Notes From Liz

Thank You For Your…

I just wanted to send out a little thank you note today to ALL of you! ❤️

So, I just launched The Passive-Income Niche Squeeze Page System with Reseller PLR and I had a lot of great support on this one.

Side Note: If you missed that you can still pick it up at

From my customers of course, but also affiliates, those of you who saw my posts about it on social media and liked, commented, and/or shared, and even those of you who just opened up the emails and clicked.

ALL of this helps me and I wanted to take a second to thank everyone even if you didn’t buy. ❤️

I work REALLY hard to create content that you can use in your business. I LOVE creating and selling PLR content. I do other things too, but this is my absolute favorite thing I do in my business because I feel like it’s the BIGGEST help I can give you on your path to success!

I create my PLR content for me to use also. This isn’t just me slapping together some stuff to make some money. I’m creating it to-PROFIT and YOU get to benefit from that too.

I pour hours and hours into EVERYTHING I create so that it works to meet YOUR goals. Be it making sales, building your list, promoting things, content for your sites, etc.

Look, I know PLR that’s created by someone who knows what they’re doing is hard to find. Believe me. I spend 10’s of thousands of dollars on PLR every single year. Most of it is garbage. 🤮 That’s why you rarely see me promote other people’s PLR. I’m not going to put that stuff in front of you because I know it’ll either take too much work to be worth using or it’s just simply unusable.

So know when you’re buying my PLR you’re also buying my expertise and years of accumulated knowledge.

Anyway… I’m so appreciative of all the support #TeamTomey gives me and I just wanted to personally thank all of you who show up in many different ways. Every action you take for me… buying, clicking, showing up on social media, commenting on blog posts, etc…. ALL of that means the world to me and helps me do what I do for you.

Okay, that’s it for today… Tomorrow I’ll be telling you about an exciting “thing” I just invested in to help me with a “side hustle” I’ve been pursuing. So be on the lookout for that email!

Talk soon!


Liz's Products, Notes From Liz

How To Get The Most From #TeamTomey!

The other day we talked about WHAT #TeamTomey is…

The short answer: We’re a huge tribe of people (you and me) that have one common goal… To have an online business that funds the life we WANT!

What I do for the tribe is provide training, tools, coaching, etc. on creating and marketing that online business.

KNOW that THE KEY to having the life you want is to have an online business that funds it.

I mean I’m a walking/talking example of this.

I created an amazing life and if it wasn’t for my online business I wouldn’t have it.

I mean unless I hit the lottery or found a rich husband to take care of me. 😂

I had to WORK for it and all the work I’ve done to succeed I share it with all of #TeamTomey

So, today I want to introduce you to the brands of #TeamTomey so you will know exactly where to put your focus to get exactly what YOU need as a unique individual in this tribe.

You ready?

Let’s dive in…

TIP: This is a really long email and you’re going to want to save it, so make sure you save it. 😉 (LT) is the main brand. The products within this brand are mainly for those who have an online business up and going and/or already have a plan for an online business and they’re working on creating it.

If you know where you’re going and what you’re doing these are for you! (PLR) is my private label rights brand. Private label rights can be used in many ways in an online business. Creating your own digital products, creating free offers to build your list, bonuses, content, and the list goes on and on. focuses on providing content for those in the make money online (MMO) and Internet marketing (IM) niches.

If you need PLR content for your business there’s loads of PLR for you! (PPC) provides workshops that teach you how to use PLR to make money in your online business and/or use it in your marketing for your online business.

If you want to learn to use PLR, then make sure you go through these workshops! You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (BP) provides workshops about individual online business models. Each workshop covers ONE online business model from A-Z. There are several different ones that I’ve covered and I add more all the time.

If you’re trying to figure out what online business you want to start I recommend checking these workshops out and going through the ones you have an interest in. When you find the one for you follow along and build that online business of your dreams! You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (LI) provides workshops that teach various Internet marketing tactics. List building, email marketing, social media marketing, website traffic tactics, and so much more.

