Email Marketing, Private Label Rights (PLR)

24 Hour Launch Discount – Reseller PLR Bundle!

Hey gang! I have just released a brand new “hot off the press” PLR… BUNDLE!

This is a bundle of 5 different related products, and ALL of them (plus TWO bonuses) come with FULL RESELLER PLR!

This is THE most valuable PLR you can get your hands on, but you’ve only got a little over 24 hours to grab it at the special launch price!

Check this out >>>

I’m doing things a little different this time… I used to give the option to get regular PLR OR Reseller PLR with different prices. This time, there is just ONE option and I’ve lowered the launch pricing even lower than normal!

Plus not only will you get the entire bundle and reseller PLR to the whole bundle, but I’m also throwing in TWO bonus workshops and you’ll get the Reseller PLR to them also.

Heck, just the bonuses are worth 10x what I’m charging for this package, so make sure you stop what you’re doing, take 5 minutes, and pick this package up before the price goes up in just over 24 hours from right now!

Talk soon!


Social Media Marketing, Website Traffic

Yearly Traffic Planner – 2023 Must Have!

I’m super excited about what I found for you today!

This is for those of you using Pinterest or WANTING to use Pinterest to get traffic.

Pinterest has millions and millions of users which makes it an AMAZING place to get traffic from.

And it’s not just for “girls” or craft projects and recipes. EVERYONE is using Pinterest now and the probability of your niche being there is HUGE now.

With the Pinterest Yearly Planner not only will you know exactly what and when to post on Pinterest, but you’ll also learn…

* Pin optimization tips so you get the most traffic from every Pin.

* What to promote so you actually get traffic and make-money!

* Content ideas so you’re never left stuck thinking what to create or use.

* Monthly action plans so you know what to post and Pin all year long!

* And a ton more!

Right now you can get your hands on this thing for less than $10, but that price wont last so make sure you grab it now!

Pinterest is a HUGE part of my traffic plan in 2023 and I’ll be using this too. Make it part of your traffic plan too and pick it up right now at

Talk soon!


List Building, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Is This Even For ME?

For the last 3 years I’ve been doing a ton of different workshops on various things related to building and marketing an online business. I have four different brands I do these from. I’ve gone over those brands in a few emails, so I wont bore you with that information again. 😂

Side Note: If you don’t know about all the brands I have and what workshops I do then you can read all about it at

However, I’ve had a few people ask me the difference between this current workshop I’m doing, and workshops I’ve done in the past, so I wanted to take a few minutes and go over that.

Here’s the current workshop I’m doing: The List Building With PLR Blueprint Workshop

Now I have taught how to build your list and I have taught so many ways to use PLR, but what makes this one different is…

1. I’m showing a list building technique I’ve never revealed before

2. I’m showing how to make-money EASILY off of almost every subscriber you get

3. I’m showing you multiple ways to make-money so you can have this as your ONE and ONLY business model.

4. I’ll be showing you how to use PLR in multiple ways to not only make-money with this business model, but use that PLR content to get traffic too.

5. I’ll be showing you different affiliate marketing tactics that are currently working to make me a ton of affiliate-commissions.

6. And of course I’ll be covering traffic because we all know that without traffic you can’t make ANY money!

7. The coolest part of this… I’ll be showing you this as if I’ve lost my entire business and I was starting from scratch. You’re going to see me do EVERYTHING from start to finish! All the way to the point of making-money with it. Yep! You’ll see that happen live!

I’ve not done a workshop yet where I covered all of this in one workshop, and some of this information I have NEVER shared publicly.

THIS workshop is one you DO NOT want to miss no matter if you’ve attended ALL of my workshops (I know many of you have) or have never attended one of my workshops!

Come learn from me, and FINALLY have ONE blueprint you can follow to create the ONE business model you can use to grow your-income to exactly where you want it.

Grab your spot at

Right now you’ve got about 15 more hours before the price goes way up, so make sure you grab a spot (and the PLR too because this is going to be some amazing content you can get PLR too) right now before that price goes up!

Talk soon!


List Building, Private Label Rights (PLR)

THIS One Business Model! Look!

As most of you know, my laptop was stolen about a month ago. I lost everything because I had everything backed up to a harddrive that was stolen WITH the laptop. 🤦‍♀️

When I say I lost everything, I mean I lost EVERYTHING. 18 years of stuff across multiple niches and businesses.

Now, thank God all of my products and customer purchases were on my server, but everything else… Gone! 😭

This spurred a lot of you to ask me… “Liz, if you had to start over again from scratch, what would you do?”

I instantly knew the answer to that and decided to create a workshop on exactly what I would do if I had to start over from scratch!

In this workshop I’ll be covering ONE business model that I would use if I had to start over again, and it’s literally the ONLY business model you will ever need.

THIS ONE business model will allow you to make-money in multiple ways, AND allow you to grow it to the income-level you WANT and NEED!

And the best part?

