Notes From Liz

The Adventure Continues

For those of you who have been with me for a while you know that I spent almost 6 months in Mexico in 2022/2023. My intent was to actually move there, but the homesick blues hit me, and I came back home. 🥹

It took about 2 days for me to realize I should have just visited and then went back. But here we are over a year later and I’m still living in the US. Atlanta, GA to be exact.

It took me 6 months to get back into the swing of being back in the US. I hated it because the vibe in Mexico is just totally different. It’s way more laid back, the food is SOOO much better (I ate like a teenage boy down there and STILL lost A LOT of weight), and it’s just a better quality of life.

That was my experience…

I traveled all over Mexico and got to do so many cool things. I celebrated Mexico’s Independence Day in Mexico City and watched the President address the citizens (I still get goose bumps remembering that), I celebrated Dia de Muertos on an island of Mexico’s indigenous peoples, I got to visit ruins of several of the indigenous peoples of Mexico, I attended a soccer game between the two biggest rival teams in Mexico, I got the see tiny pueblitos (small towns) where life is still the Mexico of old, the big gorgeous cities and their amazing architecture, and so so so many more amazing adventures.

For the first time I felt totally content and at peace…

My mother always referred to me as a genius little nut job ball of nervous energy. 😂 Lovingly of course, but she was right. I am that! However, in Mexico I was relaxed and at peace. I really felt in my element while traveling around experiencing the culture (there’s so much of it there) the people, and the gorgeousness that is Mexico.

On the 17th of this month (October) I’m taking a plane to San Diego and walking across the border into Tijuana…

Now I just heard a bunch of you gasp in horror… 😂

First, I’m traveling with my friend who was born and raised in Mexico and has seen more of the darker side of that life than most. I’m in good hands.

Second, I’m doing it during the day so that makes it a bit safer too.

I will be spending a few days in Tijuana and visiting a few cities on the Baja Peninsula. I will then continue the journey south to where I’ll be staying, which is Morelia, Michoacan. The same city I based myself in the last time. I will be hitting multiple cities along the way like…

Side Note: None of this is in stone. It’s just the current plan and I’m sure it will change.

Ensenada, Baja California

Hermosillo, Sonora

Guaymas, Sonora

Los Mochis, Sinaloa

Culican, Sinaloa (This is a “maybe” due to the current “social climate”.)

Mazatlan, Sinaloa

Tepic, Nayarit

Guadalajara, Jalisco

… and I’ll be doing it all via BUS!

Now the buses in Mexico are way different than here in the states. They are NIIIICE! Lots of room and many of them are the “double decker” type and I LOVE the views on the top level while traveling. I would much rather see it all than fly in an airplane.

It will take me a few weeks to get to Morelia where I’ll be renting the place that I first stayed in on my first trip. It’s gorgeous with amazing views and it’s in el Centro histórico (the historic part of downtown) de Morelia, so it’s close to EVERYTHING! 🌮😂

You can see a lot of Morelia, Michoacan and what I saw in Mexico on my last adventure at

I’ll probably take a week to rest up and catch up on work, and then I’ll be on to more adventures. We have a lot of different things planned and I’ll keep you updated on that.

As for working… Yes! I will be working while there.

In the 20 years I’ve had my online business only a few of those years have I had a dedicated office. Basically, if it doesn’t fit in my backpack, it’s not part of my business. So, everything I need is always with me. I can literally work from anywhere USUALLY. My phone acts as a hotspot plus I can have my own Internet service in the place I rent in Morelia. However, there are places I do visit that even my phone doesn’t work, so I won’t be working as much as normal. Plus, I’ll be taking more time to just enjoy life too.

Side Note: For my US peeps. AT&T’s Unlimited plan allows for your phone to work in Canada, Mexico, Central America, and many countries in South America at no additional costs. The plan is like $95 a month, but worth it!

I will still be creating and releasing a lot of PLR packages, but I have plans for other projects too. I want to focus more on my faith based business AND I’ll be working on opening up The Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club so I can have MORE real life time with all of my Team Tomey peeps. ❤️

So now you’re up to date on my trek to my “home base” destination in Mexico and how I’ll be working while on this lengthy journey over the next 6 months.