If you need to learn how to market your online business, then these are for you. Look through them, decide what tactic you want to use, learn the tactic, use it and come back for more when you want to implement new tactics. You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (AI) provides workshops on how to use AI (artificial intelligence) in your online business. Either in your marketing or profiting with it directly in your online business.

If you want to learn about using AI in your business, then make sure you go through these workshops and learning guides. You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (PI) is all about creating a passive income with online businesses. These workshops will show you how to create passive income online and/or how to market your business for passive income.

If you want to solely focus on passive income and nothing else, then I recommend going through ALL of these workshops. Start with The $12K A Month Passive Income Blueprint Live Workshop because that lays the foundation for everything related to passive income. You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business! (CF) is brand new as of 2024 and is ever changing but focuses on those who want to create a faith based business. As of right now it’s for all types of faiths and there are currently two different workshops that will help you get started with a faith based online business.

If you want to start a faith based business then make sure you go through these workshops. You also get PLR to all of these workshops so you can use them in your own business!

As you can see there’s a lot of content and training that I provide for everyone in #TeamTomey…

If you’re brand new, confused, and don’t know where to go I highly recommend that you go through The Ultimate Online Business Skills Mastery Bundle at

This will allow you to learn a ton of skills that you’ll need for just about any online business you’ll ever want to create.

If you’re wanting to market your existing business online, then make sure you take advantage of all the marketing training I’m providing here. I’ve been doing this stuff for 20 years now and it’s basically my entire brain here for you to learn from.

Last but not least, I’m here to help you!

The biggest piece of advice that I can give you is to pick a path and stick with it. If you’re trying to start an online business figure out how you want to make money and in what niche. Create a plan and stick to that ONE plan. Going in a vicious cycle of always looking for a way to make money is no place to be stuck in. You’ll end up never reaching your dreams! 😔

Okay, so that wraps up the tour of what #TeamTomey is and what I do for you as part of the tribe. If I can be of any help, please reach out to me at

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

What The Heck Is TeamTomey?

Last week we kicked off celebrating #TeamTomey Month by taking a few trips down memory lane.

I told you about my first business I started when I was 19 and how I turned that into the online business I still have to this day 20 years later. 🤯

There were so many lessons in all of that and I hope you learned a lot and got to know a little more about me.

Side Note: If you missed those posts you can see them at:

Dinosaur Alert – What Did Liz Do Before The Internet? –

The $37,000 Story –

Now, some of that information I have never shared anywhere publicly, but I wanted to take you guys back to the very beginning. You’ll see why as we go through this month. Everything I will be sharing builds upon each other. I had to give you all the back story so you can walk into all of this with the full picture.

It still blows my mind that running my own business is something that I’ve done for more than half my life.

26 of 45 years! 😮

But my favorite thing that has come out of all of this is… #TeamTomey!

#TeamTomey started as a brand hashtag I was using on social media, but it grew into this huge tribe of people (you and me) that have one common goal…

To have an online business that funds the life we WANT!

It doesn’t matter what kind of life you want. It doesn’t matter what kind of online business you have or want to have.

We’re all in this together with this ONE goal and it’s all about creating something that allows us to have an amazing life.

My main online business is creating and selling digital products.

My amazing life is being able to work from where I want, when I want, and without having ANYONE tell me what to do.

It’s allowed me to raise a bunch of kids (some mine and some not, but I had a hand in raising them), travel and see so many cool places in what I’ve found is a massive world full of amazing people and culture, it’s allowed me to help my family time after time, and the list goes on and on.

Now you’re online business and your lifestyle might be something totally different, but #TeamTomey is all about helping you create that online business and use it to live that amazing life you want.

#TeamTomey is the online family you’ve always wanted!

We all congregate over at

If you’re not a member over there you can join at no-cost!

It’s our big mastermind area that works a lot like Facebook without being Facebook. We have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. 😂

If you want to join everybody over there, be able to interact with others just like you, and get help with any of my workshops, then you need to be over there.

It’s free-with zero strings attached! 

