Notes From Liz

Are You Being Called To Help People?

One of the BIG things I want to do this year is help people. I’m talking about helping people in great need. I’m not sure how or what just yet. It might be as simple as helping out individual families in need or donating to a cause or even starting my own non-profit.

That can be figured out later… Right now, I want to create the thing that will generate the money that will help people in need.

You can’t count your chickens before your eggs hatch, right? 🐥

Another saying of my mom’s that basically means don’t count on what you don’t already have in your hands.

So, step 1 is to create something that will allow me to-fund whatever it is that I want to do to help people in need.

I plan on doing this with a faith based blog…

I’m doing this for a few reasons…

1. I have a calling to share my faith. I’ve talked with you guys about that. I won’t being sharing a lot of that with you guys. I will be building a separate audience for that because I know not all of you want that kind of content. I mean you originally followed me for business advice and your daily dose of Jesus, and I respect that. For those of you who do want to follow that I will make an announcement when that’s ready.

2. There are many ways to monetize a blog. Selling digital products, physical products, printables, and even A LOT of options for affiliate marketing. It will be a great way to fund whatever I want to do to help those in need.

3. It’s something I will enjoy doing. That’s important with any type of new business you start. No matter what the “experts” say, you do really need to enjoy something to make-money with it for the long term. I’ve learned that the hard way a few times.

The “Christian lifestyle” niche is a HUGE niche and it’s VERY-profitable.

Now I’ve mentioned this a few times, but I will be releasing a workshop called The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop. I will show you how to create your own faith based blog and show you several ways that you can monetize-it and ideas for ways to share your faith.

So, if you’re being called to help people in need and/or want to share your faith and make-money while doing it then this is going to be for you!

During this workshop I will of course be showing you how to setup a faith based blog from A-Z.

Then we will talk about your options for monetizing it. I plan on selling many different types of printables for Christians, I will be doing POD (print on demand) apparel for Christians, creating my own faith based journals, planners, etc. and selling them, and also some affiliate marketing.

I’ll be showing you how to get that all planned out, so you know how you’re going to make-money with your blog from the get go.

Next, we will move on to content and deciding what kind of content you want to share with your audience. Creating a faith based blog is VERY general. I recommend finding a faith based niche to create your blog around.

Niches and big topics like…

👉Christian entrepreneurship
👉Growing your faith
👉Parenting for Christians
👉Christian lifestyle
👉Mental health and well being for Christians

… and thousands of others. I’ll be giving you tons and tons of examples and even a huge list of options.

And the last part… How to build a following so that you can get traffic to your blog and in front of the things that you want to make-money with.

This is the hardest part, but I’ll be giving you a step-by-step plan! Actually, THREE of them so there is something that EVERYONE can follow.

This will be at least a 6 day workshop. There’s a lot to cover, so it might end up being longer.

I will have the registration page open in the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for that.

There will be unlimited attendee seats, BUT there will only be 100 PLR licenses available and with this being such a profitable niche, these WILL go fast. So, for now keep an eye on your email and as soon as the registration page for The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop I’ll send you an email!

Hope you’ve had a great first week in 2024! It’s going to be a big year, gang!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

Are You In TeamTomey For 2024?

Everyone and their dog are talking about 2024 right now. 😂 What they’re GOING to do, the grand plans they have, and all of that stuff. I mean it IS a great time to be excited. It’s a new year… If you wake up on January 1st 2024 you should definitely be grateful. I mean I’m grateful every day I get to wake up. It’s better than the alternative, right? 😉

I’m not going to make any resolutions this year.  I generally don’t… I’m going to do what my mom always taught me to do.

She used to say to me, “Sister, (my whole family calls me “sis” or “sissy” it’s a MidWest USA thing I think) wake up each day and BE better than you were the day before”.

I live by that daily and if God allows it, I’ll be doing it every day in 2024.

However, I do have some plans for you (#TeamTomey) this year and just want to mention what we’re going to be doing so YOU can decide if you want to stick with #TeamTomey in 2024.

The first big project this year will be my new brand.

Right now, I have a simple squeeze page setup for it and I’m working on some freebies that will help you if this is a path that you’re interested in.

If you missed the post about this new adventure, you can see that post at

There’s big plans for that one, but as I said, I’ll still be doing other stuff too like…

The other BIG new thing will be a paid #TeamTomey coaching program (very low cost) that will be more hands on with me.

