Social Media Marketing, Website Traffic

Twitter Traffic Results – Here’s How!

In the last few emails (blog posts) to you we’ve been talking about this Twitter (X) traffic tactic I’m using right now.

Basically I’m using my email list to get them over to Twitter and following me.

This gives me another way to connect with my email readers.

You always want multiple points of contact for various reason. The two biggest reasons being the more people see you the more you stick out in their mind AND getting your email list on social allows you to be SOCIAL with them. It’s super hard to be social via email. (Even though you can always reply to me ;))

This also does a lot of things for me on Twitter too like…

Growing my followers – When your followers start growing on Twitter, Twitter shows you more to other users. It’s like a snowball effect and you start getting more followers just from you appearing in other people’s feeds more.

Engagement – Now that I’m getting you guys over to Twitter I’m getting views on other posts I’ve made there, likes on my posts, and comments on my post. When you get engagement Twitter show you more to other users too.

All of this is equating to more traffic to my websites…

I promote a lot of different things on Twitter and those things are seeing more traffic right now because I’m being seen more on Twitter. Not just from my email audience, but BECAUSE of the actions my email audience is taking.

When you need a little “algorithm gas”, this is a GREAT tactic to use!

All of you who have commented “Yes!” on this post ( will get a video sent to you via DM on Twitter in the next few days with my results and a walkthrough of exactly what I did.

So if you haven’t followed me and commented “Yes!” on that post make sure you do it now so you can get this video. You’re going to learn a lot!

And one last note…

The 50% off coupon for The Twitter Traffic Takeover Workshop expires in just over 24 hours. You can either get access to the entire workshop showing how to get traffic with Twitter OR you can pick up the full reseller PLR to it.

In that workshop I cover EVERYTHING about getting traffic from Twitter. All the way from setting your profile up to attract traffic to what content to post and when, how to get followers, and so much more.

You don’t need any other source of traffic to get started. You can start from ground zero!

Just head over to and use Coupon Code: 3DAY50OFF

Okay, that’s it for today… It’s Friday night here and I’m going to take the rest of the night off for some self-care. There’s a bubble bath and some facials calling my name and I’m running towards them!

Have a great weekend!


Social Media Marketing

Twitter Traffic Results – Want Them?

Yesterday we started talking about this “new” Twitter (X) traffic strategy.

Yesterday I started testing this tactic. I told you guys about the tactic. If you missed that email you can see it at

So, as I’m testing this I’m OF COURSE gathering results.

I’m a marketer! That’s what I do. I try this and that and see what works.


I’ve already gotten results!

I’ve got new followers from this tactic

I’ve gotten traffic from Twitter from this tactic…

If you want to learn this tactic just comment “Yes!” on this post…

I’m going to be giving this another 24 hours to “cook” and if I get enough of you interested I will do a quick walk through video of what I did and what my results are.

Just take a quick second and comment “Yes!” on this post if you want to see EVERYTHING I’ve done and the results that I got.

Talk soon!


P.S. The 50% off coupon for The Twitter Traffic Takeover Workshop expires in just over 24 hours. You can either get access to the entire workshop showing how to get traffic with Twitter OR you can pick up the full reseller PLR to it.

Just head over to and use Coupon Code: 3DAY50OFF

Website Traffic

New Twitter Traffic – Works or No?

I have used Twitter off and on for years. Well now it’s called X, but whatever… 🙄

I get traffic from there when I DO post and actually use it. That’s one of the big keys to Twitter. You have to interact and duh… post your stuff over there.

You have to post the things you want to get traffic to.

You have to post stuff to get followers and engagement.

It’s not hard and there are a ton of great tactics that you can use.

Side Note: I have an entire workshop on how to use Twitter/X to get traffic. It’s called the Twitter Traffic Takeover Workshop and you can get it at

You can also use the following coupon for the next 72 hours to get 50% off! Coupon Code: 3DAY50OFF

I’m getting ready to re-do that workshop brand new for 2024 and all buyers will get access to the new workshop too!

So… This new Twitter traffic tactic. Maybe it’s new. 🤷 It was new to me, but I just saw someone use it and wanted to share it with you.

A marketer I know is trying to build his following on Twitter. He had some killer information he wanted to put in their hands. So he told them if they wanted the information to click a link to his Twitter post and respond with “Yes!”