A lot of people are freaked out by this trek because many people think the only safe places in Mexico are the tourist spots like Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, etc. You will miss out on a lot of amazing things if you just stick to the tourist spots anywhere you travel. Again… I will not let fear dictate where I wander. EVER! I know not to visit certain spots at certain times, I have a great guide with me, and most importantly God is ALWAYS guiding me. 🙏🏼 Yes, I need to use the brain He gave me, but when it’s my time, it’s my time, and that could be in my own country or any other country. So, pray for me but instead of worrying, enjoy the journey with me through all the content I’ll be sharing from my trip.

I post EVERYTHING to my Facebook account, and some different stuff on my “other” Instagram account, and TikTok, so you can follow me on either of those at the following links…




Okay so you guys are all up to date now… I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, etc. (or if you have questions post those too) so leave them in the comments below…

Private Label Rights (PLR)

What Does It Mean? The PLR Niche Explained!

I had someone ask me…

Liz, what exactly IS the PLR niche? 🤔

The PLR niche is the group of people who buy PLR and use it in their online business. It’s a BIG niche full of hungry (like starving to death kind of hungry) buyers and you can sell them PLR content, things that teach them about using PLR content, and even anything related to marketing an online business because they ARE online business owners!

In the last 20 years I’ve been involved in over 22 different niches and this is hands down the most profitable niche I’ve EVER been in.

You can make-money in it as an affiliate marketer OR with your own products/services.🤑

Side Note: I have several workshops that teach how to use and make-money with PLR. YOU can get PLR to these and sell them as your own products. You can see them all at

As we’ve already covered this week you first need to setup a squeeze page and start driving traffic to it.

I offer PLR that will allow you to do both of these things. If you missed that part you can read that email at 

Once you’ve done that you’ll be on your list building journey which is the most profitable-journey you can be on.

As long as you do things right (build your relationship with your readers, provide the right content, write emails that actually get opened and create engagement, etc.) you’ll be able to make-money every time you send out an email.

And there are so many ways you can profitably-use PLR content to profit with that list and in this niche in general.

You can…

1. Create and sell your own products! Remember what I said above. People in this niche don’t buy JUST PLR content.

2. Create blog content that helps people in this niche positioning yourself as an authority and bonding with these people. This is the secret sauce to getting people to buy from you!

3. Freebies… People love free-stuff ESPECIALLY when it’s stuff that HELPS them. Use PLR content to create freebies that help people in this niche and you’ll have loyal fans that buy from you over and over.

4. Bonuses… Want to stand out when promoting affiliate products? Then create small bonus packages (3-5 products) for people who buy through YOUR links. This works REALLY well!

And dozens upon dozens of other ways!

Bottom line…

This is a HOT niche! You’ve just got to do the initial foundational building to get setup in it, and then continually drive traffic and use strategies like I gave you above to profit-in it.

It’s not hard!

You just have to put the work in and what I’ve told you here can be applied in just about any niche.

Okay #TeamTomey… We’ve covered A LOT of information this week. I really went back to the basics, so I hope you’ve at least got this setup in your journey to have your own online business.

If you have questions on anything I’ve covered feel free to drop me a line and I’ll be more than happy to help you out!

Talk soon!


Private Label Rights (PLR)

This Is How You DO It… With PLR! 🤑

The other day we talked about if my PLR is the right fit for you and how to get started using PLR.

If you missed that email, you can read it at

No matter if you buy my PLR or not, I can still teach you to use it in many different ways! 🤑

Either to make-money within your business, to use in marketing your business, and/or actually selling PLR to others!

Since I just launched The PLR Niche Squeeze Page System we’re going to focus on using PLR specifically for those in the PLR niche.

Don’t worry we will talk more about the other PLR tactics later. And I have a ton of tutorials on that on my YouTube Channel. Here’s the playlist with them all in one place

So, in my last email I told you how to get started in this niche. Build your squeeze page because that’s where it all starts!

If you picked up The PLR Niche Squeeze Page System at that gives you a ready to go squeeze page system so that’s going to cut out A LOT of the work.

But what do you do after that? How else can you use PLR in your business once you have your squeeze page?

The first thing you need to do is start driving traffic. There are many ways to do this…

You can…

1. Use PLR content related to PLR and start using content marketing tactics to get traffic.

Side Note: I have a huge content pack for those of you in the PLR niche and this would be perfect for those of you wanting to market your PLR niche business. You can see it at

2. Create a YouTube channel and start funneling your viewers from YouTube into your PLR niche biz.

I just looked at my analytics and I got 50 visitors from YouTube in the last 24 hours and I haven’t posted a video over there in almost 2 months!