I promise the price will be super low and WAY more than worth the price.

More importantly it will allow me to help MORE of you in an ongoing way at a more affordable price than my BIG coaching program ( But if you can swing my big coaching program it’s worth it for the one-on-one time you get AND all of my products.

So far in the new coaching program there will be…

1. Liz’s Brain – A weekly lesson call where I will be teaching you something related to making money online and/or Internet marketing. This will be done LIVE so you can attend and ask any questions.

2. Weekly AMA (Ask Me Anything) Live – Come ask me anything when it comes to online marketing and creating online businesses during this Live. This is a great way for you to get personal help within your business and learn from me and others who are running online businesses.

3. Inside Liz’s Biz – Monthly Live where I show you what I’m working on in my business to make money. This is me holding NOTHING back and showing you everything I’m doing to make REAL money-in my various online businesses.

4. Access to the “Money Making Ideas” Library – This is where I post about the different money making ideas I want to do, but probably never will because they would take about 5000 lifetimes to get them all done. 😂 You can steal these for your own use though!

And a few other things I’m still kicking around too…

This will allow me to get back into interacting with you guys more and bringing the old #TeamTomey back which I have been wanting to do for a long time.

My goal is for this to be the place you can come and get help directly from me on your business and the motivation you need too. I can’t wait to share it with you in a few weeks…

What else would you guys like to see in the new #TeamTomey coaching program?

Reply back to this email and let me know… 

This will be the “community coaching program” so I would love to know what you would like to see in it.

Other than those two BIG projects I will of course still be pumping out PLR content for the Internet marketing/make money-online niche.

As I said in a previous email the first part of 2024 will be a lot of content related to AI because you guys are begging for more of that right now. Understandably because it’s such a HOT topic 🤑 right now and there are so many ways to make-money with that kind of content.

I’ve got some cool PLR content coming so be on the lookout for that all of 2024!

So, if all of this interests you and you want to stay part of #TeamTomey I welcome you and look forward to rocking 2024 with you.

If I had to make ONE resolution this year it would be to be MORE hands on and involved with you guys who ARE #TeamTomey, and that’s exactly what I’ll be doing more of in 2024.

Okay that’s a wrap for the business side of 2023…

I wish you much success in 2024… No matter if you’ve been working on your “dream business” for years or days… I encourage you to KEEP GOING! Really buckle down in this new year and make that dream business a reality. If you’re trying to grow your existing business make a plan, and stick to that plan.

Bottom line… Don’t let ANYTHING keep you from reaching your dreams and goals in 2024!

Happy New Year #TeamTomey! 🎉I truly appreciate YOU and I’m looking forward to our 2024 together!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

When God Says Do THIS…

For the last several months… over a year actually… something has been weighing on me pretty heavy, and I want to share it with my peeps. That’s you 😘 YOU are one of my peeps and I want to open up a bit with you, so bare with me ok?

Last year before I took off to Mexico, I started back reading my Bible. Someone had posted something on Facebook to the effect of “how can you call yourself a Christian if you don’t even know God’s word (the Bible)”. That was a bit of a wakeup call to me because I DO call myself a Christian and I do live my life as a Christian. I try every day to be Christ like. I think that’s the only REAL definition of a Christian. Someone who tries to be Christ like. That’s a conversation for another day though. 😉

Anyway, I decided I needed to jump back into reading my Bible and praying for God’s guidance through it. I wanted to get closer to him to find what I’m supposed to be doing in this part of my life. What’s my purpose? We all have these thoughts at times, right? Well, while getting back into reading the Bible it was just boring me to tears. Maybe I shouldn’t say that about the Bible, but it’s the honest truth. So, I went over to Amazon and found a couple of Bible study guides. I picked one and began using it to digest and understand the Bible.

I was waking up every morning praying for God to guide me as I read his word (still doing it daily), and reading that day’s verses that I was told to read in my study guide. After a few months I decided to get a journal because so much was coming to me from God at this time. I was learning and listening, and one day while listening, God spoke to my heart and I got the idea to create my own bible/prayer journal. The one I was using was ok, but I wanted something better and more useful for my needs. It truly felt like a calling from God. I told God that while in Mexico I would create this journal and put it up for sale for anyone who was wanting a good journal to use to while praying and learning from the Bible.