See you there!


Notes From Liz

You Said It… I Heard It!

The other day I sent an email out to all of #TeamTomey about where they wanted me to focus my teachings for the next few months.

The options where…

1. Me teaching you more ways to market/get traffic to what you already have.


2. Ways to make-money online.

80.4% of you picked option #1.

Me teaching you more ways to market/get traffic to what you already have.

So that’s what we’re going to be focusing on for the next few months.

Side Note: I saw your feedback if you left it in the second box. Thank you for that and I’m going to be going over that one by one too.

Now I have covered all of these topics… marketing, traffic generation, ways to make-money online for the last 20 years.

I have a ton of products on all of these topics, but there is still A LOT I have not covered, so I’m spending the day today deciding what’s going to help you the most and in the quickest way.

I’ll email you tomorrow on my decision…

Until then enjoy the last part of your weekend (it’s Sunday evening here) and let’s kick off our Monday with a big bang!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

The 37K Story – I Was Hooked!

It’s finally June!!!!

Why am I so excited about that?

Because we have just entered #TeamTomey Month! I’m officially claiming the month of June as #TeamTomey Month and we’re going to be celebrating 20 years of you and me this month!

Now maybe you haven’t been with me that long… Maybe you’ve been with me longer. After my last email I found a few of you have been with me since my first business I started when I was around 19. I’m 45 now, so you do the math. 😉

And if you missed my last message all about that business and what YOU can learn from it, you can see it at

Today though I want to take you back to when I started my online business and how I made $37K with it in just two weeks.

Here’s the low down on that…

You’ll see that 37K I made was NOT easy, it really didn’t happen in just 2 weeks, and if I would have given up you and I wouldn’t know each other…

Actually my life would be totally different and it actually scares me to think of what it would be.

Make sure you check this story out because it’s going to allow you to see exactly how I got started and how it all started with a big success!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Dinosaur Alert – What Did Liz Do Before The Internet?

Today I want to show you something pretty cool. 😎 An absolute blast from the past. There’s a lesson in here on success too, so pay very close attention, and I’ll give you the insights you need at the end of this.

It was 1998 and I was 19 years old. I had quit high school, I had quit college, and was living in Nemah, Washington on a salmon hatchery. How and why I got there is a story for another day, but man it’s a wild one. My life pre-kids was quite the adventure. Heck my entire life has been quite the adventure, but… 😂

Anyway I was living in the middle of nowhere looking at ways to make-money. Everything was so far from where I lived and I didn’t know what to do.

I had responded to an ad in the local paper to stuff envelopes for $1. I could stuff as many envelopes as I wanted and get $1 for each one! All I had to do was send the person $1 and a LSASE (long self addressed stamped envelope) and then they’d send me “everything I needed to get started”.

I was like… SIGN ME UP! Give me a break… I was 19! 😂

What they didn’t tell me is I would have to place ads just like they did, get people to send me $1 and their LSASE, and then I would have to print off the directions and mail those directions back to the person who would then go on and do the same. That’s how I would get paid $1 to “stuff” envelopes.

This was a pretty popular thing for years…

And here’s the thing though… I actually placed those ads and got a ton of people to send me their $1 and their LSASE. I didn’t get rich by any means, but I made a few thousand dollars doing it.

Most importantly I learned!

I would tweak my ads, redesign them, (my first days of writing copy) experiment with ad sizes, figure out which publications worked the best to advertise in (I was testing and tracking WITHOUT technology), AND because my name and address was in many of these publications I started getting a ton of offers in the mail for all kinds of things.


Reselling products via the mail…

Dealerships which were like affiliate programs via the mail…

Advertising opportunities…

And the list goes on and on and on! There were so many money-making opportunities via the good ol’ USPS back then.

My main focuses were on…

1. Creating and selling mailing lists. Everyone who replied to me or advertised in front of me got added to a Word document and that was my mailing list. I also bought other mailing lists and added them to mine. I would use these myself and sell them to others. These sold great!

