Notes From Liz

What’s Next From Liz? Don’t Miss Out!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at #TeamTomey headquarters.

Not only am I getting ready to go back to the United States after a 6 month move to Mexico, but I’m also streamlining my business and creating so many different things for you to use and profit with in your business.

So far, I have released 3 of the MANY learning bundles with reseller PLR from I try to change up what I put in my PLR packages so that you have plenty of content to choose from.

Currently I’m doing these learning bundle packages where I take one topic related to Internet marketing and building an online business and create an entire learning bundle around it.

So far, I have done…

1. The Welcome Email Sequences Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

2. The Email Sales Sequences Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

3. The Pick A Niche Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

Side Note: All PLR packages can be seen at

There are so many topics and having these will allow you to provide the solutions that people NEED to market their online business and build it too. This is such a profitable niche and armed with this content you could make a killing, build a huge list, and/or so much more!

Next week I will be releasing 2 more, so make sure and keep your eye on your email so you don’t miss the special 48-hour launch pricing on them.

I will be emailing you tomorrow with the newest one and then the 2nd one of the week will come out on Thursday.

After these two I will have a poll you can vote in and decide if you want me to keep going with the learning bundles, if you want something different, etc.

In February I will be starting the workshops again. By then I will be back and settled in the United States (or somewhere else depending on what happens) and be able to devote my time back to the workshops. I’ll also be releasing more PLR packages, so don’t worry. I’ll still be meeting your regular content needs too.

We will also be returning to the website traffic tutorials that I started too, so these next few months I’m going to be filling you with knowledge, the skills you need to run, market, and build your online business, and a ton of PLR content too.

I’m very excited for this next year with you and more than anything so very very very thankful you’ve chosen me to lead and guide you. That’s what truly makes all of this worth it, so thank you!

Okay, that’s it for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend and wish you a super successful week ahead!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

No More Brand Bundles!

Liz Tomey here from and the other day I told you that I’m streamlining things for my people so that it’s less confusing.

I’ve had my workshops coming from different brands and depending on your needs you were able to decide on what brand bundle would work for you.

For example… I teach how you can take PLR and make-money with it, using it in your marketing, and even create and sell your own PLR content. I do this all from

So, if using PLR content is something you want to do this would be perfect for you.

But… I’m removing the bundle offer for it in just over 24 hours.

You will either have to buy them individually OR become a member of the MOB Tribe where you get access to ALL of my products and coaching for TWO years for ONE price.

So, it’s decision time for you…

Do you want to learn how to use PLR in your business to make-money and shortcut your marketing? Then you have 24 hours only to grab the bundle before I pull it forever.

Or become a MOB tribe member and get this bundle and EVERY other product and bundle (past, present, and future) I have for one price for two years.

Okay, that’s it for now… As I remove the other bundles I’ll be sure to update you also, and until then if you have any questions just send me a message!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

After 19 Years Of Biz I Have To Do This!

You’ll notice some changes here at #TeamTomey

One of those changes is I have killed the brand and I’m killing several others. It’s time to bring everything back to so you can have everything in one place.

I’ve been in business for almost 19 years now and just like living in a house, you accumulate a bunch of stuff, sometimes you redecorate a room and don’t like it and have to re-do it again in a few years, etc. The same is happening with my online business. So, there are going to be some changes. For the better of course!

I update you on the changes as they happen, so stay tuned for updates.

For the next few weeks, I’m going to be doing something a little bit different. I’ve just released two different PLR packages that are unlike the PLR packages I normally release. I have so many requests for topics, and I don’t want to just do articles about those topics, so I’m doing guides with extra teaching tools. I’m selling them as “bundles” and these can be super profitable!

And the feedback I’ve had has been phenomenal! I’m glad so many are liking the quality of the content. I’m literally taking everything I know on these subjects and explaining the topics in detail.

If you’ve missed the last two you can see them at…

Welcome Email Sequences Learning Bundle

Pick A Niche Learning Bundle

This week I will have two brand new PLR bundles that will come with reseller PLR. I just did the first one of the week and the next one will be launched on Friday.

Then next week I will have 2 more!

After that I will see if you want me to continue with them topic by topic. Imagine getting all of these and having a how to guide for all topics related to Internet marketing. See where I’m going with this?

We’re going to be doing a lot of new stuff in 2023 and I’ll be asking for your feedback because at the end of the day I am doing this all for YOU. I love creating content that YOU can profit with.

Okay… That’s it for now. If you have any feedback, suggestions, things you want to see, or just need some help never hesitate to reach out and contact me!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Day 5 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

The weekend is here, and there’s not much going on, BUT we’re still showing up and doing our Facebook Live! Today I’m talking about what’s coming in future Facebook lives and of course encouraging you to come join the FB Live Challenge too!