Well, I went to Mexico and never got around to doing it… 😬

Let me tell you… When you tell God you’re going to do something he has a way of holding you to it. He has put me through the fire while still blessing me, but WHEW! It’s been tough…

I got back from Mexico in January. It’s been almost a year now and God and I have been going back and forth over this journal. I just didn’t feel like I was the person to create something like this. I mean I’ve got a “potty mouth” as my mom always called it, I don’t live a life that most would call “Christian like”, I’m not a “Bible expert”, I don’t even go to church every Sunday (because I believe “church” is wherever you and God meet and when you speak about God with others that’s church to me), and the list goes on and on. I kept asking, “Why me, God? There are so many others out there who would be better for this. I’m not right for this, God.”

Evidently God sees something I don’t because he then put it in my heart that I needed to create a full on business and help others who like me might not be the perfect picture of a Christian, but who want to share their faith and even do it in a profitable way if they want.

For months I have been fighting God on doing this… I’ve had the worst year of my life this year. Losing people, fighting depression, some bad business decisions, and the list goes on and on. It’s been a ROUGH year! And the whole time God has been in my ear saying… “Are you ready to do what you’re supposed to do?”

It’s Christmas Eve (at the time of this writing)… I’m sitting in my house alone, sick with some kind of “crud”, and while I’m not “ready”, I will be moving forward with all of this. I’m finally going to do what I’ve been scared to do for over a year now. I’m going to come out with a whole new brand to help others who are like me and want to share their faith. Be it sharing their faith in the business they currently have and/or want to start a faith based business from scratch.

Don’t worry… All my other brands will still be around and I’m going to stay focused on doing workshops and creating PLR content just like I have, but I am also releasing a new brand where I will be doing workshops and creating PLR content for faith based businesses and/or those just wanting to share their faith in a world where it’s getting harder and harder to be able to share our faith.

The first will be a workshop to kick off the brand. It will be called The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop and I will show you how to create your own faith based blog and show you several ways that you can monetize-it and ideas for ways to share your faith. Not only that, but you’ll also get a lot of content to start it off and content to market it. This is going to be an amazing workshop PLUS some done-for-you touches. 🙂 You’ll also get PLR to the entire thing. 🎉

I will also be creating that prayer journal and giving you guys the PLR to that along with a ton of other faith based products and content that you can use and/or sell. And there will be a lot of other workshops too. With PLR of course 🤑

As I said… I’m still going to be talking all things online business and Internet marketing without talking about my faith, but here and there I will also be working on this new business to help out my fellow believers too.

I hope those of you who are my fellow Christians will support me in this new adventure and I hope that those of you who are NOT Christians will allow me to take up a little space in our “normally scheduled programming” to do what my heart and my God is pushing me to do. I won’t be pushing religion down ANYONE’S throat, preaching, or anything like that. I’m still crazy ol’ me who eats, sleeps, and breathes marketing and online business, but I also want to help others out who want to do business while sharing their faith too.

I know this is a long message and I’ve bared my soul here, and I appreciate those of you who are still reading. I’ll be back in a week or so with the release of The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop (which will of course come with PLR so you can learn and profit).

For now though I have some juicy AI stuff I’ve been wanting to share with you guys, so keep an eye out for that TOMORROW. I’m going to be doing a full blown 5 day live workshop for using PLR and AI for big-profits the EASY way. I will be releasing it with a limited number of PLR licenses too, so make sure to jump on it quick if you want to scoop up the PLR to it.

2024 is going to be an amazing year for us all. I can just feel it. Thanks for being on this journey with me and I look forward to helping you in 2024 in all the ways YOU need me!

Talk soon!


Private Label Rights (PLR)

A Goldmine Of AI Related PLR Bundles!

I remember in 2022 when I first started hearing about AI. I rolled my eyes and ignored it. Then in January of 2023 I thought to myself maybe you should stop being pig-headed 🤷‍♀️ and go see what this is all about.

