AI (Artificial Intelligence), ChatGPT, Internet Marketing, Liz's Products, Notes From Liz, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Are You Using AI-Profitably In Your Biz?

Blog Photo Explained: If you look closely at this photo you’ll see it looks a little like me. 🙂 I took the photo on the left and turned it into the photo on the right using MidJourney and a plugin. How cool is AI getting? I’m just getting into the graphics side of it, but I’m super excited for what the very near future holds!

Hey #TeamTomey! We’ve been talking A LOT about AI lately. I’m seeing the power in it and more importantly doing so many things with it for my business.


Product creation

Social media content creation

Content creation for all kinds of other things

Sales copy for so many different things (sales pages, emails, ads, etc.)

My mind is BLOWN! 🤯

I’ve started taking all of this information and breaking it down into USEABLE information and also giving YOU the reseller PLR to that information.

So far, we have covered AI in general for online business, and then I came out with the first PLR pack that is focused on a tactic.

The AI For Internet Marketers Crash Course Learning System With Reseller PLR –

The AI For Research For Internet Marketers Learning System With Reseller PLR –

The next AI Learning System with Reseller PLR will be on the topic of digital product creation using AI. I’m going to deep dive into this and show you all how I’m using AI to create all kinds of digital products in different niches and for different purposes. To make-money, to build relationships with my followers, as list builders, and so much more.

AI is making digital product creation so fast, and if done correctly SUPER-profitable! 🤑

I’ll let you know as soon as that’s ready. It will be the 3rd release in the AI series with Reseller PLR, and this content is going fast, so you need to be quick to get your hands on it.

One last note… A few people have asked me what AI tools I’m currently using. There are so many out there and you need to be careful. If you’re just getting started, you just need a few tools. Don’t buy a bunch of tools. Right now, ChatGPT and Bard are the two main ones and if you want to create graphics with AI MidJourney and are the two I’m using.

You can see what tools I’m using, recommendations for prompts, and more at

You might be feeling like there’s A LOT to AI, but there’s only as much to as YOU need. Meaning… Know what YOUR needs are, and only focus on tools and learning that meet those needs. You don’t need to know it all!

Okay… The weekend is here. I’m working on a project that’s really been on my heart for a while that I will be revealing to you soon AND I’m gearing up for a BIG trip that I haven’t talked about either. Yep… It’s time to leave the country again for a while. ✈️ More about all of that later!

Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll talk to you soon!



Notes From Liz

Boo Made Me Pay For It!

If you follow me on Facebook or have been around for any length of time you know that I’m in a hot and heavy (fictional) relationship with Arun Chandran.

He calls me Bae…

I call him Boo…

It’s sickening really… 🤮

It’s been an ongoing thing for YEARS now. This fictional relationship is actually my second longest romantic relationship I’ve ever had. And it always leaves people wondering…

Are those two really in a relationship?

Well, I’m not here to clear the air about that! I’m here to tell you about his newest course that is going to solve all your business organization problems in less than an hour!

It’s called Notion Made Easy and shows you how to use this free-thingy to totally organize all your business files, courses you’re going through, links, and all of that other stuff we hoard.

I bought it… He didn’t GIVE it to me! I bought it with my own hard earned money (I really should get fictitiously involved with men who pay for things for me), and it is one of the most handy-dandy products I’ve bought and is going to help your over loaded brain soooo much!

You can check it out at

I used sweaty bra money to purchase it, so I hope he enjoys spending my $12.95 (Yes, I keep change in my bra too) on something nice for his “wife”. If you can’t tell I’m still pretty salty about that little detail. 🙄 And don’t worry. I used Tiffany Lambert’s affiliate link to purchase it so he wont even get all that money. That’s the level of petty I’m at with him… 

Anyway… I highly recommend you get this; it takes less than an hour to go through, and then spend a few hours getting yourself organized. You’re probably going to find a lot of things you’ve totally forgotten about that you can use NOW to make some-money, so that makes it WAY more than worth it! Walking away with a clear head makes it worth even more!

Grab it at >>>

Okay, that’s enough shenanigans for now. I hope you’ve enjoyed the entertainment value of this email. It was done in jest, but this really IS a killer little product he has created that will actually help you A LOT! 😍

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

50% Off Current Learning Bundles With PLR

In late 2022 I started in on creating a series of PLR content all related to the different topics under the Internet marketing “umbrella”.