And here’s the replay of the Day 5!

Notes From Liz

4 Steps To Build Your Email List In 24 Hours

I see a lot of people out there struggling with building an email list and the reason being is because the “gurus” are trying to make it harder than it really is.

It’s NOT hard!

You simply dive in head first, get SOMETHING setup, and tweak it as time goes on.


If your first attempt is totally horrible you start fresh and do it better.

So before you even get started here please understand that building your list isn’t hard and if you fail at it you can always start over.

Now take a deep breath and repeat that sentence over and over, and then dive into this tutorial.

What I’m going to give you here is a complete tutorial on how to start building your list in just 24 hours from right now.


Let’s go…

Step 1: Give Em’ Something!

What problem does your target prospect have?
What can you create to give them (for free) to help them?

What does your target prospect WANT?
What can you create to get it to them?

This is going to be different for everyone because everyone is selling different things (or you’re trying to get people to join different opportunities). But these two questions cover just about everyone.

Once you can answer this question then get to creating “the thing” you can give them for free.

Example: You want to build a email list of people interested in playing pool so you can sell them things related to playing pool. You could create a quick video series showing some “trick shots” they can do to “wow” their friends. And remember… YOU don’t have to be the one creating. You could find someone who can do this for you.

Example: You want to build an email list of people interested in building their own website for their business. Create a checklist of what they need to do. Again, you could pay someone to create this for you.

I could go on with a million examples, but you get the idea.

Step 2: Build Your House

When building an email list you need a place to send people to to pick up your free offer. There are different terms for this. A squeeze page, landing page, optin page, etc, but basically it’s a page online where you send targeted people to (that has text and your email list form) that entices people to put their information in to get on your list.

There are so many tools and page builders out there now that ANYONE can do this. If you absolutely can’t you can also hire someone to do this for you. See there’s no excuses here. There is a way to do it all. 🙂

Basically you just need one page to put your text (persuasive words) and your optin form on, and one page as a thank you/download page.

That’s it!

Note: An autoresponder service is something you’ll need for this step. It’s where your leads “live” and where you can email them, and do some other email marketing tricks we will talk about in Step 3.

Step 3: Create Your Emails

Now the above two steps are what we call list building. Step 4 falls under list building too, but this step is all about email marketing.

Email marketing consists of emails that you create and send to your list. You can create one off emails and send to your list about things that make you money or you can create an email series, load it into your autoresponder, and your email list subscribers will get them in the sequential order that you setup.

There’s two very important parts to email marketing.

Part 1: Your subject line – If your subject line doesn’t get people to open up your emails, they’ll never read your emails, and then they’ll never click on anything that makes you money in your emails.

Part 2: Your email copy – This is the actual words you put in your email. Generally these are persuasive words that you will use to get people to click on a link in your email. If you can’t get people to click you’re never going to make any money.

Learning to write emails is a long process. You’ve got to learn what to write and then practice to get better and better. Is what I recommend you do is either hire an email copywriter or use email templates.

I have a great resource called My Email Templates that will give you 101 fill-in-the-blank email templates that you can use to create all kinds of different types of money getting emails.

You can see them at

Now let’s move on to step 4…

Step 4: Build Your List!

Once you have a page up where you can entice people to get on your list, you’ve got to start sending people to that page.

There are thousands of different tactics that you can use. If you want to start building your list in 24 hours I highly recommend you use paid advertising. Google PPC ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, (the list goes on and on and on) are a great way to get targeted people in front of your page and start building your list.

There are many different strategies out there for getting people to visit your email list building site. It’s up to you to create a plan, implement it, and be consistent with it.

The minute you stop driving people to your email list building page is the moment you stop building your list.

Okay so to sum this all up…

Step 1: Give Em’ Something! – Create something you can give away for free.

Step 2: Build Your House – Build a page to build your list.

Step 3: Create Your Emails – Create emails that get people in front of your money makers.

Step 4: Build Your List! – Use website traffic tactics to get people to your email list building site.

If you follow what I have shown you here there’s no reason that in the next 24 hours you shouldn’t have a fully functioning list building machine setup and building you your own profitable email list!

I wish you much success on your list building and email marketing journey!

Reminder: Email marketing is probably the hardest part of this entire tutorial. I highly recommend you pick up the My Email Templates package that has 101 fill-in-the-blank email templates in it to help you to start creating emails that get people to open up their emails, read them, and click on the links inside. You can grab access to the My Email Templates package at

Notes From Liz

Day 3 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

Today we started talking about something we’re going to continue to talk about several times during this Challenge. How to do Facebook Lives and what they do for your business. I mentioned several links tonight to help you further with your education on doing Facebook Lives. As I learn I’ll be updating you guys.