You can even use PLR content to create your videos!

3. Use social media marketing! There’s a lot of moving parts to this and depending on what social media network you’re using will depend on how you do it.

Once you get a solid strategy in place though it brings traffic in consistently when you use it consistently.

4. Paid advertising… A lot of people gasp when the phrase “paid advertising” is mentioned but you have a lot of options and it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune.

I watched a YouTube video last night of a guy who used TikTok ads in like 5 minutes to start making sales in his business. He paid someone to create the video ads for him, uploaded them, set his budget to $25, and BOOM. He made-money in his first 24 hours.

That’s just ONE option for paid advertising. There are so many!

I could go on and on here, but you just need to pick ONE traffic option and get started using it to get traffic to your squeeze page.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a squeeze page you’ve built or a squeeze page that you’ve bought the rights to.

These are your first steps…

1. Build a squeeze page!

2. Drive traffic!

Have you taken these steps yet?

If not reply to this blog post and tell me what’s stopping you and I’ll see what I can do to help you. Or if you haven’t had any results reply to this email and tell me what you’ve done, and I’ll see how I can help you get results.

No strings attached… I want to help those who are TRYING!

Okay… that’s it for today!

I’m getting back to work on my next PLR package I’ll be bringing to you in just a few days, so be on the lookout!

Talk soon!


Private Label Rights (PLR)

Should YOU Buy PLR Content From ME?

If you’ve been following me for more than 5 minutes, you know… I eat, sleep, and breathe PLR!

I love it! ❤️

I buy it, I use it, AND I create it.

Do I think you should?

Absolutely! 💯

Buy all the PLR content you possibly can for YOUR niche! (Or niches you are thinking about going in.)

I provide PLR content in these niches…

The Make-Money Online Niche – I’ve made-money in a ton of different ways and I create all types of PLR content for this niche.

The Internet-Marketing Niche – For the last 20 years I’ve used so many different marketing tactics and I always take what I know and what’s working and teach it to my people. Generally these teachings are sold with PLR so you can use the content to profit-too!

The PLR Niche – This one is under the above two niches really because you can use PLR to make-money and market your business online, but I do a lot of content focused on this niche because well… It’s my FAVORITE!

I have toyed with the thought of creating PLR content for other niches, and I’ll be doing that, but it won’t be until next summer.

Yes, I have my businesses planned out about a year in advance and at this point I cannot fit in creating other niche PLR until next summer or MAYBE early spring at the earliest.

So, if you’re in any of the above niches, then YES absolutely you should buy PLR content from me.

I know these niches inside and out and have 20 years of experience in them. When I create this content, I create it like I’m going to use it for my own business. Because well… I DO!

So, you can guarantee you’re getting the good stuff because I use it too!

If you want to make-money in these niches (or any niche for that matter) then the very first thing you need to do is have a squeeze page!

Any niche you go into it’s the very first thing you do. BUILD A SQUEEZE PAGE!

What’s a squeeze page? It’s a page where you give something away for free to a person visiting your site. They give you their name and email (putting them on your email list) in exchange for getting this freebie.

And that’s where the fun begins! 🎉

Once you have an email list, you can email that list with ANYTHING that makes you money! Even in the beginning stages when you have a tiny list! If you’re consistently growing your list your profits will increase overtime, but the first thing is to get a squeeze page.

If you’re in any of the niches I create PLR content for then your life is about to get MUCH easier. I have created ready to go squeeze page systems for you to use. You simply grab them, set them up (I even show you how) and you’re ready to start building your list.

But I don’t stop there… I also monetize all of your pages for you and give you 30 day email campaigns that build your relationship with your new subscribers and promote related affiliate products so you can make money too!

Here are the squeeze page systems with PLR that I currently offer:

The Make-Money Online Niche – I have two for this niche currently…

The Passive Income Niche Squeeze Page System

The Online Business Niche Squeeze Page System

The Internet-Marketing Niche – I don’t have one for this niche yet, but it’s coming very soon! 😉

The PLR Niche

So, if you’re in any of these niches or WANT to be in any of these niches you now have the hard part of setting up a squeeze page so you can start building your email list done for you!

