Do I Have To Be THIS To Do THIS?

With the release of  my last workshop and the brand several questions have come in from my audience so I wanted to take a minute to answer the BIG one publicly.

Side Note: If you don’t know what’s going on I am creating a series of workshops and content for those who have or want to have a faith based business.

So the most asked question has been…

Liz, is this ONLY for those with a Christian faith?

The short answer is no. What I’m going to be teaching can be applied to any faith you want to share.

However, during the workshops I’m showing you everything step-by-step. I’m creating a faith based business of my own based on my years of knowledge when it comes to an online business. My personal faith is in the Christian faith. So the faith based business I will be building will be a Christian faith based business.

EVERYTHING I will be teaching in these workshops can be used for any faith though. I just wont be talking about any other faith’s because I’m not specifically familiar with them and they are not my faith. But everything can be applied to any faith you want to share.

This is all about YOU and YOUR faith!

Side Note 2: There will be instances where I will be creating PLR content that will be specifically for the Christian faith. When something is specifically for the Christian faith based business owners I will make sure to clearly state that.

And I can’t believe I even have to say this, BUT…

One person emailed and was asking if I would help them LESS because they want to create their own faith based blog, but they weren’t Christian.

That gutted me…

I know we’re in the middle of a tough social climate, but the one thing I never ever ever EVER want anyone to think is that I would treat them differently because of who they are or what they believe in.

Color, where you’re from, what God you pray to or even the lack of a God you pray to… None of that would keep me from helping someone reach their dreams. In this workshop, in any other workshop, any other product or program or anything else in life.

So if MY faith doesn’t offend you, YOUR faith sure isn’t going to offend me. 🙂

If all that sounds good, I’d love to have you in any of my faith based workshops

Talk soon!


P.S. You can see all the faith based business content I currently have (workshops and PLR content packages) by going to

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