So he has this “thing” people want, and they just have to do this one action to get it. We do this with A LOT of things in marketing. Squeeze pages, content locking on blogs, etc. You gotta do the “thing” to get the freebie.

I’m sure you’ve seen this used, but maybe not in this way.

I took a look at what he’s doing and he has gotten a ton of responses and I bet a lot of followers too.

This does so many different things…

1. Gives you ANOTHER POWERFUL way to interact with your list socially. Email marketing is great, but when you layer it with social marketing you really get to the relationship building part and that’s THE key to success with your email subscribers.

2. By him asking people to take action on something that’s free-AND they actually want, he’s getting CLICKS in his email which is something else you need for your email marketing success. Engagement is a HUGE deal to the “email gods” so the more you get the more chances you have on landing in people’s inboxes.

3. Gets you engagement on Twitter (or whatever social media platform you’re doing this on) and engagement is a key to success on social media too.

4. Builds your following because a lot of those people are going to start following you too.

And I’m sure there’s even more benefits to this!

So, let’s test this together…

Follow me on Twitter (I’m going to continue calling it Twitter) by going to

Tomorrow I’m going to send you an email and tell you how to get the results of my experiment over the next few days with Twitter. Good or bad I’ll tell you exactly what happened.

I’ve basically revealed what’s going to happen next in this email 😉, but play along with me and let’s see if we can get some real numbers with this and talk about how YOU can use it in your business.

See you on the Tweeter… Or The X… Or Twitter… Or the site formally known as Twitter… Or… You get the idea! 😂

Follow me at

Talk soon!


P.S. In yesterday’s post I called myself “Last Minute Liz”. My mom was the Queen of nicknames and I had about 100 of them. I said that name reminded me of a Garbage Pail Kid Card. The ones from the 80’s. I actually created one with the name “Last Minute Liz”. I did another one too. “Loony Bin Liz”. I posted them to Twitter, so when you go over there and follow me you’ll see my creations too. Enjoy or feel free to make fun of my horrible artistic abilities. Your choice… 😂 


Email Marketing

Email Inboxing – Is It The End Of Times?

The last week and a half has been one heck of a challenge for me. I feel like I’ve said that every week since the first part of December… 1999… 😂

We just keep pushing on though, right?

Well right now the biggest issue is my email list and I’m sharing this with you in hopes that I can help you if you’re currently having issues like this or if you have them in the future, so listen up…

It all started in back in October’ish when Yahoo and Gmail said people couldn’t use free email addresses any longer to email their email lists.

Basically, send bulk mailings.

If you were using a domain name email you also had to “authenticate” your domain name email to be able to get into the inboxes of your email list subscribers.

If you were using a free email address OR hadn’t authenticated your email, then your emails would end up in your subscribers SPAM folder.

You had until February 1st to do this.

Of course, Last Minute Liz (I should make that into one of those Garbage Pail Kids Cards from the 80’s) here started this process on January 30th. 🤦

I hear people saying “oh it’s easy to authenticate your email address” OR “why would you even be using a free email address?”


1. I’ve been online since the dinosaurs roamed the earth. 😂 Back in the day it was taught that you always used web mail for your email so you could always check it from anywhere without having to deal with POP3 issues. When Gmail came along (yes, I’ve been doing this since before Gmail was even a thing) we all jumped on that bandwagon. I never jumped off of it and I’ve just always used a gmail account. It wasn’t “broke” so I didn’t fix it.

And then it broke…

2. Look, I’m pretty techy, but all of this email authentication stuff even had me ready to crawl and hide under the bed. Thanks to the best tech guy in the world (Randy Hall) he jumped on Zoom and got me all setup.

So, I got that all squared away…

My email address is all authenticated, but that’s just the start…

Now it’s time to start the “inbox game”. Where you actually get your emails to land in your subscriber’s inboxes. Where you actually get them to OPEN them.

There is so so so much that goes into this…

So, I have been elbows deep in researching the tactics and strategies we need to be using in our email marketing (inboxing falls under email marketing in my book) to win this inbox game.

I’ve got a lot of information I’ll be pulling together and putting into a short report.

I told you about this the other day in an email, but just as a reminder when this report is done, you’ll be getting it at no-cost PLUS I’ll be gifting you the Reseller PLR to it too. 🎉

This is a super-hot topic right now so you can take this report learn from it and use it in any way you want to profit/inform/etc.

Okay, that’s it for today… I’m going back to the “trenches” to pull all of this information together for us so we can be strong email marketers.

