Notes From Liz

[LizTomey] I’m Back In The USA!

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. After moving to Mexico in August and enjoying my time there (it was amazing) I started missing my family, friends, and my life here in general. It was getting bad, so I packed up 4 giant suitcases full of stuff I bought in Mexico, a few clothes, and came back home. If you follow me on Facebook you saw the journey home and believe me it wasn’t easy!

Now, I do miss Mexico so bad, but there is no better feeling than putting your feet on soil that comes from where you come from.

I’m happy with the decision and now trying to rebuild from scratch. Moving to Mexico was supposed to be long-term and I was even thinking forever, but that’s not how it played out. So now I’ve had to buy a car, find a place to live, and buy all the stuff I need for that new place. This is time consuming on a whole new level. But, thanks to having my online business I’m able to get everything I need AND have the schedule to do all the things.

If you haven’t started that online business yet, let me freedom lifestyle give you that motivation. There is nothing like being able to rely on you and your business to get you through all the things you want to do in life. Even when you decide to move to Mexico and then decide you don’t want to move to Mexico. 😂

Now, I am a little behind on some things, but I’m working hard to get caught up… I will get back to your messages as soon as possible. I should be all caught up by Thursday night, so be patient with me and if you need something just send a message to the help desk at

Okay so we left off with me releasing what MIGHT be the last PLR package in the series I was doing. I’m going to put it to a vote with you guys, and then I’ll tell you what content I’ll be creating for you next.

To vote on what I release next just head over to

I also started getting rid of ALL bundles from ALL brands. The Workshop Bundle is now GONE! The next one I will be pulling is the bundle at

This bundle allows you to get ALL of my Internet marketing and website traffic workshops for ONE price. You also get any future workshops for-FREE! In 24 hours I will be removing this bundle too, so make sure you grab this now!

Okay, that’s it for now… I’ll be back in a few days and let you know what PLR content package I’ll be releasing next (or it may be something totally different depending on how you vote), and letting you know about what bundle will be removed next for the workshops.

I’ve been working hard to streamline things to make it easier to learn from me, contact me, and find your success with me, and I just have a few more things to change, so make sure you’re paying attention to all updates!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

What Do You Want?

We’ve got a brand new poll and I need your feedback, so that I can create exactly what you want and need for your online business…

Over the last several weeks I have been doing a series of PLR packages on small topics within the Internet marketing niche. My goal was to provide you with all the PLR content for all the topics in IM and you can grab what you need. They don’t all rely on each other. A single topic is completely covered in each content package. Note: You can see ALL PLR packages by clicking here. These have all been text based packages and you guys have been buying them like crazy, but if you’ll vote below and tell me exactly what you want and need I’ll try my best to bring you what you want.

Vote now…

What Can I Create To Help You?

View Results

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Private Label Rights (PLR)

The New Online Business Owner Learning Bundle!

Liz Tomey here from and for the last few weeks I’ve been providing you with PLR content based on a new series I have created. I call these Learning Bundles because they are a bundle of PLR all related to to ONE Internet marketing topic each.

This is the 5th one in the series and I’ve gone back to the begging and created The New Online Business Owner Learning Bundle!

For the next 48 hours you can pick it up at the launch price by going to

Now of course this isn’t my LAST PLR launch, but it MIGHT be the last one for a while and it might be the last one like this in this series because as I promised we’re going to have a community vote about what PLR content I create next for you.

More on that after this launch though. 🙂

This 5th package in this series is to help online business owners with getting started with their own online business.

The bundle includes 3 guides, graphics, and with this package I did something really cool for those of you who love affiliate marketing. I built in some killer money-making links for you PLUS gave you a guide to get all of your affiliate links!

You can see it all at

Okay that’s it for now… Remember the launch pricing expires in less than 48 hours, so pick this up before the price goes up!

Talk soon!


Private Label Rights (PLR)

Doors Are Open – The Pick A Business Model Learning Bundle

Today is THE day! The fourth PLR package in the Learning Bundle series.

This one is called The Pick A Business Model Learning Bundle and it shows you how to pick the PERFECT business model for YOU!

And of course the entire bundle comes with reseller PLR!

I created this content because so many people struggle with creating an online business because they just have no idea what kind of business they want to start. Or they pick a business model that isn’t right for them. So I took my system I have taught many other successful marketers and put it into an easy to follow guide.