2. Ad design (typesetting as it was called).

3. Adsheet publishing which was just an 8.5 x 11 sheet of ads that I would mail to my mailing list and the mailing lists of others. Like 5,000, 10,000, and up to 50,000 at one point in time.

4. And I also offered dealerships (basically an affiliate program) for all of my offers. Others could sell my offers, collect the payment, and forward the order and my part of the fee to me and I would fulfill the order for their customer. Who was now my customer.

Sounds crazy, right?

This was what we called the “mailorder industry”.

And that’s exactly how I got started in marketing and what I was doing before all of this online business stuff…

Without technology, without YouTube videos telling me how to do this or that, without courses telling me how to do this or that.

I simply watched what others were doing and I did my own versions of that or got whole new ideas. I was making about $35,000 a year at 20 years old in 1999, and made more money every year after that.

Fast forward a few years though and postage was going sky high. I knew I needed to do something different. Postage was really eating into my profits. 😟

I had a computer and had been “online” since I was about 14 when my grandparents bought a computer for their company. I had already taught myself how to build websites (thanks Geocities) and could use message boards and email. I was way ahead of the curve.

The funny thing about my generation (What’s up Gen X?) is that half of us totally get technology and the other half are absolutely clueless. Thank God I was one of the ones that just got technology.

So I started building websites and putting all of my “mailorder stuff” online to help out with the postage costs. You don’t need to mail things if you’re putting it online. 😉 Or you could create small ads with your website in them instead of full page ads or entire mailings.

I had probably 20 different domain names and would scan people’s offers into my computer, and upload them as images to websites. Then I would advertise these websites all over the place. Online and offline.

Want to see a video of all of that old stuff? Check this video out and I’ll show you some stuff from my mailorder days!

So, I was advertising those websites, getting those people traffic to their offers, and turned it into one of the first mailorder/online businesses around.

I was way ahead of the game and made great money doing it all.

As a high school/college drop out living in the middle of nowhere on a salmon hatchery! 😂

I moved around a few times (Indiana, Texas, Tennessee) running this business but as long as I had a computer and a mailbox, I made money.

In 2004 after meeting my now ex-husband with a HUGE family (I had a child and he had four children) I needed even more money. A big family and my growing goals and dreams demanded more.

So I handed the mailorder/online business to him, (which I had built to about $65,000 a year) and I went to work creating a totally online information publishing business.

Which leads me to the next story of how I became Liz Tomey… I call it… “The $37,000 Story”. If you want to continue on with that then you can read it at

And that’s what this dinosaur did before the Internet…

But for now there are a few lessons I want you to take away from the story I just told you…

Lesson 1: Watch And Learn – Always be watching what is going on in your industry/niche. You can always do what someone else is doing with your own twist on it. I’m NOT saying to copy anyone, but using what others are doing for your own inspiration is something that you CAN do and there’s nothing wrong with it. You will always get a ton of ideas too for things you can do to make money or make MORE money by watching and learning too!

Lesson 2: Be Ahead Of The Curve – Look for what’s coming next before it even comes out. You’ve got to know your niche inside out to do this, but keep your eye open for things that might be coming next. I knew the Internet was going to be the next big thing in the mail order industry. It was it’s replacement. And I jumped on board VERY quickly and got a load of people (whom at the time were very anti-Internet) to trust in me and start using it.

Lesson 3: Be Ready To Pivot – Pivot became a hot word during Covid because so many people HAD to pivot with what they were doing to survive. Doing business for most became VERY different with all the new rules. But there are many other things that will make you pivot. Demand, a change in life circumstances, etc. Don’t stay stuck, or watching your business lose money. DO SOMETHING! You’ve always gotta be ready to pivot!

Lesson 4: NEVER Quit – This should go without saying, but you have to have the attitude that quitting and total failure is NOT an option. No matter what, you have to just keep getting up and coming back and fighting for what you want.