It’s not the end of times! Email marketing is still the BIGGEST money-maker in my business (when it comes to marketing) and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. We just have to get better! And we should get better. For our audience and for our own email marketing results!

I’ll be back soon with an update on this report I’m creating.

Until then feel free to leave a comment below if you have questions on anything related to inboxing and I’ll do my best to get it in the report!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Don’t Miss All The Reseller PLR!

Whew! It’s been an insane few days here in TeamTomey world.

First, thank you to all of you who replied to the email I sent yesterday. Thank you to all of you who I ended up in your SPAM folder and you pulled me out of there and marked me as NOT SPAM.

I recently changed my email because of the new rules for having an authenticated email address and that has caused a lot of issues for emails that I send out to my audience.

I’m working on a report detailing everything that has happened, what can be done to fix it, what to do moving forward, and a ton of strategies in it to help all of you who use email marketing in your online business.

I will be giving this report away at no-cost AND I will be giving you the Reseller PLR to it too.

No! You won’t have to pay a thing for PLR to it either. 🎉

Just my way of thanking you all for being so supportive and doing what you can to help me through these changes. ❤️

I’ve wanted to hide under the bed and cry a few times over the last few days, but there is no crying in online business, right?

We do what we have to do to fight every fire that comes along and we don’t stop until we have the solution we need!

So, keep checking your SPAM folder and pulling me out if you see me in there.

Tomorrow is when the changes officially go into effect and we’re going to see a lot of people who do email marketing completely freaking out.

It’s going to get worse before it gets better, but it WILL get better. You’ve just got to comply with the changes and use EFFECTIVE strategies and techniques to overcome this.

In the next few days I will also have some new PLR ready for you…

The marketing world might be on fire, but it’s business as normal around here. I’m working hard to make sure you have the content you need and the knowledge you need to use it no matter what.

I’ve got a ton of Reseller PLR coming for you!

Keep an eye on your inbox and in the meantime if there’s anything I can do to help you just reply to this email and let me know.

You’ll see I’ve removed the “do not reply to this email” line in my email signature now. I have everything setup now so when you reply it SHOULD come directly to me at an email I can reply to you.

If that doesn’t work, I guess we’re going to have to go back to faxing each other. 😂

Okay, that’s it for today! I’m going back to content creation mode and hope you’re hard at work in your online business today too!

Talk soon!


Building An Online Business, Faith Based Business

A Blog Or Product Empire? Where’s The-Profits?

Yesterday I opened the doors on the second workshop for the Creators In Faith Series I’m doing.

This one is called The Faith Based Product Empire Profits Workshop and it’s all about creating your own product empire for your faith-based business and even for those of you just wanting to get started in a faith-based business! 

There are so many different types of profitable-products you can sell in a faith-based business. Both digital and physical. So in this workshop I’m going to show you over 40 different products you can create and sell in your faith based business.

My biggest focus will be on the easy ones. Like digital products, printables, etc. along with physical products that we can either create or source using drop-shipping and/or print on demand.

I love online businesses and I love when they’re EASY, so we’re not going to be doing anything that is complicated or takes too much work and time. I mean that’s what having an online business is all about, right? Having something that makes you-money and gives you MORE time to enjoy life!

Now this is the second workshop in this series and a few questions have come in…

The main one I’m getting is…

What is the difference in The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop (released a few weeks ago) and The Faith Based Product Empire Profits Workshop that I’ve just released.

That’s a good question and here’s the answer…

The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop is a foundational workshop. Meaning it’s all about starting your faith based business and the multitude of ways you can profit with it.

This one is about (The Faith Based Product Empire Profits Workshop) a specific way to profit-with a faith-based business. Selling products… So in this one (as I said above) I will be covering product creation along with how to market the products in a faith based business.

EVERYTHING is covered from A-Z…

Finding ideas for products, getting them created, setting up systems to sell the products you create, getting traffic, and more.

This is a BIG workshop and you’re going to learn a ton about profiting-with your own products!

You’ve only got about 1 more day to get your seat in The Faith Based Product Empire Profits Workshop at the Early Bird Launch Pricing and the reseller PLR licenses for this are going QUICK, so take a few minutes, check this out!

If you want to know everything you need to know to create and sell products (both physical and digital) for a faith based business then you NEED this!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Big News… I Don’t Want To Lose You!

I’ve got some super important news to share with you today…

I’ve just made a big move in the email world… I’ve changed my email address!