Here are the links mentioned in this Live:

The FB Live Challenge From 5 Years Ago 😂 – This was Day 1 of 24. On the blog you will find all the way until Day 16. Day 17-24 are somewhere on Facebook.  🤷‍♀️ But if you’d like to browse through what I did 5 years ago you can get started at

Behind The Scenes Of Doing A Facebook Live –

My FB Live On How To Do FB Lives –

Example FB Live Format –

And here’s the replay of the Day 3!

Notes From Liz

Notes On Getting A Domain Name

Getting a domain name is always your first step in getting your online business up and going.

As time goes on and you build your business bigger and bigger you’ll find yourself buying more of these domain names.

For instance with my business I have… which is my main site. which is a site I use to manage my affiliate links via a WordPress plugin. which is my support site.

And then I have about 500 more (yes seriously) that I’ve bought for various reasons.

Now most of you wont ever have that many, but you will probably have 10-20 as you do this or that online to build your business.

I use to buy ALL of my domain names. Some people don’t like GoDaddy, but I’ve been with them since like 1999 with zero issues. Knock on wood! 🙂

No matter if you go with GoDaddy or a different registrar, make sure you pick ONE and stick with it. Don’t buy domains from here and there just because one registrar has a sale. The confusion and issues just aren’t worth it. Stick with ONE!

So, pick a domain name for your business, if you buy more domains stick to one registrar!

I’ve started this post here on the blog to share tutorials with you about getting domain names, how to use them, and the like.

If you have questions about domain names make sure and leave them below. I’ll answer them here and create any tutorials that you may need to learn from.

I look forward to helping you with all your domain name questions. 🙂


Notes From Liz

And on Day 2 we had way too much fun! Arun Chandran made a special guest appearance and if you’ve been following our “little love story” on Facebook you know he’s my boo ❤️️ and favorite Facebook troll. 😂

More importantly… We talked about online businesses models and what to do if you want an online business and don’t know where to get started.

Here are the links mentioned in this Live:

The post about the new brand –

My latest FB Jail stay –

The Biz Model Review Blog –

And here’s the replay of the Day 2!

If I missed posting any links for you mentioned in this live, please let me know and I’ll post them here…

See you tomorrow!

Notes From Liz

Day 1 – 90 Day Facebook Live Challenge

5 years ago I started a 90 day Facebook Live Challenge. I got to Day 24 and stopped. 😢

Now I’m back…

On Day 1 we talked about how and what these Facebook lives will do for you and me, I challenged everyone to join the challenge with me, we talked about marketing, and since it’s Taco Tuesday I shared what tacos I ate today. 🙂

If I missed posting any links for you mentioned in this live, please let me know and I’ll post them here…

See you tomorrow!

Here’s the replay…


Notes From Liz

I’m In FB Jail Again!

If you’ve been on Facebook very long you probably at least know someone who has been put in what we call “FB Jail”. This is where Facebook restricts your account for a certain number of days because of something they say goes against their terms of service.

Now first let me say that MOST of the time they DID post something that goes against their terms of service. Just because you think something is ok, doesn’t mean that it is. And, at the end of the day it’s Facebook’s rules and we’re just playing their game. They can do whatever they want.

So, you have two options… Play along or quit the game. 🤷‍♀️

I have been in FB Jail for some stupid things. Like the time I posted a picture of my feet and my cousin said he wanted to tickle them and I commented that I would kick him if he ever did that.


3 days in Facebook jail for threatening someone…

Sometimes they are absolutely ridiculous, but I chalk it up to “the cost of doing business”.

Facebook is a great way for me to market my business, interact with my tribe, and it’s fun, so I just play their game.

Now today I posted about building the new brand, and second after I made the post not only did they remove the post, but they put me in Facebook jail stating my post went against their community standards on human exploitation.


How does THAT post have anything to do with human exploitation?

Luckily I was able to appeal it, and they said they were wrong, put my post back on Facebook, and let me out of FB jail.

I’m free!!!

So the point of this post is two fold…

I encourage you to follow me on all of my social media platforms. Here are all the links/accounts…








Second… You don’t necessarily need to be on EVERY social media site out there, but find the ones that work for your business and your niche. Build out your profile on each. Build a following on each.


Well because you never know when they will kick you off, put you in their jail, and/or disappear. Plus not everyone is using the same social media sites so you have more chances to get more people into your business by using multiple social media channels.

If you want to learn how to use social media marketing in your business I have a workshop for each of the BIG social media sites. You can see them all at

I recommend you start with one social network at a time, and as I said, build your profile CORRECTLY and build a following. And then move on to the next one. Rinse and repeat.

So, for now… I’m out of FB Jail and I look forward to sharing all my funny and crazy posts about life and lots of stuff about marketing. See you over there!