But I want a step further and created two other tools to help people find the perfect business model for them too!

It’s all inside The Pick A Business Model Learning Bundle!

Okay… That’s it for now! If you have comments or questions on this PLR package just shoot me a message and I’ll be happy to help you out!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

What’s Next From Liz? Don’t Miss Out!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at #TeamTomey headquarters.

Not only am I getting ready to go back to the United States after a 6 month move to Mexico, but I’m also streamlining my business and creating so many different things for you to use and profit with in your business.

So far, I have released 3 of the MANY learning bundles with reseller PLR from I try to change up what I put in my PLR packages so that you have plenty of content to choose from.

Currently I’m doing these learning bundle packages where I take one topic related to Internet marketing and building an online business and create an entire learning bundle around it.

So far, I have done…

1. The Welcome Email Sequences Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

2. The Email Sales Sequences Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

3. The Pick A Niche Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

Side Note: All PLR packages can be seen at

There are so many topics and having these will allow you to provide the solutions that people NEED to market their online business and build it too. This is such a profitable niche and armed with this content you could make a killing, build a huge list, and/or so much more!

Next week I will be releasing 2 more, so make sure and keep your eye on your email so you don’t miss the special 48-hour launch pricing on them.

I will be emailing you tomorrow with the newest one and then the 2nd one of the week will come out on Thursday.

After these two I will have a poll you can vote in and decide if you want me to keep going with the learning bundles, if you want something different, etc.

In February I will be starting the workshops again. By then I will be back and settled in the United States (or somewhere else depending on what happens) and be able to devote my time back to the workshops. I’ll also be releasing more PLR packages, so don’t worry. I’ll still be meeting your regular content needs too.

We will also be returning to the website traffic tutorials that I started too, so these next few months I’m going to be filling you with knowledge, the skills you need to run, market, and build your online business, and a ton of PLR content too.

I’m very excited for this next year with you and more than anything so very very very thankful you’ve chosen me to lead and guide you. That’s what truly makes all of this worth it, so thank you!

Okay, that’s it for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend and wish you a super successful week ahead!

Talk soon!


Email Marketing, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Hurry! New Bundle With Reseller PLR!

I’ve just released another brand new PLR package on a hot topic AND that comes with reseller PLR.

It’s called The Email Sales Sequence Learning Bundle and this one I did on writing SALES emails! You know… the ones that make-money DIRECTLY!

I had so much amazing feedback on the welcome series package I did that I released last week, I just had to create the other side of that which are sales emails!

You can see the package at the discount launch price at

This one includes the main guide which teaches everything you need to know about creating sales emails. Then I included 3 other tools to help you even further! A template, idea generators, options, and so much more.

This is truly an amazing bundle, and right now you can get it at the launch price.

And yes! That price even includes the reseller PLR! Yay! 🥳️

But… As with all of my launches, you’ve got 48 hours (less than that now) to grab the launch pricing so make sure you scoop this up right now because that timer automatically changes with no exceptions!

If you’re following along this is the third package I’ve released in this series. These “learning bundles” will ALL be on one topic related to online marketing and business building so make sure you get them all. At this cheap there’s no reason not to!

And… Not only can you make-money with them, but you’ll also learn a ton too!

It’s a win-win situation… Learn all the tactics and marketing strategies I know, PLUS make-money with the content!

As I said though you’ve only got 48 hours to grab this at this insane price, so make sure you do that now…

Talk soon!



Notes From Liz

No More Brand Bundles!

Liz Tomey here from and the other day I told you that I’m streamlining things for my people so that it’s less confusing.

I’ve had my workshops coming from different brands and depending on your needs you were able to decide on what brand bundle would work for you.

For example… I teach how you can take PLR and make-money with it, using it in your marketing, and even create and sell your own PLR content. I do this all from

So, if using PLR content is something you want to do this would be perfect for you.

But… I’m removing the bundle offer for it in just over 24 hours.

You will either have to buy them individually OR become a member of the MOB Tribe where you get access to ALL of my products and coaching for TWO years for ONE price.

So, it’s decision time for you…

Do you want to learn how to use PLR in your business to make-money and shortcut your marketing? Then you have 24 hours only to grab the bundle before I pull it forever.

Or become a MOB tribe member and get this bundle and EVERY other product and bundle (past, present, and future) I have for one price for two years.