Best move I have ever made in my online business! It’s now 2025 and I am using AI in so many different ways for so many different things in my business. Content, product creation, copy, social media content, and the list goes on and on! 🎉

Basically I have been able to do almost everything in my online business BETTER and FASTER than before and my profits are proving that. 🤑

SO I decided to take everything I’m learning and that actually WORKS and teach it to you guys. Not only just to teach you, but I’m also giving you PLR to all of this training so you can profit with it however you want. I release my PLR with Reseller Rights, so you can even resell my PLR content. Not many PLR sellers offer that, so when you buy PLR content from me you’re getting…

👉 REAL information that is proven to work!

👉 High quality content that is taught by someone who has a knack for educating!

👉AND… I pack in all kinds of ways you can make money with it.

Right now I have 16 different AI related PLR packages teaching various ways to use AI in your online business.

They are…


The AI Powered PLR Profits Bootcamp –

The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp –

The AI Powered Review Blog Profits Bootcamp –

The AI Powered Email Profits Bootcamp –

The AI Powered Niche Blog Profits Bootcamp –

Learning Systems:

AI Tactics Volume 1: AI For Research In Your Online Business Learning System With Reseller PLR –

AI Tactics Volume 2: AI For Product Creation In Your Online Learning System With Reseller PLR –

AI Tactics Volume 3: AI For Creating Sales In Your Online Business Learning System With Reseller PLR –

AI Tactics Volume 4: AI For Profitable Social Media Content Creation Learning System With Reseller PLR –

AI Tactics Volume 5: AI For Profitable Content Creation Learning System With Reseller PLR –

AI Tactics Volume 6: The AI For Website Traffic Generation Learning System With Reseller PLR –

AI Tactics Volume 7: AI Powered Profit Blogger Learning System With Reseller PLR –

The AI For Internet Marketers Crash Course Learning System With Reseller PLR –

The AI Profit Blueprints Course With Reseller PLR –

The Build, Share, Profit Learning System With Reseller PLR –


The AI For Online Profits PLR Content Package –

I know that’s A LOT! 😲

But, I will be doing several more of these and will update this post when I add more, but until then if you have a special request for an AI related topic for me to cover, please leave your requests in the comments below!

Talk soon!


AI (Artificial Intelligence), Building An Online Business, ChatGPT, Copywriting, Featured, Private Label Rights (PLR)

The Million Dollar Question… Who Am I Writing To?

We’ve talked a lot about sales letter writing and writing copy in general lately. It’s boring (for some) and not sexy, but it’s the ONE skill you absolutely MUST have if you can’t pay a copywriter to do all of your sales copy for you.

Plain and simple…

And I personally think that if you call yourself a marketer this is an absolute must-have skillset. It will help you in various ways even if you aren’t the “chief copy guy/gal” in your online business.

Recently I’ve been working with a client who has created some content she wants to sell the PLR to. The content is fire! She’s a great content creator. However, when it comes to writing a sales letter to sell her content, she doesn’t have that skillset.

If this sounds like you… You’ve got a product, but don’t know how to create the sales copy (the words that make people buy) then let me help you out.

Start by knowing WHO you are writing your sales copy to…

Let’s look at people who are creating content with PLR and wanting to sell that content to others. I have a ton of clients who are currently doing this, so I want to use this as an example.

So, WHO is your target audience?

WHO is the person who is going to buy your PLR content?

That’s going to be online business owners/digital marketers.

Your PLR content is probably niche specific, and you could get laser targeted here and speak to online business owners/digital marketers in that specific niche.

I tend NOT to do that because I have experience with this niche and know that people will buy PLR content just because they want the content for the future for products and projects, because they simply like hoarding PLR, and many other reasons.

HOWEVER, the correct way in general is to talk to a specific person (persona).

A great way to define your target audience (or customer avatar) is to ask AI. I recommend using a few different ones because they’re all going to give you a little more information.

For example, when I ask ChatGPT I get this…

User: I create and sell PLR content. Can you define my customer avatar for me?

ChatGPT: Creating a customer avatar for your PLR (Private Label Rights) content business involves identifying and defining the ideal customer who would be most interested in purchasing and using your content. Here are some key aspects to consider:


Age Range: This could vary widely but often might be adults aged 25-50, who are more likely to be involved in businesses or entrepreneurial activities.

Gender: Both male and female, as PLR content is universally applicable.

Location: Likely global, with a focus on English-speaking countries if your content is in English.

Education Level: Probably has at least some college education, as they are likely to be business owners or marketers.