Grab one of those and get started!

Okay, that’s it for today… Hopefully that answers the question of should you buy PLR content from me AND gives you a way to get started in the niches that I do provide content for.

If you have questions about how to get started in any of these niches just comment and let me know and I’ll do a Q&A session where I answer all the questions #TeamTomey has on this!

Talk soon!


For The Newbies

How To Get Started Making Money Online: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

If you’re new to the online business world and wondering how to get started, you’re in the right place!

I’m Liz Tomey, an online business expert, and I’m here to help you navigate the exciting journey of making money online. Whether you want to build a full-time business or just earn some extra income on the side, there are plenty of opportunities out there for you.

Let me lay this out for you step-by-step. I highly recommend you get a notebook and pen and take notes or use whatever you use to take notes, but you’re going to want to take notes.

Let’s dive in…

Side Note: I have an online course called The Get An Online Business Workshop. This is a great place to get step-by-step training on starting an online business that’s perfect for you. I cover all of these steps and more inside. You can take a look at it by going to

Step 1: Identify Your Goals And Interests

The first step in starting your online business journey is to identify your goals and interests.

Ask yourself:

What are you passionate about?

What skills do you have?

How much time and money can you invest?

Your answers to these questions will help you choose the right online business model that aligns with your interests and resources.

Step 2: Explore Different Online Business Models

There are numerous ways to make money online.

Here are some popular models to consider:

Affiliate Marketing: Promote other people’s products and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral link.

Digital Product Creation: Create and sell digital products like eBooks, online courses, printables, or software.

Blogging: Start a blog around a niche you’re passionate about and monetize it through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

E-commerce: Sell physical products through an online store. This can be your own products or dropshipping.

Freelancing: Offer your skills and services (writing, graphic design, social media management, etc.) to clients online.

Online Coaching or Consulting: Share your expertise with others and help them achieve their goals through one-on-one or group coaching.

Side Note: Until you have an online business model picked out, there’s really nothing ANYONE can do to help you. YOU need to decide how you’re going to make money online… your business model. THEN you can get people to help you, but until you have this nailed down then there’s no moving forward.

I highly recommend you research what online business models are out there and start learning how they work. Then take your interests and skills and use them in the online business model you think will work for you.

Side Note: I have several workshops that cover several different online business models over at Check there and see if any of those online business models interest you and then you can learn any of them step-by-step from me.

Step 3: Choose Your Niche

Once you’ve decided on a business model, it’s time to choose a niche. A niche is a specific segment of a market that you will focus on. For example, if you’re interested in health and fitness, you could focus on a niche like weight loss for busy professionals or vegan meal planning.

Choosing a niche helps you target a specific audience and stand out in the crowded online marketplace. Make sure your niche is something you’re passionate about and has a demand in the market.

Side Note: Want to learn to find the PERFECT and most PROFITABLE niche? Then you need The Pick A Niche Learning System! Check it out at

Step 4: Build Your Online Presence

Now it’s time to set up your online presence. This involves creating a website, setting up social media profiles, and establishing a brand.

Here are a few of the key steps…

Create a Website: Your website is your online home base. Choose a domain name that reflects your brand and set up your site using a platform like WordPress.

Set Up Social Media Profiles: Choose the social media platforms where your target audience hangs out and create profiles there. Engage with your audience by sharing valuable content and building relationships.

Develop Your Brand: Your brand is how people perceive your business. Create a logo, choose brand colors, and develop a consistent voice and message.

Side Note: I cover building your online presence (I call it building your business foundation)in The Get An Online Business Workshop at

Step 5: Start Creating Content

Content is king in the online business world. Whether you’re blogging, creating videos, or posting on social media, valuable content helps you attract and engage your audience. Start creating content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Provide solutions to their problems and position yourself as an authority in your niche.

You’ll use this content in many different ways to attract people into your online business, educate them, bond with them and it all leads them to spend money with you!

Step 6: Build and Grow Your Audience

To make money online, you need an audience. Focus on growing your email list and social media followers.

Offer a freebie (like an eBook, checklist, or mini-course) in exchange for their email address. Consistently provide value through your content and build trust with your audience.

There are so so so many ways to build your audience. It’s a lot of trial and error, but consistently working on it every day is the ONLY way to grow your audience.

