The Million Dollar Question… Who Am I Writing To?

We’ve talked a lot about sales letter writing and writing copy in general lately. It’s boring (for some) and not sexy, but it’s the ONE skill you absolutely MUST have if you can’t pay a copywriter to do all of your sales copy for you.

Plain and simple…

And I personally think that if you call yourself a marketer this is an absolute must-have skillset. It will help you in various ways even if you aren’t the “chief copy guy/gal” in your online business.

Recently I’ve been working with a client who has created some content she wants to sell the PLR to. The content is fire! She’s a great content creator. However, when it comes to writing a sales letter to sell her content, she doesn’t have that skillset.

If this sounds like you… You’ve got a product, but don’t know how to create the sales copy (the words that make people buy) then let me help you out.

Start by knowing WHO you are writing your sales copy to…

Let’s look at people who are creating content with PLR and wanting to sell that content to others. I have a ton of clients who are currently doing this, so I want to use this as an example.

So, WHO is your target audience?

WHO is the person who is going to buy your PLR content?

That’s going to be online business owners/digital marketers.

Your PLR content is probably niche specific, and you could get laser targeted here and speak to online business owners/digital marketers in that specific niche.

I tend NOT to do that because I have experience with this niche and know that people will buy PLR content just because they want the content for the future for products and projects, because they simply like hoarding PLR, and many other reasons.

HOWEVER, the correct way in general is to talk to a specific person (persona).

A great way to define your target audience (or customer avatar) is to ask AI. I recommend using a few different ones because they’re all going to give you a little more information.

For example, when I ask ChatGPT I get this…

User: I create and sell PLR content. Can you define my customer avatar for me?

ChatGPT: Creating a customer avatar for your PLR (Private Label Rights) content business involves identifying and defining the ideal customer who would be most interested in purchasing and using your content. Here are some key aspects to consider:


Age Range: This could vary widely but often might be adults aged 25-50, who are more likely to be involved in businesses or entrepreneurial activities.

Gender: Both male and female, as PLR content is universally applicable.

Location: Likely global, with a focus on English-speaking countries if your content is in English.

Education Level: Probably has at least some college education, as they are likely to be business owners or marketers.

Professional Background:

Occupation: Entrepreneurs, small business owners, bloggers, content creators, digital marketers, coaches, and educators.

Industry: Particularly those in digital marketing, e-commerce, education, coaching, and content creation.

Income Level: Variable, but likely in the mid to upper range, as they need discretionary income to invest in content for their business or projects.


Interests: Content marketing, online business, digital marketing strategies, self-improvement, and entrepreneurship.

Challenges and Pain Points: Lack of time to create original content, need for cost-effective marketing materials, desire to expand online presence without excessive investment.

Goals and Aspirations: To grow their business or online presence, to engage and expand their audience, to save time on content creation.

Behavioral Traits:

Online Behavior: Active on social media, likely engaged in online communities related to marketing or entrepreneurship, consumes content about digital marketing and business growth.

Purchasing Behavior: Looks for cost-effective solutions, values quality and versatility in content, likely to purchase based on recommendations or reviews.

Specific Needs Related to PLR Content:

Type of Content: Interested in articles, blog posts, e-books, courses, and social media content.

Usage: To supplement their own content creation efforts, to use as a framework for their own branding and customization, to save time and resources.

Remember, this avatar is a generalization and might not encompass all your potential customers. It’s meant to be a starting point to understand and cater to the needs of the majority of your target market. Tailoring your marketing strategies and content offerings to this avatar can help you more effectively attract and retain customers.

When I ask Bard I get this…

Me: I create and sell PLR content. Can you define my customer avatar for me?

Bard: Sure, here is a possible customer avatar for you if you create and sell PLR content:


Age: 30-55 years old
Gender: Male or female
Education: College degree
Occupation: Entrepreneur, blogger, online marketer
Income: $50,000+ per year


Values: Quality, efficiency, creativity
Goals: Save time and money on content creation, grow their business
Challenges: Finding high-quality PLR content that is relevant to their target audience
Pain points: Spending too much time creating content, not getting enough results from their content marketing efforts

Marketing messages that resonate with this customer avatar

“Save time and money by using our high-quality PLR content.”
“Grow your business with our proven PLR content formulas.”
“Get more results from your content marketing efforts with our targeted PLR content.”

Channels to reach this customer avatar

Online communities for entrepreneurs and bloggers
Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook
Content marketing channels like blogs, email newsletters, and webinars

I hope this helps!

Side Note: The better the prompts that you use the better information you will get. Search Google for prompts that will define your target audience or your customer avatar.

Some of the information is the same, but some of it is different so I just put it all together to build a better target audience/customer avatar.

Now once you have defined your target audience you know WHO you are writing to/for!

The amount of information you’ll need to define who your target audience is will differ depending on what you’re selling, your niche, customer buying habits, price, etc. The example I gave you above is one of the easier ones, but being able to define WHO you are writing to is an absolutely ESSENTIAL first step.

Gather as much information as you possibly can…

Create a customer avatar and this is going to make writing sales copy of ANY type MUCH easier! Sales pages, emails, ads… EVERYTHING!

Now, I’m not a copywriter by any means. I struggle just like you do with creating copy that makes people want to buy, but as time has gone on, I’ve gotten better and better. You will too! You’ve just got to go out there and start creating.

And now with AI this is easier than ever!

Okay so let’s wrap this “little talk” up…

I recommend two things to help you get started with writing copy…

1. Psycho Profits 3 – This is a course that teaches about all the different components that you can use in your sales copy and how to write each of them to create a sales page that makes people want to-buy. You’ll even learn what to put into AI so you can do this super quick!

Use this coupon code: LIZ27 and save $70 off of the current price!

2. AI Tactics Volume 3Using AI For Creating Sales In Your Online Business – This is a complete learning system that shows you how to use AI in multiple ways to create sales in your online business.

Have questions or comments about this post? Are you a copywriter and would like to offer your advice?

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