Professional Background:

Occupation: Entrepreneurs, small business owners, bloggers, content creators, digital marketers, coaches, and educators.

Industry: Particularly those in digital marketing, e-commerce, education, coaching, and content creation.

Income Level: Variable, but likely in the mid to upper range, as they need discretionary income to invest in content for their business or projects.


Interests: Content marketing, online business, digital marketing strategies, self-improvement, and entrepreneurship.

Challenges and Pain Points: Lack of time to create original content, need for cost-effective marketing materials, desire to expand online presence without excessive investment.

Goals and Aspirations: To grow their business or online presence, to engage and expand their audience, to save time on content creation.

Behavioral Traits:

Online Behavior: Active on social media, likely engaged in online communities related to marketing or entrepreneurship, consumes content about digital marketing and business growth.

Purchasing Behavior: Looks for cost-effective solutions, values quality and versatility in content, likely to purchase based on recommendations or reviews.

Specific Needs Related to PLR Content:

Type of Content: Interested in articles, blog posts, e-books, courses, and social media content.

Usage: To supplement their own content creation efforts, to use as a framework for their own branding and customization, to save time and resources.

Remember, this avatar is a generalization and might not encompass all your potential customers. It’s meant to be a starting point to understand and cater to the needs of the majority of your target market. Tailoring your marketing strategies and content offerings to this avatar can help you more effectively attract and retain customers.

When I ask Bard I get this…

Me: I create and sell PLR content. Can you define my customer avatar for me?

Bard: Sure, here is a possible customer avatar for you if you create and sell PLR content:


Age: 30-55 years old
Gender: Male or female
Education: College degree
Occupation: Entrepreneur, blogger, online marketer
Income: $50,000+ per year


Values: Quality, efficiency, creativity
Goals: Save time and money on content creation, grow their business
Challenges: Finding high-quality PLR content that is relevant to their target audience
Pain points: Spending too much time creating content, not getting enough results from their content marketing efforts

Marketing messages that resonate with this customer avatar

“Save time and money by using our high-quality PLR content.”
“Grow your business with our proven PLR content formulas.”
“Get more results from your content marketing efforts with our targeted PLR content.”

Channels to reach this customer avatar

Online communities for entrepreneurs and bloggers
Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook
Content marketing channels like blogs, email newsletters, and webinars

I hope this helps!

Side Note: The better the prompts that you use the better information you will get. Search Google for prompts that will define your target audience or your customer avatar.

Some of the information is the same, but some of it is different so I just put it all together to build a better target audience/customer avatar.

Now once you have defined your target audience you know WHO you are writing to/for!

The amount of information you’ll need to define who your target audience is will differ depending on what you’re selling, your niche, customer buying habits, price, etc. The example I gave you above is one of the easier ones, but being able to define WHO you are writing to is an absolutely ESSENTIAL first step.

Gather as much information as you possibly can…

Create a customer avatar and this is going to make writing sales copy of ANY type MUCH easier! Sales pages, emails, ads… EVERYTHING!

Now, I’m not a copywriter by any means. I struggle just like you do with creating copy that makes people want to buy, but as time has gone on, I’ve gotten better and better. You will too! You’ve just got to go out there and start creating.

And now with AI this is easier than ever!

Okay so let’s wrap this “little talk” up…

I recommend two things to help you get started with writing copy…

1. Psycho Profits 3 – This is a course that teaches about all the different components that you can use in your sales copy and how to write each of them to create a sales page that makes people want to-buy. You’ll even learn what to put into AI so you can do this super quick!

Use this coupon code: LIZ27 and save $70 off of the current price!

2. AI Tactics Volume 3Using AI For Creating Sales In Your Online Business – This is a complete learning system that shows you how to use AI in multiple ways to create sales in your online business.

Have questions or comments about this post? Are you a copywriter and would like to offer your advice?

Leave it all in the comments below!

Featured, Notes From Liz, Private Label Rights (PLR)

PLR Price Changes – Important!

With the last release of my latest PLR offer, you might have seen the price increased a bit. This is going to be happening for MOST PLR offerings moving forward.


First because I only offer 100 licenses for PLR packages I release. That limits me, but helps you with a little bit of competitive edge.

Second, and this should probably be first, I am creating content for you just like I would if I were using it in MY online business. Meaning all of my knowledge goes into every PLR package I create.