Step 7: Keep Learning, Adapting, And Overcoming!

The online business world is constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep learning and adapting. Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in your niche. Invest in courses, attend webinars, and network with other online entrepreneurs.

Also, there’s a lot of obstacles you’ll be hit with. Technology, know-how, etc. You’ve got to have a “no quit” attitude and overcome EVERYTHING that is thrown at you. Without this you will NEVER succeed with an online business.

Okay so that’s the 7 main steps. Of course, there is more and it depends on what business model you pick, your skills, how you will drive traffic into your business, etc. But like I said… Start with finding what business model you want to go with and move on from there.

Here’s the bottom line… Starting an online business can be both exciting and overwhelming, but with the right guidance and persistence, you can achieve your goals. Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. Stay committed, keep learning, and don’t be afraid to take action.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help you succeed in your online business journey!

Liz's Products, Notes From Liz

How To Get The Most From #TeamTomey!

The other day we talked about WHAT #TeamTomey is…

The short answer: We’re a huge tribe of people (you and me) that have one common goal… To have an online business that funds the life we WANT!

What I do for the tribe is provide training, tools, coaching, etc. on creating and marketing that online business.

KNOW that THE KEY to having the life you want is to have an online business that funds it.

I mean I’m a walking/talking example of this.

I created an amazing life and if it wasn’t for my online business I wouldn’t have it.

I mean unless I hit the lottery or found a rich husband to take care of me. 😂

I had to WORK for it and all the work I’ve done to succeed I share it with all of #TeamTomey

So, today I want to introduce you to the brands of #TeamTomey so you will know exactly where to put your focus to get exactly what YOU need as a unique individual in this tribe.

You ready?

Let’s dive in…

TIP: This is a really long email and you’re going to want to save it, so make sure you save it. 😉 (LT) is the main brand. The products within this brand are mainly for those who have an online business up and going and/or already have a plan for an online business and they’re working on creating it.

If you know where you’re going and what you’re doing these are for you! (PLR) is my private label rights brand. Private label rights can be used in many ways in an online business. Creating your own digital products, creating free offers to build your list, bonuses, content, and the list goes on and on. focuses on providing content for those in the make money online (MMO) and Internet marketing (IM) niches.

If you need PLR content for your business there’s loads of PLR for you! (PPC) provides workshops that teach you how to use PLR to make money in your online business and/or use it in your marketing for your online business.

If you want to learn to use PLR, then make sure you go through these workshops! You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (BP) provides workshops about individual online business models. Each workshop covers ONE online business model from A-Z. There are several different ones that I’ve covered and I add more all the time.

If you’re trying to figure out what online business you want to start I recommend checking these workshops out and going through the ones you have an interest in. When you find the one for you follow along and build that online business of your dreams! You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (LI) provides workshops that teach various Internet marketing tactics. List building, email marketing, social media marketing, website traffic tactics, and so much more.

If you need to learn how to market your online business, then these are for you. Look through them, decide what tactic you want to use, learn the tactic, use it and come back for more when you want to implement new tactics. You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (AI) provides workshops on how to use AI (artificial intelligence) in your online business. Either in your marketing or profiting with it directly in your online business.

If you want to learn about using AI in your business, then make sure you go through these workshops and learning guides. You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (PI) is all about creating a passive income with online businesses. These workshops will show you how to create passive income online and/or how to market your business for passive income.

If you want to solely focus on passive income and nothing else, then I recommend going through ALL of these workshops. Start with The $12K A Month Passive Income Blueprint Live Workshop because that lays the foundation for everything related to passive income. You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (CF) is brand new as of 2024 and is ever changing but focuses on those who want to create a faith based business. As of right now it’s for all types of faiths and there are currently two different workshops that will help you get started with a faith based online business.

If you want to start a faith based business then make sure you go through these workshops. You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business!

As you can see there’s a lot of content and training that I provide for everyone in #TeamTomey…

If you’re brand new, confused, and don’t know where to go I highly recommend that you go through The Ultimate Online Business Skills Mastery Bundle at

This will allow you to learn a ton of skills that you’ll need for just about any online business you’ll ever want to create.

If you’re wanting to market your existing business online, then make sure you take advantage of all the marketing training I’m providing here. I’ve been doing this stuff for 20 years now and it’s basically my entire brain here for you to learn from.

