BE HELPFUL and not spammy!

3. Create your own Facebook group – A great way to get your offers in front of people is to create a Facebook group of your own related to your niche. Interact in your group, build a tribe, and put your offers and content in front of your group members. Again… BE HELPFUL and NOT spammy!

4. Post content to your Facebook timeline – Now there’s a way you need to do this so that Facebook doesn’t “penalize” you. Facebook HATES to give their traffic away for free. So if you post something and directly put a link into the post they don’t show it to as many of your friends. So is what you need to do is make an intriguing post and then tell people that the link to what you’re talking about is in the comments.

To successfully do this you need to…

a: Make sure your post makes people REALLY want to see what you’re talking about.
b: Use an image to make them stop and read your post
c: Get them to interact – The more likes and shares you get the more of your friends list will see your post

Here’s an example of me doing this on my Facebook page >>>

Note: Hopefully you’ll be able to see that post. Sometimes Facebook is silly. 🙁

5. Create a Facebook fanpage – Now this is a HUGE undertaking with some serious strategy behind it and it’s not for everyone. If you’re a leader in your niche or you’re trying to build a following behind your brand then this is for you. The short of it is…

Setup a fanpage, provide awesome content, and get people to interact. If you don’t get people to interact no one will ever see your content or become a fan of your page. Because of how much goes into this we will be talking about it more and devoting blog posts and tutorials on how to do it, but I just wanted to quickly mention it here.

6. Make it easy for people to share your content – There are a ton of plugins out there that you can use on your blog that put share buttons on your posts. By using these you’re making it easy for people to share your stuff through social networks. Like at the bottom of this post. 🙂

Also when you post your content on Facebook make sure that you ASK PEOPLE TO SHARE IT! I know mind blowing… 🙂 Seriously, you’ve got to ask people to share your content!

7. Have a contest – You’ve probably heard of this tactic before and although I’m listing it in the “free methods” of Facebook advertising you will probably have to pay for a solution to run your contest. But the basics of this tactic is you give something super cool and desirable away for free in turn for people sharing your content, liking your content, etc.

For example: You have a new ebook that’s about living a vegan lifestyle. You could run a contest giving away something related that is super cool and something people in that niche would REALLY REALLY REALLY want. Get them to share your page about your new ebook and that enters them into your contest.

Now this is another tactic that does take a lot of work and something I’ll be devoting more blog posts and tutorials to because there’s a lot that goes into it.

Okay as I said, I’ll be adding more to this as I try more free Facebook traffic tactics. Until then if you have questions about any of these tactics, have advice of your own, or anything else please leave your feedback/questions in the comments section below!


P.S. Need help with using Facebook in your marketing? Hire me as your personal coach for one low monthly fee AND get a ton of other benefits while you’re at it! I have just recently re-opened my membership and invite you to take me on as your personal coach! Check this out >>>

Website Traffic

Okay so I want to REALLY get into the paid side of Facebook advertising. I’m seeing SOOOO many of my marketing friends just crushing it with Facebook ads and until now I’ve been scared to dip my toes in the water.

That’s really hard to admit because generally I’m scared of NOTHING! 🙂

So to help me I’m pulling in some favors and I’m going to grill a few of my Facebook advertising expert buddies on this topic, and then I’m going to take all my knowledge and GIVE it to you.


I need your help!

If you have questions about anything related to using Facebook advertising I need you to post your comments in the comments section below. Please keep your questions relevant to using Facebook’s paid advertising.

I’ll take your questions and mine, go to my expert buddies, and get the answers we need. Then I’ll give you access to all of my new found knowledge. Sound like a plan?

Okay, but you guys have to help and let me hear your questions by posting them in the comments section below…

I’ll update this post as soon as I have the info we need. 🙂


Email Marketing

No matter if you have a list of 5 or 50,000 you need to be marketing things to that list that make you money. AND if you really only do have a list of 5 people you need to act like you have a list of 50,000!

Of course you want to write your emails as if you’re writing them to ONE person, but you need to treat even the tiniest of list like it’s huge and you’re making a killing with it because before you know it you WILL be.

Now of course the first thing you have to do with any list is build a relationship with them. I suggest you have at least 3-5 messages loaded into your autoresponder that build your relationship with your list. We call these like, know, and trust emails.

I’m not going to get into relationship building in this post because I’ve created this post to give you a list of ideas of how you can make money from your list, but I did want to mention that whole relationship building because it is THE KEY to getting your list to buy from you.

So, once you have a few people on your list, and they’ve gone through your relationship building emails, here’s how you can make money from the emails you send them…

Tactic #1: Send your list an email about a product you like.

If you’ve used a product that your list would be interested in and you liked the product see if they have an affiliate program. If they do you could tell your list about the product, send them your affiliate link, and make commissions for doing so!

Tactic #2: Send your list an email about a product that belongs to you.

If you’ve already created your own product this is going to be a great big “duh“, but if you haven’t I highly recommend that you do. Creating your own product and selling it is INCREDIBLY profitable.

Note: I only deal with digital products at this point so I only recommend creating digital products. (Ebooks, video tutorials, software, apps, WordPress plugins/themes, etc.)