It doesn’t matter if it’s just content or full on products…

I’m not like many of the PLR sellers out there who outsource their content and try to sell you crap content because I’m too cheap to pay for high quality content creators.

This is ME creating the content. Using all of my years (almost 20 years now) of learning and implementation. Not just learning the topics, but using the topics, knowing what the end users want and need, and the list goes on and on.

Now these aren’t crazy price increases, so don’t worry… I just need to make it worth my while to provide you with content. Hopefully that doesn’t sound arrogant. If you know me, you know the one thing I’m not is arrogant.

I just need it to be a win/win situation…

You win because you get REALLY good content that people will actually pay for and be happy to pay for your products, marketing, etc., and I win because I can make-money providing you this content.

I mean I am human contrary to popular belief. 😜 I have bills and an expensive taco addiction to feed. 🌮

So, here’s the pricing structure moving forward…

Regular TEXT based content will be launched at $17 for the first 24 hours and then the price will increase to $47. That’s still a HUGE discount.

Here’s an example of one of those packages that I have released in the past

Regular VIDEO based content will be launched at $27 for the first 24 hours and then the price will increase to $47. Again, that’s still a HUGE discount.

Here’s an example of one of those packages that I have released in the past

BIG content packages will be launched at $27 for the first 24 hours and then the price will increase to $97. These are always released with dime sale pricing so the price goes up a little with every sale. The 24 hour launch period is excluded from dime sale pricing. It’s simply $27 for the first 24 hours. In the past I have offered either regular PLR or Reseller PLR. Reseller PLR will be the only thing offered with these moving forward. You’re actually going to save money here in the long run. 😉

Here’s an example of one of those packages that I have released in the past

5 day workshops (the PLR option) will be launched at $47 for the first 24 hours and then the price will increase to $197. Do it need to say it again? 😉 That’s still a HUGE discount.

Here’s an example of one of those packages that I have released in the past

I do release other kinds of content packages and those prices differ and are based on how much content is in the package. The prices always vary though. The above are the “structured” packages I offer.

My PLR packages always come with a lot of bonuses and teaching aids to help you make-more money with my PLR content. I’ve already begun adding more to these packages, so with the price increase you WILL be getting more value too. This isn’t just a random price increase just for fun. 😆

Many many MANY of you have been buying my PLR content for a VERY long time, and I truly appreciate your continued support. Customer or not yet a customer, I truly value you, your time, and your trust.

I look forward to providing you with more PLR content in the future and any tools, learning aids, etc. that you need to learn to use PLR profitably-in your business.

If you’re still struggling to learn to make-money with PLR content here’s a playlist of many of my PLR tutorials on YouTube where you can start learning for-free!

Talk soon!


Featured, Private Label Rights (PLR)

How To Use Videos With PLR In Your Online Business

One of the biggest questions I get asked about PLR content is…

Liz, how can I use the videos that I get PLR to?

This is a great question, and you have A LOT of options! First though let me dispel a little bit of a “common thought”

First off, MANY people don’t think they can use PLR videos “as is” because it’s not their voice.

Not true…

You totally can!

You can use them as is for your own products, as content, as content for a membership site, as bonuses, and all the other ways you sell/use content.

Look… People are buying the content or wanting the content. THE CONTENT!

If you’re a man and you have videos that have a woman’s voice in your product no one will care. Same for you women. Your customers won’t care if it’s a man’s voice in your videos.

I have been using PLR content since 2004 and not one single time has a customer complained that it wasn’t MY voice or ME teaching the content.

If I tell them, I have a product that does XYZ all they care about is that product does XYZ. If I tell them the content will teach them XYZ all they care about is learning.

So, take that out of your head. It’s a problem in your mind that’s really not a problem in reality. 😉

Now if you WANT those videos in your own voice, the only way to do that is to re-do the videos.

A lot of PLR videos come with the transcripts. You can take those transcripts and recreate the videos. I do this sometimes.

But this takes some serious work. You have to re-do the videos completely, but it’s much easier than you sitting down writing out a script for a video, and then recording it. All the content creation is done for you. You just have to do the video part. Be it with a camera or screen recording software.