To keep up with the “latest and greatest changes” from Gmail and Yahoo for emailing you.

That should read… Yahoo and Gmail made some changes and I have to comply or lose contact with you 😭

My New Email Address:

That’s where emails and updates will now come from moving forward…

Now, I know change can be a bit of a hassle, but I promise this will be smooth and easy. And here’s how you can help make sure you keep getting all my insider tips, tricks, resources, PLR offers, and of course my crazy life updates. At this point it’s like a telenovela (soap opera) around here.😂

Anyway here’s what to do so we don’t lose contact with each other…

Save My New Email: Pop my new email address ( into your contacts. This way, we can avoid those pesky spam filters and keep our line of communication wide open.

Check Your Settings: Got any special filters or rules for my emails? Just update them with my new email address so you won’t miss a beat.

Keep an Eye Out: My emails are going to start coming from this new address. If by some crazy chance they land in your spam or junk folder, please help me 🆘 and rescue them by marking them as “Not Spam” I don’t want you to miss anything. Especially the important stuff like download links and stuff like that. 😲

Your Privacy is My Priority: Just a little reminder that I totally respect your privacy. Your email is safe with me – no sharing, no funny business, just straight-up awesome content from yours truly. There’s also an unsubscribe link at the bottom of EVERY email I send you.

I can’t wait to keep sharing all the latest Internet-marketing and online business development “stuff” with you. You’re a huge part of why I do what I do, and I’m super grateful for that!

Got questions? Just hit reply to this email. I’m always here to help out or just chat.

Thanks so much for sticking with me. ❤️

Talk soon!


P.S. Many of you guys know Randall (Randy) Hall. He’s been a customer and dear friend for MANY years. He has helped so many of us with our techy issues over the years. He is my go to “techy guy” and he is the one that helped me get all of these changes done and comply with the new changes that are hitting EVERYONE who has an email list that they email. If you need help with this situation in your business or just about any other techy situation in your online business make sure you go straight to Randy for help. His rates are ALWAYS super reasonable, he’s INCREDIBLE at what he does, you can TRUST him, and he’s SUPER easy to work with. You can find him at

Building An Online Business, Faith Based Business

Do I Have To Be THIS To Do THIS?

With the release of  my last workshop and the brand several questions have come in from my audience so I wanted to take a minute to answer the BIG one publicly.

Side Note: If you don’t know what’s going on I am creating a series of workshops and content for those who have or want to have a faith based business.

So the most asked question has been…

Liz, is this ONLY for those with a Christian faith?

The short answer is no. What I’m going to be teaching can be applied to any faith you want to share.

However, during the workshops I’m showing you everything step-by-step. I’m creating a faith based business of my own based on my years of knowledge when it comes to an online business. My personal faith is in the Christian faith. So the faith based business I will be building will be a Christian faith based business.

EVERYTHING I will be teaching in these workshops can be used for any faith though. I just wont be talking about any other faith’s because I’m not specifically familiar with them and they are not my faith. But everything can be applied to any faith you want to share.

This is all about YOU and YOUR faith!

Side Note 2: There will be instances where I will be creating PLR content that will be specifically for the Christian faith. When something is specifically for the Christian faith based business owners I will make sure to clearly state that.

And I can’t believe I even have to say this, BUT…

One person emailed and was asking if I would help them LESS because they want to create their own faith based blog, but they weren’t Christian.

That gutted me…

I know we’re in the middle of a tough social climate, but the one thing I never ever ever EVER want anyone to think is that I would treat them differently because of who they are or what they believe in.

Color, where you’re from, what God you pray to or even the lack of a God you pray to… None of that would keep me from helping someone reach their dreams. In this workshop, in any other workshop, any other product or program or anything else in life.

So if MY faith doesn’t offend you, YOUR faith sure isn’t going to offend me. 🙂

If all that sounds good, I’d love to have you in any of my faith based workshops

Talk soon!


P.S. You can see all the faith based business content I currently have (workshops and PLR content packages) by going to

AI (Artificial Intelligence), Faith Based Business, Notes From Liz

YOUR Faith Based Blog Is NEEDED! Please Help!

The last few days have been crazy around here. The response to The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop has been phenomenal!