My goal is to cover as many topics as possible, so that you have a guide for each topic. I did this for two reasons…  First, so you can learn. You can sit down, go through all the topics at a glace, and go directly to the topic that you need to learn and begin learning. The second reason is so that you would have a ton of PLR content on the different topics of Internet marketing because it’s such a hot topic. You can use this content in many different ways if you’re in (or want to be) the Internet marketing niche.

So far I have launched 7 different packages. I call each package a Learning Bundle and I put different components of content in each. See if you missed any of them, and here’s a coupon code to get 50% off of any of the ones that you’ve missed: THE50OFF

The Pick A Business Model Learning Bundle With Reseller PLR

The Pick A Niche Learning Bundle With Reseller PLR

The New Online Business Owner Learning Bundle With Reseller PLR

The Welcome Email Sequences Learning Bundle With Reseller PLR

The Email Sales Sequences Learning Bundle With Reseller PLR

The Website Traffic Survival Learning Bundle With Reseller PLR

The Big Book Of Ideas Learning Bundle With PLR

That coupon code will expire in 24 hours, so make sure you use it NOW or lose it forever.

Trying to think of ways to use these to market your business or directly make money with them?

Try ANY or ALL of these tactics…

1. Create your own products with it. Duh, right? BUT I’m mentioning this because each of these could totally be a stand alone product! They would make great low ticket offers to start building your own profitable-product empire.

2. Create a giveaway to build your list. I’ve taught how to build squeeze pages about a million time nows. Well, maybe not that many, but it sure seems like it. You could easily take any of these and create a free-offer that people would actually WANT. If you don’t have something people want, they’re never going to hand over their email address, so these are PERFECT for that.

3. Bonuses… Need bonuses for your products or products you’re an affiliate for? Take these and turn them into bonus products!

4. With the exception of ONE of the packages in this series (The Big Book Of Ideas Learning Bundle With PLR) you get more than just standard PLR. You get RESELLER PLR to these packages which means you can take them and resell the PLR to them to others, and/or turn them into any kind of product with rights. People LOVE products with rights because they can make-money with them. This is a great way to make-money with these the easy way.

5. And lastly because I don’t want to turn this into a book for you … 😂 You can also take the content and use it on your websites in any way that you want. Content for your blogs, content for your other websites, content for membership sites, etc.

Now of course there are many more ways you can use this PLR content, but those are my top 5!

So, go see what you don’t already have out of these packages, grab the ones you need, and then go start USING them in your business!

If you have any questions on how to use this PLR or anything else, please contact me at

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Complete YouTube Biz Model With Reseller PLR Licensing!

This is for you PLR buyers or those of you looking to learn how to use YouTube to make-money I have something VERY exciting for you today!

This is a 5 day workshop where I’ll be showing you multiple ways to make-money with YouTube!

No matter your experience level, if you don’t want to appear on camera, or even if you’ve never made a video in your life, this blueprint will show you exactly how to cash-in on YouTube using MULTIPLE-monetization options and video creation options.

This is a complete business model blueprint and I’m REALLY excited to be showing this blueprint for the first time ever!

And for the next 24 hours you can get it at the super low early bird pricing!

This will be a great business model to come learn and implement and/or grab the PLR to it and use it in a ton of different profitable-ways.

But the timer IS counting down and tomorrow night at midnight (Eastern Time) the price WILL go up, so make sure you grab your spot now before you forget because there are no exceptions on the “24 Hour Early Bird Pricing”!

Okay, that’s it for today! I hope to see you in this workshop!

Talk soon!


P.S. When I launch workshops I always get asked some of the same questions, so here are some quick answers for you…

1. Have you released this workshop before?

No! I have never taught how to use YouTube to create an entire business around it. This is a complete business model!

2. Is this in any of your bundles?

No! My business model workshops have never been put in a bundle.

3. What is Reseller PLR?

This is the type of PLR that you REALLY want. It allows you to do just about anything you want. You can even resell the PLR! I only have two rules with my Reseller PLR. Don’t give away the PLR to the content for-FREE and don’t use my name in your MARKETING. Everything else is allowed.