Side Note: If you buy my PLR content and it comes with videos, I ALWAYS provide the scripts/transcripts to the videos. However, if a video you get the PLR to doesn’t come with transcripts you can use online tools to turn those videos into text and then you’ll have transcripts.

You can also take videos and NOT use them as videos. Think outside the box. Just because PLR content comes in a certain format doesn’t mean you have to keep it in that format.

What I mean is you can have the videos transcribed and use the text from the videos to create ebooks, reports, or any other format that you want to. Throw some screenshots into it and you have a product that both tells and shows without having to be video!

Here are some more tips for using videos that you get the PLR to…

1. Add An Intro and Outro – If you want to personalize the videos you get the PLR to then record an intro to them. This could be an introduction to the video and you telling the viewer that a guest speaker will be delivering the content, that you have the right to share the content with your viewer, etc. You can also add an outro to the video where you do a “wrap up” of the video and summarize what was just covered.

2. Add To The Video – With technology now there are all kinds of tools out there that can help you edit and add to videos. You could take a video that you have the PLR to and add in snipits of video from you with supplemental content, personal stories, case studies, etc.

My favorite videos right now are the videos where people are “watching the video with you” and add in their commentary. You can easily do this too with ANY videos you have the PLR to. This would be a great strategy for YouTube content!

3. Use Multiple Videos To Create A Product – I currently have a coaching client who is teaching how to do something in a report. He is linking to videos that show how to do what he’s teaching. All of the videos he’s linking to he has the PLR to the videos. You could do the same thing!

For example, let’s say you write a report about building business websites. You have PLR to videos that show how to use OptimizePress to build business websites. You could upload those videos on your own server (or anywhere else you want) and link to them within your report. I actually have a PLR package that shows how to build websites with OptimizePress if you want to try your hand at this exact tactic. I know shameless plug, but you can get the package at

4. Create A Series On A Specific Topic – Look, we all need content, so why not take a bunch of videos that you have the PLR to and create a series. You could do a series of blog posts and post the videos in your blog posts. Introduce each video, embed it into your blog post, monetize that blog post, and boom you have a series of content you can make money with!

5. Create A Bonus Bundle – People LOVE bundles of products. Videos make for great products. So, why not use those videos you have the PLR to and create several products to use in a bonus bundle. Another shameless plug but I have an entire workshop that shows you how to create product bundles from PLR content at

6. Create A Learning Center – Learning by video is the preferred way of learning for most people. You could enter a big niche and create a learning center and fill it with content from videos that you have the PLR to. You could charge a one-time fee for this or even a monthly fee!

7. Chop It Up For Social – We need TONS of content for social media. The more content you post the more attention you’ll get. PERIOD. Look at the most well known people online. Their socials are FULL of content. Videos that you get the PLR to make great content for social media. Pick a video that you have the PLR to, pull out “clips”, edit them, and post them to your social media channels. YouTube of course is great for this, but don’t forget about Reels on IG and FB. X (Twitter) is giving more attention to videos. You can do video Pins on Pinterest now. There are so many ways to use video on social media and those videos that you have PLR to are going to save you a ton of time because you can use pieces for tons of posts!

I’ve given you a lot of options here and I’m sure there are even more options I didn’t cover here, but this is just a quick blog post and not a how to guide. 😎

Use your brain and think of ways that you can use videos you get the PLR to, but here’s my biggest piece of advice…

If you buy an entire PLR product and it’s all videos. Just take them and use them as they are. Use them to create your own product. Create a sales page to sell your product, add your order buttons, create your download page, and then promote that thing as your product! It’s the quickest and easiest way to make money with video PLR content, and as I said… People love video!

Okay so hopefully this has answered your question on how to use videos that you get the PLR to. Do you have tips and/or suggestions on how to use videos with PLR? Then let me know in the comments below…

Liz's Products

Use THIS PLR To Make Bank!

For the last few months you’ve heard me going on and on about using AI in your online business in multiple ways.

We’ve talked about using it for research, to create products, to make-sales, to create social media content, to create content for the many aspects of content marketing, etc.

I (and MANY others) am saving a ton of time by using AI and actually seeing BIGGER results from my marketing. Because while I am good at creating content and sales messages AI is better.