Last but not least, I’m here to help you!

The biggest piece of advice that I can give you is to pick a path and stick with it. If you’re trying to start an online business figure out how you want to make money and in what niche. Create a plan and stick to that ONE plan. Going in a vicious cycle of always looking for a way to make money is no place to be stuck in. You’ll end up never reaching your dreams! 😔

Okay, so that wraps up the tour of what #TeamTomey is and what I do for you as part of the tribe. If I can be of any help, please reach out to me at

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

What The Heck Is TeamTomey?

Last week we kicked off celebrating #TeamTomey Month by taking a few trips down memory lane.

I told you about my first business I started when I was 19 and how I turned that into the online business I still have to this day 20 years later. 🤯

There were so many lessons in all of that and I hope you learned a lot and got to know a little more about me.

Side Note: If you missed those posts you can see them at:

Dinosaur Alert – What Did Liz Do Before The Internet? –

The $37,000 Story –

Now, some of that information I have never shared anywhere publicly, but I wanted to take you guys back to the very beginning. You’ll see why as we go through this month. Everything I will be sharing builds upon each other. I had to give you all the back story so you can walk into all of this with the full picture.

It still blows my mind that running my own business is something that I’ve done for more than half my life.

26 of 45 years! 😮

But my favorite thing that has come out of all of this is… #TeamTomey!

#TeamTomey started as a brand hashtag I was using on social media, but it grew into this huge tribe of people (you and me) that have one common goal…

To have an online business that funds the life we WANT!

It doesn’t matter what kind of life you want. It doesn’t matter what kind of online business you have or want to have.

We’re all in this together with this ONE goal and it’s all about creating something that allows us to have an amazing life.

My main online business is creating and selling digital products.

My amazing life is being able to work from where I want, when I want, and without having ANYONE tell me what to do.

It’s allowed me to raise a bunch of kids (some mine and some not, but I had a hand in raising them), travel and see so many cool places in what I’ve found is a massive world full of amazing people and culture, it’s allowed me to help my family time after time, and the list goes on and on.

Now you’re online business and your lifestyle might be something totally different, but #TeamTomey is all about helping you create that online business and use it to live that amazing life you want.

#TeamTomey is the online family you’ve always wanted!

We all congregate over at

If you’re not a member over there you can join at no-cost!

It’s our big mastermind area that works a lot like Facebook without being Facebook. We have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. 😂

If you want to join everybody over there, be able to interact with others just like you, and get help with any of my workshops, then you need to be over there.

It’s free-with zero strings attached! 

See you there!



This Is The BIG Secret

The other day I told you about the business I started when I was 19. That was way back in 1998. I wasn’t even using the Internet for that business when I started it. It was a mailorder business.

If you missed that you can see it all at

Going through all of that made me think of the old Joe Sugarman ad for his Blublocker Sunglasses. EVERYONE and their brother points to this as the most iconic copywriting of all time.

Not sure about that, but it IS really good!

No matter what business you’re in, learning to write words that make people buy from you is the ONE big skill you should continually learn about and put into practice.

It doesn’t matter if you’re just creating written content, videos, ads, etc… You’ve GOT to learn to write sales copy. Words that make people want to take action!

If you can’t make people buy your stuff (or click on a link, or subscribe, etc.), then you’ll never make any-money with any kind of business. is a great site to see some of the best copy ever written and have it explained to you. You can learn a lot at no-cost.

I’m not an affiliate for the site nor was I paid to mention them. It’s just that great of a resource.

If you want to get started with the technical side of learning to write copy there are only TWO resources that I recommend…

The 10:10 Salesletter Challenge at 

And Psycho Profits 3 which you can read about at  

I named Psycho Profits 3 the official sales copy bible for #TeamTomey a long time ago. It’s AMAZING and now with ChatGPT you can use it to quickly create sales letters!

No matter where you learn from though, writing sales copy… the words that make people BUY (or click, or optin, etc.)… is something you should continually learn and continually practice.

It’s NOT just a one time thing. It’s something that needs to be done in your business almost on a daily basis.

Well… Unless you have a lot of money to spend on a copywriter to write EVERYTHING for you. 😉

Okay, that’s it for today… #TeamTomey Month continues on and I’ll be bringing you more great tips, resources, and a little entertainment all month long!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Dinosaur Alert – What Did Liz Do Before The Internet?