Tactic #3: Send your list an email about a CPA (Cost Per Action) offer.

A cost per action offer is an offer that you send to your list and you get paid $X for the actions of your users. Actions can be filling out a survey, downloading something, filling out a form, etc. You don’t have to sell your list anything. Just get them to take an action and you could make money!

Tactic #4: Charge your list for emails you send them.

This is kind of like having your own digital product, but you would deliver the content via email. In the industry we call them e-courses. They are simply lessons delivered via email, and you can setup a sales page and offer your own e-course to your list.

Tactic #5: Send your list an email about services you offer.

Do you offer services for your niche? If not see what services they want, see if you can offer them, and then send an email to your list about the services you offer.

Tactic #6: Send an email to your list about a discount or special offer.

I know a guy who does nothing but go to product owners who have an affiliate program he can join, asks them to offer his list a discount on the product, and then he tells his list about the discounted product. He makes tons of money doing this because people LOVE a discount! You’ll need to be in a niche with A LOT of products to do this though. 🙂

Tactic #7: Sell advertising to others.

You’ll need a decent size list for this tactic, but you can sell advertising to others where you email your list their email ad. You don’t make any money off of the actual email, but you get paid to send their email to your list.

Tactic #8: Email your list about monetized web pages on your site.

A great way to monetize your websites are with PPC (pay-per-click) ads (like Adsense) and then send your list to those pages. When they click on your ads you get paid.

Okay I’ll be adding to this last as I find/come up with new ideas and I’ll email you when I do as long as you’re on my list. Not on my list? Then click here. You’ll also learn a ton of other great stuff from me! 🙂

If you have any questions about what I covered here please let me know by leaving your comments below.

P.S. Need help with building your list and/or making money with it? Hire me as your personal coach for one low monthly fee AND get a ton of other benefits while you’re at it! I have just recently re-opened my membership and invite you to take me on as your personal coach! Check this out >>>

Website Traffic

There are several ways to get traffic!

You can buy it (Facebook, Google Adwords, etc), you can trade for it (you promote me and I’ll promote you kind of deals), or you can steal it!

Let’s talk about stealing traffic…

[su_box title=”Hot Tip!” style=”soft” box_color=”#0e9310″]I recently went through John Thornhills Simple Traffic Solutions course at and loved it! He shares so many tactics in the course and I can’t recommend it enough! Get this course if you want to learn over 20 traffic tactics straight from him![/su_box]

Now I don’t mean for you to do anything sneaky or anything like that. Basically with “stealing” traffic you’re getting your message on another person’s site who already gets a ton of traffic.

The best example of this?

Guest blog posting…

Maybe you’ve heard of it and maybe you haven’t, but the thing about it is it’s a tactic that’s been around for YEARS and the reason why the tactic has been around so long is because it actually works.

You simply find blogs in your niche that get a lot of traffic (there are all kinds of tools out there to see how much traffic a site gets) and approach “pitch” them your idea for a blog post you could write for them.

Notice I didn’t say… “Contact them and ask if you can write a blog post for them.”

That doesn’t work!

You need to do your research on THEIR blog and see what topics they cover on their blog. Come up with 2-3 ideas for related topics that they haven’t covered yet and then contact them with your ideas and ask if you could write the post for their blog.

Does this take work?

You bet!

But if you focus on blogs with TONS of traffic your hard work could really pay off!

Now if you’re not great and creating content you could always pay someone to create the content for you. You just want to make sure that you actually find someone with some serious talent who can create a great piece of content for you.

[su_box title=”Hot Tip!” style=”soft” box_color=”#0e9310″] I’ve created a resource list for you of people who create content as a service for others. Click here to access this list. [/su_box]

When guest blog posting for someone they are going to read what you submit before they post it to their blog, so you better have something awesome to hand them.

So how do you go about doing this?

1. As I said the first thing you need to do is find the top blogs in your niche that actually get traffic.

2. Spend time reading the blog posts and make a list of ideas for blog posts that you could write (or have written) for that blog.

3. Spend some time getting the attention of the blog owner. Tweet their blog posts, post their blog posts on Facebook (mention them when you do if that’s possible), make comments on their blog, etc.

4. Finally contact them and pitch them your ideas for blog posts you could write for them. With you getting the credit of course.

5. If they accept your offer then like I said make sure you create and/or have some KILLER content created for them. This is THE most important part of all of this. Once you get a “yes” from them don’t get a “no” when you submit your content. It’s GOT to be KILLER!

Now as I said this does take work, but let’s say that every other week your able to guest post on someone’s blog. By spending some money having the content written or spending some time writing the content yourself imagine the massive amount of traffic you could be getting?

I’ve created a Guest Blogging Research Sheet for you to download that you can use to keep track of…

1. Blogs you find in your niche
2. Means of contact for each blog
3. Ideas for blog posts for each blog
4. Notes to keep up with your dealings with each blog owner

I created this in Microsoft Excel and you can download the zip file for it by clicking here.

Now just because this is an old tactic that takes work, don’t dismiss it. Put a little time and effort into it and you’ll have a way to get A LOT of traffic that’s GOOD traffic and totally targeted!

If you have questions about using this tactic please leave them below!