Side Note: It still can’t beat me at creating killer digital products, so I’ve at least still got that. 😉

That’s hard to admit, but the numbers don’t lie… When I create content for my marketing (social media content, sales content, etc.) the content AI gives me has increased CTR, upped my conversions, gotten more of my emails opened, and the benefits go on and on.

By using tactics and prompts with AI my business is changing (for the better) and it’s just going to keep getting better…

And now YOU have the opportunity to get your hands on content you can use in YOUR business to educate the masses about using AI in their business! YOU get to be the super hero and bring online businesses the information they NEED to get better and faster results by using AI!


By grabbing PLR content on the topic of AI and using it in your business… 🤑

A few days ago I released The AI For Profitable Content Creation Learning System with Reseller PLR

This would be an amazing product to either add to your product line, use in your marketing, and even resell the PLR to it.

I’ve included not only an entire product for you here, but also a sales letter so you can sell it as your own product, graphics to help you promote it, and a ton of training showing you how to make-money with it.

If you want to jump into the profitable niche of AI, then make sure you pick up this PLR bundle right now! There’s not many more licenses left!

Okay, that’s it for today… Speaking of making-money with PLR content I’m working on something new to help you learn how to make-money with PLR. I’ll be telling you about that later, so stay tuned! 😘

Talk soon!


AI (Artificial Intelligence), ChatGPT, Private Label Rights (PLR)

New AI PLR Bundle

I got super excited today when I opened my email and found THIS! 🎉🎉🎉

In this PLR bundle you’ll get over 100 marketing and business checklists along with AI prompts that help you DO the things on the checklists.

When I saw this, I was like this is brilliant… here’s my money! 💵💵💵

Because it IS truly brilliant.

Here’s what you’re supposed to do and here are the AI prompts to help you do it BETTER and FASTER.

It was a total no-brainer purchase!

AND since it comes with PLR, I can now take this and use it as my own product to sell.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE when I get a PLR package that I can not only use in my business as a product or as content or whatever, but one that I can PERSONALLY use too.

And that’s why I 100% recommend you snag this!

This product is on a dime sale so that means the price goes up every so many sales, so make sure you grab it now before that price keeps jumping up…

Talk soon!


P.S. I’m giving you a KILLER BONUS when you purchase this through my link…

I’m doing a workshop showing you how I’m using it to create a product and when you purchase through my link you’ll get the workshop AND the private label rights to the workshop too!

In this workshop I’m going to cover everything from A-Z!

I’ll SHOW you how I’m going to make this into a product, how I’m going to setup my sales system with order buttons and all, AND how I will be marketing it.

The whole shebang!

You can’t ask for a better bonus than that, right?

You’ll see every step it takes to turn THIS PLR content into your own hot-seller!

Grab it now at

Copywriting, Featured

The Sales Copy Bible!

Over the last few days I’ve been talking about an amazing resource to help you learn to write sales copy and the importance of you having this skill.

If you missed this resource you can see it at

Use this coupon code: LIZ27 and save $70 off of the current price!

Learning to write sales copy is a NEVER ENDING process. I’ve been doing it for almost 20 years now and I have NEVER stopped learning to do it and I have NEVER stopped practicing.

That’s truly the key to getting good at it. That’s how you get to the BIG results…

Sales copy is a part of my everyday activities in my business. Yours too!

I use sales copy every day in EVERYTHING I do in my online business because I’m constantly marketing something. It’s literally what puts food on my table, pays my bills, allows me to travel, and the list goes on and on. It’s why I have the lifestyle I have.

Yes, I sell only the best stuff in all of my online businesses, BUT I have to use sales copy to get people to buy that stuff.

So, I am officially calling Psycho Profits 3.0 our sales copy bible for #TeamTomey and we will be having many more conversations about sales copy. However, ALL of those conversations will be built upon what’s taught in Psycho Profits 3.0.

And when I say conversations, I mean my teachings. 😉 I have some resources I want to create to help you write better sales copy for your sales pages, ads, emails, content, etc. and I’ll be showing you how the knowledge in Psycho Profits 3.0 fuels that stuff.

You’re going to see things put into ACTION! 

For now, we’re going to wrap our conversation on sales copy up. Make sure you get Psycho Profits 3.0 at

Use this coupon code: LIZ27 and save $70 off of the current price!

Have questions about writing sales copy? Send them to me at and we will talk about it in future teachings. 😍

Talk soon!