Even though I was amazing at school, I hated it. It wasn’t for me. And the thought of working for someone else on a schedule sounded like the worst thing in the world to me. I’d rather live in a box down by the river than work for someone or have to have a schedule. 😂 It was my first “WHY”. My second “WHY” was my son. I couldn’t imagine having someone else take care of him while I slaved away at a job. I give a lot of credit to how all my kids turned out because of me ALWAYS being at home with them.

Find your WHY and you’ll find the “can’t quit won’t quit” in yourself that will fuel you to do anything you want!

Okay, I hope this was a fun story for you to read, and most importantly I hope you got something from it!

What lessons did you learn from this story of an online dinosaur? Leave your lessons and thoughts in the comments below…

Notes From Liz

#TeamTomey Month Is Coming!

Before we get started talking about #TeamTomey Month just a quick reminder about the “Whole Enchilada” deal I’m offering.

You can now get access to ALL current products for ONE price. I’m only opening this up to 20 customers and there are only 12 spots left, so make sure you check this out because once those spots are gone, this offer will be pulled forever!

Okay so June marks the 20th anniversary of me starting an online business and building this thing we call #TeamTomey!

It’s been an amazing journey and so much has happened in the last 20 years. So, we are going to spend the month on YOU! YOU are what makes all of this into #TeamTomey so I want to give back to you in several different ways.

I have a lot of content planned that’s going to take you back to my beginnings so YOU can learn from my 20 years of experience.

I’ve done a little bit of everything when it comes to creating and running online businesses and making money online. I’ve been in a ton of niches and I’ve built tons of different types of online businesses and we’re going to spend the month of June going over it all.

You’re going to learn a ton, get a ton of ideas, learn what to avoid and what not to do, what things have made me the most-money, and so so so much more.

Nothing held back and nothing hidden. We’re going to really deep dive into successes and failures and my main goal with it all is to help you and celebrate #TeamTomey which we have all created together.

I’m beyond excited and we’re going to get started on Monday, so be on the lookout!

Okay, that’s it for today…

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

For my American brothers and sisters I hope you’ll take a moment to be thankful for the men and women who gave it all for us to live in the most amazing country on this planet. The news paints us as a crazy country with all kinds of issues. Some of that is true, but we’re also a blessed nation with much more to be thankful for than many places around this world. Let’s keep that in mind this weekend no matter our opinions of the current state of things.

Stay safe and make good decisions this weekend!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Updates On Download Links!

Yesterday I told you about the changes that have happened here at #TeamTomey!

Download links from past purchases are no longer working because I’ve moved everything to a new system.

If you missed that email you can read it at

Just wanted to give a quick update about this situation…

Several of you sent messages in today to get your accounts created and/or your purchases added to your accounts.

There were only a few issues, so I’m going to call this a success.

Yes a few issues and I’m still calling it a success.

Because the issues were user errors. 😂

The system is working so moving forward anything you buy will be in ONE account for you!

I also had SEVERAL people ask what I would charge for access to EVERYTHING in there.


There’s a total of 147 products that I currently have in there. However some of them are duplicates. Like a lot of my workshops come with or without PLR so that would count as two products in there.

Some products are also in bundles.

So I will take a look at everything and in the next few days I will make a limited offer for MAYBE 20 people to get a special deal where you can get access to EVERYTHING for ONE price.

Let me think on it… 🤔

Just another reminder… The only place you can access your purchases now is at

If you have an account there you can login now.

If you forgot your password you can use the password reset button.

If you don’t have an account contact me with the email address(es) you use to purchase and what email you want your account under and I’ll get you taken care of.

The feedback so far is great. Having everything in ONE place PLUS being able to see all products you haven’t purchased is something so many have been asking for and after weeks of work we are go!

It’s been great talking with so many of my customers today. Some of you have been with me since almost the beginning. That just blows my mind because this year marks my 20th year in business! I love the relationships I have with so many of you and look forward to many more years of serving you! ❤️

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Past Downloads No Longer Work!

I’ve been making a lot of changes lately and one of those changes was getting ALL of my products loaded into a new delivery system.

I am now using Product Dyno for product delivery.