We’re going to do it the super duper easy way and use PLR content to do 90% of the work. This will save you so much time!

So, if you’re looking for ONE way to make-money online. ONE way to have your very own online business. THIS IS IT!

You have just over 24 hours left to grab this at the special launch price, so make sure you pick it up right now because once that timer expires the price WILL go way up!

I can’t wait to have you in this workshop and teach you this business model!

Talk soon!


List Building, Private Label Rights (PLR)

New PLR Package Hurry! 48 Hour Special Pricing!

Hey gang! 👋

I just opened the doors to my newest workshop that you can get FULL RESELLER PLR to!

It’s called the The List Building With PLR Blueprint Workshop and this is brand new never released information!

In this workshop I’ll be showing you how to use ONE business model to profit-in MULTIPLE ways! AND I’m going to show you how to do it mostly using PLR content you already have or that you can get easily!

For the next 48 hours you can also get a HUGE discount, but once that timer expires the price will go up with NO exceptions!

So make sure you grab a license NOW because there are also only 100 Reseller PLR Licenses available!

Talk soon!


Affiliate Marketing, Passive Income

The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing System

Making-money as an affiliate marketer is one of my favorite ways to make money online and one that many people are wildly successful at!

There are A LOT of people on the affiliate marketing journey, but there are soooooo many ways to do it. I call these affiliate marketing business models. Sometimes they are called “systems”, but what ever word you want to use, it’s the WAY in which you will make the-money as an affiliate marketer.

I just opened up the doors to The Affiliate Marketer’s Passive Income Workshop, and this workshop focuses on one WAY that you can make money as an affiliate marketer. It’s a complete affiliate marketing business model.

If you have decided that you want to make money as an affiliate marketer then you NEED to check out this business model for affiliate marketers!

So, why this business model?


1. Most importantly, it teaches you to do affiliate marketing in a PASSIVE way. You set everything up and it does all the selling for you.

2. I have a really cool tactic that replaces creating a “lead magnet” and works 10X better! So many people struggle with this, and what I show you to do is SO much easier!

3. It can be done in several niches… I can’t think of a niche this wouldn’t work in AND I’m going to tell you the niches that it works BEST in.

4. There are options to fit what YOU want to do in every part of this system. For example if you would rather put a little time in instead of money, you can do some (or all) of the setup and traffic generation yourself.

5. It’s repeatable AND scalable! You could set up a few to several of these or build ONE and scale it!

I could go on and on here, but this is hand down my favorite way to do affiliate marketing and I know you’re going to love it too!

If you’d like to come learn this business model system make sure you grab your spot in the next 24 hours so you can take advantage of the Launch Discount!

Talk soon!


Passive Income

48 Launch Pricing – Passive-Income Workshop Is Now Open!

It’s an exciting day here because I have just thrown open the doors on my latest workshop from the Passive Income Squad brand…

It’s called The Affiliate Marketer’s Passive Income Workshop and this is a brand new edition of it for 2022!

This is for you IF… You’re looking for a proven system that you can setup and create MULTIPLE passive-incomes as an affiliate marketer.

This is the official launch announcement and you’ve got just over 48 hours to pick it up at the launch discount, so make sure that you do that NOW!

And for those of you who would like PLR to the entire workshop I’m giving a launch discount on that license too! You can get RESELLER PLR to the entire workshop “dirt cheap” if you pick it up before that timer hits.

But, once the timer expires, the price will be going WAY up (without exception), so stop what you’re doing now and grab the option you feel like you can profit-the most with!

Talk soon!


Passive Income

The Passive Income Journey… Begins!

Liz Tomey here from and today I started in on creating The Affiliate Marketer’s Passive Income Workshop 2022. I first released this product back in 2019 and there have been a few changes and more things I’ve learned, so this will all be brand new.

You’re going to LOVE it because it’s all about making a passive-income as an affiliate marketer!

I’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready. Give me just a couple of more days to get everything in it and the sales page up.

Pay attention to your email because I will also be doing a launch discount for it… 😉

Before I got started on it though I went through my The 12K A Month Passive Income Blueprint Workshop 2022 and even I’m impressed in what I covered in that workshop! 😳

This is THE workshop you need to go through before doing ANYTHING passive income related!

If you haven’t picked it up yet, make sure you do because this is the blueprint you need to get started with your passive-income journey!


Talk soon!



Affiliate Marketing

I Publicly Said This… Wow!

It’s not often that I publicly call people out on Facebook, but the other day I did!

No drama… *lol* I called Ben Fletcher out because I had bought something from him and got a bonus called Checklist Master Plan and was blown away that he was giving it away as a bonus.

It’s a complete money-making plan for even the newest newbie!

However, it was a limited time bonus and you couldn’t get it ANYWHERE… I wanted to tell my people about it, but there was nowhere to send them to get it. 🙁

I had been on Ben about setting it up and selling it because this information could really help A LOT of people.