If you have any other questions I’m just a message away. You can reach me at

Notes From Liz, Private Label Rights (PLR)

Getting More High QUALITY PLR Content!

I’m back in full swing in creating more PLR content for you. I have been researching the hottest topics and pulling tactics from my brain, and have created some amazing content that you can use in many ways in your own business. You can use it to make-money directly and/or use it to market your business.

I’m trying super hard to create everything and anything you’ll need on all of the topics of Internet marketing and making-money online.

So, I just got done with The Profits With PLR Membership Sites Blueprint Workshop. I’ll have another workshop soon. I’m a little behind on those, so I’m going to start getting those out quickly. Watch your emails because the launch pricing on them will only be 24 hours.

I’m also working on the PLR series I’ve been doing…

Currently there are 5 packages in this series with a list of 20 other topics that you all have requested. I feel like your PLR slave right about now. Working my brain and fingers off. I’m just kidding! 😂 You all know I LOVE creating PLR content.

If you’ve missed any of the PLR packages in this series here they are…

The New Online Business Owner Learning Bundle –

Pick A Niche Learning Bundle –

Pick A Business Model Learning Bundle –

Welcome Email Sequences Learning Bundle –

Email Sales Sequence Learning Bundle –

I’m bouncing around on the topics a little bit, but I’ll be circling back around and filling in all the gaps. Keep all the topic requests coming. You can always send in a suggestion to me at

The next learning bundle in this series will be on website traffic, and I’ll have that ready on Saturday or Sunday, so again… Watch your email! I don’t want you to miss out on the launch pricing.

Okay I’m going back to my “cave” 😂 and slave away on this PLR content for you. This next package is going to be amazing and I’m super excited to share it with you!

Talk soon!



Notes From Liz, Passive Income

The Passive Income Squad Workshop Bundle – Last Chance!

If you’ve been reading my emails, blog posts, and Facebook posts (Yes! I’ve been talking about this everywhere) you know that ALL bundle offers from ALL of my brands are being removed…

The Learning IM Workshop Bundle is now gone forever…

The PLR-Profits Coach Bundle is now gone forever…

And now you only have 24 more hours to get the Passive-Income Squad Bundle!

With this workshop bundle you get access to every workshop I’ve done showing you how to create your own passive-income streams. You will get access to all past and current workshops along with free-access to every other workshop I release in the future. You never have to pay for a Passive-Income Squad Workshop ever again!

These are the key to setting up income-streams that make you money-passively. This is how I never worry about bills because my passive-income streams cover them, and everything else is just “gravy-money”! Once you master this then you will REALLY have that freedom lifestyle!

But… Like I said… This bundle offer is only available for the next 24 hours and then it expires forever and you will have to get each of the workshops individually, so right now stop what you’re doing and grab this bundle! You’ll save a ton of money and have everything you need (including personal coaching with me to help you) to kick start your passive income journey!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

[LizTomey] I’m Back In The USA!

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. After moving to Mexico in August and enjoying my time there (it was amazing) I started missing my family, friends, and my life here in general. It was getting bad, so I packed up 4 giant suitcases full of stuff I bought in Mexico, a few clothes, and came back home. If you follow me on Facebook you saw the journey home and believe me it wasn’t easy!

Now, I do miss Mexico so bad, but there is no better feeling than putting your feet on soil that comes from where you come from.

I’m happy with the decision and now trying to rebuild from scratch. Moving to Mexico was supposed to be long-term and I was even thinking forever, but that’s not how it played out. So now I’ve had to buy a car, find a place to live, and buy all the stuff I need for that new place. This is time consuming on a whole new level. But, thanks to having my online business I’m able to get everything I need AND have the schedule to do all the things.

If you haven’t started that online business yet, let me freedom lifestyle give you that motivation. There is nothing like being able to rely on you and your business to get you through all the things you want to do in life. Even when you decide to move to Mexico and then decide you don’t want to move to Mexico. 😂

Now, I am a little behind on some things, but I’m working hard to get caught up… I will get back to your messages as soon as possible. I should be all caught up by Thursday night, so be patient with me and if you need something just send a message to the help desk at

Okay so we left off with me releasing what MIGHT be the last PLR package in the series I was doing. I’m going to put it to a vote with you guys, and then I’ll tell you what content I’ll be creating for you next.