Today I want to show you something pretty cool. 😎 An absolute blast from the past. There’s a lesson in here on success too, so pay very close attention, and I’ll give you the insights you need at the end of this.

It was 1998 and I was 19 years old. I had quit high school, I had quit college, and was living in Nemah, Washington on a salmon hatchery. How and why I got there is a story for another day, but man it’s a wild one. My life pre-kids was quite the adventure. Heck my entire life has been quite the adventure, but… 😂

Anyway I was living in the middle of nowhere looking at ways to make-money. Everything was so far from where I lived and I didn’t know what to do.

I had responded to an ad in the local paper to stuff envelopes for $1. I could stuff as many envelopes as I wanted and get $1 for each one! All I had to do was send the person $1 and a LSASE (long self addressed stamped envelope) and then they’d send me “everything I needed to get started”.

I was like… SIGN ME UP! Give me a break… I was 19! 😂

What they didn’t tell me is I would have to place ads just like they did, get people to send me $1 and their LSASE, and then I would have to print off the directions and mail those directions back to the person who would then go on and do the same. That’s how I would get paid $1 to “stuff” envelopes.

This was a pretty popular thing for years…

And here’s the thing though… I actually placed those ads and got a ton of people to send me their $1 and their LSASE. I didn’t get rich by any means, but I made a few thousand dollars doing it.

Most importantly I learned!

I would tweak my ads, redesign them, (my first days of writing copy) experiment with ad sizes, figure out which publications worked the best to advertise in (I was testing and tracking WITHOUT technology), AND because my name and address was in many of these publications I started getting a ton of offers in the mail for all kinds of things.


Reselling products via the mail…

Dealerships which were like affiliate programs via the mail…

Advertising opportunities…

And the list goes on and on and on! There were so many money-making opportunities via the good ol’ USPS back then.

My main focuses were on…

1. Creating and selling mailing lists. Everyone who replied to me or advertised in front of me got added to a Word document and that was my mailing list. I also bought other mailing lists and added them to mine. I would use these myself and sell them to others. These sold great!

2. Ad design (typesetting as it was called).

3. Adsheet publishing which was just an 8.5 x 11 sheet of ads that I would mail to my mailing list and the mailing lists of others. Like 5,000, 10,000, and up to 50,000 at one point in time.

4. And I also offered dealerships (basically an affiliate program) for all of my offers. Others could sell my offers, collect the payment, and forward the order and my part of the fee to me and I would fulfill the order for their customer. Who was now my customer.

Sounds crazy, right?

This was what we called the “mailorder industry”.

And that’s exactly how I got started in marketing and what I was doing before all of this online business stuff…

Without technology, without YouTube videos telling me how to do this or that, without courses telling me how to do this or that.

I simply watched what others were doing and I did my own versions of that or got whole new ideas. I was making about $35,000 a year at 20 years old in 1999, and made more money every year after that.

Fast forward a few years though and postage was going sky high. I knew I needed to do something different. Postage was really eating into my profits. 😟

I had a computer and had been “online” since I was about 14 when my grandparents bought a computer for their company. I had already taught myself how to build websites (thanks Geocities) and could use message boards and email. I was way ahead of the curve.

The funny thing about my generation (What’s up Gen X?) is that half of us totally get technology and the other half are absolutely clueless. Thank God I was one of the ones that just got technology.

So I started building websites and putting all of my “mailorder stuff” online to help out with the postage costs. You don’t need to mail things if you’re putting it online. 😉 Or you could create small ads with your website in them instead of full page ads or entire mailings.

I had probably 20 different domain names and would scan people’s offers into my computer, and upload them as images to websites. Then I would advertise these websites all over the place. Online and offline.

Want to see a video of all of that old stuff? Check this video out and I’ll show you some stuff from my mailorder days!

So, I was advertising those websites, getting those people traffic to their offers, and turned it into one of the first mailorder/online businesses around.

I was way ahead of the game and made great money doing it all.

As a high school/college drop out living in the middle of nowhere on a salmon hatchery! 😂

I moved around a few times (Indiana, Texas, Tennessee) running this business but as long as I had a computer and a mailbox, I made money.

In 2004 after meeting my now ex-husband with a HUGE family (I had a child and he had four children) I needed even more money. A big family and my growing goals and dreams demanded more.