Well, I decided to give him a little push and told everyone to harass him until he got it up for sale because this thing really is THAT good.

And my Facebook friends came through and FINALLY now you can get your hands on this same product that totally blew me away!

This is a complete step-by-step plan that will give you a “paint-by-numbers” way to make-money… You could take this simple little lan and blow it up into a VERY-profitable and VERY easy to run business.

And when you see the price, you’ll really be blown away!

If you’re looking for a step-by-step plan to make-money online, I can’t recommend this enough!

Talk soon!


Website Traffic

Which Traffic Tactic Works For MY Niche?

Yes… I’m still living in Mexico and exploring this country. I LOVE it, and I LOVE my new life/work balance. There’s currently way more life than work in this balance, but with only two more months left in the year it’s time to even that balance out. But that’s why you guys are seeing so many images of Mexico in my blog images. I’m incorporating my personal life into my business, and I hope you guys are enjoying it. 😊

Anyway… For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about traffic. I did a very thorough tutorial on the complete overview of website traffic which can be seen here. I started with that so you could get the “big picture” and the basics down. After that tutorial I told you where you should be driving ALL of your traffic. You can see that tutorial by clicking here.

Those two tutorials are going to instantly put you on the right path to driving traffic.

Now, I was all ready to start tutorials on getting into specific tactics and then I had this question come in…

“Liz, I have a few niche websites and am always getting confused as to which traffic suits. For example… dog training, self-improvement, affiliate marketing, preppers, etc. Any advice on what traffic (paid and free) suits?”

Now, this is a question I see a lot, so before I get into tactics, let me answer this…

First of all, there is no “rule of thumb” here. There is no, “this traffic works for this niche and not for this niche” rules. The only exception I can think of would be solo advertising (where you pay list owners to send your email to their list) because solo ads are generally only available for certain niches. Like the biz opp, internet marketing, and a few self-help niches.

Side Note: Can you think of any other tactics that are niche specific? If so, let me know in the comments below. You’ll help others by leaving your ideas. 😊

So, with that being said… You need to see where your niche can be reached online!

Are they searching Google? You can figure this out with keyword research. If they are then you need to use SEO.

Are they on social media? You can figure this out by searching the different social media sites. If they are, then you need to be using paid social ads. If you don’t have the money for paid social ads, you can use organic social media tactics.

Are there affiliates who promote products/services like yours? If so and you can give them a percentage of your profits, then you need to have an affiliate program.

I could go on and on with examples here, but YOU must find where you can reach your target audience and use the website traffic tactics that will get you in front of them.

Another thing to keep in mind once you’ve found how to reach your target audience is to make sure you can actually USE those tactics. If they take money, do you have money for it? If they take skills, do you have the skills to use those tactic?

So, the equation to figuring out what tactics to use for your niche is…

Reach (X) + Ability (Y) = Your Traffic Strategy

With what tactic can you reach your niche (target audience)? Do you have the ability (funds/skills) to reach them with that tactic?

Let’s look at a working example to really bring this home…

If I’m in the home gardening niche, and I’m driving traffic to a squeeze page, I would do my research and figure out how to get my squeeze page in front of people who are interested in home gardening. That’s my niche/target audience.

I could do keyword research and see if people are searching the search engines for information related to home gardening. If so, then SEO would make since to use IF I either had the funds to outsource my SEO OR the skills to do it myself. However, if I found no one searching the search engines for my topic, then I’d know NOT to use SEO.

It’s a process of elimination… Have a list of website tactics, and go through them until you find a tactic that solves the equation…

Reach (X) + Ability (Y) = Your Traffic Strategy

So, I’m going to leave you with a main list of traffic strategies. There are a ton of ways to do EACH of the things in this list, but this is a great list you can get started with. If you can think of a website traffic tactic, it probably falls under one of these main strategies…

Solo ads (email ads)
Paid social media ads
Organic social media marketing
Content marketing
Paid search
Media buying
Affiliate program
Content/Ad swaps

Side Note: If you can think of a tactic that doesn’t fall under one of these main topics, please leave me a comment in the comments below. I’d love to make this list the biggest list of MAIN website traffic tactics, so if there is something you can think of that doesn’t fall under one of these main tactics let me know!

Okay, so now that I’ve gotten the basics of website traffic, where to drive your website traffic, and the how to pick the best website traffic tactics for you…. (wow that’s a lot of learning) it’s time to move on to learning the actual tactics.

The next several tutorials I will be taking some of the main topics from the list above and doing tutorials around each of them. Since part of the equation of WHICH traffic tactic to use is ABILITY, you can acquire the ability by learning how to do it. So, I’ll be putting my teacher hat on and showing you how to use some of these tactics.

I’ll see you in the next tutorial!


P.S. Remember I have which teaches TONS of different website traffic and marketing tactics via topic specific workshops. If you want to learn more from me QUICKLY then I highly recommend you get a all access pass (you get ALL current and future workshops for one price) at