To vote on what I release next just head over to

I also started getting rid of ALL bundles from ALL brands. The Workshop Bundle is now GONE! The next one I will be pulling is the bundle at

This bundle allows you to get ALL of my Internet marketing and website traffic workshops for ONE price. You also get any future workshops for-FREE! In 24 hours I will be removing this bundle too, so make sure you grab this now!

Okay, that’s it for now… I’ll be back in a few days and let you know what PLR content package I’ll be releasing next (or it may be something totally different depending on how you vote), and letting you know about what bundle will be removed next for the workshops.

I’ve been working hard to streamline things to make it easier to learn from me, contact me, and find your success with me, and I just have a few more things to change, so make sure you’re paying attention to all updates!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

What Do You Want?

We’ve got a brand new poll and I need your feedback, so that I can create exactly what you want and need for your online business…

Over the last several weeks I have been doing a series of PLR packages on small topics within the Internet marketing niche. My goal was to provide you with all the PLR content for all the topics in IM and you can grab what you need. They don’t all rely on each other. A single topic is completely covered in each content package. Note: You can see ALL PLR packages by clicking here. These have all been text based packages and you guys have been buying them like crazy, but if you’ll vote below and tell me exactly what you want and need I’ll try my best to bring you what you want.

Vote now…

What Can I Create To Help You?

View Results

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Notes From Liz

What’s Next From Liz? Don’t Miss Out!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at #TeamTomey headquarters.

Not only am I getting ready to go back to the United States after a 6 month move to Mexico, but I’m also streamlining my business and creating so many different things for you to use and profit with in your business.

So far, I have released 3 of the MANY learning bundles with reseller PLR from I try to change up what I put in my PLR packages so that you have plenty of content to choose from.

Currently I’m doing these learning bundle packages where I take one topic related to Internet marketing and building an online business and create an entire learning bundle around it.

So far, I have done…

1. The Welcome Email Sequences Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

2. The Email Sales Sequences Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

3. The Pick A Niche Learning Bundle with Reseller PLR –

Side Note: All PLR packages can be seen at

There are so many topics and having these will allow you to provide the solutions that people NEED to market their online business and build it too. This is such a profitable niche and armed with this content you could make a killing, build a huge list, and/or so much more!

Next week I will be releasing 2 more, so make sure and keep your eye on your email so you don’t miss the special 48-hour launch pricing on them.

I will be emailing you tomorrow with the newest one and then the 2nd one of the week will come out on Thursday.

After these two I will have a poll you can vote in and decide if you want me to keep going with the learning bundles, if you want something different, etc.

In February I will be starting the workshops again. By then I will be back and settled in the United States (or somewhere else depending on what happens) and be able to devote my time back to the workshops. I’ll also be releasing more PLR packages, so don’t worry. I’ll still be meeting your regular content needs too.

We will also be returning to the website traffic tutorials that I started too, so these next few months I’m going to be filling you with knowledge, the skills you need to run, market, and build your online business, and a ton of PLR content too.

I’m very excited for this next year with you and more than anything so very very very thankful you’ve chosen me to lead and guide you. That’s what truly makes all of this worth it, so thank you!

Okay, that’s it for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend and wish you a super successful week ahead!

Talk soon!


Notes From Liz

No More Brand Bundles!

Liz Tomey here from and the other day I told you that I’m streamlining things for my people so that it’s less confusing.

I’ve had my workshops coming from different brands and depending on your needs you were able to decide on what brand bundle would work for you.

For example… I teach how you can take PLR and make-money with it, using it in your marketing, and even create and sell your own PLR content. I do this all from

So, if using PLR content is something you want to do this would be perfect for you.

But… I’m removing the bundle offer for it in just over 24 hours.

You will either have to buy them individually OR become a member of the MOB Tribe where you get access to ALL of my products and coaching for TWO years for ONE price.

So, it’s decision time for you…

Do you want to learn how to use PLR in your business to make-money and shortcut your marketing? Then you have 24 hours only to grab the bundle before I pull it forever.

Or become a MOB tribe member and get this bundle and EVERY other product and bundle (past, present, and future) I have for one price for two years.

Okay, that’s it for now… As I remove the other bundles I’ll be sure to update you also, and until then if you have any questions just send me a message!

Talk soon!