The amount of support you guys are showing me as I step into territory that could really bring out the “haters” and is totally different from anything I have ever done has touched my soul! Thank you ALL so much! ❤️

Side Note: If you haven’t seen the sales page for this workshop yet you can see it at

But what’s really got me excited is the amount of people from MY audience… MY PEOPLE who I cherish, sharing their stories of being called to share their own faith, fund things that are near and dear to them, following what they feel is their purpose, and so much more. It’s been so touching to hear from you guys. 😍

Side Note 2: If you haven’t heard back from me, you will. I’ve been buried in emails so know I’m not ignoring you… 😉

I’m really kicking myself for not acting on this over a year ago when I initially got the calling to do this. We would ALL be over a year into our journey.

So, let’s start NOW!

If you feel like you NEED to share your faith with others, to make an impact on other people’s lives, to create something that will allow you to fund your lifestyle and help those who you want to help, then The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop is for you!

In such a hostile social climate there’s a HUGE need for the non-extremist to stand up in their faith and share it with the world. It’s time to have an impact on people AND inspire them. There’s no better way to do that than by having your own faith based blog!

And in The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop I’ll show you how to do everything to get your faith based blog up, running, monetized, and even how to build an audience.

We will be using AI a lot in this workshop, so we can be everything quicker, easier, and better too. With such a powerful tool like AI, this has never been easier!

And this isn’t JUST a workshop. After our 6 days together in the workshop building our faith based blogs, getting them filled with content, monetizing them, and beginning to build an audience we will then continually work together in The Creators In Faith Mastermind Group. I’ll show you exactly what I’m doing, how I’m earning, etc. You’ll be able to share anything on your journey and work with others in the group to build your faith based blog bigger and bigger!

Right now there’s about 8 hours left for you to grab your seat at the early bird pricing, so if you’re ready to embark on an amazing journey then make sure and grab your seat in The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop right now at

Talk soon!


Building An Online Business, Liz's Products, Notes From Liz, Online Business Models, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Do You Feel Stuck In Life?

I’ve got a question for you… Have you ever felt stuck? Stuck in life, in a situation, or any kind of stuck?

I know I have felt that way many times in life. I think at least at one point in life we all do, but I’m pretty sure the norm is we’ve felt stuck multiple times in life. 😉

Over the last few years though I’ve felt like I was stuck on a certain level of life. I’ve wanted to do bigger things with my life, but just wasn’t sure how to do it.

Until this idea to start a faith based blog came to me…

My faith is of the Christian faith. Yours might be different and that’s ok. I’m not the type that crams my faith down others throats, but whatever your faith is leaning on it… especially in times of struggling… is a great way to get out of “stuck mode”.

For example, over a year ago I really got into reading my Bible again. With the help of a study guide. This has lead me to a defined clear path that I’m on and one that will lead me to doing bigger things with my life.

With the faith based blog I have planned I will be able to share my faith, profit-from doing so with my blog, and in turn help others. It’s wins all the way around!

This all came to me simply by leaning into my faith…

Today I was reading my Bible, and it was a story about the final hurdle the people of Israel went through when they were seeking the promised land. They had to cross the Jordan River and there was just absolutely no way to do it. Until they leaned into their faith. That’s where they found the answers… They found their clearly defined path!

That’s what The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop is all about…

Giving those with faith a clearly defined path to share their faith, make a difference in the world (you don’t have to be some big named super star to make a difference), and make-money while doing it all. You can then use that money to fund a lifestyle running your faith based blog or to fund anything else you want to fund.

For me it’s a new business I’m adding so I can create an income-stream that I can use to help people in need.

For you… maybe it’s something different. It doesn’t matter…

What matters is that YOU find YOUR clearly defined path!

I have developed a clearly defined path for you that could really help you get “unstuck” and create something with a lot of meaning and impact that could fund anything you want.

For the next 24 hours I’m offering a HUGE early bird discount, so if you want to save a lot of money and get your seat in this workshop NOW is the time!

And for those of you who use PLR in your business this is perfect content if you’re in a faith based niche or want to get into the faith based niche. It’s such a profitable niche with A LOT of ways to-profit! 💵

There are only 100 (less at this time) total licenses available, so if you want to grab the PLR to this entire workshop NOW is the time!

No matter if you’re attending, learning, and doing right along with me or you’re scooping up a PLR license to this workshop I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey.

This is the cornerstone of my 2024 and I look forward to being your coach and cheerleader as you work to level up, get unstuck, and do something that will help others and yourself at the same time!

See you there!

Talk soon!