Okay, that’s it for now… As I remove the other bundles I’ll be sure to update you also, and until then if you have any questions just send me a message!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

After 19 Years Of Biz I Have To Do This!

You’ll notice some changes here at #TeamTomey

One of those changes is I have killed the brand and I’m killing several others. It’s time to bring everything back to so you can have everything in one place.

I’ve been in business for almost 19 years now and just like living in a house, you accumulate a bunch of stuff, sometimes you redecorate a room and don’t like it and have to re-do it again in a few years, etc. The same is happening with my online business. So, there are going to be some changes. For the better of course!

I update you on the changes as they happen, so stay tuned for updates.

For the next few weeks, I’m going to be doing something a little bit different. I’ve just released two different PLR packages that are unlike the PLR packages I normally release. I have so many requests for topics, and I don’t want to just do articles about those topics, so I’m doing guides with extra teaching tools. I’m selling them as “bundles” and these can be super profitable!

And the feedback I’ve had has been phenomenal! I’m glad so many are liking the quality of the content. I’m literally taking everything I know on these subjects and explaining the topics in detail.

If you’ve missed the last two you can see them at…

Welcome Email Sequences Learning Bundle

Pick A Niche Learning Bundle

This week I will have two brand new PLR bundles that will come with reseller PLR. I just did the first one of the week and the next one will be launched on Friday.

Then next week I will have 2 more!

After that I will see if you want me to continue with them topic by topic. Imagine getting all of these and having a how to guide for all topics related to Internet marketing. See where I’m going with this?

We’re going to be doing a lot of new stuff in 2023 and I’ll be asking for your feedback because at the end of the day I am doing this all for YOU. I love creating content that YOU can profit with.

Okay… That’s it for now. If you have any feedback, suggestions, things you want to see, or just need some help never hesitate to reach out and contact me!

Talk soon!


Private Label Rights (PLR)

NEW Reseller PLR Bundle Just Launched!

Due to MEGA popular demand I have released ANOTHER PLR bundle with…

Your favorite thing…

Reseller PLR!

The feedback I’ve gotten on these new bundles has been amazing, and I so appreciate all the feedback!

People are going wild over this kind of PLR because not only can you use it in a ton of different ways in your business, but you can also resell the PLR.

And these bundles I’m currently doing are amazing and packed with a ton of content.

It’s super hard to find this kind of PLR…

High quality, created by someone who actually knows what they’re talking about, hot topics, inexpensive, AND with reseller PLR.

This current bundle is on a problem I see so many newbie and wannabe online business owners asking…

How do I pick the best niche for me?

And I have devoted this entire bundle to solving that problem!

You can see what’s inside at

And… For the next 48 hours I have it at a special launch price, so NOW is the time to scoop it up!

I hope you had a great weekend. I spent it working on some stuff I’ll be telling you about soon. I’ve made some more changes, and we’re really going to start getting super focused on our businesses and I’m going to help you do that, so stay tuned!

Talk soon!


Internet Marketing, Private Label Rights (PLR)

4 Brand New BIG Products With PLR!

Over the last few days I have had a lot of people send me messages about how much they love my PLR. I’ll be honest… I LOVE those kind of messages. It let’s me know that I’m providing you guys with what you need.

It’s winter and it’s cold right now so I’m just hunkered down (I think that’s a Southern USA saying *lol*) and creating all the PLR content I can for you guys. Because as soon as that warm weather comes back I’ll be working A LOT less and finding new adventures to go on.

So get all the content while you can!

I just released a HUGE package with FOUR different “Big Book of Ideas” products in it. There’s over 190 pages of content here. These would be amazing for those of you looking to create your own products. I’m even doing a workshop showing how to take these and turn them into your own products that you’ll get too!

And of course you can also use them in just about any other way that you want…

You can see what I’ve created for you at

This IS a TON of content and each product in the bundle comes with it’s own mini sales letter, so it’s a bit more expensive than my other packages, but there’s so much more in it, so it’s MORE than worth it.

And… For the next 48 hours, I have it at it’s lowest possible price. Once the timer expires that price will go WAY up, so make sure you grab this one now!

Okay… That’s it for today! I’m going to go catch up on email messages from you all, do that workshop I mentioned above, and get started on my next PLR package. I hope you all are using this “down time” to plot and plan what you’ll be doing to make-money in 2023. I know I sure am! 🙂