If you create and sell digital products you might want to check this tool out.

You DO NOT need it to access your purchases from me though. This is just something I’m using in MY business.

All of the download links for your past purchases will no longer work for you.

Unfortunately there’s no way for me to load all of you into the system and have your purchases restored. 😭

I have to do it manually!

So… If you are trying to access a purchases and can’t, simply send me an email and tell me you need a customer account. I will need the email address you have used to purchase my products to look up all of your purchases.

I will create an account for you if you don’t already have one and add all of your purchases to your account.

Once you have an account you will ALWAYS login at to access any and all purchases.


You have to login to that ONE link to see what you have purchased.

Once you login you can see what products you have or have not purchased and access any that you have purchased.

No changes in how you purchase, no extra charges, etc. The only thing that has changed is how you ACCESS your products.


Once you have an account you will ALWAYS login at to access any and all purchases.

You can’t do anything until you have an account though, so if you don’t have an account and you HAVE product purchases from me then shoot me an email with your purchase email and I’ll get you all taken care of.

Don’t know if you have an account? Search your email for the URL

Lost your password? There’s a lost password function on the login page.

This will be a little bumpy at first. Everything new at first is. But I will get you anything and everything you’ve purchased (up to the last 3 years), so don’t worry. You’re not losing anything.

Okay, that’s it for now… I know I’m going to be hearing from a lot of you so response times may be a little slow, but if you don’t hear from me within 2-3 BUSINESS days then send me another message because we all know the email gremlins are real and they are eating EVERYTHING right now. 😡

I appreciate you all SO much! Working with customers and seeing how many of my products you guys buy really makes me know I’m doing the right thing by continuing to teach and help you reach your dreams and goals. Your support means the world to me and as long as I have that I’ll keep being here for you!

Notes From Liz

I’m Back – Here’s What’s Happened!

First off thank you so much for all the kind words and support as I went through the memorial process for my sweet cousin. It was a beautiful service with so many family and friends in attendance. It really showed the mark he left on this world. He’s going to be missed by so so so many. 😢

The one thing everyone kept saying is how positive he always was and just a bright shining light to everyone. He was like a people magnet. People loved him and everywhere he went people… even random strangers… just talked and interacted with him like they had known him forever. He was quite the experience! ❤️If I can be half of that I would call that a life well lived!

And now on to business…

I am now back and in full swing with work! Last night I got caught up on ALL emails, so if you had an email or a message into me it has been replied to. If you didn’t get a reply I either didn’t get your email/message OR you didn’t get my reply.

Right before I left I had my first launch and used Product Dyno to deliver the purchase. That went rather well. Only about 2-3% of people had issues. That’s normal without Product Dyno even in the mix, so I’m ok with that. No delivery process is 100% all of the time because there’s just so many moving parts.

IMPORTANT: I have started moving ALL of my products into Product Dyno so you’re going to find that your product downloads are NOT going to be working now. Don’t worry or have a hissy fit on me. All you have to do is contact me with your purchase information and I can get you setup with an account where you will be able to access ALL of your purchases via ONE customer portal.

To make this a quick and easy process… When you can’t access a download link please send me a message at and include…

1. Proof of purchase – This could be a copy of your receipt or the email you used to purchase.

2. The email you want me to create your product access account under. You will get a username and password to access your purchases.

The login URL for ALL of your purchases will always be

Please note that not ALL products are in there yet. This will take me a few weeks at the least to complete because of the amount of products I have, AND I have to manually add products you have purchased to your account. They aren’t going to automatically be in there because there’s no way to transfer that information.

This is a “have to do it all manually by hand” process, so please be patient with me as I get this all dealt with.

I’m always just a message away so when issues come up, just send me a message to and I’ll get you taken care of.

Okay, guys… That’s it for today… I’m going to go make a huge pot of Honduran beans (if you’ve never had them they are amazing), some guacamole, and enjoy it all with some hand made tortillas and cuajada!

See… I eat more than tacos! 😂

Talk soon!