So I handed the mailorder/online business to him, (which I had built to about $65,000 a year) and I went to work creating a totally online information publishing business.

Which leads me to the next story of how I became Liz Tomey… I call it… “The $37,000 Story”. If you want to continue on with that then you can read it at

And that’s what this dinosaur did before the Internet…

But for now there are a few lessons I want you to take away from the story I just told you…

Lesson 1: Watch And Learn – Always be watching what is going on in your industry/niche. You can always do what someone else is doing with your own twist on it. I’m NOT saying to copy anyone, but using what others are doing for your own inspiration is something that you CAN do and there’s nothing wrong with it. You will always get a ton of ideas too for things you can do to make money or make MORE money by watching and learning too!

Lesson 2: Be Ahead Of The Curve – Look for what’s coming next before it even comes out. You’ve got to know your niche inside out to do this, but keep your eye open for things that might be coming next. I knew the Internet was going to be the next big thing in the mail order industry. It was it’s replacement. And I jumped on board VERY quickly and got a load of people (whom at the time were very anti-Internet) to trust in me and start using it.

Lesson 3: Be Ready To Pivot – Pivot became a hot word during Covid because so many people HAD to pivot with what they were doing to survive. Doing business for most became VERY different with all the new rules. But there are many other things that will make you pivot. Demand, a change in life circumstances, etc. Don’t stay stuck, or watching your business lose money. DO SOMETHING! You’ve always gotta be ready to pivot!

Lesson 4: NEVER Quit – This should go without saying, but you have to have the attitude that quitting and total failure is NOT an option. No matter what, you have to just keep getting up and coming back and fighting for what you want.

Even though I was amazing at school, I hated it. It wasn’t for me. And the thought of working for someone else on a schedule sounded like the worst thing in the world to me. I’d rather live in a box down by the river than work for someone or have to have a schedule. 😂 It was my first “WHY”. My second “WHY” was my son. I couldn’t imagine having someone else take care of him while I slaved away at a job. I give a lot of credit to how all my kids turned out because of me ALWAYS being at home with them.

Find your WHY and you’ll find the “can’t quit won’t quit” in yourself that will fuel you to do anything you want!

Okay, I hope this was a fun story for you to read, and most importantly I hope you got something from it!

What lessons did you learn from this story of an online dinosaur? Leave your lessons and thoughts in the comments below…

Notes From Liz

Past Downloads No Longer Work!

I’ve been making a lot of changes lately and one of those changes was getting ALL of my products loaded into a new delivery system.

I am now using Product Dyno for product delivery.

If you create and sell digital products you might want to check this tool out.

You DO NOT need it to access your purchases from me though. This is just something I’m using in MY business.

All of the download links for your past purchases will no longer work for you.

Unfortunately there’s no way for me to load all of you into the system and have your purchases restored. 😭

I have to do it manually!

So… If you are trying to access a purchases and can’t, simply send me an email and tell me you need a customer account. I will need the email address you have used to purchase my products to look up all of your purchases.

I will create an account for you if you don’t already have one and add all of your purchases to your account.

Once you have an account you will ALWAYS login at to access any and all purchases.


You have to login to that ONE link to see what you have purchased.

Once you login you can see what products you have or have not purchased and access any that you have purchased.

No changes in how you purchase, no extra charges, etc. The only thing that has changed is how you ACCESS your products.


Once you have an account you will ALWAYS login at to access any and all purchases.

You can’t do anything until you have an account though, so if you don’t have an account and you HAVE product purchases from me then shoot me an email with your purchase email and I’ll get you all taken care of.

Don’t know if you have an account? Search your email for the URL

Lost your password? There’s a lost password function on the login page.

This will be a little bumpy at first. Everything new at first is. But I will get you anything and everything you’ve purchased (up to the last 3 years), so don’t worry. You’re not losing anything.

Okay, that’s it for now… I know I’m going to be hearing from a lot of you so response times may be a little slow, but if you don’t hear from me within 2-3 BUSINESS days then send me another message because we all know the email gremlins are real and they are eating EVERYTHING right now. 😡

I appreciate you all SO much! Working with customers and seeing how many of my products you guys buy really makes me know I’m doing the right thing by continuing to teach and help you reach your dreams and goals. Your support means the world to me and as long as I have that I’ll keep being here for you!